How will they rule ??!

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I think the question really is, how many lies does she have to tell before you're willing to call her a liar? What is the standard - where is the line drawn for you personally?

once again we see a basic divergence, at least on this board. The Rs have no problems acknowledging Trump's penchant for stupid talk, but the Ds will not make even the obvious observation that Hillary lies. They are both self-evident, but you guys just can't quite make yourself say it.....

Yes. Let's talk lies. One of her statements that's branded a lie is her statement about classified documents. Would you agree that's one of the statements you complain about?
Another loser of the world attacks Trump. Trump has these globalist elite scum shitting themselves.

Hollande has enough problems of his own to spend time pontificating about American politics. One problem is his abysmal approval rating, which varies from 15% to 30%, and another is the inevitability of his getting trounced in the first round of the French election next year.
@TeachableMoe, have you ever admitted that your candidate does anything wrong, ever? Barry, Bill, Hilldawg. are they all just perfect upstanding morally just politicians. and the other side is full of evil. because you see a lot of bashing going on here from those on the right against their own party. but never not once since i have been reading this crap have i seen you post anything negative about Hillary's transgressions or anything Obama has ever done. never. republicans have a lot of flaws, A LOT. but they seem to hold their own accountable and responsible. hell that is how we ended up with Donald freaking Trump. it was a big F U to the establishment. most on the left would seem to let Hillary eat unborn babies on live tv and she would still get a pass.
So....Bush made a mistake, people died.

Nah. Just doesn't have the same dramatic flair.

Sec. Rumsfeld was asked point blank if it were true that the admin strongly believed they knew Saddam had WMDs rather than "knew". Which is the point you're trying to make. Rumsfeld adamantly insisted that wasn't the case. Not only did they know he had WMDs. The admin knew where they were.

You can't know something that isn't so. He was offered an out -- the out you're trying to make -- and he rejected it.

So, no. It doesn't have much flair at all.
Don't forget catastrophic flooding, wildfires, trigger-happy cops, Draymond Green and Syria.

All Dems.

Not sure Snopes has confirmed that. But I do know black kids in Michigan are dying because of Democrats. Because democrats give more money to dying dogs in ASPCA than they do to buy a simple case of water for young anemic black children in Detroit and Flint
Of course it's applicable.
Well, no it's not. We are not a theocracy in this country and actually have laws against several of the basic tenets of Sharia law. What evidence do you have of what happened in Jericho?
@TeachableMoe, have you ever admitted that your candidate does anything wrong, ever? Barry, Bill, Hilldawg. are they all just perfect upstanding morally just politicians. and the other side is full of evil. because you see a lot of bashing going on here from those on the right against their own party. but never not once since i have been reading this crap have i seen you post anything negative about Hillary's transgressions or anything Obama has ever done. never. republicans have a lot of flaws, A LOT. but they seem to hold their own accountable and responsible. hell that is how we ended up with Donald freaking Trump. it was a big F U to the establishment. most on the left would seem to let Hillary eat unborn babies on live tv and she would still get a pass.

Sure. I have. I've complained about her ties to Wall St. and voted Sanders in the primary.

Mostly, I've defended HRC against the cartoon that's been painted about her since 1992. Hell, I bet that half her critics here are still sure she had Vince Foster murdered. So, pardon me if I don't join in.
First, I never said Snopes was an authority "on anything". You can visit snopes to check the validity of claims found in, as you stated, memes and chain emails. It's a resource to ensure that you're not repeating debunked garbage. Or "playing defense" as you like to call it.
Back off man, bunking and offense is what this election is all about!!

Sure. I have. I've complained about her ties to Wall St. and voted Sanders in the primary.

Mostly, I've defended HRC against the cartoon that's been painted about her since 1992. Hell, I bet that half her critics here are still sure she had Vince Foster murdered. So, pardon me if I don't join in.

What about the cartoon that was painted about her all the way back to watergate? Pretty bad when Nixon and his closest associates say your are unethical.
Not sure Snopes has confirmed that. But I do know black kids in Michigan are dying because of Democrats. Because democrats give more money to dying dogs in ASPCA than they do to buy a simple case of water for young anemic black children in Detroit and Flint
Moe's only complaint about Hillary is her ties to Wall street. dead bodies in Benghazi, hell dead bodies for a few decades, millions of dollars from states that sponsor terrorism, that sponsor the unethical treatment of women to the Clinton foundation. all perfectly ok, actually they are just unjust conspiracies. right. but not wall street. that is where you draw the line in the sand and supported Bernie.
Not sure Snopes has confirmed that. But I do know black kids in Michigan are dying because of Democrats. Because democrats give more money to dying dogs in ASPCA than they do to buy a simple case of water for young anemic black children in Detroit and Flint
Known fact. They coated water pipes with lead and asbestos before burying them in the ground also. Ask snopes.
Because they're aging. A society dominated by the old is stagnant.

