How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
In other news, Reuters just released a poll based on likely voters, and with a slight oversampling of Democrats instead of the usual MSM poll gross oversampling. And guess what? Trump is down by 3 points, within the margin of error.

This election is far from over. And the media is well aware of it, hence the desperation.
Exactly. If it was over the media wouldn't try to destroy him daily. As stupid as they are, they know its not over they just want people to think it is.
How many people are going to be willing to put down the crack pipe long enough to go vote for Hillary? So many of her potential voters live in areas where they can't afford to go vote and leave their government apartment unguarded. She won't get 1/10th of the O'bama black vote. Sure, they'll tell the person on the other end of their O'bama phone they'll vote for her, but voting ends a 6 pm. How many will be up that early?
The only ways Trump can lose is if its completely rigged (entirely possible unfortunately) or the crazy never Trumpers don't go out and vote. But surely they will come to their senses and not let Hillary be president, right? Of course, its possible that the media does end up killing him with so many phony BS stories as well.
In other news, Reuters just released a poll based on likely voters, and with a slight oversampling of Democrats instead of the usual MSM poll gross oversampling. And guess what? Trump is down by 3 points, within the margin of error.

This election is far from over. And the media is well aware of it, hence the desperation.

That's why the msm is unloading on him

How many people are going to be willing to put down the crack pipe long enough to go vote for Hillary? So many of her potential voters live in areas where they can't afford to go vote and leave their government apartment unguarded. She won't get 1/10th of the O'bama black vote. Sure, they'll tell the person on the other end of their O'bama phone they'll vote for her, but voting ends a 6 pm. How many will be up that early?

Don't worry. Any Tom dick or Harry can go vote for them. Hence the battle over voter id.

I googled Donald Trump rape accusation just to see if anyone has accused him of it yet, not surprising that I did find a story.

I posted awhile back that'll be the last straw. That's their nuclear option. They'll use it if they must. This is probably just floated for potential traction
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The lunatic BLM is rioting in Chicago tonight I see. The cops there shot and killed a guy who led them on a high speed chase and he was ramming police cars. But facts be damned right? 65 people were murdered there last month and I saw no riots over that.
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The lunatic BLM is rioting in Chicago tonight I see. The cops there shot and killed a guy who led them on a high speed chase and he was ramming police cars. But facts be damned right? 65 people were murdered there last month and I saw no riots over that.
They can't get in the lime light over black on black low profile deaths.

Unfortunate that it took getting down 10 points to start talking like this.

"This campaign is not about me or any one candidate, it’s about America," Trump said, although he did not immediately launch into his message of support.

“I understand and embrace the wisdom of Ronald Reagan’s big tent within the party,” he continued, acknowledging that he’ll need support in the House and Senate to get his agenda accomplished if elected. "So I embrace the wisdom that my 80 percent friend is not my 20 percent enemy."

After a few minutes, Trump then uttered the magic words: "In our shared mission to make America great again, I support and endorse our Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan."
"I may have short-circuited it, and for that I will try to clarify"

truly clintonesque....HRC on her previous statement that Comey said she had been truthful and consistent. I am guessing Comey reached out and advised she backtrack, even as ridiculous as that statement above is it is more than they ever bother to do.
How many people are going to be willing to put down the crack pipe long enough to go vote for Hillary? So many of her potential voters live in areas where they can't afford to go vote and leave their government apartment unguarded. She won't get 1/10th of the O'bama black vote. Sure, they'll tell the person on the other end of their O'bama phone they'll vote for her, but voting ends a 6 pm. How many will be up that early?

That's why others vote ten times.
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Most of these memes are completely fabricated, but in this case----it would be a true statement if she decided to make it.
Glad the media and HC are literally and figuratively blowing their wad prior to the Olympics dead period. Good call. Can't hide HC forever. Also nice of them to unintentionally suppress their own vote with the race being "over" and whatnot.

Lols at that Rueters poll, HC losing 8 and only up 3 after the biggest media onslaught I've personally ever seen. What an absolute disaster of a candidate.

Going to be some heads *exploding* as that continues. Worth the Trump vote for that alone.

