How will they rule ??!

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Actual press conference exchange:

Trump: it's very promising. But we don't know if it will work or not. It will work or it won't work but we have to try something.

Fauci: the positive results are still anecdotal and more testing is needed.

That's entirely consistent. And they wonder why they get hit with fake news
As more and more people stop obeying these orders, that too will multiply. Too many people losing too much money to go broke while governors make arbitrary decisions over whose lives are ruined.

Especially as mortality rate keeps dropping, people see Germany is doing great, Italy kept bringing people in from Wuhan, and Italy's mortality rate skewed because they're letting people die.

Think a virus spreads fast? Wait till you see open rebellion.
Lol. You are a sweet kid.
I'm stating the death rate per USA total population doesn't change no matter how many people are tested or test positive unless the data for those that are positive is used to determine future, beneficial treatments/behaviors. I don't care, nor does it matter, what the death rate is for the current biased testing data; i.e., those that show symptoms. Says nothing about the population as a whole.

Yes, testing randomly would show the true death rate. We have nothing like random today. Are testers walking up to homes/apartments randomly & conducting tests?

Sure, those that died tested positive. How many did they test w/o symptoms or infection die of it?
I don’t think too many disagree VH. The problem is the published data we see is what’s driving most all of the nonsense we’re going through, it’s what’s setting the agendas of governor’s all across America, it’s what’s driving the policies and the bailouts and the economic collapse. It’s all we have to rely on and look at, so we better hope those published numbers start to improve or level off.
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She isn't on the frontlines. She is a work from home over the phone doctor. Plus, most of her issues are state problems, not federal. Guess who is on control of those states she specifically calls out? Democrats. Yet somehow, its Trumps fault.

Might I suggest instead of using this time to further the divide, try being helpful, not a toxic person.
First do you know what immunocompromised means. Do you think she is not on the front lines because she is doing all feasibly possible working from home due to threats to her and/or people she may come in contact with. That she isn't working with the tools available to her? Are the people wearing protective gear not on the front lines because of that protection? Do you think it's necessary to endeavor mincing those words and conditions for the sake of politics?

May I please remind you that when Trump called COVID-19 a hoax, he actually said it was a Democrats hoax. Now there are people here wanting me to get on board with Trump, saying he is doing a good job! I'll submit to you that Trump is the Commander of Toxicity and suggest you look at the world as honestly as you insist others do. You could start by recognizing toxic statements coming from Trump and recognizing the harm he is doing for the sake of his image.
"An adviser to Italy's minister of health, Professor Walter Ricciardi, said the coronavirus death rate in Italy may be higher than in other countries not only because of demographics -- Italy has the second oldest population in the world -- but also because of the way Italy records deaths of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus.

"The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus," Prof. Riccardi told The Telegraph.

"On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 percent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 percent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three," the professor explains. So nobody knows if what is call a China Virus death truly was.

The professor is not alone, as others say it's way too early to know the true mortality rate so long as the number of mild cases in the country remains unknown. This is what I've been trying to communicate.

Italy's older population may also explain the large number of deaths being attributed to the coronavirus."
Still I can read what this primary care doctor is saying from the front lines and respect her and what she has to share.
I think you better read again. While I understand her compassion for her fellow health care workers, she is not on the front lines. She is "safe at home" screening patients over the telephone, because she is self-quarantining due to her immunodeficiency. You also characterize her as a PCP. However, her bio for an earlier article she wrote states, "Dipti S. Barot is based in the Bay Area, where she moonlights in medicine and dabbles in real estate while dreaming of being a high school English teacher." Don't read into that as me faulting her for who she is or what she does, just correcting your false/misleading statements.

If this was so clearly visible from several months back, why weren't the procurement departments at medical car facilities stocking up? Who is criticizing them for their failed clairvoyance? Why is this at the feet of Trump (other than, of course, for political reasons)?

I do believe her story, and I understand and share her anger and outrage. This is an emergency and we need to respond to the needs of the people AND the needs of the people who are charged with treating us. And we are. If you listened to Trump's briefing yesterday, Hanes is refitting their assembly lines to manufacture masks. We need to work hard to get them what they need, and people are. But the blame game (knowing it's from a place of sheer political animosity) from people like you, Levi, is disgusting.
The virus itself is not his fault. His denial of it being a problem is. He blew it off.

So,. if your side had been in control and Chinese were still allowed to come to the United States during late January and February, we would be better off? Can you explain how? Also with millions more people coming across the border had your side been in control, how would that have been better for hospitals?
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Are the abortions clinics still open in Kentucky? If those are shut down we can save more lives than flu could ever kill.
There was one abortion clinic in the state of Kentucky when Republican Matt Bevin took office four years ago. There was one abortion clinic when Matt Bevin left office four years later. In those four years, he shouted from the rooftops about all the lives he and his fellow Republican legislators where saving through its Pro-Life agenda and legislation. There was not a single abortion that he and his Republican legislators prevented.

