How will they rule ??!

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How the hell is this stupid **** not in jail?? I'm serious, how the hell could you support someone so full of shit?
Ha Ha, I'm durnk too dude. I'm high on life just being a conservative. Knowing how much it's going to kill Z, lek, Albany, and the dumbass fuzz when Donald wins keeps me going on a perpetual buzz. Well, that and Titos.
Has there ever been a dem talk/news host willing to do that?

Or a dem of any sort willing to hold their own accountable? I cant recall one. Was the last one Joe Lieberman?

Forgot to add, the best part about the hannity radio show: they alwayd have a debate between a dem/lib and a republican. Whatever the issue is.

But at the end, he always cues the jeopardy music and asks the lib to name 3 things hillary has accomplished thats bettered the lives of every day americans. Ive heard it at least 50 times and not a single one has gotten past 1. Its comical.

And they all know its coming, Still cant answer lol.
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Sounds like a major earthquake has hit Italy. Keep the Clinton Foundation away please. What they did in Haiti is one of the most sickening things of all time.
Not really, not when you consider that Hillary's brother was able to get rights to mine gold there. It was a win win for America.
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Is Moe the worst poster in the history of the political thread?
I hate to be a broken record, but come on guys, it's quite obvious by his posts that he has an above average IQ. Unlike Z or lek, and especially fuzz, he makes good argements that cause you to search for refutation. Z is easily debunked for stupidity that is obvious. lek is just stupid and doesn't show up enough to even be considered, Fuzz, well he's a different kind of stupid.

If we met in person, I would laugh with Z about many things. lek would run his mouth and I woud slap him and attempt to run him down to slap him again, Fuzz? I would talk really slow and attempt to help him find his car.
Ha Ha, I'm durnk too dude. I'm high on life just being a conservative. Knowing how much it's going to kill Z, lek, Albany, and the dumbass fuzz when Donald wins keeps me going on a perpetual buzz. Well, that and Titos.

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I'd have alot more respect for fuzz and the going if they'd just say "I'm voting for hillary no matter what". At least that would be the truth.

No need for all the verbal acrobatics and lies trying to defend her.

Just say it like it is
Its refreshing, an admitted republican, willing to call out republicans when they arent performing. Has there ever been a dem talk/news host willing to do that?
In some weird ass mindset way intra party disagreement has been deemed a negative while grown men being absolute whores for an incredibly flawed person/candidate is deemed as unity. That is what is so scary about Hillary, there will be zero real accountability for anything she does. Zero. Grown men will log into Media Matters and get talking points from crazy ass David Brock rather than standing up against her inevitable unethical behavior.
I'd have alot more respect for fuzz and the going if they'd just say "I'm voting for hillary no matter what". At least that would be the truth.

No need for all the verbal acrobatics and lies trying to defend her.

Just say it like it is
as I pasted last page fuzz is voting for Jary Gohnson now that Kasich is not in it.
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Is Moe the worst poster in the history of the political thread?
Top 10 for sure. His volume makes his awful posting seem worse. Spitballing a top 10.

CatsRuleSEC -racist
deeefense - lying campaign worker
N FL Cat - racist
various usernames of barclay bannister, the attorney who ended up being a UL fan that wanted to fight everyone
Poster adam tried to fight, going blank, ???
z crow
post u up
fuzzyrqarnold -
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Thanks, I can see that. So basically, those that are deported are given a free government sponsored vacation home for a few weeks and then are allowed back in. Are they actually deported, or do they just stay at "home" until the proper paperwork is prepared and signed?

I don't know I've not been deported. But all I see of it is it's the easiest possible targets there are. Not only to get ahold of but to actually get back in too.

That's just my experience.

Now if it was some of the people stored in Shelbyville my guess is that would take so much work to sort out it isn't even worth the time. Just feed them booze and dope and let them sort it out themselves eventually.
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He's already covered that in the first debate. I thought his candidacy was a joke till his answer on that issue. Then I knew he'd be a contender.
I believe he made it pretty clear he bought several politicians for business purposes. He has admitted he used the system to his benefit many times. I hope Hillary is foolish enough to bring it up during the debate.
Busy at work today and little time to peruse the internets.....just checking,

Were the emails leaked yet discussing how Hillary tears the wings off of butterflies or hates puppies, kittens and little bunnies? Heard they were up next to be released but didn't know if it had happened.
Lmao Bill said via statement that he would step down from the board of his foundation, and stop *all* fundraising for it.....if Hillary is elected president.

What in the hell are they doing. Both him and Hillary have admitted guilt. That's the first thing you don't ever fn do and thy know this as well as anybody. Very weird. Makes you wonder if their party has already turned on them? Who's advising them? At this point in time, trump is the clear favorite, so maybe people will start switching their allegiance to Trump, the real democratic candidate. It's clear Clinton's have lost the media. This AP stuff is unreal. I guess they are officially old and out of touch.

This was from a piece they just posted, headlining google news, btw..."Many Donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State".

Hillary should seriously contact Z for pointers.
Lmao Bill said via statement that he would step down from the board of his foundation, and stop *all* fundraising for it.....if Hillary is elected president.

What in the hell are they doing. Both him and Hillary have admitted guilt. That's the first thing you don't ever fn do and thy know this as well as anybody. Very weird. Makes you wonder if their party has already turned on them? Who's advising them? At this point in time, trump is the clear favorite, so maybe people will start switching their allegiance to Trump, the real democratic candidate. It's clear Clinton's have lost the media. This AP stuff is unreal. I guess they are officially old and out of touch.

This was from a piece they just posted, headlining google news, btw..."Many Donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State".

Hillary should seriously contact Z for pointers.

