How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Respectfully disagree, but as I mentioned late last night the GOP has done very well nationally this election. If Biden wins the presidency, as it’s looking to be case, he’s got some serious work to do to unite the country, as he claimed he to wanted to do so before the election. I don’t think he’s up to the task; I hope I’m wrong about that.
Obama had enough moxie to make a bunch of people think everything was all good while those things were taking place. Biden does not. He’s an 80 year old goofball that sniffs women and youth on camera and yells CMON MAN a lot.

The media had a gift in Trump. This era of instant MUST HAVE STUFF TO TALK ABOUT has intensified immensely just in 4 years since Obama....they won’t go back.

Not saying they are going to hammer Biden...they aren’t....but they aren’t going to be content to carry water for him with the same enthusiasm as they did Obama. Biden will step in 100x the shit the Obama did.

Again, Obama did a ton of awful shit but did it in a monotonous, non “threatening” tone and manner. Biden is a f*cking clown.
When are people on both sides going to realize that IF Biden wins he isn't President past July-August when Camela and the squad takes over and you will then see the CDP's plans for this country...once our way of life is gone where are you going to run to. Biden was/is a USEFUL IDIOT trojan horse.


Fraud or no fraud, if you think there aren't a great deal of people who voted for Biden strictly because they don't like Trump's tact I am not sure what to tell you.

He did what he needed to do vs HRC but Biden isn't HRC. People don't hate Biden and plenty hated HRC. Those who don't change fail. It is called strategy.
A perfect outcome: divided government can WORK!

At a minimum, if divided, maybe we can slow the BOAT (Bring Out Another Trillion) consensus.
It looks like our political views aren’t exactly aligned with each other.... and that’s ok. I have so much respect for you as a poster on Wildcat Lair. We’ll have to agree to disagree and search for common ground... such as the need to stop the government’s runaway spending.
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He's being really dumb to do this." -Senator Schumer on Trump taunting US intelligence agencies

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Schumer said that as he understands, intelligence officials are "very upset with how [Trump] has treated them and talked about them."
Fraud or no fraud, if you think there aren't a great deal of people who voted for Biden strictly because they don't like Trump's tact I am not sure what to tell you.

He did what he needed to do vs HRC but Biden isn't HRC. People don't hate Biden and plenty hated HRC. Those who don't change fail. It is called strategy.

In part, but there is no way in hell a kindler, gentler Trump would've been portrayed in the media any less unfavorably.

And that's all that matters, the socially engineered opinions of low information idiot democrats.
We’ll have to agree to disagree and search for common ground... such as the need to stop the government’s runaway spending.

I know that Nixon declared “we’re all Keynesiens, now,” in ‘71, but my God, you can feel your money losing value in your wallet.

No, our politics do not not jive, but the loss of a clear conception of what constitutes “conservative thought” the last 30 years, has exceeded the inflation rate.
Zero states have full counts. GAs count is more complete than KYs. Alaska has counted < 50% of their votes.

The GOP legislature in PA refused to change their election laws to allow early processing of mailed ballots thus they couldn’t start opening ballots until after the polls closed on Tuesday.

That’s a bogus excuse, GA was able to process ballots 15 days in advance and they’re exactly where PA is currently.

All ballots should’ve been in prior to the vote count.
Respectfully disagree, but as I mentioned late last night the GOP has done very well nationally this election. If Biden wins the presidency, as it’s looking to be case, he’s got some serious work to do to unite the country, as he claimed he to wanted to do so before the election. I don’t think he’s up to the task; I hope I’m wrong about that.

How not to unite the country:

Step 1: be a dickhead and call half the country chumps
Step 2: steal the election with fraud
Step 3: be forced to resign so your even more radical piece of shit VP who literally no one likes can take over
Late to this regarding blockchain voting - does anyone really believe Democrats would go for it?

Mainly they would claim it disenfranchises people. And an extremely safe and secure voting process would eliminate most, if not all, fraud.
The dims are in full third world socialist/communist mode. There is no doubt that ballot harvesting and cheating was done. They have said for years that they want to change America and that the constitution needs to be changed or done away with. Not sure there are enough honest repub politicians who will fight this. Too many deep state politicians.
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There is no point in trying to engage in a logical or reasonable discussion with the losing party. I have found it works best just to laugh at them uproariously to the point of tears. As you go about your day, take time to pause and laugh at them heartily. Point, even. It works really well.
There are plenty of socialist/communist countries and third world countries out there where you can go where you will have to actually work for less than what your parents or the government gives you now.
4 years ago, Trump carried Georgia by 5% & carried Florida by only 1.5 pct.. This time he carried Florida by a bigger pct. than he did 4 years ago. But this time he's going to lose Georgia. I mean he was stronger in Georgia 4 years ago than he was in Florida. Yet this time he carries Florida bigger than he did 4 years ago, but loses Georgia. Anybody with a thimble full of brains can see something isn't right here. And if a big state like Florida can get their votes counted on election night. Then why can't smaller states like Georgia & North Carolina & Penn get their votes counted on election night?
If mail in ballot, then I disagree.

