How will they rule ??!

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Of course they don't last forever, that isn't the point. How are businesses going to be short of labor, 3.3 million people just filed for unemployment.

If people can draw more sitting at home than they can working a ton will do just that.
OK. We just disagree then. I don't think businesses will wind up short of labor due to this. Bigger problem will be generating business imo with people hoarding money & fearing going out due to the disease risk. They'll just pay more to the workers they have & have them work longer. Many will be happy for that. If so many sit around till these payments end & they all come on the job market at same time, where do they think the jobs will be?
Atlantic writer...


They're absolutely trying to push us into socialism through the backdoor. With this bill, they made major inroads. Can you imagine the message?

"Yes our universal basic income will be just like the coronavirus payout"
Do we get to see the Democrat front runner for president drool all over himself while his handlers stand by ready to pull the plug again today, or is the DNC hide him because they realized the Democrat voters, as dumb as they are, won’t vote for a vegetable.
To be honest I don't remember the Swine flu being this big of a threat and a world-wide threat. Maybe Obama mishandled as badly as you intimate, I really don't know all the details. Why do you think that relevant today? When Obama left office there was a pandemic response team in placed, when the pandemic hit our shores it no longer existed. What I have read is that Obama made mistakes and organized the CDC in a way to have a pandemic response team comprised of our best at that singular event. That is addressed in the AP article I posted. Did you read that article? It rang pretty clear to me.

Hmm. I wonder why you don't remember the swine flu being such a big deal? Could it be that there was no breathless reporting 24/7 on every network and cable news channel? Wonder why that was?
The swine flu wasn't as big of a deal because the media didn't make it as big of a deal. Worldwide pandemic, millions in the US contracted it, thousands died, shortage of respirators and masks just as today, only there wasn't an economic meltdown due to everything closing.

The pandemic response team was formed after the ebola outbreak, not the swine flu.

What would the pandemic response team do that the CDC was not capable of?

Obama's response is relevant because he was the last President that responded to a pandemic that was in the US. You're claiming Trump had done so poorly, when it's obvious he has outperformed by a mile the last US response.

So Bill you've asked questions that I've tried to address and you simply out of hand reject any and all answers. You insist on being Trump's cheerleader and ask other people (me) for answers you appear to simply want to shoot down with partisan glee, making me highly suspicious of your motives.

So here is an article that explains quite clearly what was and what wasn't done correctly or well. But the fact is clear, if you were really as sincere about you questions as you pose, am I that much better than you at research?

“We recommend early budget and financial analysis of various response scenarios and an early decision to request supplemental funding from Congress, if needed,” the guide urges. But the Trump administration waited more than a month to ask for emergency funding after the timeline laid out in the playbook.

The playbook also repeatedly urges officials to question official numbers about the viral spread. “What is our level of confidence on the case detection rate?” reads one question. “Is diagnostic capacity keeping up?” But across January and much of February, Trump administration officials publicly insisted that their diagnostic efforts were sufficient to detect coronavirus. Officials now privately concede that the administration’s well-documented testing problems have contributed to the outbreak’s silent spread across the United States, and health experts say that diagnostic capacity is only now in late March catching up to the need.
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Hmm. I wonder why you don't remember the swine flu being such a big deal? Could it be that there was no breathless reporting 24/7 on every network and cable news channel? Wonder why that was?
No I assure you that is not the case. I've had my own medical challenges that are none of your business.
All are lower than lowest low. Just one big POS after another. I pick Scarborough because he pretended to be a conservative as a U.S. Rep from the Florida Panhandle. Probably the most conservative area in America. He was a fraud then and when he got to New York City the truth came out.
Plus. Mika has him pu$$y whipped now. Joe Scar borough is a CUCK.
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OK. We just disagree then. I don't think businesses will wind up short of labor due to this. Bigger problem will be generating business imo with people hoarding money & fearing going out due to the disease risk. They'll just pay more to the workers they have & have them work longer. Many will be happy for that. If so many sit around till these payments end & they all come on the job market at same time, where do they think the jobs will be?

Either way there won't be a shortage of labor in either scenario. Why did people sit on unemployment so long after the recession in 2008-2009? Hell, that was when unemployment was still at normal amounts, it just kept getting extended out further and further.

