How will they rule ??!

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The virus wasn't big news in January, the impeachment was. You accuse people of looking at it through a political lens, and then post quotes from the President going back 2 months?

Clearly, Trump took the virus seriously before anyone else in leadership did in the States, he blocked travel from China and the CDC declared a national health emergency. The WHO as late as January 14 said the disease wasn't transferrable between humans.

The virus is serious, it doesn't warrant the response we're currently implementing, that's my opinion.
This is the very type of misleading and fact free BS that is harmful. The first death from this virus in China was reported on Jan 11th. The House voted to impeach Dec. 18th the previous year. That canard is mute and irrelevant distraction by the GOP. That is if you believe the Constitution of the United States should be followed.

Your second point is laughable. The canard that Trump responded to this crisis before anybody in leadership is simply fake-ass tripe. The very first response to such a laughable assertion is Trump scrambled to replace people he had removed from positions that were exactly what this virus required for the protection of the public with money. That ignores the fact he wasted time and expertise before the virus arrived and at the start of it's infection of the public leaving America vulnerable and inadequately prepared. To ignore that is to omit the truth for the sake of polishing a turd of incompetent performance. That incompetence is ongoing.

Hell even Ford and GM responded to needs before Trump! Drop the damn lenses.
What protections were disassembled? No one is ignoring anything, more people aren’t infected, more tests have been given.

How is Trump failing currently?
You do not need me to answer that question, that info is out there for anybody to read. You are simply trolling for an argument. It is just---actually it's easier to find answers but you have to face the truth to do that.
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Soar must be the hyperbolic word of choice for msm. UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS SOOOAAAAR TO 3 MILLION was the Twitter notification I just got.

Even with enhanced benefits, broader definition of unemployed, and begging people to apply - it'll still be barely worse than Obama's unemployment on an average day
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This is the very type of misleading and fact free BS that is harmful. The first death from this virus in China was reported on Jan 11th. The House voted to impeach Dec. 18th the previous year. That canard is mute and irrelevant distraction by the GOP. That is if you believe the Constitution of the United States should be followed.

Your second point is laughable. The canard that Trump responded to this crisis before anybody in leadership is simply fake-ass tripe. The very first response to such a laughable assertion is Trump scrambled to replace people he had removed from positions that were exactly what this virus required for the protection of the public with money. That ignores the fact he wasted time and expertise before the virus arrived and at the start of it's infection of the public leaving America vulnerable and inadequately prepared. To ignore that is to omit the truth for the sake of polishing a turd of incompetent performance. That incompetence is ongoing.

Hell even Ford and GM responded to needs before Trump! Drop the damn lenses.

So there wasn't an impeachment trial going on in January? You're lack of an actual argument has never shown brighter than with that comment.

I gave you facts, Trump banned travel from China on Jan 27 and was called racist and xenophobic for it, the CDC declared a national emergency, and the president assembled a team to work on the Coronavirus at the same time. Who responded faster?

The virus didn't start when we started testing, it has been here for months. The govt cannot cast aside the red tape of how it operates on a whim, you know this but you are looking at it exactly the way you blame others of.
You do not need me to answer that question, that info is out there for anybody to read. You are simply trolling for an argument. It is just---actually it's easier to find answers but you have to face the truth to do that.

You can't answer it, what protections were cast aside?
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I don’t know how this drug is going to turn out, but Trump has such a reach that people across the world are now making bad/ time wasting/resource wasting decisions.

It appears that the greatest benefit of hydroxychloroquine is when it’s received early on, like tamaflu. There isn’t a whole lot of help tamiflu is going to with an intubated patient.

It’s being prescribed with a large initial dose followed by smaller daily doses. A weekly maintainer afterwards.

This article:

Even though we all know this drug is shit on a cracker, India is banning export.

Someone thinks their country is going to need it.

India bans export of malaria drug Trump touted as coronavirus treatment

India banned exports of a malaria drug backed by U.S. President Donald Trump amid a run on supplies globally, even as preliminary findings emerge that the medication isn’t better than regular care in the treatment of the coronavirus.

Exports of hydroxychloroquine will be limited to fulfilling existing contracts, while certain shipments on humanitarian grounds may also be allowed on a case-by-case basis, according to a statement issued Wednesday by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade. The ban also does not apply to factories in its special export zones

^^^ Start watching at the 2:35 mark.

This is serious shit. Bill Gates who is an advocate for population control and decreasing the human population on earth "to save the planet" is pushing negative news toward Chloroquine and advocating his own vaccine. It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that this would be a golden opportunity for a guy who wants billions less people on the planet to fulfill his wet dream by giving the world a vaccine that "accidentally goes wrong" and kills people by the millions if not billions. I'll take my chances with the Coronavirus, it would be a lot safer.
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Chinese food is cultural and is not demeaning.. A virus that started in China can be accurate as stated and not racist at all. Being Chinese has nothing to do with the virus, that is why it is found all around the globe. The Chinese that live in the USA aren't necessarily carriers of the virus anymore because they are Chinese than you are because you are American. It is not appropriate to call a virus the American Flu anymore than it is the Chinese Flu. The problem with a lot of racists is they don't know they are racist and are always trying to explain they are not. To them it's just normal to belittle others, they see nothing wrong with it. At one time it was completely normal to think of humans as property, those people own slaves went church on Sunday and thought they were "saved" children of God. They didn't think they were racists either.

