How will they rule ??!

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the missteps were by the Democrats in New York. And the media that was promoting a false narrative the China flu was not a threat. During the January impeachment and February the downplayed it. And they led the chorus Trump was a racist for shutting down travel from China. Had he not done that no telling where we would be.

The seeds for the pandemic were sown during this period of time. Plus once New Yorkers realized how severe the problem was their residents started boarding planes and flying all of the country to get away from the restrictions that were placed on New York City. And they carried the virus everywhere they went.
I saw some legal conference in June get cancelled. June. All I can hope is they did it to save on a big deposit or something. Because cancelling anything that far away is ridiculous
If you ignore the stuff about WW3, this is pretty damn funny.

Imagine if 10 years ago you were approached by a time traveler and he was like "look, I don't have much time to explain, all I can tell you is that the year 2020 is going to be an absolute shit show. You know Donald Trump, the reality TV star of ‘The Apprentice’? Well he's the president of the United States and at the beginning of 2020 he gets into a Twitter beef with Iran that almost starts World War 3. Australia catches on fire and a woman tries to save it by selling pictures of her tits. Kobe Bryant passes away in a helicopter crash. Half the world is devasted, the other half just makes ****ed up memes. A little time passes and just when the world starts recovering from the loss of Kobe some dude in China eats a ****ing raw ass bat and starts a global pandemic that specifically kills maw maw's and paw paws. Everyone loses their minds. 40% of the population thinks it's the end of the world another 40% thinks it's all fake and 20% blames the whole thing on cell phone towers and Tom Hanks ****ing kids. The one thing everyone seems to agree on is that the only way to survive is by hoarding toilet paper. Grocery stores are ransacked and Charmin ultra soft essentially replaces the dollar as the United States official currency. Eventually, as hysteria grows, world governments are forced to shut the entire planet down and lock everyone in their houses and the only person that can keep the people from completely flipping out and starting a huge riot is a gun toting homosexual Oklahoma man with a meth addiction and 180 pet tigers...
Speaking of...did you watch Tiger King? Pretty entertaining, some batshit craziness going on with those folks.
But as I told my girlfriend last night when we were watching. If you wanted to know what a gay Trump supporter would look like... well the dude did try to run for President, then for Governor of OK as a libertarian.
the missteps were by the Democrats in New York. And the media that was promoting a false narrative the China flu was not a threat. During the January impeachment and February the downplayed it. And they led the chorus Trump was a racist for shutting down travel from China. Had he not done that no telling where we would be.

The seeds for the pandemic were sown during this period of time. Plus once NewD Yorkers realized how severe the problem was their residents started boarding planes and flying all of the country to get away from the restrictions that were placed on New York City. And they carried the virus everywhere they went.
DeBlasio just 2 weeks ago....
'The mayor stood steadfast in his decision to keep schools open. At a Friday press conference, he pointed to new guidance from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which said the spread of COVID-19 might not be slowed by school closures. He also earned support from the 1199SEIU, the union that represents health care employees, whose members called for schools to remain open for those who need childcare.

Then, DeBlasio just 4 days later. Headline reads.....
Bill de Blasio Buries Trump for ‘Inexplicable’ Coronavirus Response: ‘Beyond Comprehension’ That You Haven’t Mobilized the Military
By Joe DePaoloMar 19th, 2020, 5:45 pm
What does that even mean?

He has been speaking out. There weren’t any bills a week ago. There was a short Senate bill over the weekend, then 1500 of Pelosi pork, then a “compromise” bill finally released by the Senate Wednesday night and passed minutes later.

Today was Massie’s first chance to vote on this bill.

It’s all moot now, but the outrage makes no sense.

You're wasting your time explaining that. It doesn't take much principal to buy some people's principles.

As A.G Wentworth would say......…...
Pretty damn irresponsible of her to post something like that too.

ANYBODY who believes the numbers China is putting out and uses it against us is a GD moron. China’s numbers are about as believable as mermaids and unicorns.

And not one person pointing out us passing China has acknowledged how our death rate is lower than most every country not named Germany and all we hear about Germany is crickets.
This whole thing is giving me a different understanding of Stalin..."one death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic"

How many did that guy actually kill?
...And not one person pointing out us passing China has acknowledged how our death rate is lower than most every country not named Germany and all we hear about Germany is crickets.
Current numbers...worldwide death rate about 4.5%, USA 1.4%. Even lower since everyone knows that more people actually have it than the numbers shown.
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Speaking of...did you watch Tiger King? Pretty entertaining, some batshit craziness going on with those folks.
But as I told my girlfriend last night when we were watching. If you wanted to know what a gay Trump supporter would look like... well the dude did try to run for President, then for Governor of OK as a libertarian.

Yeah - watched it in one sitting. Crazy stuff. Sadly, Joe might have been the least unlikable of all the major players in the show and he was the one who ended up in prison.
Well I've definitely gotten into enough arguments with people that this think is just not serious enough to be drowning the economy for a month and that our liberties are being taken away for nothing but a power grab. They just don't wanna see sense really shows how the media can brainwash some folks
Chinese food is cultural and is not demeaning.. A virus that started in China can be accurate as stated and not racist at all. Being Chinese has nothing to do with the virus, that is why it is found all around the globe. The Chinese that live in the USA aren't necessarily carriers of the virus anymore because they are Chinese than you are because you are American. It is not appropriate to call a virus the American Flu anymore than it is the Chinese Flu. The problem with a lot of racists is they don't know they are racist and are always trying to explain they are not. To them it's just normal to belittle others, they see nothing wrong with it. At one time it was completely normal to think of humans as property, those people own slaves went church on Sunday and thought they were "saved" children of God. They didn't think they were racists either.

Well I've definitely gotten into enough arguments with people that this think is just not serious enough to be drowning the economy for a month and that our liberties are being taken away for nothing but a power grab. They just don't wanna see sense really shows how the media can brainwash some folks

Just go to the trough for some of this free money to ease the pain.
Not sure why all the furor over Massie. According to what I heard, he just pointed out they didn’t have a quorum needed to pass the bill in the House.

Only delayed long enough to get enough members back to meet the Constitutional requirement.

Anybody upset over this including POTUS needs to get a grip.
Yeah - watched it in one sitting. Crazy stuff. Sadly, Joe might have been the least unlikable of all the major players in the show and he was the one who ended up in prison.
He definitely got railroaded and had his own personal issues, but until the latter part, he actually seemed like one who genuinely cared about the animals, but basically got carried away with it all. Even at the end he admitted he let fame get in his way of really caring for the animals when he told the story of having to let his chimps go.

that Carole chick is a huge fraud. No doubt she killed her husband.
China now seeing people who have had it and recovered are testing positive again? Wonder if that's legit.
Most likely not legit. Just a ruse so the can adjust their numbers again and keep this thing going longer. The longer they keep us and our economy down the better for them.
Not sure why all the furor over Massie. According to what I heard, he just pointed out they didn’t have a quorum needed to pass the bill in the House.

Only delayed long enough to get enough members back to meet the Constitutional requirement.

Anybody upset over this including POTUS needs to get a grip.
OK, I need to get a grip. He damn well knew he was changing nothing & was just being an a-hole. F him. I'll take Trump any day. I won't be voting for Massie.
I'm guessing it's probably actually a boon for GM. They'll get paid for work during a time they were otherwise shut down.

Didn't they also try to gouge us when they were voluntarily offering their services?
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