How will they rule ??!

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Our country is on quite the winning streak as far as a NET GAIN in jobs for only like 80 months straight now. The longest streak in history. If you can't grasp simple economic data, you might consider turning the channel away from Fox News once in a while.
It takes a real commitment to find a stat you can use to falsely pump success while ignoring scores of others, including grossly missed projections by the admin itself, that are counter to that.
I'm reading the complaint filed by the DOJ in the Humana/Aetna anti-trust litigation. One sentence leaps off the page:

"More and more seniors are choosing Medicare Advantage because it offers them better benefits at a lower cost than their options under traditional Medicare."

The complaint, mind you, is filed by the DOJ - these are the words of the government. Medicare Advantage is what you can get from non-government players like Aetna, Cigna, Humana. Traditional Medicare is what you get from the government. And with that one sentence, the show is over. Generations of arguments and millions of words devoted to the idea of single payer is revealed to be a sham. You get more and pay less. What else is there to discuss?
The irony of Hillary needing to win to prove her stance that CU ushered in an era of money ruling politics is palpable and delicious to all but her supporters.
The Trumppet's won't find anything alarming or reprehensible with an R next to the guys name. Any misstep is quickly excused. The money probably went to starving children.
The guy was a businessman and understood if he ever wanted to get a meeting or favor from the Secretary of Defense he had to make a donation. I mean that is how the Foundation works after all. Dems don't seem to have a problem with Prince Abu-Dabu donating millions, but we are supposed to believe Trump giving $100,000 is bad lol?
pay for play won't move Hillary voters away from her IMO. What it might do, is drive the undecided into the Trump camp.

I continue to believe you are not going to be able to effectively poll this November election.
No it probably won't move her ardent supporters but it is somewhat suprising to see the media starting to turn on her ever so slightly.
So you're not questioning Trump's honesty?

How could anyone not?

How many clips need to be posted of Trump making emphatic contradictions of himself?
Trump doesn't know who David Duke is? Cue Trump making remarks about why he couldn't support the Reform Party because it was supported by people like David Duke.
Trump tells supporters he's going to build a wall... Trump tells the NY Times that he knows a wall would never be built...
I could go on and on and on...
Clinton Campaign slamming the AP for their article on pay for play saying information is cherry picked.
Of course. What are they supposed to say: "Yes. Yes it is all true". That would be the truth and as we know....the truth and Clinton don't go well together lol.
Read where the Clinton Campaign would require a donation for half of the debates to guarantee Hillary's participation. Otherwise, she couldn't be bothered to attend.
No it probably won't move her ardent supporters but it is somewhat suprising to see the media starting to turn on her ever so slightly.
not a turn, but maybe a moment of embarrassment for them & their industry on the universal jumping on Trump with both feet while ignoring Hilldawg's issues completely in recent weeks.

but this is just a minor case of integrity, it will quickly be tamped out to where they are back in their usual status as democrat media consultants and propagandists.

"can you believe what Trump said about THIS!! More tonight!!!"
An aide to Hillary Clinton got information for her when she was SOS for a drug that would treat Alzheimer's and Parkingson's and reported back to her according to recently released emails. Interesting.
Wait!!!!!! Losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month happened in the Great Recession of 2007-2009.

Our country is on quite the winning streak as far as a NET GAIN in jobs for only like 80 months straight now. The longest streak in history. If you can't grasp simple economic data, you might consider turning the channel away from Fox News once in a while.

and you honestly believe the Labor Force Participation rate doesn't have anything to do with that streak? Interesting correlation between the two during that span. How about this...Record 95 Million Americans not in labor force. Whatever channel you're watching, you might want to consider turning it away.
Interesting, from Forbes. Meanwhile we spend ungodly amounts prosecuting for weed.

The richest newcomer to Forbes 2015 list of America’s Richest Families comes in at a stunning $14 billion. The Sackler family, which owns Stamford, Conn.-based Purdue Pharma, flew under the radar when Forbes launched its initial list of wealthiest families in July 2014, but this year they crack the top-20, edging out storied families like the Busches, Mellons and Rockefellers.

How did the Sacklers build the 16th-largest fortune in the country? The short answer: making the most popular and controversial opioid of the 21st century — OxyContin.
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The Trumppet's won't find anything alarming or reprehensible with an R next to the guys name. Any misstep is quickly excused. The money probably went to starving children.

Just like he explained in the first debate when he was asked about his financial support of the clintons (a question the establishment was certain would knock him out of the race before it started).

