How will they rule ??!

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Apparently the filmmaker is now out, and living in a homeless shelter according to this. Knowing the man had nothing to do with it, they threw him in jail and ruined his life. Just to coverup a pending scandal.

What an injustice done by our country to one of its citizens. Maybe the worst in modern times. This or Snowden.

Snowden is alive for a reason.


In don't know, either. I just always remind myself this when I start thinking too deep about it.
That's why you can't trust him. If he's alive, you can't trust him.

He could have put it all out there. He didn't.
So Republicans care so much they've tried to keep them from voting? The NC law was a perfect example of WHY the Voting Rights Act is sadly still needed. As soon as Republicans saw an opening to disenfranchise blacks, they started rewriting these voting laws. If that doesn't work, they rewrite districts to limit their gains. If that doesn;'t work they purge voter rolls.

GTFO with your absolute garbage reasoning. Just the fact you blanketly talk about blacks grabbing their free phones and food stamps is a perfect example of how you think they are. When a white kid shoots up a school you don't condemn all white kids but when a black guy at a rally shoots cops, it's a race war and blacklivesmatter is killing cops.

That's why blacks and other minorities don't generally vote Republican. Dems, for all their faults, at least try to be the voice of minorities and are more inclusive. Perfect example is the interns for Repubs vs Dems.
Please find one example of a voter ID keeping a minority from voting. Just one. You lefttards claim this all the time but I've yet to see one example of this happening.
Russia has always been more of a threat than ISIS.
Presidents always have more flexibility as lame ducks.
To make an accusation stick, you really have to link a generality to an action. Evil doesn't shimmer above ambiguities. Some kind of action. Disbanding NATO. Betraying a Baltic Republic. That kind of thing.

And its really nice to find out that the right is finally taking the Russia stuff seriously. A couple of days went by there and you were just fumbling around. You know, Trump's unsavoury connections to Russia were there to be seen well before the nomination. It's almost as if nominees to run for prez get fewer background checks than immigrants.

[44 lines of HAHAHAHAetc implied]
You are so full of shit thats its coming out of your ears.
This may be the biggest stain of all. They took a US citizens freedom in order to push a known lie to stay in power.
That's absolutely mind boggling that in the United States the media gives this a pass.
I feel so sorry for that guy. Obama and Hill put a huge target on his back too, I hope hes living secretly and changed his name. No doubt Isis would love to kill him. Unreal that Obama and Hill literally took a political prisoner and no one gave a shit.
And that guy is actually confirmed in jail and still there? Or dead? Surely to goodness they would just make us think he went to jail and not actually punish a real life human for something as stupid as this. Pray to Allah. Mf'ers. There's no way. Like, if this is true, man. Sigh.

Apparently the filmmaker is now out, and living in a homeless shelter according to this. Knowing the man had nothing to do with it, they threw him in jail and ruined his life. Just to coverup a pending scandal.

What an injustice done by our country to one of its citizens. Maybe the worst in modern times. This or Snowden.

I feel so sorry for that guy. Obama and Hill put a huge target on his back too, I hope hes living secretly and changed his name. No doubt Isis would love to kill him. Unreal that Obama and Hill literally took a political prisoner and no one gave a shit.

He was actually convicted for violating his probation because he was convicted (probably a plea) for bank and credit card fraud causing $800,000 in losses.

So while the impetus for the probation violation counts in 2012 was almost certainly the video ("The Innocence of Muslims"), he wasn't charged for anything related to the video. Is that a distinction that matters? Maybe. If someone like me, that's not out on probation, was in the same circumstances, I could not be charged with the same violations. So to jail me would be drumming up something else.

Please find one example of a voter ID keeping a minority from voting. Just one. You lefttards claim this all the time but I've yet to see one example of this happening.

