How will they rule ??!

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So, let's see. Similar logic. The Jews killed everything in Jerhico -- except for a harlot -- and so if you believe in The Bible then you support genocide.

I didn't answer your question about Sharia Law. It was irrelevant. Many religions have parts I don't like. In fact, as near as I can tell, they all do. Even Pastafarians. I don't like ANY religion, and I sure don't like pitting one of them against another. Your fantasy of Muslims is just that: a fantasy. As the Khans showed.
Booo! Bad answer Moe. "Jerhico" doesn't have a damn thing to do with the conversation of the day, Sharia law certainly does.
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I'll admit, you lost me after your first ridiculous statement.

She's a head writer? Where's that listed?

I'm sure there are some left leaning goons at Snopes. And some right leaning fluffers. We should therefore discredit the entire site and concept of fact checking.

Or we can just take a look at the photo that the previous poster submitted as an example of a flag-less convention to count the 6+ American flags on stage.

She's the main fact checker. Also, your claim of "my first ridiculous statement" was in response to me saying that they play defense for Democratic Party situations and I listed the Orlando shooting, Hillary's jacket and other examples as just a glimpse of the bias.

Yeah, if the head fact checker does what I mentioned above (make excuses for factual stories, slanders the Tea Party, etc) then yes, it calls into question the credibility of the site when it comes to politics.
Or we can just take a look at the photo that the previous poster submitted as an example of a flag-less convention to count the 6+ American flags on stage.

You can tell how proud of the flag she is. It wasn't an accident that the flags were small and off to the sides.
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She's the main fact checker. Also, your claim of "my first ridiculous statement" was in response to me saying that they play defense for Democratic Party situations and I listed the Orlando shooting, Hillary's jacket and other examples as just a glimpse of the bias.

Yeah, if the head fact checker does what I mentioned above (make excuses for factual stories, slanders the Tea Party, etc) then yes, it calls into question the credibility of the site when it comes to politics.
Snopes has absolutely NO credibility when it comes to politics. That's why you've only seen libs cite it. Read what they try to spin about HRC defending the rapist. She absolutely called for the victim to be checked by a psychologist so she could say the little girl had rape fantasies. Libs just say she was doing her job.
I think a legitimate question is if America is headed toward Civil War? If the influx of refugees brings with it terrorist acts then you kind of wonder will there retaliation for that. Then things spin out of control.
Did you read about the guy who went on a huge crime spree, stealing multiple cars, home invasion, and kidnapping over a 48 hour period? Local armed citizens were fed up and were searching for him. Lucky for him the cops got him first. I can envision these kinds of events happening more down the road. Civil War? I don't know about that but the growing divide in this country is also geographic. The South and the Mountain West are far different in attitudes and beliefs than the Northeast and the extreme West Coast.
She's the main fact checker. Also, your claim of "my first ridiculous statement" was in response to me saying that they play defense for Democratic Party situations and I listed the Orlando shooting, Hillary's jacket and other examples as just a glimpse of the bias.

Where does it say she's the main fact checker? She's a contributor.

Your ridiculous statement was : "Snopes is hardly an authority on anything. They're used for memes and chain emails and mostly playing defense. "

First, I never said Snopes was an authority "on anything". You can visit snopes to check the validity of claims found in, as you stated, memes and chain emails. It's a resource to ensure that you're not repeating debunked garbage. Or "playing defense" as you like to call it.

Your statement is ridiculous because you've marginalizing Snopes for accomplishing the one thing it does successfully in this instance : debunking internet falsehoods like this waste of a discussion over flags.

I'm not saying you should limit yourself to Snopes. Please, by all means, use, Hoaxslayer.Icom,,, etc, etc, etc. all of which show American flags displayed at day 1 of the DNC convention. Hell, you can use the photo previously posted as an example of the purported flag it shows American flags in both the left, right and center of the graphic.

I beg of you all on here, use these sites, early and often.
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I think a legitimate question is if America is headed toward Civil War? If the influx of refugees brings with it terrorist acts then you kind of wonder will there retaliation for that. Then things spin out of control.

The only Civil War that's ever needed is right here:

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I will keep laughing at it. They are blatantly shilling for the Bitch. Would you care to post a screenshot of the first night of the DNC to back up your assertion? Maybe since there were so many flags in view of the tv cameras it won't take you long.

Can I just use the picture you posted?

Hey, at least Bitch is capitalized.
And you partisans are still shit.

Clinton is a lying See You Next Tuesday who should be flogged.

Trump is a pussy with a big mouth and likely a small donger.
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Apparently the people who actually know her.

That was regarding people who know Hillary being ok with her.

Well, actually....I spoke with someone who knows individuals within the State Department that were there when she was...and they think she's as vile and corrupt as what many hear believe.
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^You just used the image literally linked to the page that debunks the internet schmeme that HRC was ever dressed in blackface.

Intentional or not, well done.

Later Edit: forgot to mention that, by mentioning that the photo is not of B&HC, Snopes is playing some crafty defense. Dodge, dodge, dodge. AMARITE??
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^You just used the image literally linked to the page that debunks the internet schmeme that HRC was ever dressed in blackface.

Intentional or not, well done.

