How will they rule ??!

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Man they putting chips in pills for reals. You remember when ODB was talking about that shit in like 1993?

Jkst imagine what them shits will cost.

What does Narcan cost?

Is Martin Schrelli still pushing 7k pills or whatever.

What in the shit are we doing exactly? Has anybody asked that simple question. What in the shit are we doing here.

The reason for the microchip pill "so parents and doctors can log onto the app and confirm the pill was taken by the patient" TAKE THE DAMN PILL. In this example, a little girl had a transplant, or something, and she had some meds and this was so great before her mommy and doctor can log on to their smartphone app and see if lil Shameeka swallowed her pill! Wow! Progress! That'll be $350 per pill please tia. WERE SAVING LIVES PEOPLE!!!!

This is straight out of Oprah's bag of tricks, btw. Don't sleep. F George soros. Where is Oprah right now?
Sooner we remove profits from Healthcare, the better off we all will be.

I just appreciate Bertolini making it clear as possible that Aetna will leave the exchanges if their merger with Humana is not approved by the Feds, which they believe will harm competition. Same guy who a few months earier was saying how well Aetna was doing with ACA.

It's all about the benjamins. At some point in the future, Healthcare will bankrupt our country...that is when the fun begins.
Lol. Yeah bc all we need is every hospital operating as smoothly as the VA. Do you go to a private practice doctor, or to the health department? Why? Do you think new devices are developed and innovation is spurred bc of the goodness of everyones heart...or bc of the competition created by the free market? For example, outside of you think the guy who invented vacuums did so bc he wanted everyone to have a clean house? No, he did so bc of the opportunity in the market and then he could sell it to make money...otherwise he would have just made one for himself and quit. No different with anything else. The point being,You do realize everything that you own or exists..unless natural, exists because of money....or else it wouldn't exist.

Back to companies don't hold the power...that's the misconception pushed by the left. After all the government started medicare which is used as a price point for everyone. If that was eliminated you would have competition.

The dirty truth about American health care is that it costs more not because insurers are so powerful, but because they’re so weak.
In the U.S., insurers negotiate with hospitals and drug companies on their own -- and they pay more as a result. In fact, because of their weak negotiating position they frequently use whatever price Medicare is paying as a baseline and then, because they lack the power to strike a similar deal, add a percentage on top. Joshua Gottlieb, an economist at the University of British Columbia, found that when Medicare increases what it pays for a service by $1, private insurers increase their payments by $1.30.

That leaves the U.S. with the worst of both approaches: Prices aren’t set by the market, but they also aren’t set by the government. Consequently, Medicare’s negotiating power is weakened by the threat that drug companies or hospitals will opt to do business only with higher-paying private insurers. We simultaneously miss out on the efficiency of a purely private system and on the savings of a purely public one.

If insurers lose on negotiating with medical providers, however, they’re much better than the government at innovating on insurance design. Co-pays and deductibles aren’t popular, but they work. Many insurers are experimenting with ways to create incentives for better health, including using personal technology -- everything from e-mails to smartphone cameras. (The disastrous introduction of the Obama administration’s website hardly instills confidence in the government’s capacity to exploit digital medicine with similar efficiency.)
neither Medicare nor Canada has done anything innovative on the delivery side. Taiwan is trying a little bit but not a whole lot. By and large they just pay bills.” The limitations of single-payer systems became clear during the health-care debate, when the Congressional Budget Office projected that premiums for a public option would be higher than premiums for private insurance -- unless a public option could avail itself of Medicare’s pricing power.

A health-care system that followed international best practices would direct the government to set rates. Or it would let insurers band together and negotiate rates collectively -- a practice called “all-payer rate setting.” But it wouldn’t need to eliminate private insurers. It’s good for consumers to have a choice of insurers, who have real incentives to innovate and devise better ways to keep customers healthy and costs down.
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Trump hired Steve Bannon from Breitbart, and he already has Roger Ailes from Fox at his side...

As I called way before anyone else ever thought of it, Trump is not assembling a political machine/campaign he is using this campaign to assemble his new TV station that will be off an running in its own little alternative universe where Obama is a Muslim, 9/11 was a hoax, Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK, and all the idiotic propaganda like Kaizer keeps linking.

