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Trust in Hillary! Did someone say something about Sharia Law?????

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton Got Millions From World’s Biggest Sharia Law Education Firm

Do You Think It's Hypocritical For The Clintons To Support Women's Rights When They Took Millions From GEMS Education?

10:06 PM 08/03/2016

Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth of the proceeds is dedicated to funding Islamic jihad.

The company also contributed millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

The former president served as honorary chairman for GEMS Education from 2011 to 2014, according to federal tax returns he filed with his wife, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

His biggest paycheck from the closely-held company — which is incorporated in the Cayman Islands — was in 2014 when he pocketed $2.1 million. It is unclear if Bill received income from the Middle Eastern firm in 2015, since Hillary has not yet released her tax return for that year.

Sharia law is the Islamic religious legal system that many in the West see as intolerant of human rights and other religions, as well as violating the rights of women and gays. Sharia law is considered by Muslims to be superior to all secular authorities. Islamic jihadis regularly call for the imposition of Sharia law and want to impose it on the West.

GEMS boasted in a 2013 bond prospectus that it is the “only foreign group approved for educational services in Saudi Arabia.” The GEMS facilities in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, taught 1,600 students in 2013.

Saudi Arabia is where Wahabism, the strictest form of Sharia, is observed. The Middle Eastern kingdom bars women from driving cars, requires women to wear the strictest form of the hijab, which covers everything but the eyes and hands. Gay men and women are persecuted in Saudi Arabia.

GEMS distributed a job notice in 2014 for a director of “Islamic and Cultural Studies” for its campuses in the Saudi Kingdom. The skills for the position included proficiency in Sharia to help develop a curriculum. The company also acts as an educational consultant in Egypt, Jordan, and Libya.

Clinton’s relationship with the Sharia-oriented education firm drew critical reviews from anti-terrorism experts.

“Why would Bill Clinton be participating in programs that teach Sharia in foreign countries where that is the specific objective of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and al-Qaeda,” asked counter-terror analyst Stephen Coughlin in an interview with TheDCNF.

GEMS is one of the most dominant educational programs in the Middle East, with 51 separate schools operating in the region. Globally, the for-profit company claims that 250,000 students are learning under its program in 170 countries.

Outside of the Middle East and North Africa, GEMS operates schools in Kenya, Uganda, Southeast Asia, and the United Kingdom.

GEMS even has two “international” schools in Chicago.

At the GEMS Jumeirah Primary School in Abu Dhabi, the website promotes Islam as a central tenet of its curriculum. “Our aim is teach all Muslim students the pillars of Islam, Islamic faith and morals, enabling them to efficiently apply them to their lives. To increase the knowledge of Islam we share with the children, the stories of prophets, manners of living a Muslim’s life, the five pillars of Islam.”

The Dubai firm has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the foundation website. GEMS was an official sponsor of the 2013 and 2014 Clinton Global Initiative. Its Indian-born CEO Sunny Varkey attended both years.

And the Varkey Foundation, named after the CEO, contributed $250,000 to $500,000 to the foundation.

Varkey publicly claimed Bill was the “honorary chairman” of his foundation. But Bill and Hillary report in their joint federal tax returns the annual payments came from the for-profit GEMS Education company.

The company has raised funds through bonds and has openly broadcast its commitment to Sharia finance. In 2013, the company issued a $200 million bond prospectus and assured potential investors it relied on “Fatwa and Sharia” advisers to assure it was “compliant” with Sharia finance.

Coughlin said Sharia law on finance also includes money for “zakat,” a religious tax. “And if you read the law of zakat, one-eighth of that money goes to fund Jihad,” he says. “There are eight categories of zakat you must pay every year. And one of them is Jihad.”

Two of the banks — Emirates NB and Noor Bank — provided critical loans to GEMS in August, 2015, and were also accused of conducting illicit banking deals with Iran.

In a June 9, 2009, diplomatic cable made public by WikiLeaks, U.S. Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Richard G. Olson slammed one of the lenders, Emirates NB Bank.

Olson told the Department of State that Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey “pointed out that Dubai-based Emirates NBD appears to remain out-of-step with other major international financial with respect to its sizable Iranian exposure.”

Olson reported the Emirates NBD Chairman “Ahmed al Tayer erratically dismissed Under Secretary Levey’s concerns about doing business for Iran with a mix of hostility, remorse and assurances of submission.”

