How will they rule ??!

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Why do I have a duty to help the poor?

Because you say so?

Look out!
And you'd be wrong. king tides formerly weren't that high. Why would you build extensively on streets that flooded that often?

haha ok You're wrong. 100% wrong, and I can play this game all day Moe.

Miami Beach Public Relations Manager Melissa Berthier told The Daily Caller News Foundation that “flooding only happens during ‘king tides,'” which take place around April and October. She did go on to say that if enough rain falls during high tide, light flooding can occur. But reiterated floods do not happen as a normal occurrence during Miami Beach’s high tides.
haha ok You're wrong. 100% wrong, and I can play this game all day Moe.

Miami Beach Public Relations Manager Melissa Berthier told The Daily Caller News Foundation that “flooding only happens during ‘king tides,'” which take place around April and October. She did go on to say that if enough rain falls during high tide, light flooding can occur. But reiterated floods do not happen as a normal occurrence during Miami Beach’s high tides.

Sometimes you post with your goofy tone.
Sometimes you post normal.
You've got me stumped here. I suspect you're putting me on. Taking the p$ss, as the English say.
Sometimes you post with your goofy tone.
Sometimes you post normal.
You've got me stumped here. I suspect you're putting me on. Taking the p$ss, as the English say.

You should prolly take the grass, as the Amsterdammers say.

There are a ton other happenings around the world that you can debate climate change. I'll give you one. The current melting in Siberia's permafrost that is releasing pockets of methane. They are dealign with a Anthrax run that has thus killed 20 people and a lot of animals.

But Miami? Ha! No way Jose. Not even close, Moe.
We're not the same person. (Well, I'm not.) But who cares? I'm not debating people, i.e. I've been taking on the issues regardless of the name of the poster. I don't know who I'm talking to. The issue you raise applies to conservative writers as well. To me, every single writer here might be the same person using different logins. Unless you're an admin with access to IP logs you don't know.

But I really don't understand why you'd care. Nobody compels you to read or respond. You aren't graded or rewarded. There's no Scorekeeper. Nobody wins an internet trophy. If reading a different viewpoint upsets you, you can block offending posters and go on as if alternate points of view don't exist.

Every other posters besides you two make reasonable statements and make reasonable concessions.

The two of you fail to do either. You've been repeatedly confronted for lying (at worst) or being wrong (at best). Whether it's about hacking or the flood pic. Yet you never admit or concede anything.

I don't put poster on ignore. Who knows, maybe someday you'll make a good point. I don't want to miss that. But I have no interest in responding to posters who are clearly only trolling, for financial gain or not.
Actually, no. She said the mother was wrong. Everyone who ever said that she called the woman a liar should go stand in a corner until dinner time.
Well, if you say something and someone tells what you said and you deny saying it, you are calling that person a liar. And hildawg knows a little bit about lying.
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Well, if you say something and someone tells what you said and you deny saying it, you are calling that person a liar. And hildawg knows a little bit about lying.

People can be mistaken. Saying someone is wrong has no relation to saying someone has lied. How could a teacher correct a student's work?
I would rather have Vladimir Putin as POTUS than Hilary Clinton. They both would run the country solely for personal gain. But at least no one in the country would eat up Putin's bullshit like they do with Clinton.

Probably end up with the same outcomes, Clinton just wouldn't get as rich off the Russian bribes.
People can be mistaken. Saying someone is wrong has no relation to saying someone has lied. How could a teacher correct a student's work?

Do you stop for one minute to think about what you're actually typing, or does it just get copied and pasted from the DNC emails?

This isn't an error in a math problem.
Every other posters besides you two make reasonable statements and make reasonable concessions.

The two of you fail to do either. You've been repeatedly confronted for lying (at worst) or being wrong (at best). Whether it's about hacking or the flood pic. Yet you never admit or concede anything.

