How will they rule ??!

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I quoted the sam excerpt screw Duke posted. I quoted it yesterday. again, its okay. You can still support trump even if he has warts. I believe what he said was racist. You don't. We're not on the same page. That's okay.
I quoted the sam excerpt screw Duke posted. I quoted it yesterday. again, its okay. You can still support trump even if he has warts. I believe what he said was racist. You don't. We're not on the same page. That's okay.

You're entitled to your opinion. No problem with saying you think he's racist.

But you're not entitled to your own facts. The statement is not racist.
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The guy says racially insensitive stuff, no debate.

HRC supports racially oppressive policies regarding wages and education, primarily through what they have turned immigration into. Good panderer though which counters all. #hotsauce
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The guy says racially insensitive stuff, no debate.

HRC supports racially oppressive policies regarding wages and education, primarily through what they have turned immigration into. Good panderer though which counters all. #hotsauce
This might be true, but you're missing the point. Trump eats his chicken with a fork, thats what we should all be worried about.
yup, and sure changed their tune on billionaire and Wall Street donors didn't they?
Would be interesting to find a list showing the billionaires that back Hillary over Trump. I bet its 2 to 1 Hillary, if not more.
I saw a study on a Nordic message board that if sodomized early enough it prevents HPV and leads to a more free and sensual sex life. So, yes, I would defend HRC in that instance. Big picture people.


Ha! Moe would know
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Also the truth is Hillary is a racist. Not only does she play minorities she benefits from their downfall and constantly makes sure only she benefits from screwing them over.
Those people were going to die eventually anyway. Not nearly as big a deal as eating chicken with a fork. I ate some chicken yesterday and it just pissed me off to think that someone ate it with a fork. Rethinking my vote.
I just want to make a formal state of declaration on this board. If for any reason you don't hear from me for any extended period of time, that prolly means that I've had a "tragic accident". It was no accident. Somebody form Clinton's cabal got me. I'm telling you now. She prolly has Jamo. So I'm letting you all know now. It was no accident. Nor did I off myself either.
The guy says racially insensitive stuff, no debate.

HRC supports racially oppressive policies regarding wages and education, primarily through what they have turned immigration into. Good panderer though which counters all. #hotsauce

He says some really dumb stuff that's insensitive. The msm takes that, and spins it into a de facto bigot.

On the other hand, Hillary calls black people super predators, says she carries hot sauce, and guffaws at the "cpt" joke. But not a peep from the msm.

I actually think they're both racist. Not in that they hate people of color. But in that they don't see minorities as their equals.

Still, the main issue is the msm treatment
He said "they're rapists" when referring to Mexican immigrants. Whenever you claim a behavior for a group, it'd better be fact or yes, absolutely that's racist.
Are some rapists? Data backs that up. Are all? No.

I think we all say racist shit from time to time. It doesn't make you a racist. But he's running for the most elite job in the world. Everything any candidate says is going to get picked apart so you'd better choose your words wisely.

I honestly think that if Trump reversed what he said, and said that Mexican immigrants are mostly good people with some being rapists and criminals (violent offenders, because technically, those coming illegally are criminals by default), he would be president in 3 months.

Ironically, though, he might not have gotten the nomination if he doesn't say that and energize his base.

It's a dumb statement but it is going to have little impact on the election. He was up in the polls long after that statement, and is allegedly down in the polls long after it, and his decline has absolutely nada to do with it.
Nope. That's the quote. Unless time magazine ommitted what you say he's saying in their full transcript.
His statement wasn't close to being racist and he did not call all Mexican immigrants rapists.

If you read the quote as "They're rapists" he still was referring to a portion of the immigrants that Mexico is sending over and that is correct.

If you read the quote as "their rapists" it reads the same way.

Your interpretation is wrong, but you are two narrow minded and blinded to admit it. Keep drinking Jones'...I mean Hillary's kool-aid.
You mf'ers still don't even know the difference between legal and illegal immigration, btw.

