How will they rule ??!

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Go on....


I wonder how old she was there because it looks like that was 10+ years ago. She has a little Amy Whinehouse zombie look thing going now. Not that my dick cares, or nothing. Just want her to take care of herself.

Man, Bill! You lucky SOB. Smh. You know.
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I just did a search and found it but it is from Breitbart.

Thanks. I was hoping dearly Huff Post had turned on her. Was afraid it was too good to be true.

And what's the deal with this Huma lady? She's been in every single one of thde dumps it seems. Which I assume is the norm...assistants handling all this stuff. But, she's been caught now. Her name is dirt. I would assume her political career is over. Has she been fired? What's her status with the Clinton's right now?

Huma is undoubtedly tied to radical islam. Her shadiness has been documented for years, but you have to really dig to find it. The vanity fair article on her shed some light on her, even though it was handled with kid gloves.

She'll never be fired. Never. Murdered maybe, if it looks like she'll turn on them; which she wont. But never fired.

Imo, she is a plant to make sure the radical islamists and ME sheiks are getting their moneys worth. She probably as much in control is Hillary is. She's the price the Clintons have to pay in return for their billions in donations.
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Well, no. During his tenure as CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch pointedly made NBC News into an asset to promote the corporate interests of GE. (GE owns NBC) ABC has been caught finagling news stories about Hillary.

The NY Times has had a running feud with the Clintons since 1992. The Washington Post is the voice now of Jeff Bezos. And the Wall Street Journal is owned by the Murdochs. Most newspapers have conservative editorial boards.

I suspect that anything that isn't the house organ of the GOP is considered to be a shill for the Democrats.

"Shot: WashPost Expose: A Young Trump Pulled on Pigtails, Threw Rocks.

NewsBusters, today.

Chaser: Romney hair-cutting prank: School leaders say similar incidents today would bring punishment.

—The Washington Post, May 11th, 2012."

same old, same old. Wake me up the next time the Post or Times digs up an old acquaintance of the D nominee to bring to light such hard hitting issues as these......
Let's play "Who's Humpin' Huma"

a. Hillary
b. Bill
c. Her Husband
d. Crown Prince Azebadullah, or any others in the Royal Family
e. All of the above.

There may be more than one correct answer.

Honestly, C is probably the least likely to be correct. (E too, I suppose)

"Shot: WashPost Expose: A Young Trump Pulled on Pigtails, Threw Rocks.

NewsBusters, today.

Chaser: Romney hair-cutting prank: School leaders say similar incidents today would bring punishment.

—The Washington Post, May 11th, 2012."

same old, same old. Wake me up the next time the Post or Times digs up an old acquaintance of the D nominee to bring to light such hard hitting issues as these......

Yeah they stick to more serious matters with Democrats, like Carter being attacked by a rabbit, Dukakis looking like Mickey Mouse in a tank and Al Gore needing more "earth tones."
Let's say I started a foundation, or anyone else in America did for that matter. You think Princes and other foreign leaders would "donate" 32 million if I just asked. No? So are they donating to Clintons for the goodness of their heart or because they are getting a favor.

You think all these corporations are just lining up to pay and hear a career politician who's never worked in the private sector and knows nothing about it...or is it for a favor?

Not real hard to see these things.

Just the same as how no one in the Obama cabinet has ever worked in the private sector, knows nothing about how it to even work payroll...yet they "know" how evil it is.
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So Lochte is a pariah--a certifiable liar, not worthy anymore of fame or fortune. All for lying about his gas station encounter. Damn, if he'd only told the truth. Now every major news organization and potential sponsor hates him for his deceit and dishonesty. I could just about taste Matt Lauer's disdain for him in the interview.

I wonder what Lauer thinks about Hillary Clinton?
Did not stop you clowns from bashing Dubya for flying over the flooded areas instead busting on the ground. Hypocrites , all of you Liberals.

