How will they rule ??!

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Also, the fact that he's on TV insinuating a murdered DNC staffer was the source of the leak has me worried he doesn't have much else to release.

There's 30,000 emails and whatever the hell else out there that someone has. If Assange doesn't leak it, that means a foreign government has it and will just use it to blackmail Clinton.
How many dead bodies surround Clinton elections now? 4?

As far as the second amendment, she better watch herself. Could be political suicide trying to take that American right. Gun owners take our rights extremely serious. Of all the games liberals like to play that one would cause the people to infest in the streets. The right will not be taken, and the guns will not be confiscated. A law ordering it would be denied and ignored. Come take them if you want to try, but they will have no one to enforce it.
Seriously how many times are the gun nuts going to try to tell us democrats are gonna take their guns away before people realize it's scare tactics with no basis in reality. Said the same thing about Bill Clinton and Obama. Never even was thought about. Maybe people don't understand that changing a constitutional amendment is nearly impossible to do.

DT is trying to incite violence and plant fear as he's beginning to realize it's the only way he can win. This latest threat will only further quicken the destruction of the Republican Party from within. It was only a matter of time anyways because of the extremism that has been allowed to grow in the party since Palin came into the conversation. These angry white men now have their marching orders.

It cracks me up when people like DT believe only Republicans have and love their guns. No one is coming for our guns. Will never happen.
Trump has to win. I don't think any of us conservatives would have picked him as "the guy" or "ideal" by any measure but to save this country, he has to win. This saves the Supreme Court, saves the second amendment and puts a halt to Muslims and illegals flooding this country for the time being not to mention it will save this country from being handed to the most corrupt politician of our lifetimes.

There's no other shot right now. 2020 isn't producing a Republican candidate that will win. The demographics won't be there. You don't come back from 12-16 years of Obama/Hillary. People need to wake the hell up.

By the way, we know the left is so far gone from any level of decency but what I want to know is how can any impartial observer think they should back Clinton and the Dems?
-You have George Soros, Warren Buffett, Google's Eric Schmidt, huge hedge funds backing Hillary.
-You have a proven corrupt media pushing her and trying to protect her
-You have DNC leaked emails showing how crooked the party is
-You have hired protestors causing havoc on their behalf
-You have PC speech codes and SJWs constantly crying
-You have BLM and Muslims/terrorism being empowered by the left
-Illegal immigration out of control
-Suspicious deaths, proven lies about her email server
-A sham Clinton Foundation that is pay to play and gets donations from Muslim nations and an administration who wants to take away the second amendment.

How the hell could you back that as a sane and normal individual? How could you trust that? You have so much evidence that shows the character of this group and you'd vote for this? Are people that brainwashed?

No objective person would vote for clinton IF they knew the facts. Problem is, most people are such low information voters they have no clue. They just know the media keeps telling them how evil and dangerous Donald trump is, and that he just can't be president.

It really either shows how weak the Republicans have become or how weak their "issues" with Hillary really are with the general public.

See above. The msm control is the key. Part of the blame goes on the American people who just gobble up whatever they're told. But the msm has the most blame for being incredibly biased
I think so too,
Seriously how many times are the gun nuts going to try to tell us democrats are gonna take their guns away before people realize it's scare tactics with no basis in reality. Said the same thing about Bill Clinton and Obama. Never even was thought about. Maybe people don't understand that changing a constitutional amendment is nearly impossible to do.

DT is trying to incite violence and plant fear as he's beginning to realize it's the only way he can win. This latest threat will only further quicken the destruction of the Republican Party from within. It was only a matter of time anyways because of the extremism that has been allowed to grow in the party since Palin came into the conversation. These angry white men now have their marching orders.

It cracks me up when people like DT believe only Republicans have and love their guns. No one is coming for our guns. Will never happen.

Most of your post is correct, but the way the SCOTUS operates now all it would take is a ruling.
The FBI basically said Clinton is too incompetent, reckless and stupid to be placed anywhere near classified information or understand basic email.

Yet some of you are voting to give her and Huma the nuclear codes.
What once was the GOP is circling the bowl. Let's all just sit back and enjoy this. I hope it lingers. I want them to endure this humiliation for as long as possible. I particularly enjoy watching to see what they are willing to chuck over the side in order to keep their fulminating delusions intact.

It appears to me that stupid people are attracted to the mass hysteria and paranoia of the GOP. They see angles in everything. Their little minds working feverishly to connect the dots only those aren't dots, they're a rash. Growing as it is scratched. Infecting. Little contagious droplets of stupid oozing out then propagating to a new even dumber host. Replicating themselves only when they encounter an exact match. They can only thrive in and amongst themselves or the spell is broken. So they guard their perimeters jealously.

