How will they rule ??!

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I believe the Bible says the same thing. God before country. Isn't that what the right always says? Or is it guns before god but after country? I can't remember.

I guess that only applies to Christians. Everyone else shouldn't put their faith over laws that may conflict with that. I'm almost positive there's even a constitutional amendment for that.
I believe the law should give you freedom of religion....believe what you want.

It is my understanding that sharia law (Islam) is religion being the law.... I could be wrong

But in my mind that is a HUGE difference and unacceptable.

I am an atheist by the way. But with all my heart support freedom of religion.
I believe the law should give you freedom of religion....believe what you want.

It is my understanding that sharia law (Islam) is religion being the law.... I could be wrong

But in my mind that is a HUGE difference and unacceptable.

I am an atheist by the way. But with all my heart support freedom of religion.

You are correct on all counts.
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I completely ignore lord crow all together. I didn't put him on ignore, I just choose to ignore him. Everyone should do the same. He's just trying to be funny and witty and IMO he's neither. More like that kid in class that didn't fit in but tried really really hard. They mostly congregate now in the "cool guy" threads.

Lek is far worse. Lek is intellectually the equivalent of the middle class snob. It is just not there. His greatest achievment in life is he started a D- League thread on a message board. Hopefully, they can put that on his tombstone.
Nokia? Never said that Finland was a better place to live. Never said we should become Finland. Again it's effin impossible to talk on this board. Simply pointing out that considering Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party liberal is laughable in places like Finland.

Don't even try. You're in a right-wing echo chamber.

Anyone who isn't super red is shouted down and called names. I'm a socially left-leaning centrist and you'd think I was GD Bernie Sanders up in here.

The DNC is GOP-lite. There's no "liberal" liberals in that party. They're just wanna be cons.
So, what happens when trump suggest In front of the country during the debates that he'll offer his tax records if Hillary will release her medical records and Wall Street transcripts?

Would the left accept that offer?

LMAO. I can see their faces now.

..........oh shit......,,,,,

This is at the bottom of the page but I know when I go to the next page the responses will either a) no response, or b) Trump wouldn't release anyway so why should Hillary.

Because that is the best they go, stay tuned......
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Lek is far worse. Lek is intellectually the equivalent of the middle class snob. It is just not there. His greatest achievment in life is he started a D- League thread on a message board. Hopefully, they can put that on his tombstone.

I've always had the suspicion that they are the same person.

Yea the "leagur" crews are the ones I was referring to. The internet gave the misfits a platform to hide their spectacles / Acne and pretend to be "one of the guys". It's hilarious watching it.
Don't even try. You're in a right-wing echo chamber.

Anyone who isn't super red is shouted down and called names. I'm a socially left-leaning centrist and you'd think I was GD Bernie Sanders up in here.

The DNC is GOP-lite. There's no "liberal" liberals in that party. They're just wanna be cons.

Yea except for the fact that most of us are now "anti" red, and have bucked the entire establishment and both parties, hoping for real change to happen.

But keep going.
If you say the same things over and over and one day you perhaps misspeak while giving the same speech then those who have paid attention know what you meant.

Oh I think she absolutely meant to say she wasn't raising taxes on the middle class. Although I think it was a total Freudian slip, and that she fully intends to raise taxes on the middle class.

So she mistakenly said what she meant. Which is clintonesque, inception version of lying. Deep.

Btw, the DNC deaths are actually making mainstream news. Heard it in the radio. That's insane, tbh. Bookended heavy by disclaimers and such, but it's out there.

Maybe it'll get legs. Doubtful. Definitely not getting the trump hopes Clinton is assassinated legs. Saw the npr headline that read "trump seems to suggest"....SEEMS TO SUGGEST. Can anything be more spin than that. And from npr no less.

I just want to announce that I'm putting all of you on ignore. The only person who is not an idiot and agrees with everything I agree with is me, therefore I will only talk with me.

Have anymore Facebook political news? That seems to be your specialty.

You know, like the one you posted about trump turning Republican because they'll believe anything. Or the one where no living president endorses him.

I saw someone post Facebook will make everything public by midnight tonight if you don't repost something. Hear if that's true?

