How will they rule ??!

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She was acting with the full knowledge of O'bama. THAT'S the reason she wasn't charged with a crime by the FBI. Couldn't release to the world the info that the US was both funding ISIS and fighting ISIS at the same time, on their land, killing their civilians.
You folks are so historically naive that it should be disqualifying for you to participate in democracy.

Here's a tip... google you boy and hero David Petraeus' "enemies to friends" program where we paid folks that we knew were guilty of killing US troops in Iraq to instead be our friends. The world is hard and ugly and sometimes it is better if you don't peek under the sheets you rube.
Hilary Clinton wanting to take guns away from US citizens, while giving guns to ISIS probably won't play well with voters. Especially since there's documented proof of her predecessor arming Mexican drug cartels with weapons that were used to murder US citizens.

As I typed that all out, I realized, no, the D voter is far too stupid to care about Clinton doing anything wrong. They gave Obama a pass for ramping up a program to arm drug cartels and losing all the weapons.


Republicans are constantly mocked for being "stupid" but no group has as many low informed voters that have no interest in educating themselves of the truth quite like the left.
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No wonder Islam is a hush hush word. Shit, this admin is funding ISIS's whole operation over there.

No wonder the Iraqis think we are allies of ISIS. (Most Iraqis think we are working with ISIS)

This is crazy. She is supporting terrorism that killed over 3,000 Americans.

Someone would get murdered before that would be released. This is some Jason Bourne stuff.
My argument carries with it the weight of history but to you I imagine that is irrelevant. You are, after all, a party that has turned away from science, facts, reason, and logic and adopted ignorant religious dogma as your knowledge base so it's not as if you are tethered to reason.

I don't have a party. Nice try though. Not all of us are party concubines.
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You folks are so historically naive that it should be disqualifying for you to participate in democracy.

Here's a tip... google you boy and hero David Petraeus' "enemies to friends" program where we paid folks that we knew were guilty of killing US troops in Iraq to instead be our friends. The world is hard and ugly and sometimes it is better if you don't peek under the sheets you rube.
That has absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about. I know this new info scares you, try to act like a man.
Watching liberals acting like they give a shit about Goldstar families is just laughable. This is the same group of people that call our troops baby killers and rapists. And the same group of people that support the VA policies that let veterans literally die waiting to get treatment. And these clowns expect us to believe that they suddenly love the military cause of this Khan guy? Give me a f****** break.
Assange has that, it's over for her. Absolutely nails in the coffin

Maybe so, but I'll believe it when I see it. I suppose I'm the only Paddock poster with the ability to sense the irony before the irony happens. In this case, the prelude to that irony being Hillary Clinton's #1 priority at this time consisting of two things: (1) working out a deal with / for Julian Assange - likely to get him out of the Ecuador embassy and on to wherever / whatever permanent safe haven he wants and (2) making sure she isn't the least bit traceable to said deal-making.

so what is the irony? . . . . Naturally, the irony in Julian Assange becoming just one more man the wench Hillary Clinton has aided in getting away with the crime of rape. Some great champion of women, she.
Maybe so, but I'll believe it when I see it. I suppose I'm the only Paddock poster with the ability to sense the irony before the irony happens. In this case, the prelude to that irony being Hillary Clinton's #1 priority at this time consisting of two things: (1) working out a deal with / for Julian Assange - likely to get him out of the Ecuador embassy and on to wherever / whatever permanent safe haven he wants and (2) making sure she isn't the least bit traceable to said deal-making.

so what is the irony? . . . . Naturally, the irony in Julian Assange becoming just one more man the wench Hillary Clinton has aided in getting away with the crime of rape. Some great champion of women, she.

Totally agree Kopi
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Lek you are so wise.

The fact you love Obama while claiming to be against the welfare state is quite a conundrum.
I don't love Obama.

We're done here. I'm not interested in dialogue with someone who is uneducated in most matters.

Quite a conundrum, you claim to be a conservative, yet know very little about our founding fathers and their ideas.
No wonder Islam is a hush hush word. Shit, this admin is funding ISIS's whole operation over there.

