How will they rule ??!

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First paragraph of a piece by Michael Barone. You ever seen anything more dated? You might as well replace the 2008 with 1908.

"Heading into the 2016 presidential election cycle, the most influential guide for political journalists was a 2008 book called The Party Decides. Written by four eminent political scientists, it explained that for several decades presidential nominees have effectively been chosen by unelected political insiders, as candidates fight in “invisible primaries” for endorsements by prominent politicians and interest groups. The voters, it argued, tended to ratify these choices and rally around candidates with widespread and prestigious support."

Well, actually the list of candidates gets winnowed earlier than that, When young Jefferson Smith et alia decide they want to run for the state legislature or city council and go to meet-and-greets with donors, the money people decide early on which candidates to back and which to wish well.
The link you posted was to the Democratic energy initiative, forgive me if I think that might be skewed to the positive for Solar.

My second statement was that Solar isn't replacing coal. Gas is what is taking its place.

Gas has historically been very tumultuous in price variance. Coal until recently has been very stable.
What happens when gas prices change dramatically? Can Solar keep prices affordable? Who wants is going to pay for people to keep their lights on? The Govt?

I think we're playing with fire to simply make ourselves feel better.
The Orange One is speaking right now in Daytona Beach, Florida. Still doing the "people say" and "I have heard" thing. The man literally cannot speak a single complete coherent sentence on any policy issue. The debates will be fun watching him tap dance around trying to fake it all.
Coming your way in November. Trump will stand trial for fraud under the RICO code re: Trump University. From the Wall Street Journal. (My paid subscription.)

Judge Curiel Allows Trump University Case to Continue to Trial
Judge who was criticized by Trump also bars public release of video depositions by candidate

By Brent Kendall
The Wall Street Journal
Aug. 2, 2016 11:50 p.m. ET

The federal judge who has come under fire from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday refused to throw out a civil case alleging fraud at Trump University. But he also sided with Mr. Trump on one issue by barring the public release of videotaped testimony given by Mr. Trump in the case.

The rulings represented a mixed bag for Mr. Trump, who created a firestorm in June when he said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and the Republican nominee had made a strong pledge to seal the southern U.S. border.

Judge Curiel, based in San Diego, is presiding over a pair of cases against Mr. Trump in which students alleged they were duped into paying tens of thousands of dollars for instruction at the now-defunct Trump University under false promises that they would be taught the magnate’s real-estate strategies. Mr. Trump denies the allegations, saying students got their money’s worth.

The judge has already set one case for trial in November. On Tuesday, he denied a motion by Mr. Trump that sought judgment in his favor in the second case without the need for trial proceedings.

Judge Curiel said the case raised several questions that would have to be put to a jury. He said it would be up to jurors to decide issues such as whether Mr. Trump was actively involved in managing the Trump University enterprise, and whether the executive misled students.

The judge also rejected Mr. Trump’s arguments that the students shouldn’t be able to bring allegations of racketeering in a case about “garden-variety business disputes.” The judge said Mr. Trump’s attempt to narrow the reach of racketeering law contravened “the settled approach” announced by appeals courts and the Supreme Court.
So which option leads us to a civil war? Seriously!

Trump will outrage everyone.

But Hillary, I think cause piss off the necks and crazies just enough to start retaliating on the lefties.

I'm for chaos!
No...I'm just saying that traditional energy industries aren't making out like the used to, not that they are suffering now, but it's much tougher on them today.

My point is that you don't throw the money at a couple of companies like it's a horse race, that does nothing for an industry you want to grow. Instead create incentives to grow the industry and then let the market decide which way to go. There is enough room in this world for solar/gas/coal to co-exist. They could each use some help from the other.

I really don't see what the quarrel is. People have agreed that roads are essential infrastructure. Surely energy is as well.
I read about Trump U's trial moving forward yesterday. That's why Trump is going to wind up in jail or in Russia after the gets landslided by Hillary. He'll have to run his Russian backed TV Channel from Moscow or his jail cell.
A better example would be trying to convince people today the Eerie canal is a better ...

That's above my pay grade.

The link you posted was to the Democratic energy initiative, forgive me if I think that might be skewed to the positive for Solar.

