How will they rule ??!

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You put most people on ignore because you dont like to listen to alternative view points. It scares your world view. It is a very emotional response, very much a timid little woodland creature, who is scared of the world. It is a good thing to have your opinions challenged.

Also, I do find it hilarious when people with no formal education say people dont understand something.
It is also quite amusing that those quick to name-call have a belief that others will similarly cower like a woodland creature at the first sign of an Internet confrontation. Former or wannabe jocks? [laughing]

Really? Of all things, you chose that? hahah Bill has slayed more p**** while being married than Hitler slayed Jews.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I don't see how you think she's the lesser of 2 evils.

She's a puppet, that's been bought and paid for. She allowed that to happen because she's had one singular goal to be President since the 90's. To me the notion she's been obsessed with being President for 20 years is far scarier than Trump.
Bill, curious but do you think Trump isn't obsessed with running for president?


This Dubya?
Bill, curious but do you think Trump isn't obsessed with running for president?

He's been refusing to do it since the 80s. So I'd say it's clearly a no.



Who sucked. Newsflash, it doesn't excuse a democrat sucking just because a Republican sucked too.

The mere fact the best defense of your candidate is to say another candidate was bad too; should speak volumes
Bill, curious but do you think Trump isn't obsessed with running for president?

No I don't, and I sure as hell don't think he's calculated his moves and decisions for the better part of 20 years to get to this point.

I think he wants win, and will be disappointed if he doesn't, but every move Hillary has made, as a public servant mind you, has been to get elected President.

She moved to NY and ran as Senator, why NY? She knew the Clinton name would get her elected there.
She voted for the invasion of Iraq, it's was popular publicly and made her look tough on foreign policy. When it lost popularity she jumped ship.
She was against gay marriage, then she was for it.
She was put in a relatively safe spot after her failed 08 run, yet she managed to muck that up.
She used a private server in her home in order to skirt FOIA laws in order to protect her run in 16.

Do you really believe anything she says? She was for TPP, but now she's against it? That bitch will sign that thing within 6 months of being in office guaranteed.

For Christs sake, she has nothing to run on at all other than Trump. She was making a deal about him called by it a bomb, and she had called it bombing in the same damn breath?!?! Skittles are the ridiculous talking point today, really?

People are sick and tired of politicians from both parties not doing dick in office with REAL issues. We don't give 2 shits about transgender bathrooms, or perceived social injustices. We care about jobs, safety to live our life, and a better life for our children that's it! Recent politicians are more concerned about their "legacy" than what they were elected for in my opinion.
If I'm Black, I'd be absolutely pissed. America has done more for Islam in 8 years than they have for the Black Community in 60 years.

60 years to shift AMerican minds

8 years to shift AMerican minds

You're definitely on to something. A former marine who now works for Dish Network came to the house to install the dish and switch us over from Uverse. He's a big AA who looked looked like he could play middle linebacker for the Cowboys.The first thing he did, which is kinda funny, is talk us out of switching over because of bad service I could expect. Maybe he didn't want to get on the roof of our 2 story house in 97 degree Dallas heat. So instead we spent some time shooting the shit. He and his troop went door to door in Iraq looking for bad guys, busting in not knowing what was on the other side. Had a huge scar where he had been stabbed. He talked about people from the middle east now coming to America and being given a fresh start when he has done so much for our country and still struggles. Very resentful. He hates Clinton and loves Trump. I told him I couldn't vote for either, but certainly respected his opinion and thanked him for his service. He said to vote for someone, just vote. He was a good dude.
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Muslim bad- from 1950s to 2008

Mslim good 2008-2016

Let that set in. The only way you can shift society of 300 million people to favor Islam within 8 years is through manipulation, baised media, crooked money in bogus foundations funded by perceived enemy, outright fraud, treason. That is the only way to do it.
Black Muslim bad yo!- 0000-1949
Too bad it's the Trump Foundation and not the "tea party foundation" or "freedom loving foundation", etc. or we would have never had to worry about him getting tax exempt status in the first place.

But yeah, let's really take a look at his foundation. Probably makes the Clinton Foundation look like child's pay for play.
No I don't, and I sure as hell don't think he's calculated his moves and decisions for the better part of 20 years to get to this point.

I think he wants win, and will be disappointed if he doesn't, but every move Hillary has made, as a public servant mind you, has been to get elected President.

She moved to NY and ran as Senator, why NY? She knew the Clinton name would get her elected there.
She voted for the invasion of Iraq, it's was popular publicly and made her look tough on foreign policy. When it lost popularity she jumped ship.
She was against gay marriage, then she was for it.
She was put in a relatively safe spot after her failed 08 run, yet she managed to muck that up.
She used a private server in her home in order to skirt FOIA laws in order to protect her run in 16.

Do you really believe anything she says? She was for TPP, but now she's against it? That bitch will sign that thing within 6 months of being in office guaranteed.

For Christs sake, she has nothing to run on at all other than Trump. She was making a deal about him called by it a bomb, and she had called it bombing in the same damn breath?!?! Skittles are the ridiculous talking point today, really?

