How will they rule ??!

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They keep bringing the birther thing up to try and pull AA votes. That's the message they are trying to push anyway.

Obama has already said he doesn't care about an apology, so I don't know why a comment of opinion from 5 years ago is relevant.
Remember those people mocking Obama for going on late night shows, daytime shows etc. DT goes on late night and Dr freakin Oz. Oh the hypocrisy.
Obama was mocked because fluffy hollywood shows was the only outlets he would appear on, to take puffy softball questions.

Trump does daytime shows, and CNN, MSNBC & Fox call-ins, Sunday shows, daily press conferences

are you going to accuse Trump of ducking the media somehow, a la Hilldawg? if so you ain't been paying attention to the previous 15 months.
What ur your point? Buying and smoking cigs is legal. He is no longer in government, he is a private citizen. You are truly grasping at straws now.
Selling cigs is a regulated business. Boehner is a man recently employed in a powerful position at the regulator. One of the cases made in this election cycle has called into question the connection between big business, Wall Street and the federal govt. Of course if you have inside information on how much more qualified Boehner is for the board position than others in the industry, make it. I'll be patiently waiting.
Selling cigs is a regulated business. Boehner is a man recently employed in a powerful position at the regulator. One of the cases made in this election cycle has called into question the connection between big business, Wall Street and the federal govt. Of course if you have inside information on how much more qualified Boehner is for the board position than others in the industry, make it. I'll be patiently waiting.
Yeah government regulating the sale of cigs is what killed the I can't breathe guy on NY
Selling cigs is a regulated business. Boehner is a man recently employed in a powerful position at the regulator. One of the cases made in this election cycle has called into question the connection between big business, Wall Street and the federal govt. Of course if you have inside information on how much more qualified Boehner is for the board position than others in the industry, make it. I'll be patiently waiting.
Hillary anyone?
Selling cigs is a regulated business. Boehner is a man recently employed in a powerful position at the regulator. One of the cases made in this election cycle has called into question the connection between big business, Wall Street and the federal govt. Of course if you have inside information on how much more qualified Boehner is for the board position than others in the industry, make it. I'll be patiently waiting.
Get back to us when this trumps the sale of national security intelligence for personal profit.

Do you even understand the definition of hypocrisy? Are we supposed to take you seriously?

And no one is defending this practice, or Boehner, for that matter. But railing against this, while ignoring the Clinton scandal(s), is absolutely hilarious.
Who knows? Well--one of Hillary's former campaign managers knows...and here's here answer:

"Blitzer: Someone supporting Hillary Clinton was trying to promote this so-called Birther issue? What happened?

Doyle: So we — absolutely, the campaign nor Hillary did not start the Birther movement, period, end of story there. There was a volunteer coordinator, I believe, in late 2007, I believe, in December, one of our volunteer coordinators in one of the counties in Iowa — I don’t recall whether they were an actual paid staffer, but they did forward an email that promoted the conspiracy."
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stupid is those who refuse to believe the true story even when it smacks them in the fat face
you're seriously using this as proof that Hillary started the birther movement? Wow, that's a stretch.

And did Hillary or her campaign give any interviews where they suggested this? Did Trump? Did Trump said he had proof? And then he didn't. It wasn't a real birth certificate. Yeah it's Hillary's fault.

How about taking responsibility for something instead of trying to pass blame.
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you're seriously using this as proof that Hillary started the birther movement? Wow, that's a stretch.............................
How about taking responsibility for something instead of trying to pass blame.

Watch out. Don't question the Trumpster. He will say that is "unfair" or "totally unfair". Remember, he lives to diminish anyone who questions him and will label you a “loser”, ” hater”, “liar”,” moron”, “dumb”, “pathetic”,” stupid”, “dummy”, “total loser” “disgusting”. He speaks with the language of an insolent 3rd grader.
Watch out. Don't question the Trumpster. He will say that is "unfair" or "totally unfair". Remember, he lives to diminish anyone who questions him and will label you a “loser”, ” hater”, “liar”,” moron”, “dumb”, “pathetic”,” stupid”, “dummy”, “total loser” “disgusting”. He speaks with the language of an insolent 3rd grader.
You spelled Hillary wrong bud.
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Sid Blumenthal
Trump completely Rick rolled the media once again. They still haven't realized they are doing this to themselves.

They've attempted to find a negative piece on Trump, the birther, to distract from HRC's awful week...and to try and pimp back any minority votes than may have been lost bc the birther thing was racially motivated.

So he holds out answering and they blow up this huge thing about birther issue on tv.... then with all their cameras and journalists at a speech in front of veterana he says "Obama is a US citizen" and the whole country gets Trump publicity in front of war generals that support him. Now the media who tried to bring this to light is forced to talk about hillary and birther and this Sid guy, who no one would have even known otherwise. Ultimate troll job.
This election cycle has shown just how corrupt the media and the DNC and the Clintons really are. Millions of people in this country are sick and tired of it. I predict Trump gets many Democrats votes. I also think he wins handily.
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