In Georgia, with a Republican Governor, AG, Secretary of State, conservative court system, etc., if Democrat’s can steal the election with mail-in ballots, the Republicans deserve to get beat!!

Now as to Philly . . . .

What ah ya’ gonna do . . . .

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Fraud or no fraud, if you think there aren't a great deal of people who voted for Biden strictly because they don't like Trump's tact I am not sure what to tell you.

He did what he needed to do vs HRC but Biden isn't HRC. People don't hate Biden and plenty hated HRC. Those who don't change fail. It is called strategy.
If you think no cheating was done then you are either willfully ignorant or accept corruption as now part of the process. Good luck going forward for eventually you will gain nothing and lose everything.
In Georgia, with a Republican Governor, AG, Secretary of State, conservative court system, etc., if Democrat’s can steal the election with mail-in ballots, the Republicans deserve to get beat!!

Now as to Philly . . . .

What ah ya’ gonna do . . . .


Because the Election Day stuff is controlled by the local govts. That why all the voter suppression stuff is bogus.
If voters have long lines due to lack of voting machines it falls on their district, not the state.
Georgia will have 2 runoffs in January for Senator. Fully expect both Democrats to win.
I don’t. The Dems will be hard-pressed to repeat the same tactics that worked so well for them in this election.

I know it won’t fly, but for these run-off races, I’d like to see these deep-blue areas report their results FIRST.
It's over. Biden is your President. Just waiting on the state to upload data.
Why didn’t the state Supreme Court just override that as they did with the law requiring all ballots to be received by Election Day? Or did they just want to hold them back to see what they needed?
They wanted them to be postmarked by Election Day. So you think the military should have until today(Friday) to deliver ballots? They do.
How is the voter responsible for the time it takes for the USPS to deliver mail?
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have to actually work for less than what your parents or the government gives you now.

A good point that I used to badger my assigned tennis partner in college with. A Marxist—who couldn’t play tennis worth a sh!t!

“Inequality in America . . . sure, but the average “poor” in America have a set of wheels, and a flush toilet, and live better than middlin’ apperachiky in The USSR.”
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Respectfully disagree, but as I mentioned late last night the GOP has done very well nationally this election. If Biden wins the presidency, as it’s looking to be case, he’s got some serious work to do to unite the country, as he claimed he to wanted to do so before the election. I don’t think he’s up to the task; I hope I’m wrong about that.
Even if elected, he's only there long enough for a cup of hot cocoa and his 10 am nap. Just list my sister/mom to this and my MIL has it bad. Zero chance he can handle the job. Six months tops.
I actually agree with you on this. All that needs to be done is Voter ID. That would clean everything up.

2 parts to ensuring a real result, validating the the input and validating the count. Nobody has any interest in validating the input that's a different conversation IMO, and voter id would clearly be part of that solution.

Any computer system would be better with ensuring a repeatable count given the input didn't change. Blockchain would allow your vote you remain private and be able to validate individually that your vote went to the person you voted for candidate. New votes would also be agreed to by the blockchain, so the only ****able part of the process is the input.
I’m gonna assume the democrats in here didn’t see all the videos of people coming out and exposing the fraud....whatever
Nope. Just like they didn’t see that Trump and his campaign were illegally surveilled by the intelligence community whom colluded with the Obama administration, Hillary, and the Brookings Institute to produce the fake Steele dossier. Just get the orange man out so they can continue down their path of globalism
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I’m gonna assume the democrats in here didn’t see all the videos of people coming out and exposing the fraud....whatever

If “the fraud” can be exposed, it can be proved in litigation.

There are no chains (now even Covid chains) on the Court House doors.

The federal judiciary is now as heavily tilted toward Republican judges as at any time since the 1890’s. Good proof will get a good hearing!
They had enough votes tallied to know who was their likely winner statistically. All states did, which is why the betting markets swung so favorably and dramatically toward Trump that night.

But what they couldn't account for was how many outstanding mail votes there were, which was not a coincidence. The perfect loophole to do what they did.