How will they rule ??!

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"The best Mexican food this side of the wall".

Apparently, some folks lost their GD minds about such advertising. This restaurant is no stranger to controversy.

In 2011, the Hacienda removed billboards that made fun of the 1978 Jonestown massacre with the message: "We're like a cult with better Kool-Aid."

In 2006, critics blasted a Hacienda billboard that showed a small man wearing a sombrero and a caption reading "Take home a little Mexican

Wonder what happens if you take home a big Mexican?

"The best Mexican food this side of the wall".

Apparently, some folks lost their GD minds about such advertising. This restaurant is no stranger to controversy.

In 2011, the Hacienda removed billboards that made fun of the 1978 Jonestown massacre with the message: "We're like a cult with better Kool-Aid."

In 2006, critics blasted a Hacienda billboard that showed a small man wearing a sombrero and a caption reading "Take home a little Mexican

Wonder what happens if you take home a big Mexican?


PC run amuck.
Are the Clinton voters on here not concerned at all about her health?

She wouldn't be able to get a security clearance to work low level at the FBI, and probably couldn't pass a health screening to do any sort of job that has high levels of stress and physical demand.

Good thing the POTUS doesn't have access to any classified info and POTUSs generally don't age very much in the White House.
"The best Mexican food this side of the wall".

Apparently, some folks lost their GD minds about such advertising. This restaurant is no stranger to controversy.

In 2011, the Hacienda removed billboards that made fun of the 1978 Jonestown massacre with the message: "We're like a cult with better Kool-Aid."

In 2006, critics blasted a Hacienda billboard that showed a small man wearing a sombrero and a caption reading "Take home a little Mexican

Wonder what happens if you take home a big Mexican?


Haha..., if i ever make it up to indiana i will give hacienda a visit.

The only one that i can see being a "little" offensive is the sombrero. Sterotyping bastards.
I've often wondered if all these supposed "glitches" that have been hitting Airports hard the last few years weren't outside countries hacking them. Just a few weeks ago one of em had a "glitch" and they couldn't let any flights off almost an entire day but it was just a "glitch". I call bs. I think its pretty obvious that we as a country are being spanked in cyber warfare right now.

Very well could be hacking. Would make sense.

I saw a story awhile back about the decrepit technology our flight control systems use. Then just the other day, a story about our nuclear technology being on 3.5 floppies.

How is this possible?
More good news for the DNC, as males become softer and more emasculated their ability to sell emotion will increase.

Researchers measured the grip strength (how strongly you can squeeze something) and pinch strength (how strongly you can pinch something between two fingers) of 237 healthy, full-time students aged 20 to 34 at universities in North Carolina. And especially among males, the reduction in strength compared to 30 years ago was striking.

The average 20-to-34-year-old today, for instance, was able to apply 98 pounds of force when gripping something with his right hand. In 1985, the average man could squeeze with 117 pounds of force.
Read a great article last year from military trainers how the recruits in recent years were unable to perform simple physical tasks necessary to complete basic. Young people in this modern age were weaker, less flexible, less dexterous, with less stamina. The trainers said the entire requirements regiment was going to have to be rewritten - or have absolutely noone pass physicals. No more country strong farmboys who grew up hauling in hay or tobacco, or even city kids who had the freedom to run around all day, riding bikes & playing pickup stickball.

X box generation, faceinstaspacegram generation. no wonder they are all socialists who want free college.....then live in mom & dads basement playing video games as their work accomplishment, watching porn for their sexual stimulation.
Read a great article last year from military trainers how the recruits in recent years were unable to perform simple physical tasks necessary to complete basic. Young people in this modern age were weaker, less flexible, less dexterous, with less stamina. The trainers said the entire requirements regiment was going to have to be rewritten - or have absolutely noone pass physicals. No more country strong farmboys who grew up hauling in hay or tobacco, or even city kids who had the freedom to run around all day, riding bikes & playing pickup stickball.