I don't put poster on ignore. Who knows, maybe someday you'll make a good point. I don't want to miss that. But I have no interest in responding to posters who are clearly only trolling, for financial gain or not.

How much could you afford to bet? And what would constitute a resolution to the wager? I don't know about Z but I don't get a dime for this stuff. Shouldn't there be a penalty for libel? It's like that one poster who was sure I'd never worked with servers. And to what end? I'm absolutely baffled why it matters to you. What possible effect on the truth or falsity of the argument could there be? Just read the posts. Don't look at the author. I just read the posts since I'm not calling anyone up later to go out for a beer. I don't even like beer that much.
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I would rather have Vladimir Putin as POTUS than Hilary Clinton. They both would run the country solely for personal gain. But at least no one in the country would eat up Putin's bullshit like they do with Clinton.

Probably end up with the same outcomes, Clinton just wouldn't get as rich off the Russian bribes.

Well, that's that. Will you be moving to Russia if she wins?
Do you stop for one minute to think about what you're actually typing, or does it just get copied and pasted from the DNC emails?

This isn't an error in a math problem.

Explain how claiming someone is mistaken equals calling someone a liar.

If you fail, go stand in two corners until dinner time.
This whole thing about Russia is absolutely hysterical. I think Bill C alluded in another post that now Russia is more of a threat than ISIS.

Remember when Obama point blankly told Dmitry Medvedev "'I'll have more flexibility after election'

Dems are sitting nicely in Putin's pockets. Oh, John Podestra is running a business in Russia that doesn't pay taxes. Panama Papers bitches.
Well, if you say something and someone tells what you said and you deny saying it, you are calling that person a liar. And hildawg knows a little bit about lying.

I'm not really following all your pronouns.

If X says A and later denies saying A then you say that X is calling anyone who quoted X as saying A a liar.

Would you say that's the gist of it?

I don't want to disturb you but you've invented the accusation bit. It isn't in there. You can call X a liar for denying having said A, but you can't create an act for X where there isn't one.
Well, that's that. Will you be moving to Russia if she wins?

Leave a country full of ignorant morons willing to vote against their best interest simply because they feel like they're part of a team?

Hell no.

I'll just find a way to take advantage of you ignorant morons for personal profit and convince you its for your own good. The same way Clinton has you defending her every move, even though she'd just as soon let Syrian rebels sodomize you to death.
John Podestra John F'ing Podestra[roll] I now see why Trump is winning with the intellectuals on this board.

You guys enjoy the echo chamber on here. I'm going back to the bunker. See you in November luddites!
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John Podestra John F'ing Podestra[roll] I now see why Trump is winning with the intellectuals on this board.

You guys enjoy the echo chamber on here. I'm going back to the bunker. See you in November luddites!

Stick race baiting cardkilla. it's the only thing you know.

And yes, John f'ing Podestra is a criminal. With Hillary supporting Big Banks and Wall Street, I could see why Democrats would hate the Panama Papers. Maybe Hillary will assign a death squad if she is elected.
This whole thing about Russia is absolutely hysterical. I think Bill C alluded in another post that now Russia is more of a threat than ISIS.

Remember when Obama point blankly told Dmitry Medvedev "'I'll have more flexibility after election'

Dems are sitting nicely in Putin's pockets. Oh, John Podestra is running a business in Russia that doesn't pay taxes. Panama Papers bitches.

Russia has always been more of a threat than ISIS.
Presidents always have more flexibility as lame ducks.
To make an accusation stick, you really have to link a generality to an action. Evil doesn't shimmer above ambiguities. Some kind of action. Disbanding NATO. Betraying a Baltic Republic. That kind of thing.

And its really nice to find out that the right is finally taking the Russia stuff seriously. A couple of days went by there and you were just fumbling around. You know, Trump's unsavoury connections to Russia were there to be seen well before the nomination. It's almost as if nominees to run for prez get fewer background checks than immigrants.