Folks, the biggest opportunity to tell the Ds, Rs, and media to kiss our asses is coming up. Many of you have (at least with your words) pined for that for some time. Even further, a Trump loss means both parties consolidate their own little fiefdoms even further, belee dat. You'll never see an outsider again. Ever.

Going to be an interesting ride....toughen up, non-Democrats.
Man, is that false.

There may be some D-list R figures defecting for publicity but on the ground Rs, no.

A friend of my wife's came into the city to see a show...die-hard Republican, son is career military, yadda-yadda-yadda...she says she can't believe it, but she's going to end up voting for Hillary.

Not that her vote matters in NY, but I have heard a handful of Republicans says the same thing in the last few weeks.

I mean, Georgia is going to be carried by Hillary this year...freaking Georgia.
We've seen a taste of it this week, but Hillary is absolutely awful unscripted.
As the poster above alluded too, she can't hide forever.
We've seen a taste of it this week, but Hillary is absolutely awful unscripted.
As the poster above alluded too, she can't hide forever.

She will be scripted enough to kill Trump in the debates...she was scripted enough to go to town on the Republicans during the Benghazi hearing.

So I think you are a little off with that assessment.
The lunatic BLM is rioting in Chicago tonight I see. The cops there shot and killed a guy who led them on a high speed chase and he was ramming police cars. But facts be damned right? 65 people were murdered there last month and I saw no riots over that.

His family was quoted as saying he had big dreams and was going to accomplish great things (or something like that). He stole a Jaguar so apparently they were right.
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Albany---please tell us how your barista is going to vote. And how his decision can be extrapolated to prove Trump's campaign is over. You've only beaten that dead horse for 4 days now.

It's not working. Go back to the campaign and see if they have any new speaking points. Can't wait to see what they've come up with this time.
Albany---please tell us how your barista is going to vote. And how his decision can be extrapolated to prove Trump's campaign is over. You've only beaten that dead horse for 4 days now.

It's not working. Go back to the campaign and see if they have any new speaking points. Can't wait to see what they've come up with this time.

I'll check with the barista tomorrow after my bike ride...but like I said, it doesn't matter in Donald's home state - clear landslide win for Hillary in NY.

Not working? I've never though my postings on this forum were ever going to change your mind. But November will not be here soon enough. The night of the election, in the wee hours of the next morning as I have been out partying all night long, in 08 and 12 were EPIC on this message board...I mean there was so much OPTIMISM with the messiahs Romney and Ryan (white and whitier)...they were going to defeat the tyrant Obama and his Muslim policies...we have the unskewed polls. Tons and tons of OPTIMISM.

The reality hit...Obama wins in a LANDSLIDE. Watching you jamokes explain the post mortem was classic. It was absolutely delicious.

November won't be here soon enough. It's gonna be Epic again.
Man, is that false.

There may be some D-list R figures defecting for publicity but on the ground Rs, no.

Like Congressmen? Like Michael Bloomberg? Meg Whitman?

The GOP problem isn't just Trump. The #2 candidate (aptly) is the creepiest man in the world, Ted Cruz. And the down list candidates were retreads, robots, goofballs, and grifters angling for a talk show on Fox. Why? Because responsible candidates who are actually interested in governance drove the Tea Baggers into frenzies. The GOP has become a parody. You're not interested in solving problems. You're interested in the sound of your own anger. Go back and read this thread. If you dare. Jeez-louise. If somethings get you angry, you've got a problem. If everything is making your angry, you're the problem.
The big story today is Trump claims theres a video of Iran bragging about the ransom pay, media questions it (even though the video really exists)

Hillary and Obama blamed a youtube video for Benghazi and the American Pravda media said zilch about it.

The Donald realized he'd seen a "B" roll clip. Not the money. And clarified. And (the interesting part) what exactly is momentous or outrageous about the form the money took? Why would a picture of it set you cackling or howling?
A friend of my wife's came into the city to see a show...die-hard Republican, son is career military, yadda-yadda-yadda...she says she can't believe it, but she's going to end up voting for Hillary.

Not that her vote matters in NY, but I have heard a handful of Republicans says the same thing in the last few weeks.

