How will they rule ??!

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So, sedition and treason and not murder?
Heh. I suppose that's true. However....the animating concern of the 2nd amendment, to a large degree, was "risk of oppression". Empowering the citizenry to be free of tyrannical government - to be free from its own government - is kinda the point of the right to bear arms. The amendment didn't do much more than embody common law principles that were by then hundreds of years old. The founders really weren't thinking of someone breaking into your garage.
So the GOP has been beating on Hillary Clinton for 35 years and she is still standing up and fighting back. Kind of a wow there. Still if they are right that she is a liar, I'm left with the choice of a competent strong liar and a nincompoop liar that can't string words together in a way that is lucid or non-incendiary.

Not really a hard choice given the demands of the job.
Its easy to stand up and fight back when the media is in the tank for you.
New York Times reporter saying because Trump is a dangerous man, they have do everything possible to make sure he isn't elected. No media bias here folks.
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For the third week in a row, I challenge posters to post a quote from trump that shows he's a racist.

You won't be able to. So stop parroting the msm, and think for yourself for a change. There's probably 1000 reasons why trump shouldn't be president. But this is what gets brought up consistently. Smh

No idea. Not big enough to stop an executive order from a president. Even if it's later determined to be illegal, it'll be years getting there. That's assuming the bench isn't stacked with her appointees at the time.
Never underestimate or even misunderestimate the power of the dollar.
you mean the guy who decided one day to be a "terrorist" and went and killed a bunch of a people. lol some terrorist.

answer me big is the bunker you live in?

I think you're confused. We're talking about the radicalized Muslim who pledged allegiance to ISIS as he murdered scores of people.
Who is anti-science? Wow what an uniformed poster! But I digress this is Kentucky after all. The Texas textbook controversy is just one huge example. Wow talk a bout being unaware. How many times have you've gone to the Ark with all your valuable belongings?

Again, who is anti science? Whats the Texas textbook controversy got to do with anyone on here?
What does a private citizen building an Ark have to do with anyone on here? I think it's silly to build it, but thats on the guy that built it, not me nor anyone on here.

Science says you're a male if your born with male genitalia, correct?

I love science, but I also believe money has a way of manipulating folks. You think it's coincidence Obama is looking into getting into environmental awareness after his term ends? Worked wonders for Al Gore.
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Also, the fact that he's on TV insinuating a murdered DNC staffer was the source of the leak has me worried he doesn't have much else to release.

There's 30,000 emails and whatever the hell else out there that someone has. If Assange doesn't leak it, that means a foreign government has it and will just use it to blackmail Clinton.
Russia or China have those 30000 emails. Would bet almost anything that one of those 2 do.
Heh. I suppose that's true. However....the animating concern of the 2nd amendment, to a large degree, was "risk of oppression". Empowering the citizenry to be free of tyrannical government - to be free from its own government - is kinda the point of the right to bear arms. The amendment didn't do much more than embody common law principles that were by then hundreds of years old. The founders really weren't thinking of someone breaking into your garage.

That isn't really true. Treason wouldn't show up in the Constitution. And Trump wasn't talking about tyranny.. He was talking about the elected president appointing judges that his listeners disapproved of.
The left claims Trump wants Hill assassinated, while Hillary has been having people assassinated since around the mid 1990s.
I'll tell you bout we all agree Trump was insinuating people should [blah blah not going to type it since there's a few words I don't want connected together for the NSA].

But if that's the case, then we all can agree Julian Assange just conclusively outted Seth Rich as the person who leaked the DNC emails.

I'm far more concerned about a(nother) suspicious murder connected to the Clinton campaign than I am about a jackass saying jackass things.

It's easy to "out" a dead man...too bad the facts don't match the claim.
Oh, I know...since the messenger doesn't tell you what you want to believe you'll be sure to dismiss it.
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OK, then explain the use of the word "AFTER" she is elected.

Not sure what voting to going to do to stop Hillary AFTER she is elected.

Words matter...and not a single Trump surrogate or Trump supporter has been able to explain his usage of the word AFTER in that statement.

Handfu of Republians this morning telling Trump should take back what he said...

So you think he's implying to kill her if she's elected President? Thats what you really think?

He's saying if she's elected they may need to bear arms to prevent the Govt from running amuck.
When you swear an oath to the United States it is to protect the Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. He said she would appoint judges that would overthrow the second ammendment, thats a threat to the Constitution, I don't believe she will but thats what he was implying.
If murdering dozens of people to incite terror in the name of Islam isn't terrorism, what would you define as terrorism?

did he get a team jacket or a pin or anything? lol i'm going to try that out though....i pledge my allegiance to the red sox. i'm a red sox.
I'm sorry but your ignoring the migration of republicans away from Trump. Your going to be wash away by a reality of sludge if you don't take that finger out of the dike and climb to higher ground.

I've told you this like 3 times. If Trump wins, those Reps will be obsolete, dead men walking, and no I don't mean Trump's going to kill them. It will usher in a new wave of Republicans, ones that aren't seen as being backed by Wallstreet or big business.