It's a tactic to bring in all of the misinformed people and make them participants in the Oppression Olympics. This thread is a good example of people who cannot even quote accurately but repeat what the media tells them (You saw this with people in the 08 election thinking Tina Fey's SNL sketches were real Palin quotes).

It is simplified to create a false portrayal of
"Oh Trump hates_______(insert Mexicans, Latinos, homosexuals, blacks, women, kids, midgets)"

"Hillary is for you."
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He says some really dumb stuff that's insensitive. The msm takes that, and spins it into a de facto bigot.

On the other hand, Hillary calls black people super predators, says she carries hot sauce, and guffaws at the "cpt" joke. But not a peep from the msm.

I actually think they're both racist. Not in that they hate people of color. But in that they don't see minorities as their equals.

Still, the main issue is the msm treatment

There's truth in this, I don't even think they're racist so much as they think they're above all of us.
Oh, I am absolutely positive I am above all of you.

Just a casual gander at the last few pagers makes it an inescapable conclusion. A thimble full of the stupid in just one of screwduke's posts and you could do like 10 loads of laundry with it. Really condensed stupid. We're talking a dwarf star of stupid.
Oh, I am absolutely positive I am above all of you.

Just a casual gander at the last few pagers makes it an inescapable conclusion. A thimble full of the stupid in just one of screwduke's posts and you could do like 10 loads of laundry with it. Really condensed stupid. We're talking a dwarf star of stupid.
How do you reconcile the idiocy of believing 1.7 billion dollars and political prisoners being traded for the release of four Americans isn't "ransom"? Are you trying to say that since O'bama didn't pay the money out of his personal account that it wasn't a ransom?

You are a voluntary idiot. The worst kind.
Thank goodness I'm not french. Walk out of your home ready to be murdered in the name of Islam. Nothing like living with one eye over your shoulder
Just getting home alive in France would be quite the accomplishment.

Unfortunately this will be our future if we don't wise up.

The French media is calling it a fire, while locals around that heard an explosion. The media over there is as pathetic as ours.
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Thank goodness I'm not french. Walk out of your home ready to be murdered in the name of Islam. Nothing like living with one eye over your shoulder
The French have always been weak. No wonder they are seen as an easy target. We should have enslaved the French, would have saved us a lot of headaches down the road.
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People keep talking about how wonderful it would be for America to have a woman President. While I could actually live with Jill Stein, she doesn't have a prayer, and I won't even mention the other one.

However, I do think that the French need to elect one, and they'll get their chance in a few months to do exactly that. Needless to say, neither the French media nor the American media will be speaking about how wonderful it would be if it happens in 2017 in France lol.
The French have always been weak. No wonder they are seen as an easy target. We should have enslaved the French, would have saved us a lot of headaches down the road.

Totally agree. Give some black folks some white slaves. What a better way to bond America and put away resolve. Bring French slaves to America
What are you guys' thoughts on Trump endorsing Ryan, McLame and Kelly (can't spell her last name off hand)
Does it hurt or help him? I don't think it hurts him, most of his base is voting for him no matter what because we don't want Hillary period. I think Trump knows the party needs to be behind him so he did it as a political move, in reality he could probably care less about those 3. JMO.
Totally agree. Give some black folks some white slaves. What a better way to bond America and put away resolve. Bring French slaves to America
Excellent idea. I hope this doesn't come across as racist, and it shouldn't because I have several black friends, but I have yet to meet one that could make a decent soufflé. The culinary benefits alone would outweigh the social backlash.
In other news, Reuters just released a poll based on likely voters, and with a slight oversampling of Democrats instead of the usual MSM poll gross oversampling. And guess what? Trump is down by 3 points, within the margin of error.

This election is far from over. And the media is well aware of it, hence the desperation.
Excellent idea. I hope this doesn't come across as racist, and it shouldn't because I have several black friends, but I have yet to meet one that could make a decent soufflé. The culinary benefits alone would outweigh the social backlash.

Look. It's possible. I think we should do it. The only way to right this wrong is to enslave the French.

Wouldn't it be cool to literally have a Gieves who really was French. I'd make that bastard make me French fries and French toast and then laugh at him