Bush got bashed over Katrina be caused he had put an incompetent flunky as the head of FEMA. The wreckage from Katrina included the closing of a major port, and the federal response was lackadaisical. The recent flood was dealt with promptly and professionally.
The graffiti that was written on the Statue of Liberty was coined a socialist- you'll have to forgive me if I don't put much stock into that- and, besides, that inscription is hardly part of the Constitution. Moreover, you dum dum, you completely fail to understand the distinction between a settler and an immigrant. The Pilgrims were not immigrants. The frontiersmen were not immigrants. The Founding Fathers were not immigrants. Is it starting to sink through your head?

Would someone please hand wildcatofnati a dictionary so he might come to understand the meaning of words?
You might also help him understand that immigrant, frontiersmen and settler are not mutually exclusive and that there were most certainly immigrant frontiersmen and settlers.

The New Colossus is graffiti?

I wonder how he would classify the millions that came to the US through Ellis Island?
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Bush got bashed over Katrina be caused he had put an incompetent flunky as the head of FEMA. The wreckage from Katrina included the closing of a major port, and the federal response was lackadaisical. The recent flood was dealt with promptly and professionally.
Who put the dumbass mayor in charge of NO? Who put the dumbass governor in charge of LA? Democrats were the first ones to dick up Katrina, but it was more convenient for them to blame Bush. You're still doing it.
And you accused someone else of lacking understanding?

Those trends are supposed to be organic. But Facebook was already busted for removing negative hillary stuff.

For example, when the first Wikileaks drop happened, it was top trending on twitter for about 2 hours. Then suddenly disappeared. It never appeared on Facebook at all. Even though the entire country was talking about it. Plus we already know a Facebook employee outed them for altering the trends to help dems.

So you're either unaware of those facts. Or you're aware and trying to lie about them.
This is exactly what I was saying. Thanks.
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Bush got bashed over Katrina be caused he had put an incompetent flunky as the head of FEMA. .

No, the media bashed Bush because he flew over the flooding in an airplane. And they still show that picture of him looking out the window.

Is this really the best content they can throw your way? Cause its getting worse. Moe--demand better. You deserve it and they owe it to you. Out here on the front lines defending Obama AND Hillary---digging in not knowing what kind of shelling you will take each and every day. Coming from all sides---and some of this stuff is pretty heavy and may be getting worse as the election nears.

I can only hope they praise and reward you for your valiant efforts. Because if they don't, the Paddock will.

Heretofore and hereafter Moe, and all of his aliases therein, on this day the 22nd of August, 2016 is awarded the Big Balls Medal of Effort for Repeatedly and Valiantly Defending Moral Indecency and Presidential Ineptitude.

Even your adversaries commend you on your effort. Job well done Moe, and that extends to all of your aliases.

No, the media bashed Bush because he flew over the flooding in an airplane. And they still show that picture of him looking out the window.

Is this really the best content they can throw your way? Cause its getting worse. Moe--demand better. You deserve it and they owe it to you. Out here on the front lines defending Obama AND Hillary---digging in not knowing what kind of shelling you will take each and every day. Coming from all sides---and some of this stuff is pretty heavy and may be getting worse as the election nears.

I can only hope they praise and reward you for your valiant efforts. Because if they don't, the Paddock will.

Heretofore and hereafter Moe, and all of his aliases therein, on this day the 22nd of August, 2016 is awarded the Big Balls Medal of Effort for Repeatedly and Valiantly Defending Moral Indecency and Presidential Ineptitude.

Even your adversaries commend you on your effort. Job well done Moe, and that extends to all of your aliases.

Good job, Moe!
I know some here have put Moe on ignore. I never could, anytime I need a laugh I just open this thread and read his latest posts.
I like Moe, he's so much better at what he does than z or lek. Fuzz might be the funniest, jury's out on that one.
Bush got bashed over Katrina be caused he had put an incompetent flunky as the head of FEMA. The wreckage from Katrina included the closing of a major port, and the federal response was lackadaisical. The recent flood was dealt with promptly and professionally.
What a lockstepping lemming you are. Place in the local establishment for mindless followers?
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