How will they rule ??!

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I've been slow to pick up on the media bias but watching Trump's pressers the last few days then seeing the ridiculous questions some of them ask is maddening. He is doing the best he can. It's a shitty hand and he's playing it as well as can be expected. They should cut him some slack IMO.
Perhaps his best isn't good enough
I understand that. It is not my biggest issue with the bill. I just used that as an example of someone at the WH not knowing what was in it.
Mnuchin negotiated it & knew that was in it. Treas. Sec. What the hell else you want?
Trump is in a no win situation. He signs it people will be upset about things that are in the bill (not saying there aren't bad things in the bill there obviously are.

He doesn't sign it and the MSM probably runs death counts on their networks blaming every death on Trump. He probably signs it because he thinks its a safer thing to do for him. And it probably is.

Not saying I like the bill as I mostly don't. But giving what I'm believing Trump thinks about it.
To begin with, nobody knows for sure what will work. My guess is 2/3 good.
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Too many bad things to say about this bill which is suicide and trump probably will sign so I won't even bother.

I'm afraid this is the beginning of the end--this virus was how the deep state globalists managed to overturn the election and enforce massive socialism and in some cases totalitarian rule. I don't believe that there's gonna be any reopening of businesses sports etc without a fight. Why would these left wing governors relinquish these powers they gave themselves?

all that's standing between us and fascism is trump. If there was a democrat president forget it we'd be turned into Cuba by July. Honestly if trump signs this bill you're best off taking whatever money they're gonna give you and whatever else you have and moving to another country
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Mnuchin negotiated it & knew that was in it. Treas. Sec. What the hell else you want?

I saw an interview with him. He didn't know all the details, just that the big things that the WH wanted was in there. (then again maybe he knew and just didn't want to talk about them)
I want less not more.
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If the only thing standing between us and fascism is Trump, then please move over Don.

Preferably he would be leading the fascist state though.

*joking, fascism is statist. But Trump should definitely get on the Falangism train
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Too many bad things to say about this bill which is suicide and trump probably will sign so I won't even bother.

I'm afraid this is the beginning of the end--this virus was how the deep state globalists managed to overturn the election and enforce massive socialism and in some cases totalitarian rule. I don't believe that there's gonna be any reopening of businesses sports etc without a fight. Why would these left wing governors relinquish these powers they gave themselves?

all that's standing between us and fascism is trump. If there was a democrat president forget it we'd be turned into Cuba by July. Honestly if trump signs this bill you're best off taking whatever money they're gonna give you and whatever else you have and moving to another country
A quote from Snopes seems necessary since there has been some spin here recently:
On Feb. 24, 2020, the Trump administration requested $2.5 billion to address the corona virus outbreak, an outlay critics asserted might not have been necessary if the previous program cuts had not taken place.

Fortune reported of the issue that:

The cuts could be especially problematic as COVID-19 continues to spread. Health officials are now warning the U.S. is unlikely to be spared, even though cases are minimal here so far.

“It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country any more but a question of when this will happen and how many people in this country will have severe illness,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said during a press call [on Feb. 25].
Eh. Just feels wrong betting on people dying. I won't bet on it but I don't think that many will die. If I'm wrong, you can do a great big "I TOLD YOU SO."
And that will be the spin from the true believers.

Lots of people die- "I told you so"
Not many people die- "I told you so"

This my team, your team mentality sucks ass.
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So how many people will die of other causes because hospitals are overwhelmed with virus victims? Will they be attributed to the virus as cause of death?
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To be fair....There was no “raise” for Congress. The $25mil was for adapting the offices to handle offsite work like Telework (buying equipment) and reimbursement for expenses already accrued.

Good news here. Thanks Tanner.
That rambling mess was worthy of Alex J.

When you're still laying around on a Friday night in June with nothing to do and no sports on tv wondering when things are gonna be normal again don't say I told you so? Unless we the people rise up and say no more of this crap this is the new normal. No way these jerks are this incompetent. They're trying to drown us
And that will be the spin from the true believers.

Lot's of people die- "I told you so"
Not many people die- "I told you so"

This my team, your team mentality sucks ass.
I'm not on any team bub. I'm for losing as few lives as possible. That also means the economy is important too, because a piss poor economy will cause death too. There's a balance to be had, and most people on the left aren't interested.
I'm not on any team bub. I'm for losing as few lives as possible. That also means the economy is important too, because a piss poor economy will cause death too. There's a balance to be had, and most people on the left aren't interested.

Phil is one of the more rational guys on this board. I can assure anyone that he is in favor of whatever the best resolution is, regardless of which "team" spearheads it.
When you're still laying around on a Friday night in June with nothing to do and no sports on tv wondering when things are gonna be normal again don't say I told you so? Unless we the people rise up and say no more of this crap this is the new normal. No way these jerks are this incompetent. They're trying to drown us

Maybe some Chinese league basketball will be on by then
We haven’t even scratched the surface folks. It’s gonna get way worse before it gets better.
I don't think any major sports will be back until next year. One positive test shuts down a league.

It was a half assed attempt at a joke since China has supposedly no new cases. Maybe they can get in real quick and steal away the nba or Maybe half of it. We need to be entertained
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So how many people will die of other causes because hospitals are overwhelmed with virus victims? Will they be attributed to the virus as cause of death?
