How will they rule ??!

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Link it. Late term abortions are illegal. Just like Christians blowing up abortion clinics who conspire on church grounds to commit acts of domestic terrorism.

In a second undercover video released on Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress, a top Planned Parenthood official appears to entertain the idea of “violating the protocol” which prohibits abortion doctors from altering their methods in order to obtain fetal tissue and organs donated by patients.
In the video, which is part of a three-year investigation called “Human Capital,” undercover actors posing as officials with a biotech company filmed negotiate payment for intact tissue and organs from aborted fetuses with Mary Gatter, the president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors’ Council.
In the video, which was filmed in February, Gatter says that she is willing to talk to the surgeon who performs abortions to see if he’s willing to use different methods in order to keep tissue and organs intact.
Doing so would appear to violate both federal law and a consent form signed by patients.

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That's BS. Since abortions are highly done by poors, its more than likely there will be generational poverty. The same kind of generational poverty Bill Cosby posts on here. The same generational poverty that our gov't would give money too on the backs of tax payers.

At the local abortion clinic, a lot of the women who have abortions are brought their by their pimps - I know that for a fact. So these girls are poor
At the local abortion clinic, a lot of the women who have abortions are brought their by their pimps - I know that for a fact. So these girls are poor

Ok, so I was right. Abortions aren't getting done for Paris Hiltons of the world.

Look Cats1945, there are going to be bad eggs in every facet. So far, from that one video. I see a research deal. I can't guess as to what the buyer will use the fetal tissue for. Until the buyer gets caught using it for something other than research it's legal.
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You're allowed to "sell" the tissues/organs/whatever as long as you don't turn a profit off of it.
How can you sell something as a non-profit and not make a profit on it? Either the money received is used to support other activities; i.e., it's profit, or somebody is putting in their pocket.
How can you sell something as a non-profit and not make a profit on it? Either the money received is used to support other activities; i.e., it's profit, or somebody is putting in their pocket.

The NFL may be better able to answer that question.
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That's BS. Since abortions are highly done by poors, its more than likely there will be generational poverty. The same kind of generational poverty Bill Cosby posts on here. The same generational poverty that our gov't would give money too on the backs of tax payers.

According to a new study by the Brookings Institution, 31.9% of women who have abortions are rich whereas 8.6% are poor. The study suggested that if poor women were provided with the same rate of abortion and contraception, their births would decrease. The authors of the study said, “We find that equalizing contraceptive use reduces the ratio of unintended births between affluent and poor women by half, and that equalizing abortion rates reduces the ratio by one-third.”
They continued, “Control of fertility varies widely between income groups. Most unmarried women are sexually active, regardless of income. But women with higher incomes are much more successful at ensuring that sex does not lead to an accidental baby. This almost certainly reflects their brighter economic and labor market prospects: simply put, they have more to lose from an unintended birth.”

However, statistics from the Guttmacher Institute completely contradict the Brookings study by revealing that women with family incomes below the federal poverty level have more than 40% of all abortions—even though they make up 14.5% of America’s women.
The Guttmacher report also showed that the poor have highest abortion rates, with 52 abortions occurring per 1,000 women. Contrastingly, higher-income women with family incomes at or above 200% of the poverty line have a rate of nine abortions per 1,000 women, which is about half the national rate.
Nevertheless, regardless of who’s having the most abortions, poor minority women are targeted by the abortion industry more than any other population group. As LifeNews previously reported, Planned Parenthood is known for placing their abortion facilities in poor communities. In fact, data from the 2010 Census Data tracts found that 78% of their abortion facilities are placed in low-income minority neighborhoods.

Bradley Mattes, the executive director of Life Issues Institute, commented on the data and said, “These census results clearly show that Planned Parenthood continues to pursue the eugenics philosophy of its founder, Margaret Sanger, who believed that Blacks and the poor were “unfit” to reproduce. She dedicated her life to controlling the population of these “undesirables” by advancing birth control and sterilization in their neighborhoods. Later, the legalization of abortion gave Planned Parenthood an effective and lucrative means for furthering this eugenics agenda. Although Planned Parenthood denies it, these maps show conclusively that they continue to target minorities for abortion.”
Additionally, Margaret Sanger once said that women in poor areas of the world should have “no more babies.” And in September 2014, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg sounded just like Sanger when she said, “It makes no sense as a national policy to promote birth only among poor people.” She also admitted that she backed Roe to eliminate “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
LOL. Of course it's high time gerrymandering be done away with since the pendulum has swung to the right.