X box generation, faceinstaspacegram generation. no wonder they are all socialists who want free college.....then live in mom & dads basement playing video games as their work accomplishment, watching porn for their sexual stimulation.

Maybe this generation can stay home and send their masculine butch feminists to work the fields and fight the wars?

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Noone says he needs to take blame. Neither he nor bush can control the weather.

But he can take time off the golf course to act like he cares.

And we should see the same level of media scrutiny that Bush received (lol ya right)

Obama didn't appoint a political hack to the department he was supposed to run.
Are the Clinton voters on here not concerned at all about her health?

She wouldn't be able to get a security clearance to work low level at the FBI, and probably couldn't pass a health screening to do any sort of job that has high levels of stress and physical demand.

Good thing the POTUS doesn't have access to any classified info and POTUSs generally don't age very much in the White House.

I suspect just a wee bit of projection and wishful thinking going on.
Read a great article last year from military trainers how the recruits in recent years were unable to perform simple physical tasks necessary to complete basic. Young people in this modern age were weaker, less flexible, less dexterous, with less stamina. The trainers said the entire requirements regiment was going to have to be rewritten - or have absolutely noone pass physicals. No more country strong farmboys who grew up hauling in hay or tobacco, or even city kids who had the freedom to run around all day, riding bikes & playing pickup stickball.

X box generation, faceinstaspacegram generation. no wonder they are all socialists who want free college.....then live in mom & dads basement playing video games as their work accomplishment, watching porn for their sexual stimulation.

Dude I heard lecture about this, some highly decorated guy, said they keep dropping standards to accommodate women.

Just heard Rio has camera tech to see everything in that city down to meter....lmao, but they don't have police!


Let's do that, guys! Sounds progressive and smart, right?

*they were talking about the big news, of course - Ryan Lochte. We will know exactly what happened as soon as Brazil pulls that camera up
If Hillary was to die before the election, I would lose my ass. That's right, would laugh it right off.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
You'd think you guys would be thrilled with Clinton.....any other candidate would be actually liked and stomping Trump right now.

I know some repubs would say "the evil women are voting for Clinton anyway!!!!" That sounds like a lot of projection from the crowd who wish for the good old days when blacks were not people and women had no rights.

But like I said before any COMPETENT campaign manager would have Trump up by 3-5 points at least. Just tell him:

1 Stop catering to the racists/sexists!! They'd vote for you anyway if you shot an infant on stage.
2 Stop being baited so easily.
3 Stop antagonizing your own party.
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I know some repubs would say "the evil women are voting for Clinton anyway!!!!" That sounds like a lot of projection from the crowd who wish for the good old days when blacks were not people and women had no rights.

Great analysis. "I'm going to make up a quote I haven't heard anyone say about women and use that to support my idea that all republicans are racist and hate women".
You'd think you guys would be thrilled with Clinton.....any other candidate would be actually liked and stomping Trump right now.

I know some repubs would say "the evil women are voting for Clinton anyway!!!!" That sounds like a lot of projection from the crowd who wish for the good old days when blacks were not people and women had no rights.

But like I said before any COMPETENT campaign manager would have Trump up by 3-5 points at least. Just tell him:

1 Stop catering to the racists/sexists!! They'd vote for you anyway if you shot an infant on stage.
2 Stop being baited so easily.
3 Stop antagonizing your own party.

You're assuming they've not told him just that. I'd say the big problem is, Trump being unwilling to listen
The people viewing the Clinton investigation documents in Washington, are being forced to take security measures exponentially greater than what Clinton took to actually protect the information she was emailing around.

Clinton for POTUS.
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The people viewing the Clinton investigation documents in Washington, are being forced to take security measures exponentially greater than what Clinton took to actually protect the information she was emailing around.

Clinton for POTUS.

