How will they rule ??!

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Pay no attention to the Clinton Foundation's tax exempt status and where the majority of their money is funneled.

Jesus F'ing Christ the liberals have their heads so far up their asses in this election it's unbelievable.

Hildagarde's tax return has claimed a 34% effective tax rate and a 10% charitable rate just released today. Meh.

My goodness.

The Clinton's generate the vast majority of their income "speaking" which carries very little expense, capital or otherwise.

Their "10% charitable rate" was literally them taking money from their one pocket and putting it in the other. The vast majority went to the Clinton Foundation Slush Fund.
  • No one should be surprised....if Trump pulls the wings off of baby butterflies.
  • Indeed, that's the expectation of....someone who thinks Trump eats live bunnies with a knife and fork.
  • It's both possible and legal....that Trump had sex with Rachel Maddow.
  • I would expect he's ....really a transvestite planted by George Soros.
Lot's of what-iffin here folks......but let's throw it out to the MSM and watch them run with it. In the mean time, Hillary....

…advocates aborting baby butterflies even during the chrysalis stage.

…eats live bunnies using only her bare hands and her sharp fangs.

…hasn't had sex with a male in over 40 years.

…was a transvestite planted by George Soros way before Trump made it the wrong thing to be.
wow, motherjones actually reports on this

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So, I see Hillary released her tax returns. And we know that 96% of her charity went to the Clinton Foundation. And we know that 98% of the revenues of the Clinton Foundation went to.......salaries and benefits! Poor old Chelsey. heh. A 7 figure income, and her mom gets a tax deduction to boot!
I always find it amusing how thin skinned you guys on the right tend to be...
They wear their intelligence on their sleeve. There's no depth to them. Superficial little raw asses mad at the world. They see everything they believe in being exposed as fake even as they diminish as a species. Doomed by demographics to extinction. The last gasp of a failed ideology. It would be tragic were it possible to feel sorry for them.
They wear their intelligence on their sleeve. There's no depth to them. Superficial little raw asses mad at the world. They see everything they believe in being exposed as fake even as they diminish as a species. Doomed by demographics to extinction. The last gasp of a failed ideology. It would be tragic were it possible to feel sorry for them.
How long does it take for you to come with this crap? Republicans exposing Liberal hypocrites like Z daily.
After you lose this election you will never see another Republican president. Know this and take that to your grave with you in the dust heap of history. You might as well be the Whig party. You won't even be able to carry Texas soon. Goodbye. Rest in pieces.
Wait, did someone call like-kind exchanges a "loophole"?

Is mortgage interest a loophole? What about personal/dependent exemptions?

heh. Maybe loophole will become this cycle's lockbox!
So many posts in this thread these days, I usually just skim. But is someone arguing that Bush lied about WMD, that sitting Senators didn't have access to classified information and were just drinking the koolaid? Are we still talking about that 15 years later?

What does Bob Woodward, that well-known useful idot of the right, say?

May 24, 2015
Bob Woodward: Bush did not lie about WMD in Iraq.

Today, on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace asked Bob Woodward about the questions the GOP candidates have been getting about Iraq: Was the 2003 invasion a mistake? Woodward answered:

[Y]ou certainly can make a persuasive argument it was a mistake. But there is a time that line going along that Bush and the other people lied about this. I spent 18 months looking at how Bush decided to invade Iraq. And lots of mistakes, but it was Bush telling George Tenet, the CIA director, don't let anyone stretch the case on WMD. And he was the one who was skeptical. And if you try to summarize why we went into Iraq, it was momentum. The war plan kept getting better and easier, and finally at the end, people were saying, hey, look, it will only take a week or two. And early on it looked like it was going to take a year or 18 months. And so Bush pulled the trigger. A mistake certainly can be argued, and there is an abundance of evidence. But there was no lying in this that I could find.
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One thing will never change will always be remembered here as a hypocrite that you are. I'll be fine regardless.
You consider me a hypocrite because what I do is beyond your ability to comprehend. What you superficially see as hypocrisy is only the breadcrumbs I leave behind for you to follow. Purposefully. Do you think a fish could correctly call a fisherman a hypocrite for dangling the worm before it? No. That would be silly. But from the fish's point of view it would certainly appear to be so. You said you would give me this delicious worm you liar. You tricked me. Oblivious to the fact its own big mouth and low intelligence made it easy pickings.

Just like you are to me.
So, I see Hillary released her tax returns. And we know that 96% of her charity went to the Clinton Foundation. And we know that 98% of the revenues of the Clinton Foundation went to.......salaries and benefits! Poor old Chelsey. heh. A 7 figure income, and her mom gets a tax deduction to boot!

The Clinton's do not receive any salary from the foundation.
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The big bad boogieman that is the Clinton Foundation:

We believe that the best way to unlock human potential is through the power of creative collaboration. That's why we build partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments, and individuals everywhere to work faster, leaner, and better; to find solutions that last; and to transform lives and communities from what they are today to what they can be, tomorrow.

Everywhere we go, we're trying to work ourselves out of a job. Whether it's improving global health, increasing opportunity for girls and women, reducing childhood obesity and preventable diseases, creating economic opportunity and growth, or helping communities address the effects of climate change, we keep score by the lives that are saved or improved.

What began as one man's drive to help people everywhere grew quickly into a foundation committed to helping people realize their full potential. Because the best thing we can do together is give others the chance to live their best life stories.

We're all in this together.

How We Work
The Clinton Foundation is an operating foundation. The money raised by the Foundation is spent directly on our programs, and not as grants to other charitable organizations.

The majority of the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work is performed and implemented by our staff and partners on the ground. We operate programs around the world that have a significant impact in a wide range of issue areas, including economic development, climate change, health and wellness, and participation of girls and women.