Trump is building his TV network right before your eyes and you guys are too naive to see the blatant writing on the wall.

Anyway, on to other lighter news. There are always moments in a campaign that live forever. This poor guy is being laughed at the world over for getting owned on CNN and the first 27 seconds of this is sublime:

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If you look at Trump's actions in terms of trying to win a political campaign they make absolutely no sense. If you look at Trump's actions in terms of him stirring up interest in him starting his own TV network then they make perfect sense.
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Ailes will be his CEO. Bannon will run the day to day programming. Trump will be a frequent guest on their prime time studio show to lob grenades. I doubt he will subject himself to the rigors of shooting a daily news show, though. He may film a seasonal reality show of some type like be the next host. He could do that.

His name will be on everything. Just insert "Trump" over the old "FOX" rotating blinking flashing promos then have programming that is a cross between Sean Hannity and Alex Jones and there you have it.

And I put it all together first.
I don't believe that's the reason anyone actually supports him. I think it's because everyone is tired of the establishment and the government assuming what's best for everyone...after his 4 years there's an opportunity for America to get real people in there that will do something as oposed to this same non sense overy and over. Tell me again how Hillary will do anything beneficial to stop the good Ole boy network filled with career politicians running individual interests guised as this is what's best for you? I mean I know liberals just need shiny things put in front of their face and they're mesmorized at everything at face value, or to be told what they need to do..because we are all just stuck in the gutter and can't help it and the only way out is for our government to save us.

I don't like all. I think his economic policies for one are pretty bad...but I'd never support a big government"hey this looks good at face value" policy from Hillary either or any feelings driven policy that's created in the fantasy of Democrats with solutions that aren't real solutions, at best money suckling bandaids. Basically anything with heavy government involvement is a failure. I can recognize the difference in that one person is just pushing the machine along and will do nothing to hekp people only as to say it and put some bogus plans out as if they actually care about the populous, and the other is threatening the livelihood of every career politician and their living off taxpayers bc their used to just telling people what to do...therefore collapsing the known system for real change. That's how I see it.

I've yet to hear anyone state why Hillary will be a good president without stating Trump. She's not even the most qualified so that's not an answer. Gary Johnson is way more qualified than she is...I mean to start, he's actually balanced a budget.
I wasn't actually responding to your post but I agree about Trump's economy or whatever he has vaguely described. The thing is, I was working in the Bill Clinton economy and it was good to me. Unfortunately that wasn't the case 8 years ago and there were gaps in my employment throughout the 8 years of Dubya.

Although this economy may not be perfect, it's growing, hiring and hasn't slipped back into recession. So if you're talking stuck in the gutter, frozen credit, failing banks, failing businesses and losing 800k jobs per month is about as stuck as it can get. I'll take today's economy every single time in comparison as my job and 401k reflect that.

Although I am no follower of that clown, Trump really needs to focus on foreign policy as most people remember how far we've come economically since 2007-09. The same cannot be said about our relationship with Russia, Israel and most places in the middle east.

Although we've improved our standing with Iran, it remains to be seen how the inspections and the deal in general will turn out. Losing the support of Israel however was a high price to pay for that nuclear deal. Of course we all know how dangerous radicals are to our nation and all of our allies. Who understands these people better than Israel?

The questionable choices and demonstrated weaknesses of the democrats is clear so imo, this is where he should be on point and on the attack. He has no choice really as he's pretty much alienated large segments of the voting public already.
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Trumps name is all over your posts, tbh. It's all over the internet. It's all over the TV.

He should send y'all a check, tbh.
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Trumps name is all over your posts, tbh. It's all over the internet. It's all over the TV.

He should send y'all a check, tbh.
Not a fan but I've given him a fighting chance to compete. If only he'd listen to someone not in the mirror. His reflection is such a loser!
One person in this election has used a position of political influence to drive donations to a "charitable" foundation in exchange for political favors, and put the security of the country at risk by sharing classified information with people without clearances.

You want to give that person the most powerful position in the free world.

I'll take Brendan Dassey over Clinton.
The AG is apparently laughing at you about the foundation and she's already ruled on the private server lies. Not criminal.
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Telltale sign of a simpleton/cheerleader.