Amazing huh? Crickets from the MSM about this.
Trump is going to win Kentucky. He is also going to lose wide in the electoral vote unless a porn movie of Clinton comes out or she loses it and calls Trump a CS in the debates. Trumps base is what it is and will not grow. He isn't going to drag in any new supporters. I also think Clintons support is what it is which is more than Trump. It's getting to the point where if Trump or Wikileaks or anyone else has something major on Clinton they had better release it soon.
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Trump is going to win Kentucky. He is also going to lose wide in the electoral vote unless a porn movie of Clinton comes out or she loses it and calls Trump a CS in the debates. Trumps base is what it is and will not grow. He isn't going to drag in any new supporters. I also think Clintons support is what it is which is more than Trump. It's getting to the point where if Trump or Wikileaks or anyone else has something major on Clinton they had better release it soon.
Releasing it soon gives too much time to contract a BS story or to have the leaker assassinated. If they are smart they will release whatever they have in late October to give it a week or two before the election and it has to be big news.
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Releasing it soon gives too much time to contract a BS story or to have the leaker assassinated. If they are smart they will release whatever they have in late October to give it a week or two before the election and it has to be big news.

That's pretty much whats being reported concerning additional wikileaks releases. They say it could be a bombshell.
I just appreciate Bertolini making it clear as possible that Aetna will leave the exchanges if their merger with Humana is not approved by the Feds, which they believe will harm competition. Same guy who a few months earier was saying how well Aetna was doing with ACA.
You really ought to do a little investigating, rather than simply relying on Elizabeth Warren's Facebook musings. Point 1, Aetna has lost $450 million dollars to date on the exchange business. That seems like a pretty sufficient reason to abandon that business, by itself. Point 2, they were always losing money, so he never said at any point "how well Aetna was doing with ACA". Never. Always a money loser. But the losing really ramped up in the second quarter, after he made the comments in April that there were inclined to stay in the business. Losing $250 million in a quarter on one line of business has a way of getting attention and changing minds.

But please, continue the party line......
Good read on the new DT campaign CEO
Even for a campaign creating regular media tremors, the hiring of Stephen K. Bannon as the new campaign C.E.O. for Donald Trump has to count as a real shock. Trump is a first-time candidate who has talked about professionalizing his campaign, and yet he has hired a media bomb-thrower with no experience on the trail. But on another level, it is no surprise, since for years there has been a political symbiosis between Trump, Bannon, and Breitbart Media, the news organization that Bannon has led for the last four years. In truth, Bannon and Breitbart Media were Trump before Trump, creating the political philosophy and the political army in waiting that has been the engine for the candidate’s astonishing rise in American politics.
Good article here in response to Howard Kurtz "wow, the media is really being unfair to Trump, this is all new and dangerous territory!" The writer recounts some history for Howard, and shows that Rs are always on the receiving end of "unfair coverage". Here is Howard's epiphany:

“The media’s legions of Trump-bashers are finally acknowledging the obvious. And trying their best to justify it. But there’s one problem: Tilting against one candidate in a presidential election can’t be justified. This is not a defense of Donald Trump, who has been at war with much of the press since he got in the race. Too many people think if you criticize the way the billionaire is being covered, you are somehow backing Trump. And it’s not about the commentators, on the right as well as the left, who are savaging Trump, since they are paid for their opinions. This is about the mainstream media’s reporters, editors and producers, whose credo is supposed to be fairness. And now some of them are flat-out making the case for unfairness—an unprecedented approach for an unprecedented campaign. Put aside, for the moment, the longstanding complaints about journalists being unfair to Republicans. They never treated Mitt Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush or Bob Dole like this. Keep in mind that the media utterly misjudged Trump from the start, covering him as a joke or a sideshow or a streaking comet that would burn itself out. Many of them later confessed how wrong they had been, and that they had missed the magnitude of the anger and frustration that fueled Trump’s unlikely rise.”
Trump is going to win Kentucky. He is also going to lose wide in the electoral vote unless a porn movie of Clinton comes out or she loses it and calls Trump a CS in the debates. Trumps base is what it is and will not grow. He isn't going to drag in any new supporters. I also think Clintons support is what it is which is more than Trump. It's getting to the point where if Trump or Wikileaks or anyone else has something major on Clinton they had better release it soon.

