How will they rule ??!

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Still laughing at that meme when we had a former president impeached over cheating.

Wow, just wow.
Social contract. Your should read up on it.

Should you be forced? No. I think we have a moral duty and a social duty. If you choose to be a terrible human, you should have that right too.

You think you're an island though? Separate from every one else?

So the welfare state worked.

What article is the social contract in?
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Democrat Logic:

Walls are bad! Build walls around D.N.C. convention
ID's restrict participation! Mandatory ID's for convention
All lives are important! As long as they are minority, and have successfully been born.
We are educated and peaceful people against conflict! Unless you disagree with us, then we will name call and kill because you made us do it.
Show national pride by burning American flags.
Believes in not only white guilt, but national guilt
You can kill, rob, break any law you want, you're still a good person and shouldn't be punished too harshly.
Jails and prisons shouldn't be so hard on inmates
People shouldn't have to support themselves, it's the gov'ts responsibility to take care of it's citizens
Who cares if you're a documented citizen, you made it here and that's all that matters

Am I close? Did I miss anything?
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Actually, no. She said the mother was wrong. Everyone who ever said that she called the woman a liar should go stand in a corner until dinner time.

The mother said Hillary told her the video caused the attacks...Hillary said the mother is wrong...Hillary is saying the she didn't tell the mother it was the video that sparked the attacks.

That's what a lie/liar is/does Moe. We will let you out the corner though.
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Of course it was Wall Street greed, and banker greed. However the ability to give out home loans like candy, and the loss of jobs played an even larger role.
In the course of talking politicians, what do presidents have to do with approving loans or risking assets to the point of collapsing a bank? Repealing Glass-Steagall gave bankers the opportunity to assume more risk but only greed created the impetus. The jobs losses were the effect, not the cause.

Ok. Not like there are different options in the market ranging from risky to paint drying.

Ahhhh alas, the catch is you and your ilk would have to agree to let each person have their own money contributed attached to them for the duration of their lives instead of raiding it.....and no chance y'all would allow such a thing.

Thanks Lyndon Johnson!!!!1
Is there an argument here somewhere?
The mother said Hillary told her the video caused the attacks...Hillary said the mother is wrong...Hillary is saying the she didn't tell the mother it was the video that sparked the attacks.

That's what a lie/liar is/does Moe. We will let you out the corner though.

That woman as well as other fathers of the deceased have said the same story for over four years. I read the accounts from the parents who directly said that a month after Benghazi. Their story never changed and it was not some new revelation to hurt her election chances as Obama was the one up for re-election.

Hillary lied and they tried to spin that video narrative immediately. We all saw them say that crap and now they try to act like it was a mistake. No. You intentionally did it because Obama hung his hat on terrorism being over because of him.
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This is from October 2012. The father, Charles Woods (think his son's name was Sean) is heard here telling the story of talking with Obama and Clinton and Clinton telling him that they were going to arrest this man responsible for the video.

So what is more likely to occur, Hillary fans? Multiple parents accurately revealing a conversation of Hillary blaming a video, which coincides with the narrative they were pushing in the media as the motive or these parents were lying four years before Hillary was even running for office?

I think you would have to be very stupid to believe Hillary over the parents.
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If Trump had allowed Americans to die in Benghazi and deleted 30,000 emails while under FBI investigation would the Democrats overlook it like they are with Hillary?

Murder and Purgery override Adultery and Divorce any day of the week.

Unless you're a Democrat.

Purgery? Is that like bulimia?
In the course of talking politicians, what do presidents have to do with approving loans or risking assets to the point of collapsing a bank? Repealing Glass-Steagall gave bankers the opportunity to assume more risk but only greed created the impetus. The jobs losses were the effect, not the cause.

The amount of money lost due to the mortgages themselves is dwarfed by the amount lost in CDOs and other exotic gambles.

The question of whether Glass-Steagall would have prevented the collapse is hotly debated. I have no idea.
Glenn Greenwald/Slate: "The U.S. media is essentially 100 percent united, vehemently, against Trump, and preventing him from being elected president."

Wow. This is shocking? I mean, GE once owned NBC, so what gives? heh
What a perfect illustration of today's media.


Same guy wrote both stories, took two different stances because of the political parties involved.

"How dare you exploit that for political gain by using Pat Smith." Turns around and praises the use of mothers from BLM and a Muslim parent of a soldier.

It's a tad bit funny that just two weeks ago Obama called for an end to "divisive rhetoric" after the rhetoric got cops assassinated and then trots out these group of women at the DNC.
Poor Pat Smith, just born at the wrong moment. I can remember Cindy Sheehan and a time when mothers of those killed in war enjoyed "absolute moral authority". Such a long, long time ago....
Glenn Greenwald/Slate: "The U.S. media is essentially 100 percent united, vehemently, against Trump, and preventing him from being elected president."