So, what happens when trump suggest In front of the country during the debates that he'll offer his tax records if Hillary will release her medical records and Wall Street transcripts?

Would the left accept that offer?

LMAO. I can see their faces now.

..........oh shit......,,,,,

Williams never happen. Those records have already been scrubbed. Hillary will stop at nothing to win. Changing medical records would be child's play for her.

By the way me and my range crew just shot my new REPR AR all day today. Had those super high capacity 30 round magazines (standard capacity to people who know guns) and it was a blast. And think about this. No one died.

Meanwhile in liberal ran Chicago, 2 men were gunned down with high point standard handguns. If only the nation had the same gun laws as Chicago me and my boys wouldn't have acted so careless today.

You mean the inanimate object didn't leap out of your hand and mow down hapless bystanders? Impossible. Libs say all the time it's the guns fault.
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Why does really really want me to know that Dan Rather - the man who once tried to steal an election for the Dems - doesn't approve of Donald Trump?

If we're making a list of not relevant things, that's gotta be at the top.
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Yea except for the fact that most of us are now "anti" red, and have bucked the entire establishment and both parties, hoping for real change to happen.

But keep going.

Most? Really? The only fun I get here is poking Trump supporters because there are so many in comparison and they take any uncomfortable bit of truth like you slapped their wives and kicked their kid in the chest.

Dems? They know the truth and don't really try to fight it too much.
Honest question silver tail.

If the globe starts to severely cool, the oceans recede, and science claims the globe is experiencing yet another shift, what would your response be? Honestly?

I'd wonder what the cause was.Things change for reasons. I hope you understand that the physics behind AGW is ancient stuff. Early 19th century. And they've worked out the energy from QM principles.

I wish you cared about the issue enough to think about the energies involved. At the depth of ice ages, glaciers are melted by a net of 0 additional energy over the course of the year. And then feedbacks take over. Look at the co2/temp graph I posted earlier. That represents 0 net additional energy + feedbacks. Look at the increase in temps. Look at the speed at which things change. Think about the way people have reacted in the past.
Most? Really? The only fun I get here is poking Trump supporters because there are so many in comparison and they take any uncomfortable bit of truth like you slapped their wives and kicked their kid in the chest.

Dems? They know the truth and don't really try to fight it too much.

Sorry dawg. I pretty much ignore anyone with "Da" in the name.

I do however like clock necklaces. We agree on that.

Joke joke joke joke joke joke joke.


Yea except for the fact that most of us are now "anti" red, and have bucked the entire establishment and both parties, hoping for real change to happen.

But keep going.

I see way too much blowing of the Donald's 2-inch lil' cawk for the Paddock's political elite to be "anti red".

Fixing this shit is gonna take more than an angry goblin who "speaks his mind" aka tosses out insults that might get a chuckle at a middle school lunch table. Dude's literally got nothing, and you have people who can barely read words, much less write them, lapping this crap up and putting his sticker on their 1987 Silverado. He's not building a wall. He's not banning Muslims. He's just laughing at the sister-fisting Cletuses he just manipulated into voting for him. (Pantsuit McGhee is doing the same thing)

Seriously, that's the right's solution? That guy? And as much as y'all bag on liberals for wanting to go "far left" you effers want to go "far right," which doesn't seem all that pleasant unless living in a corporate dictatorship/Christian theocracy is your thing.

There's a reason I'm voting for Johnson and refuse to get into this pool of red/blue idiocy. We can argue all day about who is shittier, Trump or Clinton, and nobody would be wrong. The partisans - red and blue - can't see it or won't see it. I don't know which is which.

Is Gary Johnson perfect? No. Is he a better alternative to these two f-sticks? Absolutely. If we could cut the spending - all of it, military included - get the religion the hell out of the government, legalize pot and quit screwing with the guns, most of us would be happy. But, noooo. It's gotta be right or left. Red or blue. Can't be something amicable. Always "our way or the highway." That's why I hate politics.
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I'd wonder what the cause was.Things change for reasons. I hope you understand that the physics behind AGW is ancient stuff. Early 19th century. And they've worked out the energy from QM principles.