No wonder the Iraqis think we are allies of ISIS. (Most Iraqis think we are working with ISIS)

This is crazy. She is supporting terrorism that killed over 3,000 Americans.
In the 1800s Hillary would be hanging in a public square somewhere, that much is for certain. In todays world traitors are elected by democrats.
Assange bringing JUSTICE!!!

Wonder what kind of weapons she sold them? Wonder if there are nukes in that package deal.

Oh, and I find it odd that my computer screws up when I try to get more info on Hillary and those emails. Got NSA working hard on that one.

Maybe tons of killer mustard gas.

But, ummmmm, we've been through this. Like a year ago. Something led people to believe that Hillary was involved with this stuff, I believe it was confirmed that our govt sold weapons to cartels in Mexico, yes? Nobody gave a shit. Nobody will. Even if we saw actual emails, which we won't, the people wouldn't gaf. This stuff just doesn't register in the polls. It's too foreign. It doesn't capture your feelings like YAYYY FREE DRUGS ABS COLLEGE FOR EVERYBODY!!!!!! AND GMO FOODS ARE FORBIDDEN!!!!!

OMG they care about me! They really care!!

But what about the corruption and lies?

wtf that got to do with me. Got any bath saltz?

I wonder how many mexicans have died because of fast and furious? I'm sure our non biased media will be looking into it.

If fast and furious happened under a republican chris matthews and chuck todd would be doing shows from the border and trying to find out if every gun death down there was from fast and furious, and then run stories nightly about how the republican president wants to kill off mexicans and is racist etc....
My argument carries with it the weight of history but to you I imagine that is irrelevant. You are, after all, a party that has turned away from science, facts, reason, and logic and adopted ignorant religious dogma as your knowledge base so it's not as if you are tethered to reason.

Say what? This coming from the guy that pretended to like a candidate because he thought his opinion carried that much weight, and also creates several screen names just so it appears people agree with him.
Forgive me if I think you're full of sh*t and your political leanings are batsh*t crazy.
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Republicans are constantly mocked for being "stupid" but no group has as many low informed voters that have no interest in educating themselves of the truth quite like the left.

Wow, she is SO BUSTED. I NEVER would have expected this type of response from Ben Carson when asked to speculate on the agenda of those "closed door meetings" between HRC and Goldman Sachs.

If what the DNC member summarizes about Ben Carson's fantasies of HRC and her GS jacket is true, this will be VERY DAMNING.
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There are 37299449222939929;9392 links about Clinton's/US funding terrorism. I read a quote from Hillary staying we started Al Qaeda decades ago. That's a fact? Seems to be. So, it was fine then. It's fine now. Nobody gives af. I'm fact, if say they care much less given the fact that America ain't viewed as what it once was.

Did a republican start al Queda?

Nobody gives a shit. Y'all are seriously overestimating the voters.
Look, this is a good time for a reIlity check. Time to ponder the cold hard truths you are confronted with.

Hillary Clinton is going to win easily. In excess of 300 electoral votes more than likely. But that is not really the point at hand.

What we are watching unfold before us is the complete permanent destruction of the Republican Party as a national presidential contender. You need to appreciate what is unfolding because in your lifetimes there will not be another Republican president. Ever. You are done if you are a Republican. Good bye. Good riddance. Demographics demand it be so.

Had you won this election by actually fielding a viable candidate to run against a wooden infinitely beatable Hillary Clinton then there was some small chance you might escape your inevitable demographic irrelevance. But now that you have Trump wrapped around your necks you are done.

So all is back on track. The momentary distraction has passed. You are where I have always wanted you to be. Writhing and gasping for air in your final days. Circling the drain of history. Each go-round quicker than the last.

As you fade to nothing please be assured I am watching intently. Enjoying every moment to its fullest. I could not be happier. These are great days to be a liberal and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for inviting me to your wake.
Does not matter who the right fields, the criminally rigged system of the democrats and its corrupt base will still use illegal voting tactics as before stated. It is an up hill battle but not impossible given Hillary's overtly corrupt dealings. Independents will make or break either side. Hopefully they have more morals than the left.
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Did a republican start al Queda?
Yeah, that part about "history" seems to be confusing to you. Ronald Reagan funded a bunch of scabs hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan to fight the Russians who became known collectively as the Mujahideen. Among them was a young Osama bin Laden. After Afghanistan they morphed into what is now known as al Qaeda because Reagan dropped them like a hot rock once he no longer had any use for them. Then, when Saddam rolled into Kuwait the newly formed AQ wanted to oust him but were rebuffed by GHWB who instead put US troops on what is considered holy ground in the middle east. That directly lead to the attack on 9/11...