Wow. This is shocking? I mean, GE once owned NBC, so what gives? heh

What happened? Super creep Trump. Trump has the self-control of a spastic colon and is so narcissistic that he has responded to an insult about his appearance for decades. And those are his relatively trivial faults.
Glenn Greenwald/Slate: "The U.S. media is essentially 100 percent united, vehemently, against Trump, and preventing him from being elected president."

Wow. This is shocking? I mean, GE once owned NBC, so what gives? heh

It's pretty crazy when you start looking at how corrupt the media is and how incestuous the relationships are between the Democratic Party and the media (many are married or related). Time Warner, which owns CNN, has been one of Hillary's biggest backers throughout her career.

Back in 2009, I believe, the CEO of GE was named as the head of Obama's jobs committee. Now GE owned the majority of NBC at this time. Do you think that was a conflict of interest on how NBC would report on Obama?

There's a ton of examples of these type of things.

  • ABC News President Ben Sherwood, who is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, a top national-security adviser to President Obama.
  • His counterpart at CBS, news division president David Rhodes, is the brother of Benjamin Rhodes, a key foreign-policy specialist.
  • CNN’s deputy Washington bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Tom Nides, who until earlier this year was deputy secretary of state under Hillary Rodham Clinton.
  • White House press secretary Jay Carney’s wife is Claire Shipman, a veteran reporter for ABC.
  • NPR’s White House correspondent, Ari Shapiro, is married to a lawyer, Michael Gottlieb, who joined the White House counsel’s office in April.
  • The Post‘s Justice Department reporter, Sari Horwitz, is married to William B. Schultz, the general counsel of the Department of Human Services.
  • [VP] Biden’s current communications director, Shailagh Murray (a former Post congressional reporter), is married to Neil King, one of the Wall Street Journal‘s top political reporters.
What happened? Super creep Trump. Trump has the self-control of a spastic colon and is so narcissistic that he has responded to an insult about his appearance for decades. And those are his relatively trivial faults.

You're one to talk about narcissism
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That woman as well as other fathers of the deceased have said the same story for over four years. I read the accounts from the parents who directly said that a month after Benghazi. Their story never changed and it was not some new revelation to hurt her election chances as Obama was the one up for re-election.

Hillary lied and they tried to spin that video narrative immediately. We all saw them say that crap and now they try to act like it was a mistake. No. You intentionally did it because Obama hung his hat on terrorism being over because of him.

Dems try to act like noone saw the press conferences where Obama and Hillary blamed it on the dumbest video one could ever watch. Then they marched the man into federal prison, wearing a black shroud.

So you dont even have to believe what those parents say. We all saw it. They kept lying for weeks.
In the course of talking politicians, what do presidents have to do with approving loans or risking assets to the point of collapsing a bank? Repealing Glass-Steagall gave bankers the opportunity to assume more risk but only greed created the impetus. The jobs losses were the effect, not the cause.

When the President pushes a law on the premise everyone deserves to own a house that frees up the requirements in getting a loan.
The same President pushes an agreement that allows companies to move south of the border and then ship the product back with no penalty, which resulted in millions of jobs being lost. How do you think people pay for home loans they couldn't afford in the first place?

Politicians make the laws the bankers and people on Wall St work under. Newsflash, they're going to exploit them, and find loopholes, and that's what they did.

The entire Clinton presidency was predicated on short term success, to hell with long term implications. That was a change from prior Presidents from either Party.
Dems try to act like noone saw the press conferences where Obama and Hillary blamed it on the dumbest video one could ever watch. Then they marched the man into federal prison, wearing a black shroud.

So you dont even have to believe what those parents say. We all saw it. They kept lying for weeks.

This may be the biggest stain of all. They took a US citizens freedom in order to push a known lie to stay in power.
That's absolutely mind boggling that in the United States the media gives this a pass.
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This may be the biggest stain of all. They took a US citizens freedom in order to push a known lie to stay in power.
That's absolutely mind boggling that in the United States the media gives this a pass.

It's easy to do to us because we move on to some new fake outrage after 5 minutes. We have seen so many instances and scandals that should have resulted in impeachments and imprisonment over the past decade and it just got swept under the rug because of our apathy and distractions.

How do you make people care though? Clinton is the Democrat's nominee despite her years of corruption, scandal, criminal activity and lying that has been proven. Do her supporters care? Nope. When you have no ethics, you don't care what someone does as long as they're on your team.
Glenn Greenwald/Slate: "The U.S. media is essentially 100 percent united, vehemently, against Trump, and preventing him from being elected president."

Wow. This is shocking? I mean, GE once owned NBC, so what gives? heh
Greenwald is essentially correct, though, obviously, Internet media is a different things entirely. In any event, that the MSM is so obsessively against Trump is arguably the most compelling argument for him. He's certainly making the right enemies.
Formerly a Kasich supporter, and working on Wall St, I have every reason to support Hillary (Hillary does love her some Wall St).