I wish you cared about the issue enough to think about the energies involved. At the depth of ice ages, glaciers are melted by a net of 0 additional energy over the course of the year. And then feedbacks take over. Look at the co2/temp graph I posted earlier. That represents 0 net additional energy + feedbacks. Look at the increase in temps. Look at the speed at which things change. Think about the way people have reacted in the past.

What do you suggest the U.S. Does to attack the issue? How can we change the changing globe?
I see way too much blowing of the Donald's 2-inch lil' cawk for the Paddock's political elite to be "anti red".

Fixing this shit is gonna take more than an angry goblin who "speaks his mind" aka tosses out insults that might get a chuckle at a middle school lunch table. Dude's literally got nothing, and you have people who can barely read words, much less write them, lapping this crap up and putting his sticker on their 1987 Silverado. He's not building a wall. He's not banning Muslims. He's just laughing at the sister-fisting Cletuses he just manipulated into voting for him. (Pantsuit McGhee is doing the same thing)

Seriously, that's the right's solution? That guy? And as much as y'all bag on liberals for wanting to go "far left" you effers want to go "far right," which doesn't seem all that pleasant unless living in a corporate dictatorship/Christian theocracy is your thing.

There's a reason I'm voting for Johnson and refuse to get into this pool of red/blue idiocy. We can argue all day about who is shittier, Trump or Clinton, and nobody would be wrong. The partisans - red and blue - can't see it or won't see it. I don't know which is which.

Is Gary Johnson perfect? No. Is he a better alternative to these two f-sticks? Absolutely. If we could cut the spending - all of it, military included - get the religion the hell out of the government, legalize pot and quit screwing with the guns, most of us would be happy. But, noooo. It's gotta be right or left. Red or blue. Can't be something amicable. Always "our way or the highway." That's why I hate politics.

And what about the black population that is uneducated that slaps Obama/Biden on their 87 Chevy supreme? Do those ever cross you mind, or is it easier to attack low lying fruit and go after uneducated whites?
Nonsense, I gave a summary of the current thinking.

You imagined some point I was ma king about Sandy. The thinking is that the pool of cold water will create a storm track.

And your paranoia about storm naming is ...something.

Evidence-free doubt isn't evidence.

So the current thinking isn't that climate change isn't what caused the rash of US hurricanes 10 years ago, it's how did climate change NOT cause them? What happened is they were wrong,its that simple.
It's cyclical Moe, just like people that were called deniers then tried to tell you.
There will be another rash of them, and that won't be climate change either, weather is a big freaking cycle.
I first thought liberal knew the "climate change" issue was a political issue to make a problem, and knew it only amounted to propaganda but since it was the new liberal wave of stances, they just went with it.

I now think they actually believe it. All it takes is the democrat machine pumping rhetoric and the supporters become pathological in their quest for the W.
What do you suggest the U.S. Does to attack the issue? How can we change the changing globe?

There are all manner of things that can be done once the world's leaders acknowledge the problem. But the margins get tighter and answers get harsher the longer we dick around.
I see way too much blowing of the Donald's 2-inch lil' cawk for the Paddock's political elite to be "anti red".

Fixing this shit is gonna take more than an angry goblin who "speaks his mind" aka tosses out insults that might get a chuckle at a middle school lunch table. Dude's literally got nothing, and you have people who can barely read words, much less write them, lapping this crap up and putting his sticker on their 1987 Silverado. He's not building a wall. He's not banning Muslims. He's just laughing at the sister-fisting Cletuses he just manipulated into voting for him. (Pantsuit McGhee is doing the same thing)

Seriously, that's the right's solution? That guy? And as much as y'all bag on liberals for wanting to go "far left" you effers want to go "far right," which doesn't seem all that pleasant unless living in a corporate dictatorship/Christian theocracy is your thing.

There's a reason I'm voting for Johnson and refuse to get into this pool of red/blue idiocy. We can argue all day about who is shittier, Trump or Clinton, and nobody would be wrong. The partisans - red and blue - can't see it or won't see it. I don't know which is which.

Is Gary Johnson perfect? No. Is he a better alternative to these two f-sticks? Absolutely. If we could cut the spending - all of it, military included - get the religion the hell out of the government, legalize pot and quit screwing with the guns, most of us would be happy. But, noooo. It's gotta be right or left. Red or blue. Can't be something amicable. Always "our way or the highway." That's why I hate politics.

