How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Literally none of them

True. I did one election, 2004, as a fill in on the County Board, for a Democrat slot.

My biggest argument: talking my Republican counter-part into allowing a vote for George W. Bush, when the voter (likely 90) had hand-written the name at the top of the page, instead of filling in the box.

We were doing this in a race no one was reporting/following, looking at provisional ballots, in a runaway race, days after the election.
You leave it up to the courts. Was the fraud too good to be proven?

Trump needs to prove significant systemic fraud.
If I live in la la land where fairy tales and make-believe are the gospel, then whatever pops into my tiny little head can become reality to millions of fawning rubes frothing at the mouth awaiting my every utterance no matter how ludicrous? That's the smart way to do things.

So it is your first visit to the thread!!
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In Georgia, with a Republican Governor, AG, Secretary of State, conservative court system, etc., if Democrat’s can steal the election with mail-in ballots, the Republicans deserve to get beat!!

Now as to Philly . . . .

What ah ya’ gonna do . . . .

If our governor had not cleaned up the criminal Democrat Supervisor of Elections in Palm Beach County and Broward County, Florida would still be making and counting ballots this morning. They are gone and things run smooth. 21 million people and we had it done immediately after the polls closed.

I know you think it is fine to steal an election and that is OK. America has lived with corrupt liberals for a century but it does not bring us together as a country. The reason Georgia is being stolen is because of Stacy Abrams. She screams racism and people in Georgia bow down and step aside.

As far as Philly it is the same as it has always been. Corrupt, criminal and democrat. But who cares right?
Nope. Just like they didn’t see that Trump and his campaign were illegally surveilled by the intelligence community whom colluded with Hillary and the Brookings Institute to produce the fake Steele dossier. Just get the orange man out so they can continue down their path of globalism
This is what it's all about!!! No more America first. Like Barry we will be back to bowing down to dictators. We're all yours Xi.
No states had all of their votes counted on election night. Literally none of them

That’s true, but they knew how many votes had been cast. PA and GA had no idea how many votes were actually cast on election night.
That is why states like Florida and Texas were able to be called. It’s why fraud is possible in PA and GA, they have no idea if a vote is legitimate or not.
Trump lost. I don’t see any court overturning enough to make up the difference. I think he should fight the fraud for sure but at the end of it, Biden will still win. We MUST stop this random mail in voting. MUST. (Not talking absentee)

Beyond the obvious fraud in some instances, the things that disturbed me:

Georgia going blue. Screw that place. I’ll pass through there with my middle finger up on my way to red Florida. Piss on Georgia.

Trump not destroying this old, demented bastard of a candidate. This election should never have been this close. There are many reasons why it was, which we can all discuss.

The Senate being in play simply because Georgia sucks. We simply must keep the Senate to have gridlock.

The good is that the GOP really showed strength in the down ballots. The House gains were dramatic and we’re still not done. Many women and minorities. Positioned to take the House in 2 years.

The media, including Fox, being exposed to doubters for being the true enemy of free America.

What an ugly time for America.
I’m gonna assume the democrats in here didn’t see all the videos of people coming out and exposing the fraud....whatever
Oh they see them alright. They just don't care. Win at any cost and destroy your opponent. Lie, cheat and steal. But who cares, right?

One good thing about Biden being President, the military can start a few more wars and defense contractors can get wealthy and the officers in the military can advance in rank. So that will help the economy.
We all understand this. But if Florida can declare a winner of their state on election night. Then WHY can't smaller states do the same?

Because all their mail in ballots had to be in prior to Election Day.
When the polls closed Tuesday night they knew how many legal ballots had been cast.

When polls closed Tuesday PA had no idea how many votes were legally cast. That enables fraud.
For a party that saw the accumulation of power as the only goal and the erosion of traditional western value as the perception goal, this election has been an abysmal failure for the left.