I know much that is on snopes. Snopes denies HRC wore 12k jacket because she got it on sale for 7k. I just posted photo. You may want to look around and see what others say. I made no claim to legitimacy.
I think a legitimate question is if America is headed toward Civil War? If the influx of refugees brings with it terrorist acts then you kind of wonder will there retaliation for that. Then things spin out of control.
I think its obvious we are heading to one. BLM started the makings of a civil war in Dallas IMO. It will only get worse.
I'm hoping this thread devolves to only posting images that may or may not look like national pols.
Actually no, Willy. According to Snopes that face paint was 97% shade of gray and therefore not "blackface" in the traditional sense.

Ymmot, when do you think Hillary pledged her allegiance to radical Islam? Do you think there was a contingency on that $25 million from ISIS that made her pledge?
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Another loser of the world attacks Trump. Trump has these globalist elite scum shitting themselves.

That 25 million came after she had pledged allegiance to radical Islam. Once she saw how much O'bama was bringing in for his help, there was no way she was leaving money on the table.
That 25 million came after she had pledged allegiance to radical Islam. Once she saw how much O'bama was bringing in for his help, there was no way she was leaving money on the table.

Kenny Rogers wouldn't either.

Guess who paid for Kenny's plastic surgery that turned him into a pixie face?

Clinton Foundation
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Finally getting around to looking at my daily email from the Washington Post, with its helpful offering of stories I might like. Here are all of the news and politics stories, in the exact order presented, exactly as written:

  • Broad array of military luminaries condemn Trump over attacks on Khan family
  • There is something very wrong with Donald Trump
  • Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?
  • Donald Trump's ABC interview may be his worst yet
  • Khan confrontation keys in on human decency, and that could haunt Trump
  • Former Ivy League athlete suspended for alleged sexual assault wins important - and surprising - court victory
  • Pence defends military mom's right to criticize Trump
  • First the water now the trash: Flint bickering leads to suspension of trash pickup
  • Strategists' bolt from GOP a sign of Trump's impact on party
  • Donald Trump's convention looks like it was a failure
  • The list of big name Republicans in Hillary Clinton's corner just got even bigger
  • Republicans denounce Trump as confrontation with Muslim parents escalates
  • What we know about Donald Trump and his taxes so far
I wonder how the Ivy Leaguer and the Flint garbage stories got by that exuberant editor? Can't you see him, pencil behind his ear, lips pursed, mumbling about saving the country......
Finally getting around to looking at my daily email from the Washington Post, with its helpful offering of stories I might like. Here are all of the news and politics stories, in the exact order presented, exactly as written:

  • Broad array of military luminaries condemn Trump over attacks on Khan family
  • There is something very wrong with Donald Trump
  • Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?
  • Donald Trump's ABC interview may be his worst yet
  • Khan confrontation keys in on human decency, and that could haunt Trump
  • Former Ivy League athlete suspended for alleged sexual assault wins important - and surprising - court victory
  • Pence defends military mom's right to criticize Trump
  • First the water now the trash: Flint bickering leads to suspension of trash pickup
  • Strategists' bolt from GOP a sign of Trump's impact on party
  • Donald Trump's convention looks like it was a failure
  • The list of big name Republicans in Hillary Clinton's corner just got even bigger
  • Republicans denounce Trump as confrontation with Muslim parents escalates
  • What we know about Donald Trump and his taxes so far
I wonder how the Ivy Leaguer and the Flint garbage stories got by that exuberant editor? Can't you see him, pencil behind his ear, lips pursed, mumbling about saving the country......

Good stuff.

-11 of the 13 stories were about Trump (all negative)
- The story of the male athlete (I'm guessing white male) who was wrongfully accused of rape but deemed guilty by a ridiculous university council (Loved the wording).
- Flint water crisis, which I'm sure is the fault of Trump and Republicans somehow.

Good job, Washington Post.
Snopes says Hillary laughing about rape case is mostly false.
Rodham immersed herself in Taylor’s defense as the law school’s spring semester came to an end. “She worked a lot of nights on it,” said Van Gearhart, her teaching assistant at the law clinic in 1975. “I remember her doing that because she wanted to show that she was willing to take court appointments, hoping that the bar would help us in getting established as a clinic.”

That doesn't sound like the story they are attempting to steer us into believing. Sounds like she wanted to use the rape of a 12 year old girl for her personal gain. Evil.

"In other words, Clinton didn't assert the defendant had made up the entire rape story; she suggested that it was a possibility the court should explore by having the young woman examined by a mental health professional:"

In other words? Well, in real words Clinton suggested that the girl either made up the rape story or was OK with it due to her fantasies. Evil.

“She was vigorously advocating for her client. What she did was appropriate,” said Andrew Schepard, director of Hofstra Law School’s Center for Children, Families and the Law. “He was lucky to have her as a lawyer ... In terms of what’s good for the little girl? It would have been hell on the victim. But that wasn’t Hillary’s problem.”

What exactly has ever been Hillary's problem? Are we to believe she has never done anything that anyone should ever have a problem with at anytime?

The lengths that people are going to in an effort to repaint the picture of who this bitch really is are preposterous. Even if you didn't think she was dirty before, this deluge should convince you. Goodness speaks for itself, evil is revealed.
So , let's see. Similar logic. Radical Islam as well as conservative Islam that practices Sharia Law which calls for the MURDER of anyone that doesn't agree with Islam, is an anomaly, but the words from one Muslim man on stage who happens to have lost a son in combat is the norm?

See how that works?