Walled off little pockets of bristling unhappy people. If they don't find something to focus their hatreds on then they turn on themselves like cannibals. Devolving all the way into sub-categories of even more extreme insanity as they shrink away to nothing. Their whining growing more shrill and high pitched as the end nears. The drain awaits.
A search of "gun" and "catdaddy4dawin" (who we're all pretty sure is cardkilla) will turn up some posts discussing "too many guns in this country".

I know having too many guns in this country is a common complaint from the left.

So, if there are "too many" guns, what is the logical step in solving the problem of having "too many"?
The Trump campaign:

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

“Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.”

"If [Hillary Clinton] gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know,"

Trump knows there is only one way to win....get the white nationalism folks into a fever, get them wanting blood. At this point, I expect to see life sized Clinton doll burned in effigy at a Trump rally.

Glad the secret service is looking into this
The FBI basically said Clinton is too incompetent, reckless and stupid to be placed anywhere near classified information or understand basic email.

Yet some of you are voting to give her and Huma the nuclear codes.
actually that's not what they said AT ALL. But keep trying. You're obsession with me and whoever cat daddy is cracks me up. I know we've had some good banter in the past but I hate to tell you that you are incapable of getting under my skin.
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actually that's not what they said AT ALL. But keep trying. You're obsession with me and whoever cat daddy is cracks me up. I know we've had some good banter in the past but I hate to tell you that you are incapable of getting under my skin.

That's actually almost exactly what he said. I listened to all of his testimony and press conference.

Go read the transcripts and get back to us. You're doing yourself a disservice just looking to Motherjones for summaries. You look ignorant to anyone who actually listened to the FBI director.
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The Trump campaign:

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

“Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.”

"If [Hillary Clinton] gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know,"

Trump knows there is only one way to win....get the white nationalism folks into a fever, get them wanting blood. At this point, I expect to see life sized Clinton doll burned in effigy at a Trump rally.

Glad the secret service is looking into this
Interesting that all the violence now is coming from those that are anti Trump.
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Is there such a thing as a Pyrrhic defeat? Where you lose so devastatingly that the defeat itself is secondary to the massive cost of the actual devastating defeat?
Guns are just another thing in the long list of items liberals want YOU to live by, but not them. The same hillary who berates guns, has armed guards around her at all times.

Make no mistake, if she wins and can appoint judges, they'll be anti guns. Guns will be over.

Meanwhile, yet another conflict of interest overshadows Clintonista-land: NYT: Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation and State Dept. Overlap.


Like I posted last night, her and huma are the two most shady people on planet earth.

Glad the secret service is looking into this

Story said the secret service was AWARE of it. Not looking into it. We're all aware of it, because it was blasted all over every medium out there.

Another example of a misleading msm story hooking someone
Is there such a thing as a Pyrrhic defeat? Where you lose so devastatingly that the defeat itself is secondary to the massive cost of the actual devastating defeat?
One of the great things about the Trump candidacy is he has exposed most of the conservative ideologues for what they are and having to explain the increasing migration away from their racist and ill-prepared ticket.

The problem isn't that Donald Trump is narcissistic, racist, misogynistic, bully, totally ill-prepared for demands of the job he is seeking, it's that his supporters don't care.

Adolescent response in....
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The problem isn't that Donald Trump is narcissistic, racist, misogynistic, bully, totally ill-prepared for demands of the job he is seeking, it's that his supporters don't care.

Thank God Clinton isn't a misogynist. Then who would you vote for?

[and no, I'm not a Trump supporter, probably won't be voting for POTUS, definitely won't be voting for Trump. But Clinton is far more disastrous and corrupt than Trump could ever dream of being. I'll take a guy who says dumb shit over a criminal who literally wasn't charged because of her stupidity and incompetence.]
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All of you saying that Trump wasn't advocating HRC need to check in with Ralph Bristol, a Trump pimp on Nashville morning radio. I think ole Ralphie is getting tired of Trump "continuing to make stupid statements that are easily used against him". Ralph even argued with one of his callers who was trying to take up for Trump's comments just as many of you here are doing.
When the guys that are paid to pimp for you start to lose faith, can the end be far away?
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Truth be told, Obama could declare a 3rd term and have all conservatives and christians thrown in prison and the media would defend it. Its very dangerous what the media is doing.
It's the media, the media... good Lord...always blaming the messenger. Well, at least the National Enquirer is on your side.