Noor Bank, another bank which provided GEMS with financing, helped Iran process foreign currency receipts. MarketWatch reported that in 2012 “Dubai’s Noor Islamic Bank had been a primary conduit for returning foreign-currency oil receipts to Iran.”

GEMS is owned exclusively by billionaire Varkey and his family. Four of the five directors are Varkey family members.

The Varkey Group Ltd, the parent company of GEMS, and its shares are held “in a trust by a private trust company for the benefit of the members of the Varkey family,” according to the 2013 bond prospectus. Varkey’s net worth is estimated at $2.1 billion.

All of the Varkey group’s activities appear to be transacted by MaplesFS, the largest law firm in the Cayman Islands.

As stated by GEMS in its prospectus, “Under existing Cayman Islands laws will not be subject to taxation in the Cayman Islands.” It also tells potential investors, “The Cayman Islands currently have no income, corporation or capital gains tax and no estate duty, inheritance or gift tax.”

Bill has been a frequent visitor to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the trips often deal with money. As previously reported by TheDCNF, shortly after leaving the White House, Bill pocketed $15 million in an investment deal with the Dubai Investment Group that included as his business partner, the country’s authoritarian ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin-Rashid al-Marktoum.

Bill also collected $500,000 for a single speech he delivered in Abu Dhabi in 2011. He was paid by the UAE’s royal family. The United Arab Emirates is a monarchy where no elections are held and human rights abuses, especially of foreign laborers, are rampant.

TheDCNF contacted the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation about the GEMS Education relationship, but received no response.
There are over 300 million guns in America.

You Libs aren't smart enough to organize a ban that large.

Actually the estimate is 350 million and if you account for altered weapons it's as high as 500 million. Add in the illegal weapons coming from the border it's probably closer to 700 million.

This is what they don't understand. Bans only effect people like me who. Kill no one and use my weapons legally. They will not effect criminals one bit.
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Paulson endorsing Clinton should tell you all you need to know. Same reason why Bernie Sanders is simply unable to hold his nose and endorse her. She is counter to everything this election cycle is about. Counter to everything the Brits did in snubbing the EU.

She is not "out of sync with this election cycle" she is why the "sync" exists in this election cycle. We are told the world is becoming more "open" so we're supposed to hand over our sovereignty and make ourselves comfortable amidst third world wretches so Wall Street can continue flying high.

Who in their right mind believes forcing US workers to compete against slave labor is the way to fix our dwindling middle class who have suffered for decades without seeing any real wage growth? How long do we sit and watch the 1% get fatter and fatter while we're told that's what we have to do because countries, flags, and sovereignty no longer mean anything?

Do you really think we as Americans are immune from the abject suffering you see around the world? That our leaders care too much about us to allow us to descend into abject poverty while Wall Street booms? They already have proven they can sleep soundly while your family is in a cardboard box. They will not bat an eye at what becomes of our citizens, our workers, our middle class.

If what happened in the UK catches on and people around the world in the major industrial countries stand up and demand their countries start protecting their way of life and defending their borders once again, then we can be saved from the swill. Otherwise we will be consumed by it while the Ivory Towers look down with callous amusement at our ignorance.

Send Trump unto them. Say this is what you made me do.

I agree with Z on this one.
Just remember, if Assange was exposing info on Trump it would be Gospel.

Imagine the media.

Has Hillary denounced the support of Muslim homosexual haters and killers yet? Imagine the liberals and media if he was supporting trump and standing behind him at a rally. Omg.
Good Lord Bill. HRC has never said she was going to raise taxes on the middle class. She gives the same campaign speech every day and one day out of literally hundreds it was unclear if she articulated the "n't" in "aren't".

Consider the source. Assange, Breibart and others are routinely suggesting conspiracy after conspiracy. If you are a political operative that is always working to try and sling mud on the same people...never backed with fact, only innuendo then you become the Boy who cried wolf.

As a son and as a father I understand that my father wasn't responsible for any of the bad decisions I have made in life and I don't think I should be held responsible if my son, especially at 30 yrs old did something heinous either. Besides, HRC can't control who supports her, who shows up at public rallies any more that Trump can control if David Duke and Duke supporters, support Trump. What Trump CAN control is when asked about David Duke claiming he doesn't know who he is and then sticking to that story although Trump cited David Duke as a reason he couldn't support the Reform Party in 2000.