People are sick and tired of politicians from both parties not doing dick in office with REAL issues. We don't give 2 shits about transgender bathrooms, or perceived social injustices. We care about jobs, safety to live our life, and a better life for our children that's it! Recent politicians are more concerned about their "legacy" than what they were elected for in my opinion.
Thanks so much for the Hildagarde rant but my question was about Trump. Maybe you're just too young to remember.
Trump will be lucky if there is no attempt on his life.

Someone told me today that Obama is actually planning on Hilliary winning, then before Jan 20 indicting her so as Tim Kaine can not be sworn in, and he then could legally serve a 3rd term!

Looked up the technalicalty of that and it can happen.

Please tell me that isn't something that can be upheld?
Trump will be lucky if there is no attempt on his life.

Someone told me today that Obama is actually planning on Hilliary winning, then before Jan 20 indicting her so as Tim Kaine can not be sworn in, and he then could legally serve a 3rd term!

Looked up the technalicalty of that and it can happen.

Please tell me that isn't something that can be upheld?
Honestly Obama could get a 3rd term if he wanted too. Who would stop him? The media and left would cheer it on. 50% of the country wouldn't care if he did it. The Republican party wouldn't stop him. No doubt a civil war would break out though.
Honestly Obama could get a 3rd term if he wanted too. Who would stop him? The media and left would cheer it on. 50% of the country wouldn't care if he did it. The Republican party wouldn't stop him. No doubt a civil war would break out though.

I truly think he's analyzed every possible scenario for a way he can try to get another term
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I'm saying legally.

She wins election and is indicted before being sworn in. Normally by default the VP becomes acting president but in this case they aren't sworn in yet and therefore the current president is the acting president.

I read some on it and it sounds like it's right.

I was just curious if maybe I don't understand the rules on that correctly.
I don't care about what color muslims are.

Like I said, obama has done more for islam than he has to strengthen the Black community. Just another dem whoring out for votes.
The Donald would never resort to whoring himself out for votes. He's one of us and not a politician.
I truly think he's analyzed every possible scenario for a way he can try to get another term
I read a few weeks ago that if a candidate dies, that the election can be cancelled. Certainly interesting with how sick Hillary is. A war, Islamic terrorism, BLM burning more cities down, Obama would love to have an excuse for a 3rd term. And as I said, nobody would stop him.
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I live in s city of about 50,000 in eastern NC. The city is about 60% black. I have seen zero Hilary signs and very few Trump signs. Not sayingHilary won't win, but very low enthusiasm.
Speaking of BLM, it sounds like they are starting to riot in Charlotte.

I like how they riot before any facts come out about something.
The Skittles trend on Twitter is why I posted this. Every day there is a leftist trend while they bury the conservative ones.

Never mind that we had yet another Muslim psycho in this country and that we just proved Hillary's IT guy was trying to delete emails intentionally two years ago. Let's talk about an ACCURATE skittles meme.

That's why I hate the left so much. That and the fact that the majority of them are so uninformed on everything.
2 months waiting on a racist trump quote.

1 month at least on how he flip flopped on illegal immigration.

Don't hold your breath.

Because if he did that, then they wouldnt come here and destabilize our society, which destabilizes our currency, which makes him more uber rich and powerful than he already is.

And they'll vote dem forever and ever, which is what the dems get out of the deal.

If you just help them there, none of this happens. That's why they don't want it
I wonder how many Rapefugees the lefty scum would be dying to bring in if they voted 90% Republican?

Or the invading horde from the south... (to be fair, the feckless RINOs have completely EFFED US on that issue as well.)

If they were 90% GOP, the southern border would be sewn up tighter than a bullfrog's ass.
Well my point is not all is known about climate change. In 1978 were you saying we needed to take measures to stop global cooling? Thank goodness we didn't take measure then, we would have wasted so much time and resources. Personally I think we are probably globally Luke warming. Nothing as exaggerated as the left wants to portray. The thing is, you have no solutions other than graphs and charts. Your answer is to just give the government money because they can figure it out, or let them make a bunch a regulation. Still no answer, since we all share the same atmosphere , if you plan to invade China to get them to stop, or any other emerging market. How much difference the US alone would make, compared to natural emissions...should we fill in volcanos? I mean every little bit would help, right? Are you going to be upset when Hillary the Hawk continues foreign policy to subsidize oil? I mean the use of that oil contributes.

The reality is, you have no answers...just let the government have control bc they know best.

The amount of imminent warming per doubling of CO2 has been estimated to be between 1.5C and 4C. We hit 1.4C this year with a rise from pre-industrial times of 120ppm. We're now around 400ppm. Up from 280ppm. So, the likelihood that climate sensitivity is at the bottom of that range is almost nil. That is what luke warmers like Richard Lindzen had predicted.

There is no right or left in the science.

You haven't asked me what should be done. What would you say if I put words in your mouth? I'll tell you. You'd say I was prescient. How did I ever get it right. (That's a joke, btw.)

Your advice of what to do is a counsel of despair fueled by greed.