Truth be told, Obama could be nominated for a 3rd term and win in a landslide.
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I'll tell you bout we all agree Trump was insinuating people should [blah blah not going to type it since there's a few words I don't want connected together for the NSA].

But if that's the case, then we all can agree Julian Assange just conclusively outted Seth Rich as the person who leaked the DNC emails.

I'm far more concerned about a(nother) suspicious murder connected to the Clinton campaign than I am about a jackass saying jackass things.
The Trump campaign:

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"

“Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason.”

"If [Hillary Clinton] gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know,"

Trump knows there is only one way to win....get the white nationalism folks into a fever, get them wanting blood. At this point, I expect to see life sized Clinton doll burned in effigy at a Trump rally.

Glad the secret service is looking into this

With the level of outrage, ignorance, and anger of Hillary backers I expect to see them assault, harass, and possibly shoot Trump supporters, and try to physically harm Trump, oh wait that shits already happening.
All of you saying that Trump wasn't advocating HRC need to check in with Ralph Bristol, a Trump pimp on Nashville morning radio. I think ole Ralphie is getting tired of Trump "continuing to make stupid statements that are easily used against him". Ralph even argued with one of his callers who was trying to take up for Trump's comments just as many of you here are doing.
When the guys that are paid to pimp for you start to lose faith, can the end be far away?

It's not that we're just saying it, it's obvious thats not what he meant. How bout you take a step back, and ask yourself why the media gives Hillary a pass on everything?

She is covered in corruption and lying to benefit herself WHILE holding a public office. And instead of digging into those FACTS, they're too busy trying to twist Trump's words into something he didn't say nor mean.

Don't think for a second they're acting this way because it's Trump, Hillary is the heir apparent, and they will do whatever to whomever gets in her way, Why?
Does that not concern you guys?
Guns are just another thing in the long list of items liberals want YOU to live by, but not them. The same hillary who berates guns, has armed guards around her at all times.

Make no mistake, if she wins and can appoint judges, they'll be anti guns. Guns will be over.

Like I posted last night, her and huma are the two most shady people on planet earth.

Story said the secret service was AWARE of it. Not looking into it. We're all aware of it, because it was blasted all over every medium out there.

Another example of a misleading msm story hooking someone
How big of an industry is the gun industry? Millions? Billions? Honest question.
Is there a conspiracy theory that you guys don't believe? But hearing actual words coming from nominee are not what he actually meant.

The anti-science and low information crowd in action.
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Is there a conspiracy theory that you guys don't believe? But hearing actual words coming from nominee are not what he actually meant.

The anti-science and low information crowd in action.

He didn't say assasinate Hillary, he didn't even imply that. He said 2nd Ammenders could stop Hillary from putting judges on the bench that could repeal the second ammendment. You have to WANT to believe he meant assasinate her to even logically think thats what he meant.

You're the epitomy of low info voter dude, you simply believe what you hear on the news and run with it, if you like it.

Who is anti-science, seriously. No one, it's another term by the Dems to denigrate those that don't believe their agenda's.
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One of the great things about the Trump candidacy is he has exposed most of the conservative ideologues for what they are and having to explain the increasing migration away from their racist and ill-prepared ticket.

The problem isn't that Donald Trump is narcissistic, racist, misogynistic, bully, totally ill-prepared for demands of the job he is seeking, it's that his supporters don't care.

Adolescent response in....

For the third week in a row, I challenge posters to post a quote from trump that shows he's a racist.

You won't be able to. So stop parroting the msm, and think for yourself for a change. There's probably 1000 reasons why trump shouldn't be president. But this is what gets brought up consistently. Smh

How big of an industry is the gun industry? Millions? Billions? Honest question.

No idea. Not big enough to stop an executive order from a president. Even if it's later determined to be illegal, it'll be years getting there. That's assuming the bench isn't stacked with her appointees at the time.
Who is anti-science? Wow what an uniformed poster! But I digress this is Kentucky after all. The Texas textbook controversy is just one huge example. Wow talk a bout being unaware. How many times have you've gone to the Ark with all your valuable belongings?
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For the third week in a row, I challenge posters to post a quote from trump that shows he's a racist.

You won't be able to. So stop parroting the msm, and think for yourself for a change. There's probably 1000 reasons why trump shouldn't be president. But this is what gets brought up consistently. Smh

No idea. Not big enough to stop an executive order from a president. Even if it's later determined to be illegal, it'll be years getting there. That's assuming the bench isn't stacked with her appointees at the time.