Iran says he was executed for spying and he was arrested there long before the email was exposed. And the email only said that we should "let our friend go". Who knows if he was really a spy? He was wanting to go to Iran, a country with whom at that time we didn't have diplomatic relations. It would have required State Dept approval to allow him to travel there. You want to believe he was a spy because that fits what you want to believe. What if he wasn't?
Add...if Assange had a source on the inside then couldn't that source just as easily filtered an email from anywhere? Absolutely.

She flat out said she was going to raise the taxes on the middle class in stop this past weekend Fuzz, I saw and heard her. Now, did she mean to say that, I would venture to say no, but thats my point. The media gave her the benefit that she didn't intend to say that. Yet they twisted Trump's words into a call to assasinate Hillary if she won.

I don't think she should be criticized for the guy showing up at her rally, thats not what I meant, I said if the same situation had happened to Trump you know damn well it would be turned into Trump secretly seeks terrorists support.
As to Duke, Trump had just denounced the mans endorsement the DAY before that uproar started. He said he couldn't understand what the reporter said, now since he had just denounced the man why would he turn around and want his support? What gain does Trump get with a Duke endorsement?

The guy in Iran had been arrested awhile, but they just happened to execute within 2 weeks of the emails becoming public, you can think thats circumstance if you like, I don't.

I don't think the murdered man was Assange's leak, but Assange also said he was trying to show the American people that the system is fixed. The way the media has handled that compared to a DNC staffer saying they heard the Russians were behind it, and the media whirlwind that followed is strikingly different, wouldn't you say?
Watching Hillary give her acceptance speech right now for winning SC. When I see Hillary I see my 3rd grade math teacher. She is such a cold harsh sounding woman. Like being scolded by a nun. She is absolutely a very beatable candidate because she is fundamentally unlikable not to mention untrustworthy. Her blatant appeals to race is going to sneak up and bite her in the ass in the rust belt. That shit doesn't play there and mark my words, the rust belt will deliver this election to Donald Trump. I already see it. Clear as day.

I crack up when I see Mojo posting about Trumps negatives making it impossible for him to be President... wait till he gets a load of Hillary's negatives. When Trump is lined up next to Hillary he will seem like The Pope compared to her sterile unlikability. She always looks like she's sternly lecturing you. Like you were visiting your aunt and stayed out too late and she's slapping your earns and warning you that she's going to let your mom know what you've been up to.

Every man that looks at Hillary in the general election will see their Mother-in-law. Game over.
Now, that, sir, is an excellent analysis!

We are being hit with weekly, at least, Hillary leaks. Cold hard facts. Evidence.

It's unreal.

Still waiting for that first Trump leak. Can't wait. His stuff has got to be more juicy than lame ass Hillary. As much of a lose Cannon he is, I can't imagine what kind of dirt he has.
Does everyone not realize any reasonable argument you make is either ignored or skipped over or unable to be responded to by these idiots.

Seriously, go look back and see if almost any question is answeres by moe fuzz daboss lek or any of the other hillary butt plugs.

Do yourselves a favor and give it up. Youre literally arguing with people who: claim the orlando shooter wasnt a terrorist(bostoncat) said Khan doesnt support sharia(fuzz) whacks off to his diatribes(dragon ball z) and thinks hes gods gift..or wait sciences gift to the world(lek)

Ill wait for which of them asks me to cite my examples.

Serioualy, if everyone didnt acknowledge these morons they might spontaneously combust. Thats how important they think they are.
Does everyone not realize any reasonable argument you make is either ignored or skipped over or unable to be responded to by these idiots.

Seriously, go look back and see if almost any question is answeres by moe fuzz daboss lek or any of the other hillary butt plugs.

Do yourselves a favor and give it up. Youre literally arguing with people who: claim the orlando shooter wasnt a terrorist(bostoncat) said Khan doesnt support sharia(fuzz) whacks off to his diatribes(dragon ball z) and thinks hes gods gift..or wait sciences gift to the world(lek)

Ill wait for which of them asks me to cite my examples.

Serioualy, if everyone didnt acknowledge these morons they might spontaneously combust. Thats how important they think they are.

Not one response to my repeated question about classification of firearms, the powerful / wealthy ability to obtain them, and why their legislation supports only those rich enough to obtain the right.