Sure, no one should have to provide an ID to vote. And unions should be allowed to by people food and bus them down to polling places to vote for D candidates. And pictures of the D candidates can hang in the polling places. And Black Panthers can stand outside of polling places threatening voters.

But gerrymandering needs to be fixed.
Yeah, it's swung so far to the right that we've elected a Democrat to the White House 16 of the last 24 years.[eyeroll]

Dude, both parties provide people transportation to polling places...and I'm not sure what problem you should have with anyone doing so. What? Republicans don't want poor people to vote??? So what if they feed them? They don't go into the voting booth with them therefore they have no idea of how they actually vote. If Republicans have a problem with unions giving transportation then they should offer the same service. Perhaps the country club get a bus, take these voters to the polls and then take them back to the club for a meal.

Pictures can hang in polling places? What, did a polling place have a picture of the President?
Black Panthers threaten voters? Not sure how they are going to know how you voted so I'm not sure what their presence would threaten anyone? You scared bro?
This is good. Let's get all the Trump and abortion talk out of the way early on in the process.

Everyone still upset about gay marriage? I mean, the gays are getting married. Let's get all the outrage out now.

Birth control. What's everyone think about that? Can you guys go ahead and vent now so we don't get any questions in a few months?

Weed. Oh man that's going to ruin America right? Let's get all that war on drug support out on the table now so it can be forgotten, please.
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How can you sell something as a non-profit and not make a profit on it? Either the money received is used to support other activities; i.e., it's profit, or somebody is putting in their pocket.
Because procedures cost money.....
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I didn't see this mentioned on here but last week, did you see how Bruce Jenner getting the ESPY award leaked? Apparently his publicist approached ESPN about giving him the award and they loved the idea. When talks stalled and some blowback about not giving the award was considered, his people threatened to pull his Diane Sawyer interview (since both are owned by Disney (ABC/ESPN).

That family knows no shame. They crave attention like someone who is drowning craves air. But good to know this was how his award was given.
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"The United States said on Tuesday it was disturbed by anti-U.S. hostility voiced by Iran's top leader after a nuclear deal, as both countries' top diplomats sought to calm opposition to the accord from hardliners at home.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said a speech by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Saturday vowing to defy American policies in the region despite a deal with world powers over Tehran's nuclear program was "very troubling"."

He's troubled? Really? He expected otherwise? Why? I'll tell you why: Naïve to the nth degree.
Yeah, it's swung so far to the right that we've elected a Democrat to the White House 16 of the last 24 years.

Well I guess the point of the original post you quoted went far over your head. That's exactly what Catdaddy was saying.

Dude, both parties provide people transportation to polling places...and I'm not sure what problem you should have with anyone doing so. What? Republicans don't want poor people to vote??? So what if they feed them? They don't go into the voting booth with them therefore they have no idea of how they actually vote. If Republicans have a problem with unions giving transportation then they should offer the same service. Perhaps the country club get a bus, take these voters to the polls and then take them back to the club for a meal.

Pictures can hang in polling places? What, did a polling place have a picture of the President?
Black Panthers threaten voters? Not sure how they are going to know how you voted so I'm not sure what their presence would threaten anyone? You scared bro?

Yeah rounding up van loads of people and bribing them to vote is completely on the up and up.!!
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And for the record, I do HATE the White House Correspondents dinner. Think it's an embarrassment to the office of the POTUS, and a completely circle jerk of morons.
How can you sell something as a non-profit and not make a profit on it? Either the money received is used to support other activities; i.e., it's profit, or somebody is putting in their pocket.