I'm not saying every single person will wait it out, but a lot will ride it out as long as they're allowed too.
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To be honest I don't remember the Swine flu being this big of a threat and a world-wide threat. Maybe Obama mishandled as badly as you intimate, I really don't know all the details. Why do you think that relevant today? When Obama left office there was a pandemic response team in placed, when the pandemic hit our shores it no longer existed. What I have read is that Obama made mistakes and organized the CDC in a way to have a pandemic response team comprised of our best at that singular event. That is addressed in the AP article I posted. Did you read that article? It rang pretty clear to me.
It didn't ring all that clear to me. I think you are reading more into those comments than what is actually there. Most couldn't say that the elimination of the unit actually hurt preparedness. Fauci, early in the article, says "I wouldn't necessarily characterize it as a mistake (to eliminate the unit)". Earlier this week he was quoted as saying the Trump administration response to the pandemic has been impressive. The article seems to be more about their opinion on how to organize the responsibilities rather than saying that disbanding the unit actually hurt us in some way. I have no problem with someone believing that a certain organizational structure is better or worse than another structure. In the end, it's just opinion. And like I said, Fauci was praising the response by the Trump administration earlier this week.
So Bill you've asked questions that I've tried to address and you simply out of hand reject any and all answers. You insist on being Trump's cheerleader and ask other people (me) for answers you appear to simply want to shoot down with partisan glee, making me highly suspicious of your motives.

So here is an article that explains quite clearly what was and what wasn't done correctly or well. But the fact is clear, if you were really as sincere about you questions as you pose, am I that much better than you at research?

“We recommend early budget and financial analysis of various response scenarios and an early decision to request supplemental funding from Congress, if needed,” the guide urges. But the Trump administration waited more than a month to ask for emergency funding after the timeline laid out in the playbook.

The playbook also repeatedly urges officials to question official numbers about the viral spread. “What is our level of confidence on the case detection rate?” reads one question. “Is diagnostic capacity keeping up?” But across January and much of February, Trump administration officials publicly insisted that their diagnostic efforts were sufficient to detect coronavirus. Officials now privately concede that the administration’s well-documented testing problems have contributed to the outbreak’s silent spread across the United States, and health experts say that diagnostic capacity is only now in late March catching up to the need.

The article clearly states that 3 more recently designed plans were used instead of this one. Even with that, Trump did exactly what the playbook stated, and you quoted in your post. He has clearly acted much quicker than the Obama admin, did request emergency funding quickly. Declared a health emergency before it was widespread, and then a national emergency right after it was called a pandemic by WHO.

There absolutely should be questions about testing, and why it took so long to get one ready to go. However, we differ on the fault or lack thereof. The govt is wholly consumed with following procedure, there are procedure's on top of procedure's. That's why the national emergency declaration was so important, it eliminates the procedures and allows the govt to act as a private industry does.
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That sounds racist to me. Obama was handed a collapsing global economy his first day in office and handed off a expanding recovered and prosperous economy to Trump. So I'll just ignore you.

Prosperous? Is that why for the first time in American history most people thought their kids would be worse off than them? The idea of the American dream was vanishing in 2016, it's exactly why Trump won.
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So Bill you've asked questions that I've tried to address and you simply out of hand reject any and all answers. You insist on being Trump's cheerleader and ask other people (me) for answers you appear to simply want to shoot down with partisan glee, making me highly suspicious of your motives.

So here is an article that explains quite clearly what was and what wasn't done correctly or well. But the fact is clear, if you were really as sincere about you questions as you pose, am I that much better than you at research?

“We recommend early budget and financial analysis of various response scenarios and an early decision to request supplemental funding from Congress, if needed,” the guide urges. But the Trump administration waited more than a month to ask for emergency funding after the timeline laid out in the playbook.

The playbook also repeatedly urges officials to question official numbers about the viral spread. “What is our level of confidence on the case detection rate?” reads one question. “Is diagnostic capacity keeping up?” But across January and much of February, Trump administration officials publicly insisted that their diagnostic efforts were sufficient to detect coronavirus. Officials now privately concede that the administration’s well-documented testing problems have contributed to the outbreak’s silent spread across the United States, and health experts say that diagnostic capacity is only now in late March catching up to the need.
Once again you reading what you want to hear and ignoring anything that contradicts it. Here is the explanation from the article you linked.

An NSC official confirmed the existence of the playbook but dismissed its value. “We are aware of the document, although it’s quite dated and has been superseded by strategic and operational biodefense policies published since,” the official said. “The plan we are executing now is a better fit, more detailed, and applies the relevant lessons learned from the playbook and the most recent Ebola epidemic in the [Democratic Republic of the Congo] to COVID-19.”

A health department spokesperson also said that the NSC playbook was not part of the current coronavirus strategy. “The HHS COVID-19 response was informed by more recent plans such as the foundation of the National Biodefense Strategy (2018), Biological Incident Annex (2017),and panCAP (2018) among other key plans provided by the CDC, White House Task Force, FEMA, and other key federal departments and agencies,” the spokesperson said.