The ideologues of your party are nervous right now - as they should be- and it has nothing to do with Trump's chances at this moment and everything to do with the failed perception campaign.
Oh for Christ’s sake, the state has access to your ID.
They scan it and that’s it, it’s damn sure more secure than what we have currently.
Exactly. In Indiana, my drivers license was scanned by the election worker before I was handed a ballot. I had to sign in, and my signature was compared to my drivers license signature that was in their database.

The Covid crisis provided the perfect cover to design and create voting systems that can be manipulated to achieve a desired result.
The dims are in full third world socialist/communist mode. There is no doubt that ballot harvesting and cheating was done. They have said for years that they want to change America and that the constitution needs to be changed or done away with. Not sure there are enough honest repub politicians who will fight this. Too many deep state politicians.

Just because you believe it doesn't make it real, we've seen this consistently over the past 4 years. I think this is why the Trump voter is so upset. They live in this completely made up world based on what Trump tells them. Then when faced with the reality of an election that undermines that worldview, it has to be fraudelent.

Explain Georgia and Arizona? But this is why Trump wanted to stop counting on Tuesday night. He knew a large portion of Dem votes were through the mail, which is no less safe than voting in person.

The only group changing or refusing to acknowledge the Constitution are Trump republicans.
mail in voting is cheating. Allowing it is disgraceful. There's no point in mail in ballots except for the sole purpose of cheating
Yeah, offering more ways for citizens to vote is disgraceful. Nevermind that several states have all mail elections and has proven to be secure. Or that mail in ballots have been just fine for all the previous elections. Sure didn't mind counting those mail-in ballots in Florida during the 2000 election.
Anybody who thinks our elections, as they are now, are legit, are too trusting. There should be water marked ballots in every state. You should have 2 weeks before election day to go in, and vote. A valid id should be required. All ballots should be tallied on election day.

There has to be accommodation for military and students. Perhaps even hospitalized people...

Requiring this of all states could be challenged by a "states rights" argument, but, IMO, it would fail
Then maybe you should read the Constitution and states rights in elections.
Watermarks can be faked too.

And why do all ballots need to be tallied on election day? Is this country not stable enough to handle more than a single day to decide an election?
If you think no cheating was done then you are either willfully ignorant or accept corruption as now part of the process. Good luck going forward for eventually you will gain nothing and lose everything.

I didn't say that, there are 100% invalid votes. Whether it is legit fraud meaning it has been wilfully committed, I have no clue.

Either way, however this turns out we as a nation are in a very challenging time.
Then maybe you should read the Constitution and states rights in elections.
Watermarks can be faked too.

And why do all ballots need to be tallied on election day? Is this country not stable enough to handle more than a single day to decide an election?
How did you get off my ignore list? Back on it you go.
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Curious, how is it easy to get away with?
Then I guess it will be easy to prove in court.

Easy to get away with means it's hard to find. Hard to find means it's hard to prove.

You make it easy to get away with by making it harder to verify legitimacy in the millions of ways that they did, but uncle-joe and zuckerberg will give you your opinions for you, they will assure you it was all on the up and up.

It's been fact checked, don't worry. Come on man!

You can trust them. They have integrity. They told you so.

Leave it to the courts, let the thorough process take place and then live with the results. If you were right about America being racist, ruled by a fascist dictator, then you are going to have to live with that too. Luckily for you, you were wrong there like every other opinion Zuckerberg gave you.
We all understand this. But if Florida can declare a winner of their state on election night. Then WHY can't smaller states do the same?
The answer is very simple. When Florida elected Ron DeSantis he put election reform at the top of his list for change. For decades Florida had been embarrassed by the actions of a woman named Brenda Snipes. She cheated and had every election dangling on a string. She would find boxes of ballots and suppress the votes of conservatives.. If you were a Democrat and needed a few ballots to win, she could find them.

So the governor asked for her resignation and also the Palm Beach Co, Supv of Election was replaced. Once Snipes was out things settled down and Florida joined the real world.

This is Miss Snipes, maybe she is in Philadelphia now. I wouldn't doubt it