That's not the right standard is why. "It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce." 42 U.S.C. 289g-2(a). Valuable consideration basically means for money. But a person may donate fetal tissue and receive compensation for the costs involved. Any consideration received is used to offset the additional costs in acquiring/storing/transporting/whatever the fetal tissue to the recipient. So it's not used to support other activities or going into someone's pocket if it's done legally.

Now, if you want to quibble on whether the $55 S&H fee (complete guess) is greater than costs and represents valuable consideration, then have at it.
So we should take Trumps comments as comedy?

Surely you understand the difference between what a comedian says and someone running for POTUS?
Easy there. Was simply pointing out where Trump may have come up with his remarks. Interesting that there evidently wasn't an uproar when Chris Rock said this to his audience in 2008 when McCain was running for President. Trump was an idiot for making his comment about McCain.
My god Donald triumph is a gift to democrat heaven. Town hall meetings will be great with the Donald selling out everyone in the gop yet he doesn't realize he will have to have a town hall meeting sometime eventually, good luck with that trumph. Way to shit on Lindsey Graham as well. I don't care for the guy but If I were graham I would be pissed. If this while presidency thing doesn't work out, there a mic and audience waiting for him at the funny bone.
I didn't see this mentioned on here but last week, did you see how Bruce Jenner getting the ESPY award leaked? Apparently his publicist approached ESPN about giving him the award and they loved the idea. When talks stalled and some blowback about not giving the award was considered, his people threatened to pull his Diane Sawyer interview (since both are owned by Disney (ABC/ESPN).

That family knows no shame. They crave attention like someone who is drowning craves air. But good to know this was how his award was given.

I think it's a PR stunt to take the focus off him killing that woman on the freeway.
This is good. Let's get all the Trump and abortion talk out of the way early on in the process.

Everyone still upset about gay marriage? I mean, the gays are getting married. Let's get all the outrage out now.

Birth control. What's everyone think about that? Can you guys go ahead and vent now so we don't get any questions in a few months?

Weed. Oh man that's going to ruin America right? Let's get all that war on drug support out on the table now so it can be forgotten, please.
According to a new study by the Brookings Institution, 31.9% of women who have abortions are rich whereas 8.6% are poor. The study suggested that if poor women were provided with the same rate of abortion and contraception, their births would decrease. The authors of the study said, “We find that equalizing contraceptive use reduces the ratio of unintended births between affluent and poor women by half, and that equalizing abortion rates reduces the ratio by one-third.”
They continued, “Control of fertility varies widely between income groups. Most unmarried women are sexually active, regardless of income. But women with higher incomes are much more successful at ensuring that sex does not lead to an accidental baby. This almost certainly reflects their brighter economic and labor market prospects: simply put, they have more to lose from an unintended birth.”

However, statistics from the Guttmacher Institute completely contradict the Brookings study by revealing that women with family incomes below the federal poverty level have more than 40% of all abortions—even though they make up 14.5% of America’s women.
The Guttmacher report also showed that the poor have highest abortion rates, with 52 abortions occurring per 1,000 women. Contrastingly, higher-income women with family incomes at or above 200% of the poverty line have a rate of nine abortions per 1,000 women, which is about half the national rate.
Nevertheless, regardless of who’s having the most abortions, poor minority women are targeted by the abortion industry more than any other population group. As LifeNews previously reported, Planned Parenthood is known for placing their abortion facilities in poor communities. In fact, data from the 2010 Census Data tracts found that 78% of their abortion facilities are placed in low-income minority neighborhoods.

Bradley Mattes, the executive director of Life Issues Institute, commented on the data and said, “These census results clearly show that Planned Parenthood continues to pursue the eugenics philosophy of its founder, Margaret Sanger, who believed that Blacks and the poor were “unfit” to reproduce. She dedicated her life to controlling the population of these “undesirables” by advancing birth control and sterilization in their neighborhoods. Later, the legalization of abortion gave Planned Parenthood an effective and lucrative means for furthering this eugenics agenda. Although Planned Parenthood denies it, these maps show conclusively that they continue to target minorities for abortion.”
Additionally, Margaret Sanger once said that women in poor areas of the world should have “no more babies.” And in September 2014, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg sounded just like Sanger when she said, “It makes no sense as a national policy to promote birth only among poor people.” She also admitted that she backed Roe to eliminate “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

I'll stick with the Guttmacher Insitute's study that says poor girls are more likely to have abortions.
Yes and he has - better late than never. The Gov put out the order yesterday.