Not admitting guilt is for normal people. For the clintons, who are above the law, it doesn't matter.
It will all come down to the debates. Trump has got to convict her in front of the largest television audience to ever watch a debate without saying something really stupid in the process. The media will not do it.

The biggest problem Trump will have is that he is not a political robot like she is. She knows every fact and figure out there. He is not going to have other candidates around him to deflect to. He needs to come in very prepared and have a good understanding of foreign leaders, policy, etc. because she is going to be very strong in that area no matter how shi!!y of a SOS she was.

Who would have thought someone could destroy a Bush the way Trump did Jeb? Hillary is weaker than Jeb. JMO, she has no chance against Trump when she has nowhere to hide and he does not say something really stupid. She has never faced someone like him hence why they are having trouble getting someone who an play him in their mock debates.
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Hoping for a "there you go again" moment from the Reagan/Carter debate (for those that were there this was a key moment; Reagan made Carter look weak with this one line) when Trump and Clinton line up.

If I'm Trump I'd use that line (the conservatives would eat that up with a spoon) every time she lies; of course, given her propensity to lie, that might be all he says lol.
How can he be flawed in his judgment if he was wrong before, but has changed his view now? How can you call him a hypocrite if you thought he was wrong before, but has now corrected his stance to your original wishes? How is that 3 steps backward unless you were 3 steps backward?

You are just as stupid as Fuzz and need to confine your arguments to which day of the week it is and whether or not it is raining at your location at the moment.
Why on Earth would any independent voter suddenly believe him now? A year form now, these mishaps could cause thousands of jobs or lives for that matter. Yet you want to trust the suddenly pragmatic Donald as much as the unflappable, fierce Donald? [laughing]

I didn't buy the bi-polar Donald in tabloids, on TV, and I'm not buying him now.
Why on Earth would any independent voter suddenly believe him now? A year form now, these mishaps could cause thousands of jobs or lives for that matter. Yet you want to trust the suddenly pragmatic Donald as much as the unflappable, fierce Donald? [laughing]

I didn't buy the bi-polar Donald in tabloids, on TV, and I'm not buying him now.
Should you not be asking this question of Hillary instead? Surely you meant Hillary, the question fits better with her.
Hoping for a "there you go again" moment from the Reagan/Carter debate (for those that were there this was a key moment; Reagan made Carter look weak with this one line) when Trump and Clinton line up.

If I'm Trump I'd use that line (the conservatives would eat that up with a spoon) every time she lies; of course, given her propensity to lie, that might be all he says lol.

Excellent point.

As an aside, I watched some highlights from those debates. Pretty shocking.

All the same issues are back today. The left tried to give over our country 30 years ago. The American people stopped it by not giving Carter a 2nd term.

Will they stop it this time? Or has the left important enough illegals and anchor children voters to make it inevitable?

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Top 10 for sure. His volume makes his awful posting seem worse. Spitballing a top 10.

CatsRuleSEC -racist
deeefense - lying campaign worker
N FL Cat - racist
various usernames of barclay bannister, the attorney who ended up being a UL fan that wanted to fight everyone
Poster adam tried to fight, going blank, ???
z crow
post u up
fuzzyrqarnold -
other than the 3 guys who are current posters....I only remember Deeeefense from that group. I recall seeing the names of CatsRuleSEC, N FL Cat, and post u up, but have no recollection of their postings or personas. Don't remember the others at all.......
Never understood the allure of Mark Levin. He's angry, and yells most of the time. Even if that's your thing.....his voice. Shrill, high pitched. Just can't listen to him......
CatBC - how could we forget that dude! His position on every conceivable issue was simple to grasp: everyone on the other side of the debate is stupid and racist, ipso facto. With a good measure of condescension and hostility thrown in. Resemblance to some others that are here now. Must be contagious.
Why on Earth would any independent voter suddenly believe him now? A year form now, these mishaps could cause thousands of jobs or lives for that matter. Yet you want to trust the suddenly pragmatic Donald as much as the unflappable, fierce Donald? [laughing]

I didn't buy the bi-polar Donald in tabloids, on TV, and I'm not buying him now.

So you believe Hillary? She has actually been caught LYING during the campaign about official US business. Not campaign issues, but her acts while SOS.

How can any self respecting person vote for someone for President that has abused power in every previous elected spot? You think she's just going to stop?

We're losing thousands of jobs now and you don't seem to mind. Who do you think China or Russia will have more respect for, someone they possibly have damaging info on or someone that won't take any shit from them?
Should you not be asking this question of Hillary instead? Surely you meant Hillary, the question fits better with her.
She wanted 11 million illegals deported, won the nomination with much help from such nonsense and THEN changed her mind?

All liars are deceitful but that's quite a loser. This guy truly deserves to be trounced in November but since the lines have been drawn, I'm sure that doesn't happen. Close to fifty percent of Americans are stoopid enough to trust him somehow.
So you believe Hillary? She has actually been caught LYING during the campaign about official US business. Not campaign issues, but her acts while SOS.

How can any self respecting person vote for someone for President that has abused power in every previous elected spot? You think she's just going to stop?

We're losing thousands of jobs now and you don't seem to mind. Who do you think China or Russia will have more respect for, someone they possibly have damaging info on or someone that won't take any shit from them?
Wait!!!!!! Losing hundreds of thousands of jobs every month happened in the Great Recession of 2007-2009.

Our country is on quite the winning streak as far as a NET GAIN in jobs for only like 80 months straight now. The longest streak in history. If you can't grasp simple economic data, you might consider turning the channel away from Fox News once in a while.
Reading comprehension is not your friend.

So you're not questioning Trump's honesty?

Or you didn't characterize him donating to the Clinton Foundation as an alarming and reprehensible misstep that would be overlooked by his supporters?

Or you are going to vote for Clinton, not just might like you originally claimed?