Most of the time they have no clue how to respond because they go off of media and DNC talking points that don't address those issues. They simply don't have a f'ing clue what they're talking about. Better to just ignore it and move on.
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Every single line of evidence, you sure about that? Or just the ones you want to believe? Follow the money Moe.

Oh, balls. The current law suit against Exxon has shown that even their scientists were showing the same thing. There are roughly a blue million threads of evidence from the quantum level to the growth in growing seasons. And they all point to AGW.

There's one bit of evidence that speaks to the urgency of actually doing something quickly:


Look at those vertical lines. When the climate warms it warms extraordinarily quickly. Phenomenon like avalanches, collapsing bridges, and attacking dogs all exhibit the same kind of change of state speed. The stair step lines in the graph above represent cooling. Now, the change happens over geologic spans, but many studies have found it impossible to eliminate scales in the tens of years. The really menacing aspect of the situation doesn't show up here: Milankovich warming (which is what gets the ball rolling on the warming aspect) actually represent 0 net gain in energy over the span of a year. It merely represents a gain in Northern Hemisphere warming in the Spring, Whereas the change in warming from an increase in CO2 is much larger and constant,

On the other side of the ledger are the scientists who argue that the increase in CO2 won't be a big thing. These are actually the scientists whom laymen who imagine themselves "denialists" cite. They peg climate sensitivity to a doubling of CO2 to be small. On the order of 1C of warming for each doubling of co2 in the atmosphere.

Current concentration just passed 400ppm from a baseline of 280. Woops. No 1C of warming per doubling. Probably much closer to 3C.

Let's hear your evidence. (And do follow the money. As in the trillions of dollars in fossil fuels.)
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I'm sure moe was in total support of the DNC scare tactic of the late 70's and claimed the ice age was returning. Would be admit it? Hell no.
Just remember, if Assange was exposing info on Trump it would be Gospel.

Far less has already been treated as gospel about trump. Just 2 weeks ago, it was a proven fact he was conspiring with putin, according to msm.


We are being hit with weekly, at least, Hillary leaks. Cold hard facts. Evidence.

It's unreal.

Still waiting for that first Trump leak. Can't wait. His stuff has got to be more juicy than lame ass Hillary. As much of a lose Cannon he is, I can't imagine what kind of dirt he has.

As many negatives that surround trump, I don't think skeletons are one. He's lived a very public life for over 30 years. Everyone already knew his secrets.

Which probably leads to all the manufactured msm spin.

Although, I keep waiting for more damaging info on his wife. She has tons of skeletons, if I'm guessing.
Does everyone not realize any reasonable argument you make is either ignored or skipped over or unable to be responded to by these idiots.

Seriously, go look back and see if almost any question is answeres by moe fuzz daboss lek or any of the other hillary butt plugs.

Do yourselves a favor and give it up. Youre literally arguing with people who: claim the orlando shooter wasnt a terrorist(bostoncat) said Khan doesnt support sharia(fuzz) whacks off to his diatribes(dragon ball z) and thinks hes gods gift..or wait sciences gift to the world(lek)

Ill wait for which of them asks me to cite my examples.

Serioualy, if everyone didnt acknowledge these morons they might spontaneously combust. Thats how important they think they are.
Yeah. I'm a Hillary butt plug.
Moe it's obvious you go with party lines. Don't pretend you weren't stockin up on matches and bear hide for that DNC talking point of 1975.
Oh, balls. The current law suit against Exxon has shown that even their scientists were showing the same thing. There are roughly a blue million threads of evidence from the quantum level to the growth in growing seasons. And they all point to AGW.

There's one bit of evidence that speaks to the urgency of actually doing something quickly:


Look at those vertical lines. When the climate warms it warms extraordinarily quickly. Phenomenon like avalanches, collapsing bridges, and attacking dogs all exhibit the same kind of change of state speed. The stair step lines in the graph above represent cooling. Now, the change happens over geologic spans, but many studies have found it impossible to eliminate scales in the tens of years. The really menacing aspect of the situation doesn't show up here: Milankovich warming (which is what gets the ball rolling on the warming aspect) actually represent 0 net gain in energy over the span of a year. It merely represents a gain in Northern Hemisphere warming in the Spring, Whereas the change in warming from an increase in CO2 is much larger and constant,

On the other side of the ledger are the scientists who argue that the increase in CO2 won't be a big thing. These are actually the scientists whom laymen who imagine themselves "denialists" cite. They peg climate sensitivity to a doubling of CO2 to be small. On the order of 1C of warming for each doubling of co2 in the atmosphere.