Hey. I don't write the rules.

What do you consider stagnant? The worlds number 3 economy is now stagnant?
You're trying to justify the amount immigrants the US is bringing in.
Japan doesn't want to go that route, and if that's what they want so be it. The job market won't be watered down with cheap labor, good for them.
Unbelievable. And we wonder why the US is damn near $20 Trillion in debt. smh

Perfect example of why we don't need more/bigger govt.

You would think stuff like this would be on ever local news channel.

Let's see:

Dog rescued from hot car


Feds lose 6 billion dollars. Poof.

Meh, people don't need to know about that. Pokemon Go changed some settings and it really ticked nerds off.

Known fact. They coated water pipes with lead and asbestos before burying them in the ground also. Ask snopes.

Lmao remember when Obama showed up and drank a glass of Detroit water at the podium [laughing]. That's some Leslie Knope crap.
Rodham immersed herself in Taylor’s defense as the law school’s spring semester came to an end. “She worked a lot of nights on it,” said Van Gearhart, her teaching assistant at the law clinic in 1975. “I remember her doing that because she wanted to show that she was willing to take court appointments, hoping that the bar would help us in getting established as a clinic.”

That doesn't sound like the story they are attempting to steer us into believing. Sounds like she wanted to use the rape of a 12 year old girl for her personal gain. Evil.

"In other words, Clinton didn't assert the defendant had made up the entire rape story; she suggested that it was a possibility the court should explore by having the young woman examined by a mental health professional:"

In other words? Well, in real words Clinton suggested that the girl either made up the rape story or was OK with it due to her fantasies. Evil.

“She was vigorously advocating for her client. What she did was appropriate,” said Andrew Schepard, director of Hofstra Law School’s Center for Children, Families and the Law. “He was lucky to have her as a lawyer ... In terms of what’s good for the little girl? It would have been hell on the victim. But that wasn’t Hillary’s problem.”

What exactly has ever been Hillary's problem? Are we to believe she has never done anything that anyone should ever have a problem with at anytime?

The lengths that people are going to in an effort to repaint the picture of who this bitch really is are preposterous. Even if you didn't think she was dirty before, this deluge should convince you. Goodness speaks for itself, evil is revealed.

I was being sarcastic. Snopes should stay out of the political realm.
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Just got a PM from a liberal hack who often posts here.

Struggling whether or not I should post it here.

I won't post it, but I will summarize. It is confirmed that one of the posters in this thread does work for Hillary's campaign. He does acknowledge the truth in the emails and apparently Hillary (guessing the Clinton Foundation) wants to buy my vote $10K.

Just think ya'll should know that.
You can tell how proud of the flag she is. It wasn't an accident that the flags were small and off to the sides.

FFS, this again? Rampant displays of flags are the markers of the Pharisees of patriotism - the jingoists. It's a symbol - an awesome symbol, but still just a symbol. When someone slaps an American flag on everything (Sean Hannity, Michael Bay), they're selling you something - an image, a movie, or the hope that you're dumb enough to equate self-righteousness and symbolism with actual patriotism. Go ahead and cover yourself in your 32 pieces of flair, but it's your actions that matter.

Criticize actions of candidates all you wish, but the "needz moar 'Murican flags" thing that happens every election cycle is a stupid trope meant to sucker stupid people - and you are legion. I swear some of you would let a bald eagle wearing 5 American flag bandanas plug you in the butt while not even giving you the courtesy of rubbing your freedom boner and thank him for the experience afterwards.
Just got a PM from a liberal hack who often posts here.

Struggling whether or not I should post it here.

I won't post it, but I will summarize. It is confirmed that one of the posters in this thread does work for Hillary's campaign. He does acknowledge the truth in the emails and apparently Hillary (guessing the Clinton Foundation) wants to buy my vote $10K.

Just think ya'll should know that.
Either moe or Z is my guess. Probably the same person.
Criticize actions of candidates all you wish, but the "needz moar 'Murican flags" thing that happens every election cycle is a stupid trope meant to sucker stupid people - and you are legion. I swear some of you would let a bald eagle wearing 5 American flag bandanas plug you in the butt while not even giving you the courtesy of rubbing your freedom boner and thank him for the experience afterwards.

Calling bullshit on that. No True American would get plugged in the butt by a bald eagle wearing a banana. Actually, it would be the other way around.
really, even for 25 big ones? i mean, this is America after all. everything is for sale. everyone has a price lol.

Son, I wish America would give me access to a cache full nuke tipped weapons and an open passport to the middle east. You think Rambo was bad ass. I would kill'em all. Any middle eastern with a Koran in their home would be dust. Not only that, I'd eat their remains too. Then jack off any remaining DNA lingering on their dirt ridden floor.