How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So now some states are more important and held to higher standards just because they are swing states? Get a grip. The states have untill December to finish counting. They have no need to rush. Only simpletons need instant gratification. From now on we should just make all states sequester results untill every state is done counting and then release all at once. Then you dopes will have nothing to do but stare at blank maps for 3 weeks.

Yes. We shouldn’t expect states with questionable outcomes to be as far along in the process as states with double the population.
The real winner in all of this is Mitch McConnell. He used Trump to get his judges and fire up the red team enough to keep his Senate majority.

Now he will dump DJT like a hooker with a penis and obstruct everything Pelosi and Biden want to do for at least the next two years.

Not a fan of the turtle, but the dude's an evil genius.
As he should the shit Biden and Pelosi want to do will ruin our country and set us back economically.
Anybody who thinks our elections, as they are now, are legit, are too trusting. There should be water marked ballots in every state. You should have 2 weeks before election day to go in, and vote. A valid id should be required. All ballots should be tallied on election day.

There has to be accommodation for military and students. Perhaps even hospitalized people...

Requiring this of all states could be challenged by a "states rights" argument, but, IMO, it would fail
Yes. We shouldn’t expect states with questionable outcomes to be as far along in the process as states with double the population.
PA had over 3 million requested absentee ballots. They weren’t allowed to start opening and counting them until polls closed on Election Day. Think about how long all those take to physically open and feed through a machine.
100 million armed crackers in this country are not gonna roll over on a prayer rug and bray toward Mecca so easily. I say we're armed and dangerous and no government on earth is gonna seize our guns and force us to convert to another religion. It's not gonna be Eddie who gets killed
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Anybody who thinks our elections, as they are now, are legit, are too trusting. There should be water marked ballots in every state. You should have 2 weeks before election day to go in, and vote. A valid id should be required. All ballots should be tallied on election day.

There has to be accommodation for military and students. Perhaps even hospitalized people...

Requiring this of all states could be challenged by a "states rights" argument, but, IMO, it would fail
You might want to read the constitution. You can't do any of that at a federal level without an amendment. Good luck ever passing one of those again with our politics.
Late to this regarding blockchain voting - does anyone really believe Democrats would go for it?

Mainly they would claim it disenfranchises people. And an extremely safe and secure voting process would eliminate most, if not all, fraud.
Late to this regarding blockchain voting - does anyone really believe Democrats would go for it?

Mainly they would claim it disenfranchises people. And an extremely safe and secure voting process would eliminate most, if not all, fraud.
There is nothing safer or securer about blockchain. And america is not relegating voting to online or mobile hardware anytime the next 2 or 3 decades.
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Late to this regarding blockchain voting - does anyone really believe Democrats would go for it?

Mainly they would claim it disenfranchises people. And an extremely safe and secure voting process would eliminate most, if not all, fraud.

Just get rid of legislators and let the people swipe left or right on each issue. Direct Democracy.
Biden +1000 in GA. Congrats president elect!
Just get rid of legislators and let the people swipe left or right on each issue. Direct Democracy.

That’s actually very doable, now.

But it would eliminate a Trillion dollar election industry, hurt broadcasting from the lack of ads, etc.

But with the net, we all become Greek citizens on Mars Hill a couple of hours a week!
There is no point in trying to engage in a logical or reasonable discussion with the losing party. I have found it works best just to laugh at them uproariously to the point of tears. As you go about your day, take time to pause and laugh at them heartily. Point, even. It works really well.
Welcome to the Political Thread.... I see you joined about 30 minutes ago. Looks like you’re an Orange Man Bad True Believer. [laughing] [laughing]
How soon after Biden declares himself dictator will twitter completely shut down Trump’s account rather than just “censoring” tweets?

We saw the MSM do it yesterday cutting away from his speech to declare the people who are not being allowed to watch the vote count as legally required have not found any direct evidence of fraud in the process democrats are preventing them from watching. Yes, so long as the left can illegally stop people from investigating, they’ll always claim there’s no evidence. And the NPCs too retarded to understand illegally preventing observation of the count is the direct evidence.