It's a hard thing to measure and prove, just like in-person voter ID is hard to show is a pervasive enough problem to serve as justification for voter ID laws in the first place. The GAO concluded that it made a difference in voter turnout: "GAO’s analysis suggests that the turnout decreases in Kansas and Tennessee beyond decreases in the comparison states were attributable to changes in those two states’ voter ID requirements. GAO found that turnout among eligible and registered voters declined more in Kansas and Tennessee than it declined in comparison states—by an estimated 1.9 to 2.2 percentage points more in Kansas and 2.2 to 3.2 percentage points more in Tennessee— and the results were consistent across the different data sources and voter populations used in the analysis."

An MSNBC article noted that "there's no clear evidence that requiring voter ID significantly reduces turnout," and that other factors - like making it more difficult to register and vote early - "are likely to have a bigger effect."

Both sides the debate on voter ID are arguing through dubious facts. I don't think it's crazy to suggest that 1) some in-person voter ID fraud happens (often? not really), 2) some people would be disenfranchised with voter ID laws, 3) Republicans are motivated to suppress D voters, and 4) Democrats are motivated to make sure D voters get to vote. No one really gives 2 craps about anyone's constitutional rights (on any matter, really).

Frankly, the affidavit route the Wisconsin case judge implemented was a pretty reasonable solution, at least temporarily. I don't doubt voter ID is the future, but I don't know we're ready for the future, either.
You'd get a ton more mileage with the American folks if you uncovered an email where she was praising Iggy Azelia's music, or you caught her telling someone she enjoys a Big Mac, or she has never once seen HGTV. OMG. She would be *over*. Fn idiot rube learn music! HAAAHAH DO YOU EVEN ORGANIC BRAH??? How can you be president if you don't even watch House Hunters???
Snowden is alive for a reason.


In don't know, either. I just always remind myself this when I start thinking too deep about it.

Snowden had to play it perfectly. He made sure the info was in safe hands and would be disseminated if he were to die.

He said himself he had no doubt at all the nsa would have killed him if he'd been the sole source of the info.

He was actually convicted for violating his probation because he was convicted (probably a plea) for bank and credit card fraud causing $800,000 in losses.

So while the impetus for the probation violation counts in 2012 was almost certainly the video ("The Innocence of Muslims"), he wasn't charged for anything related to the video. Is that a distinction that matters? Maybe. If someone like me, that's not out on probation, was in the same circumstances, I could not be charged with the same violations. So to jail me would be drumming up something else.

Wrong. He was on supervised release for the bank stuff. Obama and Co swooped in and revoked his supervised release for the laughable movie that supposedly caused benghazi.

So yes, he went to jail (or back to jail) for a completely manufactured reason
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Wrong. He was on supervised release for the bank stuff. Obama and Co swooped in and revoked his supervised release for the laughable movie that supposedly caused benghazi.

So yes, he went to jail (or back to jail) for a completely manufactured reason

Supervised release instead of probation then. Supervised release is more akin to parole than probation. Distinction without a meaningful difference here (in before criminal defense attorney "Well, actually"s this discussion).
Supervised release instead of probation then. Supervised release is more akin to parole than probation. Distinction without a meaningful difference here (in before criminal defense attorney "Well, actually"s this discussion).

Yes it's like parole, but there's no parole in the federal system.

Either way, they made sure the man went to federal prison for something they knew he didn't do. Atrocious. Yet nary a word was ever mentioned by the msm about that again.
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Highly doubt it. This country is so fk'n stupid that half the idiots that vote for her do not even know what Wikileaks is.

Part of me agrees with you. But the other part of me thinks there is no way she will spin her way out of that one.

The only thing that could be worse is if there is an email that says she sold nukes to ISIS.
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Look, this is a good time for a reality check. Time to ponder the cold hard truths you are confronted with.

Hillary Clinton is going to win easily. In excess of 300 electoral votes more than likely. But that is not really the point at hand.

What we are watching unfold before us is the complete permanent destruction of the Republican Party as a national presidential contender. You need to appreciate what is unfolding because in your lifetimes there will not be another Republican president. Ever. You are done if you are a Republican. Good bye. Good riddance. Demographics demand it be so.