I'm willing to vote against my own self-interest to do what's right for the country; how any of you can vote for her, with irrefutable evidence that's she's both a liar and morally bankrupt, is beyond me. She is easily the worst candidate in my lifetime (I'm 53).

Every Trump supporter on here knows he's a VERY flawed candidate- no one denies it.

But any suggestion of her as a legitimate candidate is absolutely laughable.
I would live to sit down and watch alllllll the faux outrage news from just the past month. Then the year, etc. It would be so hilarious to see it all in one sitting.

Re: the media bias

Duh, but we do have a rare circumstance now where both candidates are universally loathed. There is a damn movie in theaters that paints Hillary in a not so great light, according the reviews/comments. That's fn nuts. I have seen other well made shorts or youtube type things absolutely demolishing Hillary. Media is crushing hillary much more than Donald, duh, as the ammo is simply there. I would expect to see some ammo against Donald as the el election nears, as lord knows he's killed tons of people, lied his ass off, stole from the poor, etc...

But, as of now, Hillary is the only candidate we know for a fact is a literal criminal. I understand Trump is likely a much worse criminal, and I look forward to seeing those facts, tbh. Can't wait. It will be hilarious.
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It's a fact. They made sure the news media captured the feds whisking him off to prison with a black hood on his head.

All the while they knew full well he had nothing to do with it.

And that guy is actually confirmed in jail and still there? Or dead? Surely to goodness they would just make us think he went to jail and not actually punish a real life human for something as stupid as this. Pray to Allah. Mf'ers. There's no way. Like, if this is true, man. Sigh.
And that guy is actually confirmed in jail and still there? Or dead? Surely to goodness they would just make us think he went to jail and not actually punish a real life human for something as stupid as this. Pray to Allah. Mf'ers. There's no way. Like, if this is true, man. Sigh.

I dont know if hes still there. I posted a few weeks ago saying someone should check to see. I even pondered if the guy was ever real anyway, since they kept his head covered the entire time.

Probably just another layer of lies.
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So the welfare state worked.

What article is the social contract in?
Where did I remotely say the welfare state worked?

What article is the social contract in? Its from Rousseau and Locke. You may have heard of Locke, he is the one who coined the phrase, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of property", this is whom Jefferson took the line from. This is one of the founding spirits of thought from the Enlightenment, which our government is based and our Constitution.
I would live to sit down and watch alllllll the faux outrage news from just the past month. Then the year, etc. It would be so hilarious to see it all in one sitting.

It's hilarious, isn't it?

These are the jumps and sometimes the fake outrage doesn't even last two days

No idea in what order but just recently

- Monkey gets killed
- Cops kill two guys
- Criminals kill cops
- Nice attacks
- Ghostbusters flop means you're sexist
- Munich attacks
- Trump said something
- Charlotte loses NBA All-Star game
- Taylor Swift/Kim Kardashian something
- Melania Trump speech
- DNC wiki leaks
- DNC circus

We have the attention span of a gnat.
- Trump and Russia
- Normandy attack
I would live to sit down and watch alllllll the faux outrage news from just the past month. Then the year, etc. It would be so hilarious to see it all in one sitting.

Re: the media bias

Duh, but we do have a rare circumstance now where both candidates are universally loathed. There is a damn movie in theaters that paints Hillary in a not so great light, according the reviews/comments. That's fn nuts. I have seen other well made shorts or youtube type things absolutely demolishing Hillary. Media is crushing hillary much more than Donald, duh, as the ammo is simply there. I would expect to see some ammo against Donald as the el election nears, as lord knows he's killed tons of people, lied his ass off, stole from the poor, etc...

But, as of now, Hillary is the only candidate we know for a fact is a literal criminal. I understand Trump is likely a much worse criminal, and I look forward to seeing those facts, tbh. Can't wait. It will be hilarious.
You honestly say the media has been harder on Clinton because of "YouTube" and a private industry film lol? Those are hardly considered main stream media. Check ABC, NBC, CNN and others and see the false narrative they have built Hillary up to be. You can never win with a Democrat in a dispute because Democrats will lie and spin the truth in any way to avoid admitting that they are wrong.

Just like in yesterday's Hillary interview. Chris Wallace asked her about the FBI director saying she lied to the American people and all she would reply with was implying there was no evidence she lied to the FBI. It is true Comey said they had no evidence to prove she lied to the FBI, but no one knows what she said to the FBI because they have tried to seal the investigation until after the election. What is a fact is Comey repeatedly replied "Not True" when probed by Gowdy with questions of "Hillary said she never sent classified email...true or not true".

True Democrats who line themselves with liberal Washington are the most disgusting, despicable, ignorant and absolute most pathetic human beings on this Earth.
Where did I remotely say the welfare state worked?

What article is the social contract in? Its from Rousseau and Locke. You may have heard of Locke, he is the one who coined the phrase, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of property", this is whom Jefferson took the line from. This is one of the founding spirits of thought from the Enlightenment, which our government is based and our Constitution.

You may want to Google James Madison.
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