He should have done it the next day. He has been called out by everyone. But Ramadan is over so I guess he feels it is okay. Don't offend the Muslim of which the shooter was. I believe that Obama is a Muslim that it why it took 5 days to lower the flags.
Kinda paranoid, don't ya think?

Do you have evidence of where its going and what this fetal tissue is being used for other than research?

I mean I'm going to be pissed if I find out fetal tissue rejuvenates my aging skin and its being held secret.

How about personal accountability,ie. birth control instead abortion?
While I don't know any poor women who have had abortions...I know plenty of "Daddy's little princess" types who have.

Which is the complete opposite for me. I knew a lot of poor girls who got abortions.

"daddy's little princess" can still live in a doublewide.
He should have done it the next day. He has been called out by everyone. But Ramadan is over so I guess he feels it is okay. Don't offend the Muslim of which the shooter was. I believe that Obama is a Muslim that it why it took 5 days to lower the flags.

We all know that Muslims are 68% more likely to be offended during one of their religious holidays. Good detective work. That's clearly the only explanation.
Yesterday, here at work, we debated Trump's candidacy for president and concluded he's simply filming another reality TV show, nothing more.

Politico: Donald Trump gives out Lindsey Graham's cellphone number.

"On Tuesday, Trump ramped up his attacks on the South Carolina senator — who made headlines Monday for calling the Donald a “jackass” — and even gave out Graham’s private phone number."

How about personal accountability,ie. birth control instead abortion?

You quoted something about fetal tissue research:

Do you have evidence of where its going and what this fetal tissue is being used for other than research?

So the evidence of where fetal tissue is going (if not to research) is birth control. Not sure where you were going, but of course birth control should be a priority. I think we all agree on that.
This is good. Let's get all the Trump and abortion talk out of the way early on in the process.

Everyone still upset about gay marriage? I mean, the gays are getting married. Let's get all the outrage out now.

Birth control. What's everyone think about that? Can you guys go ahead and vent now so we don't get any questions in a few months?

Weed. Oh man that's going to ruin America right? Let's get all that war on drug support out on the table now so it can be forgotten, please.
Gay marriage, abortion, legalizing weed - all issues the GOP used to keep in their back pockets until election time when they'd rush to get a bunch of amendments on the ballots to draw in voters. Now they hide from them. The times they are a changing.
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Bella: "So Skyler, what does your birth control taste like?"

Skyler: "African American"
There's something wrong with you if planned parenthood' s selling unborn baby organs for profit doesn't bother you. Casually haggling over prices and describing the best methods for extracting the fetus intact (to maximize organ viability), while enjoying the house salad and nursing a merlot, just doesn't sit well with anyone I've talked to.
There's something wrong with you if planned parenthood' s selling unborn baby organs for profit doesn't bother you. Casually haggling over prices and describing the best methods for extracting the fetus intact (to maximize organ viability), while enjoying the house salad and nursing a merlot, just doesn't sit well with anyone I've talked to.

But that's the thing. It's not for profit.
Gay marriage, abortion, legalizing weed - all issues the GOP used to keep in their back pockets until election time when they'd rush to get a bunch of amendments on the ballots to draw in voters. Now they hide from them. The times they are a changing.
Yeah, the Dems don't play any of those games do they?

Soros-backed OWS, Todd Akin is proof repugs wants women to be raped, ACORN, granny over cliff ads, Trayvon was an election year outrage inducer....etc etc etc Yep, times are a changing, what an evolution.
Yeah, the Dems don't play any of those games do they?

Soros-backed OWS, Todd Akin is proof repugs wants women to be raped, ACORN, granny over cliff ads, Trayvon was an election year outrage inducer....etc etc etc Yep, times are a changing, what an evolution.
Let's not confuse campaign issues with campaign tactics. And the GOP has had more than it's share of scare tactics and voter suppression initiatives to keep things even.

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