And so it goes.
Yeah, that part about "history" seems to be confusing to you. Ronald Reagan funded a bunch of scabs hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan to fight the Russians who became known collectively as the Mujahideen. Among them was a young Osama bin Laden. After Afghanistan they morphed into what is now known as al Qaeda because Reagan dropped them like a hot rock once he no longer had any use for them. Then, when Saddam rolled into Kuwait the newly formed AQ wanted to oust him but were rebuffed by GHWB who instead put US troops on what is considered holy ground in the middle east. That directly lead to the attack on 9/11...

And so it goes.

Bull, They attacked the US airbase in Saudi Arabia because they didn't want us there.
Reagan funded the Mujahadeen because they were fighting the Soviets.
Al Qaeda was founded long after Reagan was out of office, ISIS happened at the SAME time we were giving them weapons.
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False, Wall Street Zuisudra, was Tom Hanks your a idiot lols
Specifically what are you disagreeing with? That Reagan funded the Mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan? That bin Laden was there in the Mujahideen? That al Qaeda was formed from what once was the Mujahideen? That al Qaeda wanted to be the ones to oust Saddam Hussien from Kuwait? That we rebuffed them and instead launched Operation Desert Storm? That al Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 led by Osama bin Laden? The same young man Reagan called a "Freedom Fighter" when he was a part of the Mujahideen that Reagan allowed to flounder after he was done with them in Afghanistan?

Ron Paul has painstakingly pointed all this out but you were so busy laughing him off the Republican debate stage you never paid attention.

What part of history is confusing you?
Bull, They attacked the US airbase in Saudi Arabia because they didn't want us there.
Reagan funded the Mujahadeen because they were fighting the Soviets.
Al Qaeda was founded long after Reagan was out of office, ISIS happened at the SAME time we were giving them weapons.
You are historically ignorant and are therefore arguing from a position of ignorance. Learn history then try and form your opinions accordingly.

For example, what does saying "They attacked the US airbase in Saudi Arabia because they didn't want us there" even bring to the discussion? Of course they didn't want us there. Didn't you read where I posted we put troops on what they consider holy land instead of us allowing them to be the ones to eject Saddam from Kuwait?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to not only have to debate someone that is completely ignorant to history, but also to have to teach them along the way as you try to correct their ignorance?
Specifically what are you disagreeing with? That Reagan funded the Mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan? That bin Laden was there in the Mujahideen? That al Qaeda was formed from what once was the Mujahideen? That al Qaeda wanted to be the ones to oust Saddam Hussien from Kuwait? That we rebuffed them and instead launched Operation Desert Storm? That al Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 led by Osama bin Laden? The same young man Reagan called a "Freedom Fighter" when he was a part of the Mujahideen that Reagan allowed to flounder after he was done with them in Afghanistan?

Ron Paul has painstakingly pointed all this out but you were so busy laughing him off the Republican debate stage you never paid attention.

What part of history is confusing you?
I can tell you're really mad about it, but it was Tom Hanks. So angry.
Mad? I am having the time of my life. The smoldering remains of the Republican Party are withering in a crumpled heap at my feet. I'm grinding my heel in them even as we speak.
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The amount of money lost due to the mortgages themselves is dwarfed by the amount lost in CDOs and other exotic gambles.

The question of whether Glass-Steagall would have prevented the collapse is hotly debated. I have no idea.
Okay, me neither but letting banks with ordinary deposits engage in derivative investments made the process legal again for the first time since the 30's. I don't know if those in charge back then could have envisioned CDO's made up of MBS's sold to investors across the globe, any more than the CDS bought and sold by the same entity such as a Goldman or AIG.
Specifically what are you disagreeing with? That Reagan funded the Mujahideen to fight the Russians in Afghanistan? That bin Laden was there in the Mujahideen? That al Qaeda was formed from what once was the Mujahideen? That al Qaeda wanted to be the ones to oust Saddam Hussien from Kuwait? That we rebuffed them and instead launched Operation Desert Storm? That al Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 led by Osama bin Laden? The same young man Reagan called a "Freedom Fighter" when he was a part of the Mujahideen that Reagan allowed to flounder after he was done with them in Afghanistan?