Had you won this election by actually fielding a viable candidate to run against a wooden infinitely beatable Hillary Clinton then there was some small chance you might escape your inevitable demographic irrelevance. But now that you have Trump wrapped around your necks you are done.

So all is back on track. The momentary distraction has passed. You are where I have always wanted you to be. Writhing and gasping for air in your final days. Circling the drain of history. Each go-round quicker than the last.

As you fade to nothing please be assured I am watching intently. Enjoying every moment to its fullest. I could not be happier. These are great days to be a liberal and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for inviting me to your wake.
Assange bringing JUSTICE!!!

Wonder what kind of weapons she sold them? Wonder if there are nukes in that package deal.

Oh, and I find it odd that my computer screws up when I try to get more info on Hillary and those emails. Got NSA working hard on that one.
Reagan funded the Mujahideen to fight the Ruskies in Afghanistan and of course they later morphed into Al Qaeda. That makes Ronnie the father of Al Qaeda if you want to try and tie Hillary to Syria and ISIS.
And sold guns to Iran in exchange for cocaine money for Noreiga.

Yeah, so it should be no surprise that Hillary would follow the same script.
It's actually much deeper than that. Ron Paul is actually the only person to ever tell the truth on a debate stage about it so you can't nail HIllary for something both parties are blatantly guilty of since... ever.
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It's actually much deeper than that. Ron Paul is actually the only person to ever tell the truth on a debate stage about it so you can't nail HIllary for something both parties are blatantly guilty of since... ever.

Yes. You can.

Believe it or not, you can be against wrongs no matter the letter next to the party. Plus, Reagan did infinitely more good than he did bad.

Further, Reagan made the mistake 30 years ago. Alot of intervening circumstances since then. On the other hand, Hillary and obama made ISIS, then allowed them to grow while on their watch.

Throw in the fact that Hillary hasn't accomplished one positive thing of any significance. Your argument carries no weight at all.
Hilary Clinton wanting to take guns away from US citizens, while giving guns to ISIS probably won't play well with voters. Especially since there's documented proof of her predecessor arming Mexican drug cartels with weapons that were used to murder US citizens.

As I typed that all out, I realized, no, the D voter is far too stupid to care about Clinton doing anything wrong. They gave Obama a pass for ramping up a program to arm drug cartels and losing all the weapons.
Oh shit. I knew that wretched whore was funding ISIS. She took money from Saudia Arabia's Wahhabists.

Oh snap! Bring it on!! Time to dance on the graves of Democrats!!
She was acting with the full knowledge of O'bama. THAT'S the reason she wasn't charged with a crime by the FBI. Couldn't release to the world the info that the US was both funding ISIS and fighting ISIS at the same time, on their land, killing their civilians.
She was acting with the full knowledge of O'bama. THAT'S the reason she wasn't charged with a crime by the FBI. Couldn't release to the world the info that the US was both funding ISIS and fighting ISIS at the same time, on their land, killing their civilians.

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Throw in the fact that Hillary hasn't accomplished one positive thing of any significance. Your argument carries no weight at all.
My argument carries with it the weight of history but to you I imagine that is irrelevant. You are, after all, a party that has turned away from science, facts, reason, and logic and adopted ignorant religious dogma as your knowledge base so it's not as if you are tethered to reason.
It's actually much deeper than that. Ron Paul is actually the only person to ever tell the truth on a debate stage about it so you can't nail HIllary for something both parties are blatantly guilty of since... ever.

Oh I agree with you Z

But we should let Hillary get a pass for this? This is some 1980 type of foreign policy shit she is pulling.
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No wonder Islam is a hush hush word. Shit, this admin is funding ISIS's whole operation over there.

No wonder the Iraqis think we are allies of ISIS. (Most Iraqis think we are working with ISIS)

This is crazy. She is supporting terrorism that killed over 3,000 Americans.