The sad thing is the liberals are rooting and cheering for a high fatality rate. They want it as much as they wanted us to believe the Russia hoax. They tried so hard to make a lie believable. They failed.

Liberals do not value life. Death to them is good because in their mind, it reduces the population and saves the planet. They abort babies because they do not want children to be born. "Save the planet" is their motto and that means death for humans because we pollute. Our footprint will destroy the earth. So we see a liberal cheering when death rates go up. It is who they are. Life is not of value to them. Except their little circle.

democrats are very invested in America failing
To be fair....There was no “raise” for Congress. The $25mil was for adapting the offices to handle offsite work like Telework (buying equipment) and reimbursement for expenses already accrued.
People in an uproar don't want to be fair. They want to rage uncontrollably.
Soar must be the hyperbolic word of choice for msm. UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS SOOOAAAAR TO 3 MILLION was the Twitter notification I just got.

Even with enhanced benefits, broader definition of unemployed, and begging people to apply - it'll still be barely worse than Obama's unemployment on an average day

Soar isn't hyperbolic, that number is crazy. This is just the first full week of the country being shut down.
Listening to cunningham show yesterday on wlw it was reported that dr fauci had said deaths in the h1n1 epidemic were probably closer to 30,000 because of the way cause of death was listed on death certificates. Saying many of cod were listed as heart failure, myocardial infarction etc., instead of directly indicating h1n1 as cod.
And you can bet as many as possible will be listed at COVID19 related this time around. I effing hate that I have become so cynical.
democrats are very invested in America failing
And that is the true tragedy. Remember when Bill Maher said he would welcome a recession if it would get rid of Trump. He was cheering for the U.S. economy to take a downward plunge just to punish Trump. And you can substitute his name for most entertainers in Hollywood.

They do not care for America prospering under a Republican president. They want death and they want people out of work with Trump as president. If you do not believe it. Read the comments they put on this thread. Nothing positive about Trump. Just negativity and hate over and over again.

All we can do is throw it back at them with the comments from people like Pelosi and Biden. Ignoramos galore.
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So there wasn't an impeachment trial going on in January? You're lack of an actual argument has never shown brighter than with that comment.

I gave you facts, Trump banned travel from China on Jan 27 and was called racist and xenophobic for it, the CDC declared a national emergency, and the president assembled a team to work on the Coronavirus at the same time. Who responded faster?

The virus didn't start when we started testing, it has been here for months. The govt cannot cast aside the red tape of how it operates on a whim, you know this but you are looking at it exactly the way you blame others of.
I gave you the timeline, as well as Trumps remarks to the nation, you can ignore all of it if you want, bully pulpit and all! Maybe if you listen to Coumo and Blasio you could grasp the situation better. Maybe you could listen to health experts. Maybe you could even ask yourself, What is it that experts have suggested Trump has ignored. It's like you believe there are two Presidents! Why is ford and GM announcing what they will do to help instead of the President already having moved in that direction.

BTW when Trump was caught by a photographer changing Corona to Chinese on the script he was using---well you will probably try to explain that away as well.
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As I've stated in several posts, I don't like this bill.

1) If you pass legislation that says that if you are laid off due to this virus situation, that you no longer have to be seeking employment to receive unemployment benefits.

2) If you then pass legislation that will pay most of the individuals who were laid off(service sector) benefits that will pay them much more to not work ($600wk on top of their unemployment benefit)

3)How will the small business owners find people to work for less than $20-$24hr? How can they afford that? How can the rest of us afford to pay that small business(restaurant or whatever) for goods or services at the cost that the business may need to charge if he has to pay such an increase in labor costs?

Maybe if most of the businesses are able to call all of the people that they laid off back to work, there won't be enough who will be able to take advantage of this to affect the labor market very much.

If what has been reported is true, then 1 & 2 are factual.
Number 3 is hypothetical as of now, but what if that is the scenario that will exist. The labor market was tight before. (good)

This may not amount to anything more than some people being able to stay home and make more money than they did working or it may change the small business landscape drastically.

