How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Yes, I have never been so entertained by politics before. He is almost refreshing in a way, I dont agree with a lot of what he says but at least he is blunt an honest.
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In memory of Ed Schultz who got canned this week I read those 4 paragraphs from fuzz as if they were screamed by Ed.
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I have voted GOP as long as I can remember; no way in hell will he get the nomination.

But to answer your question - no.
The debate thing is the only good thing about all of this. No one will ever shut him up, but there should be some candidates that will shoot his nonsense down and in doing so tell what they really think. I'd love to see Ted Cruz and him go one on one.
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DT makes money and runs businesses like a BOSS.

Current POTUS was a community organizer, whatever the F that is.

Excellent point. The only point needed to say Donald is much more qualified to be President than BHO.

He's not a politician. He can say anything he wants knowing full well that any reply can be quoted in his next book. Trump is gonna make bank off of this one way or the another.
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I have family that is all in for him because he "wants to protect the institution of marriage ".:rolleyes:
Common Core standardization is Big Government now?

In unrelated news, Vladimir just fired 110,000 government employees as his economy continues to crumble.

The idea of socialism is great. Unfortunately it involves people, which means it has to turn to shit. - professional cyclist Jens Voigt, when interviewed during the Tour de France after becoming the last remaining rider on the professional circuit who had turn pro as an East German (prior to re-unification).
The idea of socialism is great. Unfortunately it involves people, which means it has to turn to shit. - professional cyclist Jens Voigt, when interviewed during the Tour de France after becoming the last remaining rider on the professional circuit who had turn pro as an East German (prior to re-unification).
That's a nice quote, do you mind linking it?
I think the next question should be, would you vote for him as a 3rd party candidate?
Right now I'm so sick of politicians that I probably would vote for him.
Either way all this is probably moot as no one in the field could fix this countries problems
No it isn't.

If you educate yourself and put out extra effort, shouldn't you be rewarded?

Exactly. If we could just get the slime out of the federal gov't and the money out of politics and allow our system to thrive without bullshit interest pay-offs, there is no better system than the free market. Competition leads to progression. Isn't that what liberals want?
The idea of socialism is great. Unfortunately it involves people, which means it has to turn to shit. - professional cyclist Jens Voigt, when interviewed during the Tour de France after becoming the last remaining rider on the professional circuit who had turn pro as an East German (prior to re-unification).
Pretty sure that East Germany was communist ...pretty much all of Europe is Socialist. They are not the same thing.

No it isn't.

If you educate yourself and put out extra effort, shouldn't you be rewarded?

Your comment makes it evident that you don't understand what socialism is. You don't think that the people of Germany, Japan, France, England, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Austrailia....are rewarded for their education and efforts?
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I'd never vote for Trump. It would end poorly, just my opinion.

However, I suspect he would give Putin and the Chinese the reality check they currently need and aren't getting from the U.S.
It's a global embarrassment that a goofy reality tv star with zero social skills has gotten this far. I underestimated how stupid some voters are. Sorry if that offends anyone, but he's a clown and there's not a head of state on the planet who could sit down with this frizzy-haired orange clown and take him seriously.
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