The odds of a 2nd dose of wikileaks being worse than the 1st is slight.

The biggest turn-off of the Trump campaign has been his nastiness. (I wish it were his incoherence, but you can't always get what you want.) So, to direct his campaign and correct its deficiencies he's just brought in an amp-up-the-nastiness guttersnipe.

To borrow from Jimmy Carter's run for the office: a government as good as its people.
I don't buy the polls that are constantly pushed considering the methods used to get them. When the majority of your calls are to landlines not on the 'Do not Call' registry and the computers do not include cell phones (Who picks up the phone on an unrecognized number?) then you're already missing a huge demographic of people.

Trump may lose but I don't believe the polls that are being cited at all.
You really ought to do a little investigating, rather than simply relying on Elizabeth Warren's Facebook musings. Point 1, Aetna has lost $450 million dollars to date on the exchange business. That seems like a pretty sufficient reason to abandon that business, by itself. Point 2, they were always losing money, so he never said at any point "how well Aetna was doing with ACA". Never. Always a money loser. But the losing really ramped up in the second quarter, after he made the comments in April that there were inclined to stay in the business. Losing $250 million in a quarter on one line of business has a way of getting attention and changing minds.

But please, continue the party line......

Would you like for me to pull the quotes from CEO on his quarterly call with investors from this Spring? Might that help you better understand.

I'm using direct quotes from the CEO...what are you using?

April/May - everything is going well with ACA
July - We will expand ACA if our merger is approved...if not, then we will scale back.
Since our buddies on the right always ask about what the gov't does better than private business...looks like the gov't will stop using private prisons to house federal imates.

Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates announced the decision on Thursday in a memo that instructs officials to either decline to renew the contracts for private prison operators when they expire or “substantially reduce” the contracts’ scope. The goal, Yates wrote, is “reducing — and ultimately ending — our use of privately operated prisons.”

“They simply do not provide the same level of correctional services, programs, and resources; they do not save substantially on costs; and as noted in a recent report by the Department’s Office of Inspector General, they do not maintain the same level of safety and security,” Yates wrote.

I am sure you will more than likely dismiss this, but that is to be expected.
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Good article here in response to Howard Kurtz "wow, the media is really being unfair to Trump, this is all new and dangerous territory!" The writer recounts some history for Howard, and shows that Rs are always on the receiving end of "unfair coverage". Here is Howard's epiphany:

“The media’s legions of Trump-bashers are finally acknowledging the obvious. And trying their best to justify it. But there’s one problem: Tilting against one candidate in a presidential election can’t be justified. This is not a defense of Donald Trump, who has been at war with much of the press since he got in the race. Too many people think if you criticize the way the billionaire is being covered, you are somehow backing Trump. And it’s not about the commentators, on the right as well as the left, who are savaging Trump, since they are paid for their opinions. This is about the mainstream media’s reporters, editors and producers, whose credo is supposed to be fairness. And now some of them are flat-out making the case for unfairness—an unprecedented approach for an unprecedented campaign. Put aside, for the moment, the longstanding complaints about journalists being unfair to Republicans. They never treated Mitt Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush or Bob Dole like this. Keep in mind that the media utterly misjudged Trump from the start, covering him as a joke or a sideshow or a streaking comet that would burn itself out. Many of them later confessed how wrong they had been, and that they had missed the magnitude of the anger and frustration that fueled Trump’s unlikely rise.”

I don't understand the premise here. No candidate since George Wallace has so deliberately used meanness and the promise of cruelty as a campaign pitch. "Fairness" isn't a virtue if it demands ignoring a deliberate strategy.