Wow and I'd also say you're caught up in that utopian mindset. Get rid of the guns? Really? Cut the military more than it already is? In this new extreme wave of terror?

You aren't moderate, you're rather extreme. Don't fool yourself.
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There are all manner of things that can be done once the world's leaders acknowledge the problem. But the margins get tighter and answers get harsher the longer we dick around.

You didn't answer the question.

You are now the U.S. President. So president moe, what do you want the U.S. To so as a means to combat "the globe"? Try not googling and see how you do.
So the current thinking isn't that climate change isn't what caused the rash of US hurricanes 10 years ago, it's how did climate change NOT cause them? What happened is they were wrong,its that simple.
It's cyclical Moe, just like people that were called deniers then tried to tell you.
There will be another rash of them, and that won't be climate change either, weather is a big freaking cycle.

There's no magic ingredient call cyclical. There are cycles of something or other. What is there supposed to be a cycle of that causes hurricanes?
I see way too much blowing of the Donald's 2-inch lil' cawk for the Paddock's political elite to be "anti red".

Fixing this shit is gonna take more than an angry goblin who "speaks his mind" aka tosses out insults that might get a chuckle at a middle school lunch table. Dude's literally got nothing, and you have people who can barely read words, much less write them, lapping this crap up and putting his sticker on their 1987 Silverado. He's not building a wall. He's not banning Muslims. He's just laughing at the sister-fisting Cletuses he just manipulated into voting for him. (Pantsuit McGhee is doing the same thing)

Seriously, that's the right's solution? That guy? And as much as y'all bag on liberals for wanting to go "far left" you effers want to go "far right," which doesn't seem all that pleasant unless living in a corporate dictatorship/Christian theocracy is your thing.

There's a reason I'm voting for Johnson and refuse to get into this pool of red/blue idiocy. We can argue all day about who is shittier, Trump or Clinton, and nobody would be wrong. The partisans - red and blue - can't see it or won't see it. I don't know which is which.

Is Gary Johnson perfect? No. Is he a better alternative to these two f-sticks? Absolutely. If we could cut the spending - all of it, military included - get the religion the hell out of the government, legalize pot and quit screwing with the guns, most of us would be happy. But, noooo. It's gotta be right or left. Red or blue. Can't be something amicable. Always "our way or the highway." That's why I hate politics.

Mega, honest question, have you even followed this election or do you just think it's cool to be different?
The republican candidate is losing republican support because he isn't pro corporation and he isn't using religion as a crutch. It's the democrat that's pro corporation and Wall Street. All the billionaires and wall st are with her.
You may not like Trump, and that's fine, but he ain't the typical republican, that's why the party leaders are afraid of him. He wins and their game is coming to an end.
Imagine a liberal being alive during the ages when volcanic activity was extreme.....

Mr. dinosaur, your gas is leading to the warming of our planet. Please regulate the amount of omissions from your anus, while we cross the oceans and get the rest of these lizards in order.
it's above my pay grade.

Exactly. You have no f'ing idea, and I'm glad you're at least honest about it.

The answer is there is no answer. We don't even know if we are causing a problem. If it's happening, we're all going to die. There's nothing we can do.

Try not to help destroy working people's careers in your utopian quest that you admit will fail anyway.
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HRC's plan is for corporations and "those at the top" to pay their "fair share" of taxes. Doesn't "fair share" mean everyone pays the same? Isn't what is "fair" for one, "fair" for all? If is "fair" for "those at the top" to "pay their fair share", isn't it also "fair" for those at the bottom to pay their "fair" share?
Bravo moe.

just got outed big time. Cant believe curly even had the non gender specific privates to say "i dont flipping know".
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Wisconsin knows what's up.

It's interesting that, as the map narrows more and more for Trump, his possible pathways increasingly include a 269 tie.
Wisconsin knows what's up.

It's interesting that, as the map narrows more and more for Trump, his possible pathways increasingly include a 269 tie.

When Hillary passes out on stage from her issues, the election will end immediately. No more "bathroom break" excuses when it's in front of the nation.