Current concentration just passed 400ppm from a baseline of 280. Woops. No 1C of warming per doubling. Probably much closer to 3C.

Let's hear your evidence. (And do follow the money. As in the trillions of dollars in fossil fuels.)

Who gets stuck with the Trillions? Who is getting the Trillions as you say from fossil fuels? It's called greasing the pockets.

Nothing thats been modeled or predicted has turned out as forecast. The US is cutting back Co2 yet it keeps increasing. At what point with the contiued increase in Co2 will you accept that it isn't the driver?

Follow the money Moe, step back, have you actually witnessed anything different? Or are we just more attuned to the weather now because its a constant talking point of climate change.

Democrats are lining their pockets because of your gullibility. Obama will join that crowd in a few months, and he'll make a boatload of it.
Does everyone not realize any reasonable argument you make is either ignored or skipped over or unable to be responded to by these idiots.

Seriously, go look back and see if almost any question is answeres by moe fuzz daboss lek or any of the other hillary butt plugs.

Do yourselves a favor and give it up. Youre literally arguing with people who: claim the orlando shooter wasnt a terrorist(bostoncat) said Khan doesnt support sharia(fuzz) whacks off to his diatribes(dragon ball z) and thinks hes gods gift..or wait sciences gift to the world(lek)

Ill wait for which of them asks me to cite my examples.

Serioualy, if everyone didnt acknowledge these morons they might spontaneously combust. Thats how important they think they are.
I have all of them on Ignore.

I've said it on here many times:

"Don’t argue with idiots. They’ll drag you down to their level then beat you with experience."
Who gets stuck with the Trillions? Who is getting the Trillions as you say from fossil fuels? It's called greasing the pockets.

Nothing thats been modeled or predicted has turned out as forecast. The US is cutting back Co2 yet it keeps increasing. At what point with the contiued increase in Co2 will you accept that it isn't the driver?

Follow the money Moe, step back, have you actually witnessed anything different? Or are we just more attuned to the weather now because its a constant talking point of climate change.

Democrats are lining their pockets because of your gullibility. Obama will join that crowd in a few months, and he'll make a boatload of it.

The trillions aren't greasing anyone's pocket if the fossil fuels stay in the ground.

Forecasts have been very close.

The US isn't the only source of Co2. Co2 is both a forcing and a feedback. There's nothing "finally" about that. It's been understood since Svante Arrhenius.

Do you know what the consequences of denialism are? Misery. And the amazing thing is that the steps taken to prevent that would have been so much cheaper than fixing things afterward. Like Vonnegut said, "We could have fixed the Earth but we were just too damned cheap."

You want to stop immigration but the single constant consequence to climate change is that masses of people move. People from hot dry places coming to your world soon. It's like a tag line from a bad movie.
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So we need to make a huge fuss about fossil fuels and try to "settle science" towards the thought that it's increasing global risk and cooling err... I mean warming... Err... I mean climate change..... So the answer is to decrease American power around the world so that China and India can continue to pollute the planet at alarming rates?

China is laughing their ass off at our dumb ass liberal American base.

We are being hit with weekly, at least, Hillary leaks. Cold hard facts. Evidence.

It's unreal.

Still waiting for that first Trump leak. Can't wait. His stuff has got to be more juicy than lame ass Hillary. As much of a lose Cannon he is, I can't imagine what kind of dirt he has.

I also get the feeling that Trump is keeping his powder dry, for just the right moment..... (debates, cough, cough...)
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So we need to make a huge fuss about fossil fuels and try to "settle science" towards the thought that it's increasing global risk and cooling err... I mean warming... Err... I mean climate change..... So the answer is to decrease American power around the world so that China and India can continue to pollute the planet at alarming rates?

China is laughing their ass off at our dumb ass liberal American base.
Most of the world is laughing their ass off at the notion of a liberal America. What is liberal in America is moderately conservative in the rest of the western world. That's why it's impossible to talk on this board or anywhere else in this country. My Finnish friends get a nice hearty laugh when I mention you guys.
The trillions aren't greasing anyone's pocket if the fossil fuels stay in the ground.

Forecasts have been very close.

The US isn't the only source of Co2. Co2 is both a forcing and a feedback. There's nothing "finally" about that. It's been understood since Svante Arrhenius.