In cases where we support others in their own philanthropic endeavors, the money is used to convene these partners to develop their programs and commitments, rather than directly implement projects.

Because of our work, more than 31,000 American schools are providing kids with healthy food choices in an effort to eradicate childhood obesity; more than 105,000 farmers in Malawi, Rwanda, and Tanzania are benefiting from climate-smart agronomic training, higher yields, and increased market access; more than 33,500 tons of greenhouse gas emissions are being reduced annually across the United States; over 450,000 people have been impacted through market opportunities created by social enterprises in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia; through the independent Clinton Health Access Initiative, over 11.5 million people in more than 70 countries have access to CHAI-negotiated prices for HIV/AIDS medications; an estimated 85 million people in the U.S. will be reached through strategic health partnerships developed across industry sectors at both the local and national level; and members of the Clinton Global Initiative community have made more than 3,500 Commitments to Action, which have improved the lives of over 430 million people in more than 180 countries.
It's from the Clinton Foundation. Now if there is information to back that up that is what actually happened then that needs to be seen but not from their Foundation.
I dont care about extra periods really, or misspelled words. I would just like you to back up the statement that HRC is the worst political candidate in history. That is it.

Also, I voted for Romney, I liked his health care in Mass. I dont care about Dems vs Reps. I care about people making informed decisions. So please back up the statement HRC is the worst political candidate in history, as you originally stated.

I will wait.

Leak, as long as she breaths, the fact remains.

Here's a link
Doing good things for people (especially children) is a good target for you jackasses. Maybe if you pound on it long enough their donations will dry up and you can put an end to all these terrible things The Clinton Foundation has done and continues to do.

Meanwhile, you're backing Donald Trump for President.

Let that sink in for a little bit. Have a moment of introspection about who you are and what you believe in for a few minutes.
Holy crap.. you actually DID quote some organization's own page as some sort of "see they aren't the bad guys!"..? Is that a joke?

I'm a total amateur in the Politics page, but Christ, not even the 16-year old me would do that.
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Go read all the stuff from these organizations. It's all written in the same vague add progressive tone. It's quiet hillarious. The GEM stuff and Clinton Foundation online stuff is nearly identical.
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Agree with this, anyone who has ever been in the military knows that you cannot and will not go against the your commanders or the government leaders while serving. You are told not to do this or you could suffer punishment. Some people are so gullible it's pathetic.

It just shows how political they are. These men are not lying, and orders don't magically disappear. The Obama/Clinton machine has been the most corrupt in history, and it's only going to get worse. The corruption has reached the military in the last few years. You've got generals basically giving false info for fear they will say the wrong things. Even if Obama / Hillary aren't doing it directly, the people under them are afraid to give bad news. The corruption in this country is about to be at record levels.
There are precious few truly good organizations left in the world. The Catholic Charities being the best I know of. But The Clinton Foundation is a truly wonderful organization that does good things around the world and right here at home. Does that really have to be a target? Does it have to be lumped in with all the rest and demonized as a slush fund for the Clintons? Can't some things get a pass as a basic recognition of human decency?
There are precious few truly good organizations left in the world. The Catholic Charities being the best I know of. But The Clinton Foundation is a truly wonderful organization that does good things around the world and right here at home. Does that really have to be a target? Does it have to be lumped in with all the rest and demonized as a slush fund for the Clintons? Can't some things get a pass as a basic recognition of human decency?

Dude, the time spend trolling the hell out of these guys is truly envious. Are you that guy on YouTube that pops up before my videos? "Hey guy, I'm lord crow, figured I'd film this from my backyard"?

Today we have someone complaining about the "loopholes" of like kind exchanges and passive activity loss limitations, and another citing the Clinton Foundation About Us page to try and garner support for Clinton.

Guess it's time for the weekend.
Is anybody really surprised that trump supporters aren't putting signs in their yards or bumper stickers on their cars? Just look what happened to his supporters outside of some of his rallies.There are Trump supporters being murdered now just for wearing Trump shirts.

Hell I'm a Trump supporter and I don't have a sign or bumper sticker cause I'd rather not be shot or stabbed for having a different opinion than some crazy wack job leftist.

But no it's the 3 trump supporters to actually fight back that are the criminals. Just ask any libtard.
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I think hillarys support for a child rapist is going to bite her.

Seriously, if the media in this country was just 25% fair, this election wouldn't be close. They are having to work double time to cover for all of clintons lies, health issues, and corruptness.

This video just shows how racist and sick the media has become. They will not stop with the race talk, and try to discredit this guy for absolutely no reason.

It's just business. Everybody is funding jihad!

This is crazy nuts. They don't mention the jihad tax, btw. Just the treatment of women, which you think would be enough for our feminist govt to put their foot down, but if they knew money generated by shariah finance law directly funds the slaughter of non Muslims, they still wouldn't give a shit, but maybe someone would. Idk.

however, yea, if projections are true, sharia law will be very common here in the states by 2030. It's just business.
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We don't have bumper stickers cause they are tacky and devalue a car.. Only a lib would plaster his shit-box with 30 liberal bumper stickers.

Speaking of which.. still see a lot of Bern stickers.. are people just gonna like.. leave those? for nostalgia purposes?
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It's just business. Everybody is funding jihad!

This is crazy nuts. They don't mention the jihad tax, btw. Just the treatment of women, which you think would be enough for our feminist govt to put their foot down, but if they knew money generated by shariah finance law directly funds the slaughter of non Muslims, they still wouldn't give a shit, but maybe someone would. Idk.

however, yea, if projections are true, sharia law will be very common here in the states by 2030. It's just business.

When we have a bigger populous of Muslim neighborhoods they will begin to slowly call for sharia in their own parts. And liberals, as follows their pattern to allow black communities to try and segregate, will oblige. It's all about votes for a machine.