Ron Paul has painstakingly pointed all this out but you were so busy laughing him off the Republican debate stage you never paid attention.

What part of history is confusing you?

Reagan wasn't President when The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan.
Reagan wasn't President when The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan.
So now I have to conduct an entire class on middle eastern history because you are clueless? The United States, under treaty (international declaration) with what was at the time the Soviet Union, agreed to refrain from sticking our noses into Afghanistan (ie,.. no longer fund the Mujahideen) in April of 1988. We left them to their own devices. Completely pulled our support.

From that rubble emerged al Qaeda.

Here, try to learn something:
You are historically ignorant and are therefore arguing from a position of ignorance. Learn history then try and form your opinions accordingly.

For example, what does saying "They attacked the US airbase in Saudi Arabia because they didn't want us there" even bring to the discussion? Of course they didn't want us there. Didn't you read where I posted we put troops on what they consider holy land instead of us allowing them to be the ones to eject Saddam from Kuwait?

Do you have any idea how hard it is to not only have to debate someone that is completely ignorant to history, but also to have to teach them along the way as you try to correct their ignorance?

Z, haha, you speaking of history.

So you're implying we should've let Bin Laden eject Iraq from Kuwait, if we had only done that things would've been much nicer. That's BS, and you know it.

Saudi Arabia wanted us there to provide air defense against Iraq. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia wanted us to lead the battle against Iraq.
Go back to 1990 mr historian, so you realize how ignorant it sounds even entertaining the idea of letting Al Qaeda try to repel Iraq from Kuwait.

So . . . Kzir Khan . . not just some random muslim dude with a dead son but somebody who has made an enormous fortune from pinching money from muslims wanting to come to the US, has his own law firm or firms, handles the Clintons personal tax returns, the Clinton Foundation, in deep with Saudis, channels money from Saudis to Clinton Foundation, Loretta Lynch connected in there, his firm somehow had the proprietary software for Hillary's private email server and he himself may know where her missing 33,000 classified emails went? wtf? Is it still just Monday?
So now I have to conduct an entire class on middle eastern history because you are clueless? The United States, under treaty (international declaration) with what was at the time the Soviet Union, agreed to refrain from sticking our noses into Afghanistan (ie,.. no longer fund the Mujahideen) in April of 1988. We left them to their own devices. Completely pulled our support.

From that rubble emerged al Qaeda.

We weren't technically sticking our nose in it in the first place.

From what rubble? What rubble did we leave them in? The Soviets withdrawing? You mean we left in the rubble of victory?

If you want to actually be accurate and paint the picture you're looking for, our help to them in defeating the Soviets emboldened them to become Al Qaeda.
Reagan funded the Mujahideen to fight the Ruskies in Afghanistan and of course they later morphed into Al Qaeda. That makes Ronnie the father of Al Qaeda if you want to try and tie Hillary to Syria and ISIS.
Do your research, Operation Cyclone began during the Carter administration. So, following your logic, Carter is the father of Al Qaeda. Regardless, it was terrible and short-sighted to arm such radicals then, and if true about Hillary, it is even more terrible and short-sighted to arm such radicals now given the historical example.
So . . . Kzir Khan . . not just some random muslim dude with a dead son but somebody who has made an enormous fortune from pinching money from muslims wanting to come to the US, has his own law firm or firms, handles the Clintons personal tax returns, the Clinton Foundation, in deep with Saudis, channels money from Saudis to Clinton Foundation, Loretta Lynch connected in there, his firm somehow had the proprietary software for Hillary's private email server and he himself may know where her missing 33,000 classified emails went? wtf? Is it still just Monday?
Nice. Keep attacking that Gold Star family. Ramp it up. You folks are beyond the pale. Just indecent. You really do need that "Sir, have you no sense of decency" moment and IMO event that won't save you from yourselves. You're just... gone.
Now comes the part where they attempt to shift their positions by nagging at me with idiotic misstatements of my position in order to recoup their own. I've been through this so many times in here. Circular pointless arguments.

Look, all of you are,,, challenged. There really isn't much else that needs to be pointed out.