How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Enjoy the little grave you just dug up for yourself, Massie, you've earn it.
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Interesting thoughts


Whatever your feelings for Trump, these are some interesting points that Tim Allen makes.
Put your hatred aside and think about these observations. Tim Allen is credited with writing this ...
Here are some interesting points to think about prior to 2020, especially to my friends on the fence, like moderate Democrats, Libertarians and Independents and the never Trump Republicans and those thinking of "walking away" from the Democratic party.
Women are upset at Trump’s naughty words -- they also bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray.

Not one feminist has defended Sarah Sanders. It seems women’s rights only matter if those women are liberal. No Border Walls. No voter ID laws. Did you figure it out yet? But wait... there's more. Chelsea Clinton got out of college and got a job at NBC that paid $900,000 per year. Her mom flies around the country speaking out about white privilege.

And just like that, they went from being against foreign interference in our elections to allowing non-citizens to vote in our elections. President Trump’s wall costs less than the Obamacare website. Let that sink in, America. We are one election away from open borders, socialism, gun confiscation, and full-term abortion nationally. We are fighting evil. They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they sent to defend Benghazi. 60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index. Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.

Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But Trump was the one investigated! Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump Invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union. Let that sink in. A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to take everything from their citizens at gunpoint ... Yet! How do you walk 3000 miles across Mexico without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds overweight and with a cellphone?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants to ban cars, ban planes, give out universal income and thinks socialism works. She calls Donald Trump crazy. Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones To get her to go away. I don’t remember the FBI raiding his lawyer’s office.
I wake up every day and I am grateful that Hillary Clinton is not the president of the United States of America. The same media that told me Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning now tells me Trump’s approval ratings are low. “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”— Margaret Thatcher
Maxine Waters opposes voter ID laws; She thinks that they are racist. You need to have a photo ID to attend her town hall meetings. President Trump said — "They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in their way."

Now, go Back & Read this Again like your Future Depends upon it, Because it Does.
While I agree with all that is written...and TA is a fairly conservative guy...I find it hard to believe he actually wrote it seeing that he still kind of depends on the Hollywood apparatus. Maybe an internet spoof of some type? Or what's more believable...he really did write it for one of his stand up comedy acts. Now that could be true. If you read it that way it's even more believable.
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While I agree with all that is written...and TA is a fairly conservative guy...I find it hard to believe he actually wrote it seeing that he still kind of depends on the Hollywood apparatus. Maybe an internet spoof of some type? Or what's more believable...he really did write it for one of his stand up comedy acts. Now that could be true. If you read it that way it's even more believable.

I honestly don't care who wrote it, LOL. I should have just left that off.
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It's also another major lie and false premise that we can make this disappear or stop the spread by staying shut in. We can't just like we can't change global temperatures. There always has been corona viruses and this is just another we may have to deal with every season just like many illnesses that you've accepted as a part of your life
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Wall Street gets trillions in free money and huge corporations that don't even pay tax just got a $500 billion bailout. But a measly $1 billion dollars for 50,000 ventilators and suddenly Trump cries broke. Health professionals and governors reminded Trump that a shocking gap in ventilators means hundreds of thousands of people could die
While I'm in good shape financially...I'm really getting tired of all these fat cat politicians, celebrities, et al doing commercials and social media saying 'we're all in this together'. Easy for all them to say with $$ in the bank when a ton of people who are living pay check to pay check don't know how they'll feed their kids.
Can not believe people are pissed at Massie over the timing.

Congress has made it a habit to quickly pass bullshit thousand page bills minutes after the text is available to the public so no one has a chance to find out what is in it.


If you’re pissed about Massie’s timing, blame the worthless pieces of shit in Congress who continuously pass these bills in the dead of night to keep it hidden from the public.

It’s refreshing to see someone in Washington object on principle. Even though it makes no practical difference.

And as I type this just got an email notification the House passed the bill. I guess the threats got to Massie.
Can not believe people are pissed at Massie over the timing.

Congress has made it a habit to quickly pass bullshit thousand page bills minutes after the text is available to the public so no one has a chance to find out what is in it.


If you’re pissed about Massie’s timing, blame the worthless pieces of shit in Congress who continuously pass these bills in the dead of night to keep it hidden from the public.

It’s refreshing to see someone in Washington object on principle. Even though it makes no practical difference.

And as I type this just got an email notification the House passed the bill. I guess the threats got to Massie.
I'm still pissed at Massie & done voting for him.
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It's also another major lie and false premise that we can make this disappear or stop the spread by staying shut in. We can't just like we can't change global temperatures. There always has been corona viruses and this is just another we may have to deal with every season just like many illnesses that you've accepted as a part of your life
This is a great example of how stupid people can't grasp concepts. First point of stupidity by this poster. Social distancing and shut-in has already proven effective in other countries. The shut-in main result early is to slow the transmission in order to keep our facilities from being overwhelmed. Second point not grasped by stupid people.