Do you know what the consequences of denialism are? Misery. And the amazing thing is that the steps taken to prevent that would have been so much cheaper than fixing things afterward. Like Vonnegut said, "We could have fixed the Earth but we were just too damned cheap."

You want to stop immigration but the single constant consequence to climate change is that masses of people move. People from hot dry places coming to your world soon. It's like a tag line from a bad movie.

What fossil fuels Moe? Are we using less oil? Are they losing money ? No. We've gone from coal to natural gas, another fossil fuel are they losing money, no. Who exactly is losing money? Are you proud that men lost their livlihood when coal companies go under? Just a necessary evil to "save the world"?

It's the politicians that are making money, those same scientists you grasp on every word as the gospel.

When are these models going to start being right? Oh thats right, "we've got to stop it before it happens!" think for yourself Moe, again,have you seen anything personally that is caused by manmade climate change, this unseen armageddon just around the corner.

When Co2 hits 500 PPM and nothing has happened, will that be enough? Because it's going too.
Most of the world is laughing their ass off at the notion of a liberal America. What is liberal in America is moderately conservative in the rest of the western world. That's why it's impossible to talk on this board or anywhere else in this country. My Finnish friends get a nice hearty laugh when I mention you guys.
Your statement "what is liberal in America is moderately conservative in the western world" is generally correct, as long you limit the "western world" to Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. There are many democratic nations in the other parts of the world for which your statement would not apply- Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, South America, East Asia. And you are not at all correct when you claim that "most of the world is laughing their ass off at the notion of a liberal America". The world includes a lot of places like Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, and Africa. Are people in those places laughing at the notion of a liberal America? How many gay marriages, for example, have recently taken place in the Middle East? Compared to the world at large, not just Western Europe, yes, on social issues, America is liberal, indeed.
Most of the world is laughing their ass off at the notion of a liberal America. What is liberal in America is moderately conservative in the rest of the western world. That's why it's impossible to talk on this board or anywhere else in this country. My Finnish friends get a nice hearty laugh when I mention you guys.

Tell me about Finland. I don't know much about it, tbh. Sounds pretty cool.
What fossil fuels Moe? Are we using less oil? Are they losing money ? No. We've gone from coal to natural gas, another fossil fuel are they losing money, no. Who exactly is losing money? Are you proud that men lost their livlihood when coal companies go under? Just a necessary evil to "save the world"?

It's the politicians that are making money, those same scientists you grasp on every word as the gospel.

When are these models going to start being right? Oh thats right, "we've got to stop it before it happens!" think for yourself Moe, again,have you seen anything personally that is caused by manmade climate change, this unseen armageddon just around the corner.

When Co2 hits 500 PPM and nothing has happened, will that be enough? Because it's going too.

The fossil fuels that would have to be left in the ground. Coal has declined all on its own since it's more expensive that Ch4.

The energy companies are making money.

The models are already fine.

Since we're at 400ppm and temps have risen 1.4C, your premise is very odd.

We don't really need to continue "Is/Isn't". I understand your position. You're not anti-science. You're just anti-scientist.
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Most of the world is laughing their ass off at the notion of a liberal America. What is liberal in America is moderately conservative in the rest of the western world. That's why it's impossible to talk on this board or anywhere else in this country. My Finnish friends get a nice hearty laugh when I mention you guys.
But my Swedish friends actually don't like your Finnish friends. And they call your friends commies.
Tell me about Finland. I don't know much about it, tbh. Sounds pretty cool.

Finland -- what I saw of it -- looks very cool. As if 1950 had all sorts of high tech. Of course, Helsinki is all we saw. It's verrrry far north. And we were there in August.
Finland -- what I saw of it -- looks very cool. As if 1950 had all sorts of high tech. Of course, Helsinki is all we saw. It's verrrry far north. And we were there in August.

Lmao you ain't too quick when someone turns the tables are you?


This is gd elementary. This is natural instinct shit that you dweebs just can't grasp. It's fundamental. Like nature. The other thing y'all just can't grasp.

Now I'll ask me a question. Lmao
Most of the world is laughing their ass off at the notion of a liberal America. What is liberal in America is moderately conservative in the rest of the western world. That's why it's impossible to talk on this board or anywhere else in this country. My Finnish friends get a nice hearty laugh when I mention you guys.

A good movement starts wit a little bulshiz don't it dawg?