How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If we’re going to be doing all elections by mail in ballots going forward. Let’s just move them to tax day. Maybe people would put some thought into what matters most to them as they’re writing that check.
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According to The NY Times, mail in ballots in Georgia are split evenly between Trump and Biden in the state. Roughly 55-45 in Biden’s favor, yet they are overwhelmingly in Biden’s favor in this late counting?
The outstanding vote is from high population density urban areas where it takes longer to open and count all those votes. Those cities are obviously overwhelming Biden. Combine that with Dems pushing mail-in and Trump pushing Election Day skews the ratio even more.
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According to The NY Times, mail in ballots in Georgia are split evenly between Trump and Biden in the state. Roughly 55-45 in Biden’s favor, yet they are overwhelmingly in Biden’s favor in this late counting?
The only counties left reporting are fulton and claytonand Gwinnett. Look those up on a map.
The outstanding vote is from high population density urban areas where it takes longer to open and count all those votes. Those cities are obviously overwhelming Biden. Combine that with Dems pushing mail-in and Trump pushing Election Day skews the ratio even more.

why would that be are you insinuating that minorities are slow at counting? How do you know they're mostly for Biden? Every one? After all he did insult them and say you ain't black if you don't vote for me
GA will flip for Biden tonight.

PA will flip tomorrow.

By this time tomorrow I anticipate Biden will be President-elect.

He will claim to be. He won't be President until the electors vote in December. Lots of courtroom fun between now and them.
The outstanding vote is from high population density urban areas where it takes longer to open and count all those votes. Those cities are obviously overwhelming Biden. Combine that with Dems pushing mail-in and Trump pushing Election Day skews the ratio even more.

Did you miss where it was split evenly between the 2 candidates in Georgia on absentee ballots?
Yet all the late ballots are overwhelmingly Biden.
You can defend this all you want, but it’s no way to run an election. Do you really think this is healthy for the country?
He will claim to be. He won't be President until the electors vote in December. Lots of courtroom fun between now and them.

listen to the people actually justifying this garbage like it's normal. Oh yeah it'll flip over night when the vote fairy comes even though the election is over
This Vernon Jones character is the black Donald Trump.

Win or lose, the Trump machine like all political machines and families will remain relevant for multiple cycles at the very least.

I would not be surprised if Vernon Jones is a guy they prop up and help move up the ranks.

McCain and Bush machines crossed the aisle to spite Trump...I imagine it wouldn't be much for Trump to prop up a couple of Dems as a big lasting F8CK YOU to the Rhino/Never Trump part of the swamp.
Vernon Jones would have to switch parties. He’s a democrat and only a state level senator. He should run for federal office as a republican though.
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He will claim to be. He won't be President until the electors vote in December. Lots of courtroom fun between now and them.

Didn’t Killary ask some state electors to vote against their states results? Democrats were so gracious last election! Trump must reciprocate
Did you miss where it was split evenly between the 2 candidates in Georgia on absentee ballots?
Yet all the late ballots are overwhelmingly Biden.
You can defend this all you want, but it’s no way to run an election. Do you really think this is healthy for the country?
Did you miss the party where all the remaining ballots are from counties where Biden is winning by 20+ points?
why would that be are you insinuating that minorities are slow at counting? How do you know they're mostly for Biden? Every one? After all he did insult them and say you ain't black if you don't vote for me
There are simply more people so more votes to count you moron. Clayton county is already 85% Biden, including Election Day and already counted mail-ins. So the remaining mail-ins are even higher % than that.
There are simply more people so more votes to count you moron. Clayton county is already 85% Biden, including Election Day and already counted mail-ins. So the remaining mail-ins are even higher % than that.

mail in voting is cheating. Allowing it is disgraceful. There's no point in mail in ballots except for the sole purpose of cheating
Did you miss the party where all the remaining ballots are from counties where Biden is winning by 20+ points?
No shit, and how convenient is that 3 days after the election, when the statewide vote is known. Do you understand what that does to the integrity of the election process?
When voting ended Tuesday night Georgia, and PA had no idea how many votes met that deadline, or didn’t.
In a normal election, when the polls close tgat number is known and then the vote count starts. That in and of itself makes fraud hard to pull off, there just isn’t time.
This year there was plenty of time
Didn’t Killary ask some state electors to vote against their states results? Democrats were so gracious last election! Trump must reciprocate

Lol yes! There was a whole campaign to brief the electors on classified information that turned out to be bullshit. So much bullshit you forget about while following daily bullshit.

That's definitely coming this election, but ugh "we care about the every vote and Trump is uniquely evil"
No shit, and how convenient is that 3 days after the election, when the statewide vote is known. Do you understand what that does to the integrity of the election process?
When voting ended Tuesday night Georgia, and PA had no idea how many votes met that deadline, or didn’t.
In a normal election, when the polls close tgat number is known and then the vote count starts. That in and of itself makes fraud hard to pull off, there just isn’t time.
This year there was plenty of time

Exactly there's virtually zero excuse not to get your ballot in. You'd have to be living under a rock to not know the election is coming. What I suspect is they kept mailing them in and had an excess amount to see how many they might need. Whatever you're short just go to the well
So a sodomite who calls himself Anderson cooper and he's one of the Vanderbilts so he is one of the elite make no mistake, accuses trump who gave up his easy life to serve this county of being a turtle? Did I get that right? You simpering piece of garbage you
This is your best post yet. Even better than when you said COVID was just an excuse to instill sharia law
Zero excuse as to why GA and PA don’t have complete counts.
Zero states have full counts. GAs count is more complete than KYs. Alaska has counted < 50% of their votes.

The GOP legislature in PA refused to change their election laws to allow early processing of mailed ballots thus they couldn’t start opening ballots until after the polls closed on Tuesday.
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Zero states have full counts. GAs count is more complete than KYs. Alaska has counted < 50% of their votes.

The GOP legislature in PA refused to change their election laws to allow early processing of mailed ballots thus they couldn’t start opening ballots until after the polls closed on Tuesday.

Not quite the same sense of urgency or scrutiny on those state elections Fuzz.
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Zero states have full counts. GAs count is more complete than KYs. Alaska has counted < 50% of their votes.

The GOP legislature in PA refused to change their election laws to allow early processing of mailed ballots thus they couldn’t start opening ballots until after the polls closed on Tuesday.

Why didn’t the state Supreme Court just override that as they did with the law requiring all ballots to be received by Election Day? Or did they just want to hold them back to see what they needed?
If he thinks that the count in Ga isn’t going to Biden he is your typical naive Pub

Let’s face it, the Trump team didn’t foresee this in your face cheating. Just another example of Trump not having the right people around him.

Everyone knows it's going to biden. That was clear when they stopped counting votes 10pm election night.

Trump endlessly complained and warned about vote by mail. The very scenario is playing out. Any objective person could see this coming a mile away
I wonder if I count as a minority vote for trump being that I'm bisexual
So the military shouldn’t vote?
Kids away for college shouldn’t vote?

That can be tabulated same with requesting an absentee ballot. Mailing people ballots that don't request one is ridiculous. I got ballots in NJ for family members who don't live here anymore. The voter rolls aren't even updated. God knows how many dead people voted
Not quite the same sense of urgency or scrutiny on those state elections Fuzz.
So now some states are more important and held to higher standards just because they are swing states? Get a grip. The states have untill December to finish counting. They have no need to rush. Only simpletons need instant gratification. From now on we should just make all states sequester results untill every state is done counting and then release all at once. Then you dopes will have nothing to do but stare at blank maps for 3 weeks.