The slightly slanted article went on to say the following.

It is not clear if the administration’s failure to follow the NSC playbook was the result of an oversight or a deliberate decision to follow a different course.

It seems pretty clear from the NSC official above that it was a decision to follow a different course.
Obama declared a state of emergency on Oct 24, 2009. This is the NBC Nightly Newscast from Oct 25. If I counted correctly, it's discussed for the first 4 minutes of the newscast. 4 Compare that to the news of the last few weeks. Quite a difference IMO.
Notice at the 6:43 mark they report on Obama's GOLF game that day and how he was joined for the first time by a female in the group. Isn't that sweet. Don't recall Trump hitting the links lately.

I've had a terrible time trying to get a link to work. For some reason the 3 or 4 times I've tried to post this it only shows a 2 minute commercial. ?? So, I'll just type out the web address. You'll have to copy & paste to get there. Sorry.
I think my favorite thing during this apocalypse is people criticizing Trump for calling the coronavirus a hoax.

Because those people are too goddam stupid to understand Trump said the democrat criticism was their new hoax, and idiots claiming Trump called the virus a hoax are proving him 100% correct.
Of course they don't last forever, that isn't the point. How are businesses going to be short of labor, 3.3 million people just filed for unemployment.

If people can draw more sitting at home than they can working a ton will do just that.

I disagree, a bunch will work for cash under the table and claim unemployment.

I am waiting for the inevitable Corona PTSD disability claims to follow.
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We now have 1/7 the death rate of Italy with more cases than they have. And that's not even including cases that aren't tested for or reported because they're frankly not that serious

rush said it best a few weeks ago. The media didn't decide to start telling the truth about this when they've been lying for 20 years
We now have 1/7 the death rate of Italy with more cases than they have. And that's not even including cases that aren't tested for or reported because they're frankly not that serious

rush said it best a few weeks ago. The media didn't decide to start telling the truth about this when they've been lying for 20 years

We only test the most severe cases generally. The critical rate of this virus is super low. Death rate even lower. About the same as driving a car
OK. We just disagree then. I don't think businesses will wind up short of labor due to this. Bigger problem will be generating business imo with people hoarding money & fearing going out due to the disease risk. They'll just pay more to the workers they have & have them work longer. Many will be happy for that. If so many sit around till these payments end & they all come on the job market at same time, where do they think the jobs will be?
One of the problems they need to adjust are the child labor laws for kids ages 14-17. I get the reason for some but they are overly restrictive. The labor department was going around auditing and fining businesses for child labor infractions. Particularly restaurants. Our company got fined over 150K for minor infractions. We thought that was bad then saw Chipotle get fined over 2 million. And another company over 400K. There were several others fined as well. Some of these kids need to work, either to help support at home or to keep them off the streets. There needs to be some sort of parental waiver system or form which a parent or guardian can sign to allow them to work longer hours. These types of laws are why places are short staffed and have trouble finding help.
Is this all political? Not the virus of course...but all the response?
Interesting article from The Federalist. Hopefully this reporter has the facts right. An online mapping tool being used by many, many governors, mayors, etc justifying the shutting down of business, etc. Shown not to be very accurate...and wait for it...put together by a bunch of leftists. Interesting read. Makes you wonder......
So the bill requires any company taking money to be "union neutral" in the event their employees unionize.

Hahah wow. The gop really just bent over and took it. This is only the beginning. It's terrifying to think what else went into the atrocity

Don’t worry, only $500,000,000,000 includes that provision. There’s still another $1,500,000,000,000 that apparently doesn’t.
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Dan bongino has a really good podcast today suggest it if you're bored and have rush withdrawal

the models that they used to trick people into predicting a doomsday scenario are being exposed as a LIE
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A buddy that I work with just said he would be away indefinitely because his father just had surgery and his immune system is compromised. And here I'm thinking wouldn't it make more sense for him to just stay away from his father or quarantine his father instead of not working? I don't get it
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Talked with my brother a little while ago whose son is one of top doctors at a very large hospital. Said they have no cases in their hospital system. In fact he said that the hospital is the emptiest he's ever seen it. It's in Ohio and DeWine has his daily pressor going on and on about the coming bad it's going to be....etc. Nephew said that some hospitals are actually starting to lay off people due to the state telling people to cancel elective surgery, don't go to hospitals, etc.
Now maybe the gov is right...but my hope is that he'll have egg all over his face when this is all over and that he overreacted (then a lot fewer people will be getting sick).
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