I don't like calling people stupid but in cases where they are spreading harmful information it is not only stupid it is recklessly dangerous. Like kids having a big corona party and some of them die from the Corona virus.
While I'm in good shape financially...I'm really getting tired of all these fat cat politicians, celebrities, et al doing commercials and social media saying 'we're all in this together'. Easy for all them to say with $$ in the bank when a ton of people who are living pay check to pay check don't know how they'll feed their kids.

It’s OK if you can’t feed your kids! Just make a viral karaoke video with your kids! Then build a treehouse! Maybe learn a new language together!
Before Pelosi got her hands in the mess. I mean if he had a problem he should have spoken out a week ago+.

What does that even mean?

He has been speaking out. There weren’t any bills a week ago. There was a short Senate bill over the weekend, then 1500 of Pelosi pork, then a “compromise” bill finally released by the Senate Wednesday night and passed minutes later.

Today was Massie’s first chance to vote on this bill.

It’s all moot now, but the outrage makes no sense.
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Kirk Herbstreit saying he doesn’t think we will have football in the fall at all. Go ahead and end it all right now. If things are that bad, we are toast anyway.
Ive been thinking this myself. I mean hell the derby was delayed and its in September when football starts.
Kirk Herbstreit saying he doesn’t think we will have football in the fall at all. Go ahead and end it all right now. If things are that bad, we are toast anyway.

Jesus h Christ now why would he be saying a thing like this if he wasn't hoping to influence the leagues and make this happen? I mean why not say we're not gonna have sports for the next 5-10 years. What an idiot does he realize what no football would mean for the economy of thousands of cities? Another bspn asswipe with no clue what he's talking about how irresponsible. Should we just cancel living until next July kirk? It's like everyone in the media is beating the same drum to drown the economy its so transparent
Jesus h Christ now why would he be saying a thing like this if he wasn't hoping to influence the leagues and make this happen? I mean why not say we're not gonna have sports for the next 5-10 years. What an idiot does he realize what no football would mean for the economy of thousands of cities? Another bspn asswipe with no clue what he's talking about how irresponsible. Should we just cancel living until next July kirk? It's like everyone in the media is beating the same drum to drown the economy its so transparent

Yep. Kirk Herbstreit wants football cancelled. He's finally got his chance to unveil the ruse he put over on everyone
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I’ve never received a Christmas card from him. I’ve lived in Oldham and now Spencer counties both in his district. Might have changed my whole outlook on him.
I’m in Oldham, don’t know why I get one, I don’t do political donations to him.
I'm now convinced Air Raid is a parody of something. Yeah, sporstwriters/casters/networks are dying for there to be no sports until next year, that will really prop up the P&Ls.
Hillary should just go full on wrestling heel at this point and start shitting in Biden too. It would be fantastic television.
If you ignore the stuff about WW3, this is pretty damn funny.

Imagine if 10 years ago you were approached by a time traveler and he was like "look, I don't have much time to explain, all I can tell you is that the year 2020 is going to be an absolute shit show. You know Donald Trump, the reality TV star of ‘The Apprentice’? Well he's the president of the United States and at the beginning of 2020 he gets into a Twitter beef with Iran that almost starts World War 3. Australia catches on fire and a woman tries to save it by selling pictures of her tits. Kobe Bryant passes away in a helicopter crash. Half the world is devasted, the other half just makes ****ed up memes. A little time passes and just when the world starts recovering from the loss of Kobe some dude in China eats a ****ing raw ass bat and starts a global pandemic that specifically kills maw maw's and paw paws. Everyone loses their minds. 40% of the population thinks it's the end of the world another 40% thinks it's all fake and 20% blames the whole thing on cell phone towers and Tom Hanks ****ing kids. The one thing everyone seems to agree on is that the only way to survive is by hoarding toilet paper. Grocery stores are ransacked and Charmin ultra soft essentially replaces the dollar as the United States official currency. Eventually, as hysteria grows, world governments are forced to shut the entire planet down and lock everyone in their houses and the only person that can keep the people from completely flipping out and starting a huge riot is a gun toting homosexual Oklahoma man with a meth addiction and 180 pet tigers...
I'm now convinced Air Raid is a parody of something. Yeah, sporstwriters/casters/networks are dying for there to be no sports until next year, that will really prop up the P&Ls.

that's not what I said. you know you're not much better than Levi and the other lefties here you haven't fooled me for a minute. You love to twist my words. I said it was irresponsible for him to make that proclamation on March whatever. And he's gonna say what his corporate bosses at espn want him to say. The left is very invested in America failing. Whether he personally wants football to be cancelled or not makes no difference. And no football wouldnt just mean no football it would ruin the economy so why make this dire prediction
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