“Our great African-American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.”

How many times have you heard anybody refer to one of our Presidents as Our Euro President or our white president or our caucasian president. That's not the problem the problem is you don't have a clue what racism is, a very typical quality of privileged folk.. Somebody doesn't have to be hanging from a tree to confirm racism.
He didn't say assasinate Hillary, he didn't even imply that. He said 2nd Ammenders could stop Hillary from putting judges on the bench that could repeal the second ammendment. You have to WANT to believe he meant assasinate her to even logically think thats what he meant.

OK, then explain the use of the word "AFTER" she is elected.

Not sure what voting to going to do to stop Hillary AFTER she is elected.

Words matter...and not a single Trump surrogate or Trump supporter has been able to explain his usage of the word AFTER in that statement.

Handfu of Republians this morning telling Trump should take back what he said...
Pretty clear what Trump was joking about.

The left is just the boy who cried wolf though. You twist every single thing Trump says into something it may or may not be. Like with the emails. He never once said he wanted Russia to hack Clinton. So now, your claims that he implied something fall on a lot of deaf ears.

But if Obama's "they bring a knife we bring guns" or whatever comments are completely unrelated to the BLM violence, not sure why anyone would get up in arms about Trump. Clearly a POTUS' words don't matter. Just words.
Pretty clear what Trump was joking about.

The left is just the boy who cried wolf though. You twist every single thing Trump says into something it may or may not be. Like with the emails. He never once said he wanted Russia to hack Clinton. So now, your claims that he implied something fall on a lot of deaf ears.

But if Obama's "they bring a knife we bring guns" or whatever comments are completely unrelated to the BLM violence, not sure why anyone would get up in arms about Trump. Clearly a POTUS' words don't matter. Just words.
I'm sorry but your ignoring the migration of republicans away from Trump. Your going to be wash away by a reality of sludge if you don't take that finger out of the dike and climb to higher ground.
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Pretty clear what Trump was joking about.

The left is just the boy who cried wolf though. You twist every single thing Trump says into something it may or may not be. Like with the emails. He never once said he wanted Russia to hack Clinton. So now, your claims that he implied something fall on a lot of deaf ears.

But if Obama's "they bring a knife we bring guns" or whatever comments are completely unrelated to the BLM violence, not sure why anyone would get up in arms about Trump. Clearly a POTUS' words don't matter. Just words.

the "telling a joke" excuse is just away to normalize something that is unacceptable.

again this is a campaign who has supporters who want to tie hillary up and shoot her. this is what they all want to be normal. they cheer for this stuff.
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again this is a campaign who has supporters who want to tie hillary up and shoot her. this is what they all want to be normal. they cheer for this stuff.

You're going to go this line of argument the day after the gay hating extremist father of a terrorist was campaigning for Clinton?
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the "telling a joke" excuse is just away to normalize something that is unacceptable.

again this is a campaign who has supporters who want to tie hillary up and shoot her. this is what they all want to be normal. they cheer for this stuff.
Just an absolutely stupid thing to say.
Once again, I do not want Trump to be POTUS.

But Clinton is one million times worse than Trump. Trump jokes about the A word. How many people has Clinton (probably) had assassinated/murdered?

Trump says he wants Russia to release Clinton's emails. How much influence will Russia have over Clinton if they hold on to those emails? How many favors has Clinton done for Russia and SA after CF donations.


Everything you hate about Trump, Clinton is 1000 times worse on that same issue.

At least Trump can speak off the cuff and doesn't black out and have a seizure.

I'll take Pence over Kaine.
You're going to go this line of argument the day after the gay hating extremist father of a terrorist was campaigning for Clinton?

you mean the guy who decided one day to be a "terrorist" and went and killed a bunch of a people. lol some terrorist.

answer me big is the bunker you live in?
"Trump supporter beaten with a crowbar for wearing a trump shirt." Latest tweet from Fox News.

**** every one of you liberals. Willfully blind to where the REAL hate and violence lies.

But Trump said something!!?!!??!11! ARGGHHHHH!!!
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“Our great African-American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.”

How many times have you heard anybody refer to one of our Presidents as Our Euro President or our white president or our caucasian president. That's not the problem the problem is you don't have a clue what racism is, a very typical quality of privileged folk.. Somebody doesn't have to be hanging from a tree to confirm racism.

So referring to Obama as an African American was racist? This is new territory, even for libs.

This is your response? Really? Shouldn't that tell you something about your claim of racism if that's the best you have.