The "democratic" moniker used in this instance is not of the US political party affiliation. The data that ILSR cite is NREL, EIA, and US BLS.

My second statement was that Solar isn't replacing coal. Gas is what is taking its place.

Got it. I guess that wasn't addressed to me. Never said anything of the sort.

Gas has historically been very tumultuous in price variance. Coal until recently has been very stable.

What happens when gas prices change dramatically? Can Solar keep prices affordable?

Currently not on its own, but that was never my argument.

I think we're playing with fire to simply make ourselves feel better.

Pun intended when comparing conventional fossil fuels to renewables?
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So which option leads us to a civil war? Seriously!

Trump will outrage everyone.

But Hillary, I think cause piss off the necks and crazies just enough to start retaliating on the lefties.

I'm for chaos!

Hillary, the left, would cause it. When she floods us with Muslims/Illegals and chips away at the second amendment or goes for a ban, is when it would go down.

The U.S. is going to look exactly like Europe. Our rapes, attacks and terrorism will drastically increase as the number of Muslims increase.
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Obama has another major scandal with him paying ramsom to Iran and it will be totally ignored by the pravda like media. Yet Trump can't fart without it being under a microscope.
Hillary, the left, would cause it. When she floods us with Muslims/Illegals and chips away at the second amendment or goes for a ban, is when it would go down.

The U.S. is going to look exactly like Europe. Our rapes, attacks and terrorism will drastically increase as the number of Muslims increase.

yeah but the persian kabobs will be great. net win...easy
Mime, A lot of Solar is simply fluff. Simply adding capacity doesn't mean anything, all that means is under ideal circumstances it might get this, even though we know it never will.

Solar is 10-25% productive, coal 70-80%. So if I have coal unit thats rated at 100 Mw's I can expect to get 75. A solar would give 10-25, during the daylight.

Now, that sounds great, I suppose, but the loads are highest in the early mornings in winter when people get up for work, and evening when they get home. Summer, the evenings are the highest. Unfortunately these are times when the Sun hasn't risen yet, or is in the process of setting.

If the Govt really wanted to get serious about Solar or Wind for that matter. They would dump the highest portion of the research money into developing a viable Capacitor or battery plant that could store reserves of power needed when wind or solar isn't available.
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Obama has another major scandal with him paying ramsom to Iran and it will be totally ignored by the pravda like media. Yet Trump can't fart without it being under a microscope.

Don't like Trump, but like Obama even less. I'm convinced the dude is trying to set up Israel for when he is out office.
Conservative/neocon icon Bill Kristol just unloaded on Trump on CNN. Called him an unstable narcissist.

I think they really thought they might get Trump out of there this week. Thankfully I think that momentum passed today as the Dems pulled back just enough to let Trump keep dangling.

I wonder if they can pay Trump enough money to leave the race? Kind of like a ransom? Maybe the GOP can just give him 300 million or so to just go away to Russia and start his TV channel.
Conservative former GOP speaker to empty chair Clint Eastwood calls Trump a racist:

“You know, he’s a racist now because he’s talked about this judge,” he explains, referring to Trump’s remarks about Judge Gonzalo Curiel. “And yeah, it’s a dumb thing to say. I mean, to predicate your opinion on the fact that the guy was born to Mexican parents or something. He’s said a lot of dumb things.”
Conservative former GOP speaker to empty chair Clint Eastwood calls Trump a racist:

“You know, he’s a racist now because he’s talked about this judge,” he explains, referring to Trump’s remarks about Judge Gonzalo Curiel. “And yeah, it’s a dumb thing to say. I mean, to predicate your opinion on the fact that the guy was born to Mexican parents or something. He’s said a lot of dumb things.”

trump isnt racist. he is actually smart. guy is polling around 15% for the non white vote. only one way to win and that is to go all in on the white vote..making them as scared and pissed off as possible. take his banning muslim stuff. basically everyone has said how stupid of an idea it is. how its not even possible to implement. and to even try to implement might cost 5x more then the current budget. but it doesnt matter...the base LOVES that someone is saying it. trump knows it has zero chance of actually happening, which is why he will never address anything specific on it.

whats really scary is that his supporters dont know they are being trolled.
trump isnt racist. he is actually smart. guy is polling around 15% for the non white vote. only one way to win and that is to go all in on the white vote..making them as scared and pissed off as possible. take his banning muslim stuff. basically everyone has said how stupid of an idea it is. how its not even possible to implement. and to even try to implement might cost 5x more then the current budget. but it doesnt matter...the base LOVES that someone is saying it. trump knows it has zero chance of actually happening, which is why he will never address anything specific on it.

whats really scary is that his supporters dont know they are being trolled.