He did it to buy the clintons. Because they're easily bought. At that moment, Trump became a contender. Because Noone was ready for that kind of answer, although we all knew it was true.

Gary Johnson favors a carbon tax and his VP compares rifles with clips to wmd's.

I'm done with him. This nonsense after deciding to not hit hillary with emails is just too much. How disappointing

pay for play won't move Hillary voters away from her IMO. What it might do, is drive the undecided into the Trump camp.

I continue to believe you are not going to be able to effectively poll this November election.

Her supporters aren't changing their votes for any reason, period.

on a related note, Trump has never been quieter

Which is a good thing. Before, Trump felt the need to endlessly comment on everything. The more he talked, the more the media twisted and turned his statements and kept his negatives in the headlines.

By being quiet, he's forcing the media to fill the space with something else. Slowly but surely, that space is being filled by stories of Clinton corruption.

If he can just shut up a bit longer, show well at the debates, and spend what money he has wisely on timely and well done ads; he may yet have a shot.

He's been hit by everything imaginable, from all sides, spent barely any money, has no ground game; and is still only down 10 points at worst.
and you honestly believe the Labor Force Participation rate doesn't have anything to do with that streak? Interesting correlation between the two during that span. How about this...Record 95 Million Americans not in labor force. Whatever channel you're watching, you might want to consider turning it away.

Yep. Very slick, but knowingly incorrect statement. Saying unemployment rate has dropped does NOT mean more people are employed.

Labor participation is at an all time low since the great depression.
The Trumppet's won't find anything alarming or reprehensible with an R next to the guys name. Any misstep is quickly excused. The money probably went to starving children.
Quite the contrary actually. I don't like Trump at all. But he may get my vote because he's not a politician and will end the status quo. Hillary on the other hand. She is getting support only bc she has a D beside her know bc she is a corporatist, war monger, and filthy rich...all the things leftists hate.

Contest: Name 3 things Hillary has done that benefits the American people? And do so without mentioning Trump sidetracking.
Yep. Very slick, but knowingly incorrect statement. Saying unemployment rate has dropped does NOT mean more people are employed.

Labor participation is at an all time low since the great depression.

Maybe 4 years of continuing resolutions wasn't the best economic strategy.
The whole era sucked. We had a chance to significantly pay down the national debt and put every federal pension and old age benefit on a decent footing.
then why didn't your party find a decent Dem governor to run instead of empowering numerous terrible DC pols that screwed it all up going all the back to Iraq vote....Obama, Biden, Kerry, HRC? So you back a group that all voted for Iraq (that had a vote), Homeland Security, etc and then were in charge of congress during the lead up to the economic crash. Not good Moe, and you didn't learn from it.
then why didn't your party find a decent Dem governor to run instead of empowering numerous terrible DC pols that screwed it all up going all the back to Iraq vote....Obama, Biden, Kerry, HRC? So you back a group that all voted for Iraq (that had a vote), Homeland Security, etc and then were in charge of congress during the lead up to the economic crash. Not good Moe, and you didn't learn from it.

I think that's the most tortured logic I've read on this board. And that's saying something.

What the failures of the era says to me is that Democrats shouldn't follow that damned Reaganomics anymore. Nobody should. They don't work as advertised.
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So long as you didn't start out in one of the castes below upper middle class, I think the "economic recovery" has been great. Thanks to China and my future children and grandchildren for making it possible.
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I think that's the most tortured logic I've read on this board. And that's saying something.

What the failures of the era says to me is that Democrats shouldn't follow that damned Reaganomics anymore. Nobody should. They don't work as advertised.
Taking what you said directly as pertained to that era and layering it directly on your blind support for those same pols as the next leaders is most definitely very simple logic, not tortured. You want to contort to separate the pols you don't like and absolve you ones you love with your whole heart. Kinda tough when they voted the same ways and then led for 2 years heading into the crash.

Now tortured logic is trying to blame the crash on Reganomics. Good thing you have shown how flexible you are on shifting context to stay in party obedience. How is the govt trickle down economics going? Just need more cash and THEN it will be magic?
Saw the world cup thread. Thought, hmmm, I wonder if the Clintons have ever been involved in underhanded dealings involving the world cup or Olympics.

Sure enough, all I had to do was google "Clinton Olympic bid" to get an article about Clinton being corrupt in regards to the Olympics. Didn't even have to look to the world cup.

It truly is remarkable. I didn't have to go past the first search result.
Slowest economic recovery since 1949 Moe.
The GOP has not given moe's messiah everything he wanted and have done continuing resolutions so that part is their fault. (don't bother posting Reid's lack of budgets when he was in charge)