Just throwing this out there. Thoughts?
Fine, don't go to work when offered a job. See where that gets you in the long run. Lazy a$$. Unemployment will not go back to 3.5% for a good while.
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And you can bet as many as possible will be listed at COVID19 related this time around. I effing hate that I have become so cynical.
Incredibly cynical continues to be a lot more accurate with regard to public-facing optics (read, media) then taking things at face value.
On one hand, very blessed me and my wife make enough money and secure enough jobs not to qualify for the government check, but on the other hand frustrating I have to write a sizable check on top of what we have already paid in taxes just to see the government piss it away. I get why they have to send this money out during this time but I have zero confidence the government will execute it properly and once the bill is fully reviewed it will be incredible the amount of waste added to appease these scumbags and their lobbyists, donors, special interest, etc. Heck, would not shock me if we get a $10k check out of nowhere just because its the government doing this.....
If you'd had more withholding, you wouldn't have to write the sizable check. It's your choice.
Fine, don't go to work when offered a job. See where that gets you in the long run. Lazy a$$. Unemployment will not go back to 3.5% for a good while.

I think you have issues. Maybe you are speaking in general and not to me directly, but with the way you respond I don't know. I don't really care.
For your information I have never received a dollar of unemployment benefits in my life and won't now.
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"Mitch, Please!" Can't wait to get my copy. Anybody see Jones on Morning Joe? I rarely miss that show, but couldn't catch it yesterday. Just wondering what he had to say. I'm sure it was helpful and newsworthy.
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I don’t know how this drug is going to turn out, but Trump has such a reach that people across the world are now making bad/ time wasting/resource wasting decisions.

It appears that the greatest benefit of hydroxychloroquine is when it’s received early on, like tamaflu. There isn’t a whole lot of help tamiflu is going to with an intubated patient.

It’s being prescribed with a large initial dose followed by smaller daily doses. A weekly maintainer afterwards.

This article:

Even though we all know this drug is shit on a cracker, India is banning export.

Someone thinks their country is going to need it.

India bans export of malaria drug Trump touted as coronavirus treatment

India banned exports of a malaria drug backed by U.S. President Donald Trump amid a run on supplies globally, even as preliminary findings emerge that the medication isn’t better than regular care in the treatment of the coronavirus.

Exports of hydroxychloroquine will be limited to fulfilling existing contracts, while certain shipments on humanitarian grounds may also be allowed on a case-by-case basis, according to a statement issued Wednesday by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade. The ban also does not apply to factories in its special export zones
Well, India probably does need it for malaria & other diseases.

But this is BS: "even as preliminary findings emerge that the medication isn’t better than regular care in the treatment of the coronavirus"

Yet inside the article it says

"But there is no conclusive scientific evidence that hydroxychloroquine can treat the infection from the novel pathogen. Indeed, a small study published in the Journal of Zhejiang University in China showed that patients who got the medicine didn’t fight off the new coronavirus more often than those who did not get the medicine." You know how many were in that test & given it? FIFTEEN. Yet they come to a conclusion its no good. WTF? At least run a decent size test.
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Soar isn't hyperbolic, that number is crazy. This is just the first full week of the country being shut down.

It is when it's the msm hive think word of the week. Not everything needs to soar. Their hive minds have them continually using the same words for certain issues. See also seize upon and pounce.

Actually it's probably more coordinated efforts via their Chinese puppet masters. By using a few repeated key words, they are gaming Google and social media algorithm to increase visibility on the particular topic of their choosing.

Now which is more likely: random occurrence, hive think, or Chinese puppet masters?
I keep thinking back to the Hong Kong (is that racist?...don't care) Flu of the late 60s....because I had it.
Estimated that 1,000,000 worldwide died from it...and....100,000 in the USA. Yet no businesses were closed and no mass hysteria reporting. And Richard Nixon was POTUS who the media hated, but it also shows how much farther the media has moved in their hatred towards certain politicians....and how they report it.

The world was much bigger back in the day. Nowadays social media, the normal media, etc have everyone much closer together. I mean back in the day it would've been difficult to get the information out the way it comes out now.
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Soar must be the hyperbolic word of choice for msm. UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS SOOOAAAAR TO 3 MILLION was the Twitter notification I just got.

Even with enhanced benefits, broader definition of unemployed, and begging people to apply - it'll still be barely worse than Obama's unemployment on an average day

I hope that's the case but I think we'll likely see 15%+ unemployment compared to max 10% under 44. The Q1 report comes out on April 3rd. :(
I think you have issues. Maybe you are speaking in general and not to me directly, but with the way you respond I don't know. I don't really care.
For your information I have never received a dollar of unemployment benefits in my life and won't now.
All are good to know.
I hope that's the case but I think we'll likely see 15%+ unemployment compared to max 10% under 44. The Q1 report comes out on April 3rd. :(

We absolutely will. It's bad enough as is, but the fact they expanded the definition of unemployed makes a giant impact too. Now even self employed and gig workers can get it.

Good luck getting the msm to ever mention that factor.

Also now since they built it in for months, good luck getting anyone back to work. So you'll be rolling through q2 with a large part of the shocking unemployment numbers being voluntary.

Q3 will be the first time we'll see any positive movement on those.
I wonder if there's a way you can send your blood money check back I would. It's worthless anyway maybe they expect you to use it for toilet paper like they did under pol pot in Cambodia