Don't be so sure they don't know, maybe they are just hopeful there is enough to push him through.

I'm legit believing it's really over. He honestly could be president but ,I think he has realized it isn't worth it.
I will be offline for a few hours but wanted to get out some quick replies so that you didn't think I was ignoring you.

Mime, A lot of Solar is simply fluff. Simply adding capacity doesn't mean anything, all that means is under ideal circumstances it might get this, even though we know it never will.

Solar is 10-25% productive, coal 70-80%. So if I have coal unit thats rated at 100 Mw's I can expect to get 75. A solar would give 10-25, during the daylight.

This is misleading and incomplete at best. I can explain later unless you want to further clarify what you're getting at with nameplate capacity vs factor.

Now, that sounds great, I suppose, but the loads are highest in the early mornings in winter when people get up for work, and evening when they get home. Summer, the evenings are the highest. Unfortunately these are times when the Sun hasn't risen yet, or is in the process of setting.

This is a completely different discussion, and it seems to be your fall back when we get into the economic viability of renewables in the both the current and future demands of the grid. It seems to me you're argument is stuck at "well, solar can't provide 100% of our energy needs given the current infrastructure, therefore it's a waste of our time and resources".

And why you so focused on solar alone?

If the Govt really wanted to get serious about Solar or Wind for that matter. They would dump the highest portion of the research money into developing a viable Capacitor or battery plant that could store reserves of power needed when wind or solar isn't available.

The ITC includes technologically-agnostic storage associated with renewable projects.
The extent of current federal subsidies for wind and solar projects are limited to tax incentives (ITC and PTC).

You're bad at this.
Solyndra, the solar panel manufacturer who took more than $500 million from President Obama’s stimulus then went bust, sticking taxpayers for the loss, lied to federal officials to secure the loan, the Energy Department’s inspector general said in a report released Wednesday.

Now they receive tax incentives, but the government pumped millions into what was a private industry in hopes to catapult them ahead and have a talking point in their war against coal.
Yeah, over three thousand people showed up so then there's that:
The guy tweeted out a picture of the whole crowd and that is nowhere near the number you or that paper gave. How are you people so ignorant to believe that everyone will accept your lies? The paper shows a close up of the stage with a few crowd heads and claims 3,000+. An actual attendee tweets a panned out picture of the crowd that reveals a FAR lesser number. Hmmm...which to believe lol.
Solyndra, the solar panel manufacturer who took more than $500 million from President Obama’s stimulus then went bust, sticking taxpayers for the loss, lied to federal officials to secure the loan, the Energy Department’s inspector general said in a report released Wednesday.

Now they receive tax incentives, but the government pumped millions into what was a private industry in hopes to catapult them ahead and have a talking point in their war against coal.

Your links take me to another community board.

We already talked about this 2 pages ago with the loan program, which, as we discussed earlier, is generating a profit even with the loss associated with Solyndra.

I know a couple of guys that worked at Solyndra. They have some interesting stories. Interestingly enough Tesla/SolarCity is using the old Solyndra plant/technology in their operations.
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I will be offline for a few hours but wanted to get out some quick replies so that you didn't think I was ignoring you.

This is misleading and incomplete at best. I can explain later unless you want to further clarify what you're getting at with nameplate capacity vs factor.

This is a completely different discussion, and it seems to be your fall back when we get into the economic viability of renewables in the both the current and future demands of the grid. It seems to me you're argument is stuck at "well, solar can't provide 100% of our energy needs given the current infrastructure, therefore it's a waste of our time and resources".

And why you so focused on solar alone?