Clinton did not do jackshit to cause the perfect storm around personal computing, wireless, internet/ecommerce, fiber optic networking, etc of the 90s with added fuel from 401k cash hitting the market. I wish confirmation bias could be taxed.
Obviously, only if it was bad would he get the blame. Objective reasoning at its best.
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You don't say you want the AA vote and then in the same breath talk about putting more cops in their neighborhoods(aka locking up even more blacks).

I guess you didnt pay much attention to the people who gave interviews in milwaukee. Literally said the exact opposite of what youre claiming. But you libs like to speak for the AAs, so youre probably right.
Lol. Yeah bc all we need is every hospital operating as smoothly as the VA. Do you go to a private practice doctor, or to the health department? Why? Do you think new devices are developed and innovation is spurred bc of the goodness of everyones heart...or bc of the competition created by the free market? For example, outside of you think the guy who invented vacuums did so bc he wanted everyone to have a clean house? No, he did so bc of the opportunity in the market and then he could sell it to make money...otherwise he would have just made one for himself and quit. No different with anything else. The point being,You do realize everything that you own or exists..unless natural, exists because of money....or else it wouldn't exist.

Back to companies don't hold the power...that's the misconception pushed by the left. After all the government started medicare which is used as a price point for everyone. If that was eliminated you would have competition.

The dirty truth about American health care is that it costs more not because insurers are so powerful, but because they’re so weak.
In the U.S., insurers negotiate with hospitals and drug companies on their own -- and they pay more as a result. In fact, because of their weak negotiating position they frequently use whatever price Medicare is paying as a baseline and then, because they lack the power to strike a similar deal, add a percentage on top. Joshua Gottlieb, an economist at the University of British Columbia, found that when Medicare increases what it pays for a service by $1, private insurers increase their payments by $1.30.

That leaves the U.S. with the worst of both approaches: Prices aren’t set by the market, but they also aren’t set by the government. Consequently, Medicare’s negotiating power is weakened by the threat that drug companies or hospitals will opt to do business only with higher-paying private insurers. We simultaneously miss out on the efficiency of a purely private system and on the savings of a purely public one.

If insurers lose on negotiating with medical providers, however, they’re much better than the government at innovating on insurance design. Co-pays and deductibles aren’t popular, but they work. Many insurers are experimenting with ways to create incentives for better health, including using personal technology -- everything from e-mails to smartphone cameras. (The disastrous introduction of the Obama administration’s website hardly instills confidence in the government’s capacity to exploit digital medicine with similar efficiency.)
neither Medicare nor Canada has done anything innovative on the delivery side. Taiwan is trying a little bit but not a whole lot. By and large they just pay bills.” The limitations of single-payer systems became clear during the health-care debate, when the Congressional Budget Office projected that premiums for a public option would be higher than premiums for private insurance -- unless a public option could avail itself of Medicare’s pricing power.

A health-care system that followed international best practices would direct the government to set rates. Or it would let insurers band together and negotiate rates collectively -- a practice called “all-payer rate setting.” But it wouldn’t need to eliminate private insurers. It’s good for consumers to have a choice of insurers, who have real incentives to innovate and devise better ways to keep customers healthy and costs down.
You could have just the linked the Washington post article you copied that from. Would have been quicker and easier.
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Trust in Hillary!

(my apologies to kybobcat in advance)

Naughty Clinton Foundation Fun Fact #198: The Energizer Edition

But the tax-exempt charitable group’s move to steer funds to a private interest — Clinton pals operating the for-profit Energy Pioneer Solutions — is beyond the pale and may violate federal law, the watchdogs said.

Speculation is rampant that McMahon is the woman dubbed “Energizer” by Secret Service agents because of her frequent visits to the Clinton house when Bill was home and Hillary was away.

Trust in Hillary!

Queen of Transparency

If all of this comes out before the election…then even Trump won't be able to eff things up. The landslide win that Z has been predicting will occur…just not for his girl. If it all comes out after the election and Hillary wins then shame on everyone…the media, the IRS, the FBI, the political system, the voters, everyone. Either way…all of you jackals defending the Clinton Foundation are eventually going to wind up with dog shit on your face.
Trust in Hillary!