The Reps in power now, will lose influence, the Dems will lose the appearance of being for the working man.
the "telling a joke" excuse is just away to normalize something that is unacceptable.

again this is a campaign who has supporters who want to tie hillary up and shoot her. this is what they all want to be normal. they cheer for this stuff.
And yet it's the lefties actually attacking people on the streets.
It's easy to "out" a dead man...too bad the facts don't match the claim.
Oh, I know...since the messenger doesn't tell you what you want to believe you'll be sure to dismiss it.

Is your reading comprehension that poor, or do you not understand the irrelevancy of that link?

How does the claim Snopes is "proving" false:

Claim: DNC staffer Seth Rich was gunned down to prevent him from meeting with the FBI over plans to testify against Hillary Clinton.

relate in any way to Wikileaks?
So you think he's implying to kill her if she's elected President? Thats what you really think?

He's saying if she's elected they may need to bear arms to prevent the Govt from running amuck.
When you swear an oath to the United States it is to protect the Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. He said she would appoint judges that would overthrow the second ammendment, thats a threat to the Constitution, I don't believe she will but thats what he was implying.

Bear arms? Sounds like violence to me. With that said, we are a nation of laws.

If the boogie man is going to come get your guns, then they are goint to come get your guns. Bundy and his friends tried this and I think they are all in jail now.
Sorry. There are lots of anti-science types in the GOP. Climate change deniers. Evolution deniers.

No, thats not anti-science, anti science means you don't believ anything science puts out.

What you wrote is having a differing opinion, and quite honestly in 100 years what we believe to be fact now will be looked upon as silly then.

Science said Hurricanes were cyclical in the mid 2000's when the US was getting hit every year. The Dems screamed it was armageddon due to global warming.

The climate is constantly changing, there is no "normal" temp, there's an average of varying temps that when combined over time are an average.

I swear to Christ it's like you guys parrot independent thought and are incapable of actually doing it.
And yet it's the lefties actually attacking people on the streets.

its not the 50s. when you go around with a broad brush painting blacks as criminals, mexicans as rapists, muslims as terrorists, women as whatever....people arent going to take it like they used too.

but hey...i want trump to be president...i really do.
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did he get a team jacket or a pin or anything? lol i'm going to try that out though....i pledge my allegiance to the red sox. i'm a red sox.
WTF is wrong with you?

Don't think you have to sign a form or be in the team picture to be a terrorist. ISIS will accept anyone who kills in their name - they encourage the lone wolf attacks...again WTF is wrong with you?
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its not the 50s. when you go around with a broad brush painting blacks as criminals, mexicans as rapists, muslims as terrorists, women as whatever....people arent going to take it like they used too.

but hey...i want trump to be president...i really do.
Good thing Trump didn't broad brush those people then.
Bear arms? Sounds like violence to me. With that said, we are a nation of laws.

If the boogie man is going to come get your guns, then they are goint to come get your guns. Bundy and his friends tried this and I think they are all in jail now.

The Constitution is THE LAW OF THE LAND. It's the founding document our laws are based on.
Come on, guys. What would suggest the guy was an Islamic terrorist?

Waaay more likely he was a deranged gay-hating repug spurred on by DT's hate speech.
WTF is wrong with you?

Don't think you have to sign a form or be in the team picture to be a terrorist. ISIS will accept anyone who kills in their name - they encourage the lone wolf attacks...again WTF is wrong with you?

i'm sure they loved taking credit for it.
Never underestimate or even misunderestimate the power of the dollar.

Very true. But power usually trumps money. We will definitely see what wins in the coming years. My guess is, the price for Clinton's mercy will be the NRA completely pulling support from any GOP candidate.

Does anyone on here actually think Trump is going to win in November? I mean really.

I thought she was a lock since she withdrew in 2008 to let Obama have his time. It was clear back then, that was the deal. Give him 8, then everything will swing to her. Plus, another 8 years lets the dumb, short attention span voters forget just what liars the Clintons are. Thats why they could let Bill talk about their loving life together during his speech at the convention.

Right after the GOP convention, and the release of the emails, I thought Trump had a chance. Thats the only time I didnt think she was a lock. Even then, I knew it was unlikely. Electoral map and MSM just too much to overcome for Trump; or any non Dem.
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And the Supreme Court assists in defining what the Counstitution means in today's times. Thank you.

You ever hear of legislating from the bench? Thats not the purpose of the Supreme court. If they were to try and go around a Constitutional Ammendment and rule that the second ammendment is out, which is what Trump was implying, people might have to respond appropriately.
Now, I don't think the Court would do that, but thats what he was getting at.
i'm sure they loved taking credit for it.

Absolutely they loved taking credit for it...they didn't instruct this specific individual to shoot up this specific place (IMO - idk what intelligence found), but they do throw out ideas on carrying out attacks and hope people like him run with it.

He is their target audience and people like him are a huge danger to us. So yes, they get exactly what they want...but not surprised you think killing 50 isn't a big deal - guess that's JV type stuff,