The ITC includes technologically-agnostic storage associated with renewable projects.

We were simply discussing solar, its why you and I generally cross paths on this.

What I described isn't misleading, capacity is different than actual power put on the grid.

Where I am right now has 1500 MW wind capacity, however right now it's only putting out 149MW.
I think solar is a waste of money on a large scale. spend a dollar to make a dime, but that dime makes me feel good. I think its a boon around the neck of the country as far as industry, because it simply isn't economical.

Now, for personal use, or on a farm thats a different story, and maybe thats where the solar build up on the grid is primarily from.

The problem with the electrical grid is the power must be available right then, as well as the frequency of 60HZ. You lose either one of them and you lose the grid.

Also, the megavars must be kept up, or Industrial sites lose equipment.
Conservative/neocon icon Bill Kristol just unloaded on Trump on CNN. Called him an unstable narcissist.
As a proponent of chaos to jolt the parties, especially in light of these two candidates, it is very telling that many GOP talking heads and party leaders are willing to take on their candidate while the Dem party top to bottom (catpaw posters) are all in. Notice the increase in drop-ins from the left lately too cowardly to mention her name in most cases.
I vote to change the title - sophomore - under Z's name to - Sophomoric - seems immensely more appropriate.

(ˌsɒfəˈmɒrɪk) or
US and Canadian of or relating to a person who is overconfident with his or her knowledge despite being uninformed

I second this motion
I made a $3,000 investment 2 years ago and it's already paid me back $3.00. That's awesome! Think I might get a Bentley one day.

Solyndra is the popular name, here are a few more. Note that this is not a tax break. This money was "invested" by our government using our money.
Some of the failures in this "developing technology ".Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*
SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
Solyndra ($535 million)*
Beacon Power ($43 million)*
Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
SunPower ($1.2 billion)
First Solar ($1.46 billion)
Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
Amonix ($5.9 million)
Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
Abound Solar ($400 million)*
A123 Systems ($279 million)*
Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
Johnson Controls ($299 million)
Schneider Electric ($86 million)
Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
ECOtality ($126.2 million)
Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
Range Fuels ($80 million)*
Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
GreenVolts ($500,000)
Vestas ($50 million)
LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
Navistar ($39 million)
Satcon ($3 million)*
Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)
Don't be so sure they don't know, maybe they are just hopeful there is enough to push him through.

I'm legit believing it's really over. He honestly could be president but ,I think he has realized it isn't worth it.

He's too far in now. They have destroyed his reputation and have freaked out on him for 15 months now. It isn't worth it but I admire the guy for putting up with it. It's not easy to go against the machine. It's a lot easier to be a Democrat where the media and everyone else doesn't hold you accountable or target you 24/7.

It's probably over but it just tells me that this country is gone and Hillary's supporters are so morally bankrupt. We are a nation of weak-minded sheep who have allowed special interest groups to be used as the tool (the weapon of the media and politician's choice) to ruin this country.
A few months ago I posted that Trump was working for Hillary. As crazy as that sounds, I am starting to wonder.

The elites are sure tore up about Trump.

Trump leads news on NBC instead of Iran hitting the Lotto.
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This whole thing with 400 million to Iraq just boggles the mind. I really can't wrap my head around this one. First of all and more importantly we are in the middle of an election cycle so you know the slightest thing will be magnified a billion times. Then, even in the highly unlikely event you actually are not paying ransom, you have to know that it will damned sure appear that way by doing it all at the same damned time and to make it all the more sweeter you do it in foreign currency so as to skirt US sanctions. That would have been one helluva lot of pallets of cash to be forklifting off the plane without somebody snapping a picture of it.

How in the hell could Obama do that and what must the Clinton campaign think of that? There must be some higher level of strategerie here that I do not see which has never happened before? It infuriates me that I cannot understand the motive. Like a secret is being kept from me.
Hillary is getting a very strong message about Trump not making things in American tromped all over right now in the news cycle. This is good stuff and finally is something that might get some traction in the rust belt but I don't think many people are hearing it over all this kerfuffle.
Paul Ryan vows to sue Trump,if he elected, to stop the temporary muslin ban. Go Ryan's opponent go!!!!!!