(my apologies to kybobcat in advance)

Naughty Clinton Foundation Fun Fact #198: The Energizer Edition

But the tax-exempt charitable group’s move to steer funds to a private interest — Clinton pals operating the for-profit Energy Pioneer Solutions — is beyond the pale and may violate federal law, the watchdogs said.

Speculation is rampant that McMahon is the woman dubbed “Energizer” by Secret Service agents because of her frequent visits to the Clinton house when Bill was home and Hillary was away.


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Which one of these libs was arguing that the case of refugees attacking and raping a mentally challenges girl in idaho didnt happen? Moe? Z? Albany? Im sure all of these mental olympians chimed in at one point or another.

I specifically remember moe saying the mayor was republican so there is no possibly way they wouod be lying about it.

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
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Get your popcorn ready. The Clinton Foundation possibly hacked:

Oh that would be glorious.

As an aside, hilarious the article quotes an official who said the us should "carry a big stick" in regards to cyber attacks.

Too bad the nsa was just hacked. Along with the dnc. The secretary of state. Who knows who else. And nevermind that Obama handed the Internet over to China and Russia.

Big stick? We don't even have a splinter
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Yeah, shouldn't all presidents take the blame for natural disasters as well as the economy? Simple common sense.

Noone says he needs to take blame. Neither he nor bush can control the weather.

But he can take time off the golf course to act like he cares.

And we should see the same level of media scrutiny that Bush received (lol ya right)
Oh that would be glorious.

As an aside, hilarious the article quotes and official who said the us should "carry a big stick" in regards to cyber attacks.

Too bad the nsa was just hacked. Along with the dnc. The secretary of state. Who knows who else. And nevermind that Obama handed the Internet over to China and Russia.

Big stick? We don't even have a splinter

So as a result, let's restrict tax paying Americans access to freedom.

Buddy, don't get me started on the steroid democrat use of nsa.
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Man, is the DNC and the clintons the only people dumb/greedy enough to believe a nigerian prince wants to transfer them millions?

I mean, i can definitely see why a clinton would actually think its real and click the link. Hmm, we just got 25 mil from saudi princes, wonder how much this nigerian wants to "donate".
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Man, is the DNC and the clintons the obly people dumb/greedy enough to believe a nigerian prince wants to transfer them millions?

I mean, i can definitely see why a clinto would actually think its real and click the link. Hmm, we just got 25 mil from saudi princes, wonder how much this nigerian wants to "donate".
Speaking of the Saudis, haven't they been bombing schools and other places in Yemen? Hillary really knows how to find wonderful donors.
Noone says he needs to take blame. Neither he nor bush can control the weather.

But he can take time off the golf course to act like he cares.

And we should see the same level of media scrutiny that Bush received (lol ya right)
Bush would be getting killed if he did this during Katrina.

Hell Bush did nothing wrong and still got attacked for stuff that was the idiot mayors fault.
Bush would be getting killed if he did this during Katrina.

Hell Bush did nothing wrong and still got attacked for stuff that was the idiot mayors fault.

Oh that would be glorious.

As an aside, hilarious the article quotes and official who said the us should "carry a big stick" in regards to cyber attacks.

Too bad the nsa was just hacked. Along with the dnc. The secretary of state. Who knows who else. And nevermind that Obama handed the Internet over to China and Russia.

Big stick? We don't even have a splinter
I've often wondered if all these supposed "glitches" that have been hitting Airports hard the last few years weren't outside countries hacking them. Just a few weeks ago one of em had a "glitch" and they couldn't let any flights off almost an entire day but it was just a "glitch". I call bs. I think its pretty obvious that we as a country are being spanked in cyber warfare right now.
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I've often wondered if all these supposed "glitches" that have been hitting Airports hard the last few years weren't outside countries hacking them. Just a few weeks ago one of em had a "glitch" and they couldn't let any flights off almost an entire day but it was just a "glitch". I call bs. I think its pretty obvious that we as a country are being spanked in cyber warfare right now.

This country has been getting spanked for several years now,in all areas, not just cyber security
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