[44 lines of HAHAHAHAetc implied]
Russia has always been more of a threat than ISIS.
Presidents always have more flexibility as lame ducks.
To make an accusation stick, you really have to link a generality to an action. Evil doesn't shimmer above ambiguities. Some kind of action. Disbanding NATO. Betraying a Baltic Republic. That kind of thing.

And its really nice to find out that the right is finally taking the Russia stuff seriously. A couple of days went by there and you were just fumbling around. You know, Trump's unsavoury connections to Russia were there to be seen well before the nomination. It's almost as if nominees to run for prez get fewer background checks than immigrants.

[44 lines of HAHAHAHAetc implied]

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Leave a country full of ignorant morons willing to vote against their best interest simply because they feel like they're part of a team?

Hell no.

I'll just find a way to take advantage of you ignorant morons for personal profit and convince you its for your own good. The same way Clinton has you defending her every move, even though she'd just as soon let Syrian rebels sodomize you to death.
Just tell them you feel their pain and carry hot sauce in your pocket for when you go to lunch and dinner and they will line your pockets with donations.
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Stick race baiting cardkilla. it's the only thing you know.

And yes, John f'ing Podestra is a criminal. With Hillary supporting Big Banks and Wall Street, I could see why Democrats would hate the Panama Papers. Maybe Hillary will assign a death squad if she is elected.
Julian Assange is probably running from one right now.
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I'm not really following all your pronouns.

If X says A and later denies saying A then you say that X is calling anyone who quoted X as saying A a liar.

Would you say that's the gist of it?

I don't want to disturb you but you've invented the accusation bit. It isn't in there. You can call X a liar for denying having said A, but you can't create an act for X where there isn't one.
You are absolutely a terrible person. And that is no lie.
Speaking of donations, with the talk of Hillary being for the people, who do you lefties think she is going to help first? The poor people or all of those entities that gave her millions upon millions to be president. I will give you a hint, it will not be the poor people. I figured since you can't see your noses for her ass, I would make it simple for you.
Social contract. Your should read up on it.

Should you be forced? No. I think we have a moral duty and a social duty. If you choose to be a terrible human, you should have that right too.

You think you're an island though? Separate from every one else?

Yeah that helping others crap is the kinda of SJW thing Christ would do.

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Yeah that helping others crap is the kinda of SJW thing Christ would do.

If Trump had allowed Americans to die in Benghazi and deleted 30,000 emails while under FBI investigation would the Democrats overlook it like they are with Hillary?

Murder and Perjury override Adultery and Divorce any day of the week.

Unless you're a Democrat.
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I don't even think Oliver Stone could come up with a more insane plot of corruption for a movie about the Clintons compared to the reality of their careers.

We're very close to getting another 8 years of a Clinton. That means we will have had either a Clinton or a Bush in office for 35 of 43 years. 1981-2008, 2017-2024.
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I don't even think Oliver Stone could come up with a more insane plot of corruption for a movie about the Clintons compared to the reality of their careers.

We're very close to getting another 8 years of a Clinton. That means we will have had either a Clinton or a Bush in office for 35 of 43 years. 1981-2008, 2016-2024.
If she gets in the office we will still have a bush in the White House. Only problem is, this bush would smell worse than the last one.
If Trump had allowed Americans to die in Benghazi and deleted 30,000 emails while under FBI investigation would the Democrats overlook it like they are with Hillary?

Murder and Purgery override Adultery and Divorce any day of the week.

Unless you're a Democrat.

Absolutely. Bill cheated on more women than a entire population living in a small American town. Talking about Trump's infidelity when Bill got impeached for it. haha You can't make this shit up.
It's funny to see the stances thrown out the window. The right got sick of establishment candidates and do nothing RINOs and went with an outsider. The Dems who had claimed to be against big money, evil corporations and Wall-Street as well as against the war in Iraq, completely toss those concerns out the window in favor of Hillary.