I mean, Georgia is going to be carried by Hillary this year...freaking Georgia.
Georgia is absolutely NOT going to be won by Hillary. No, just no. Not going to happen. She may very well win the general; she may win with room to spare, and she STILL won't carry Georgia.
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Like Congressmen? Like Michael Bloomberg? Meg Whitman?

The GOP problem isn't just Trump. The #2 candidate (aptly) is the creepiest man in the world, Ted Cruz. And the down list candidates were retreads, robots, goofballs, and grifters angling for a talk show on Fox. Why? Because responsible candidates who are actually interested in governance drove the Tea Baggers into frenzies. The GOP has become a parody. You're not interested in solving problems. You're interested in the sound of your own anger. Go back and read this thread. If you dare. Jeez-louise. If somethings get you angry, you've got a problem. If everything is making your angry, you're the problem.
Bloomberg is not really a good example. You realize that he switched parties for tactical reasons only, as running for mayor as a Republican was the way to avoid a primary that he apparently though he wouldn't win?
She will be scripted enough to kill Trump in the debates...she was scripted enough to go to town on the Republicans during the Benghazi hearing.

So I think you are a little off with that assessment.

Youre free to think that, but there's a reason she hasn't had any press conferences in 8 months. Because her handlers know when she's asked questions that aren't known she looks very poor.

Anything other than a skewering of Trump in the debates will look like a Hillary loss.
10 years from now, we are going to be talking about Hillary Republicans like Reagan Democrats were at one point...

Thanks Donald.
First, there has to be a Hillary win before that would happen. I realize that you are very confident of a Hillary win, but, then again, you were also confident of a Brexit loss- which was a lot more recent than the 2008 and 2012 elections you keep mentioning. It's generally wiser to wait to gloat about something AFTER it has happened. Realistically, she's slightly above 50% to win this thing, if, and only if, Assange doesn't drop the motherlode on her. We'll see what he's got, soon.

Second, if she wins, you have a point, but is that something to be proud of? No wonder Bernie fans are so disgusted and dismayed with this whole process, and by what has happened to your party.
Again, it is a negative that Reps question/criticize their candidate and a positive that Dems have blind support for theirs? Grown men are approaching it this way and post as if there is a payout if who they support wins? If you are a trolling loser/cheerleader and HRC wins in Nov you will wake up the next day still as a trolling loser/cheerleader.
There has to be a deal breaker, Catfan
Willy I have said before that there is a Pulizter Prize wanting for the person that finally exposes all the dirt on the Clinton's. Probably an early grave also. Will any journalist be willing to risk it all remains to be seen.
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Hill seemed to not be quite herself yesterday.

The press cheered her and that does not disturb the lefties.

Not sure what Trump will do in a debate. He has no political record to burden him.
Hillary will kick Trump's ass all over the debate stage. He won't have 16 people to hide behind and just throw a couple one liner insults out there. He will be forced to try and speak in depth on policy and he cannot as he doesn't understand policy. That is going to shine through loud and clear. Not to mention it will be painfully obvious on half the topics he has no idea at all anything about it. The man is clueless on just about all policy issues.

There is a HUGE landslide on the way. Probably in the 390 electoral vote range. I can't believe Utah is up for grabs. That is apoplectic.
Again, it is a negative that Reps question/criticize their candidate and a positive that Dems have blind support for theirs? Grown men are approaching it this way and post as if there is a payout if who they support wins? If you are a trolling loser/cheerleader and HRC wins in Nov you will wake up the next day still as a trolling loser/cheerleader.

That sounds bad, but Democrats question/criticize all their candidates.

As for the rest of your post, I suspect that we'll all wake up the next morning as the person who went to sleep the night before. Does it ever happen differently in your world?
That sounds bad, but Democrats question/criticize all their candidates.

As for the rest of your post, I suspect that we'll all wake up the next morning as the person who went to sleep the night before. Does it ever happen differently in your world?
You should get in contact with the Guinness people regarding the record for low self-awareness. And I don't post blind support for people as if my existence is tied to them winning like you and others do.
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Please a little more detail here! I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "democrats question their candidates".
It is the schtick these days, proclaim the very opposite of what is true not matter the evidence. HRC says she is truthful, Obama says he is transparent and open to compromise, Pitino is humble. The key is the commitment to what you want to be true.
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