You are too easy . . . next.
Hey Ed you care to explain to me how what happened in China is President Trump's fault?

Not one of you ever answers a question that I pose. You can't. You are incapable.
Well you know he doesn’t. If he tries to explain it, it’ll disprove his theory and he could no longer base his arguments on feelings of hate.
There was one abortion clinic in the state of Kentucky when Republican Matt Bevin took office four years ago. There was one abortion clinic when Matt Bevin left office four years later. In those four years, he shouted from the rooftops about all the lives he and his fellow Republican legislators where saving through its Pro-Life agenda and legislation. There was not a single abortion that he and his Republican legislators prevented.

You are too easy . . . next.

Maybe you can answer it. How would allowing thousands of Chinese into the country during late January and February have benefited the United States? That is what your side wanted. How would having millions more illegal immigrants in the United States benefited the health system right now?
First do you know what immunocompromised means. Do you think she is not on the front lines because she is doing all feasibly possible working from home due to threats to her and/or people she may come in contact with. That she isn't working with the tools available to her? Are the people wearing protective gear not on the front lines because of that protection? Do you think it's necessary to endeavor mincing those words and conditions for the sake of politics?

May I please remind you that when Trump called COVID-19 a hoax, he actually said it was a Democrats hoax. Now there are people here wanting me to get on board with Trump, saying he is doing a good job! I'll submit to you that Trump is the Commander of Toxicity and suggest you look at the world as honestly as you insist others do. You could start by recognizing toxic statements coming from Trump and recognizing the harm he is doing for the sake of his image.

First, no. Working from home with no risk isn't on the frontlines. Calling it so is demeaning to the doctors, nurses, emts, fire, police, etc... that are actually on the "frontlines".

Second, you constantly spew this hoax BS. You have used snopes to several times about other things, so check it out. Even they say Trump didn't call it a hoax.

Regardless, Trump made the comments in late February. Yet he announced in late January the US was restricting travel from China. And the Democrats freaked out because that was the wrong thing to do and was "racist". So who was the party downplaying the virus? The ones taking steps to prevent it or the party using it as political fodder?

You have to be a troll or mentally unstable. Nobody would constantly post the same lies over and over again for weeks unless they have mental problems.
I think you better read again. While I understand her compassion for her fellow health care workers, she is not on the front lines. She is "safe at home" screening patients over the telephone, because she is self-quarantining due to her immunodeficiency. You also characterize her as a PCP. However, her bio for an earlier article she wrote states, "Dipti S. Barot is based in the Bay Area, where she moonlights in medicine and dabbles in real estate while dreaming of being a high school English teacher." Don't read into that as me faulting her for who she is or what she does, just correcting your false/misleading statements.

If this was so clearly visible from several months back, why weren't the procurement departments at medical car facilities stocking up? Who is criticizing them for their failed clairvoyance? Why is this at the feet of Trump (other than, of course, for political reasons)?

I do believe her story, and I understand and share her anger and outrage. This is an emergency and we need to respond to the needs of the people AND the needs of the people who are charged with treating us. And we are. If you listened to Trump's briefing yesterday, Hanes is refitting their assembly lines to manufacture masks. We need to work hard to get them what they need, and people are. But the blame game (knowing it's from a place of sheer political animosity) from people like you, Levi, is disgusting.
Blame game? Like calling it a Democrat hoax? Do you not think that disgusting? Why not? I'll admit she may not be at the front lines physically, I'll give you that. Happy? Acting like this problem just arrived and Trump hasn't bungled the entire response from the get go and has changed tactics because he now sees the political risk is far more dishonest than anything you accuse me of. You are selectively critical to a fault.
Appears you do not have the stomach to admit when you were wrong. Even in the face of calamity. We could see what was happening in other countries weeks, months before it came to our shores and this boob of a President simply tried to blame it on Democrats as a hoax rather than protect the American people. He didn't even take measures to protect the healthcare workers who first approached the quarantined people on military bases. That is elementary when trying to stop an infection.
You can dis me all you want but the story is plain to see on video. Stand up and face the truth.
he’s not here to answer questions.
Blame game? Like calling it a Democrat hoax? Do you not think that disgusting? Why not? I'll admit she may not be at the front lines physically, I'll give you that. Happy? Acting like this problem just arrived and Trump hasn't bungled the entire response from the get go and has changed tactics because he now sees the political risk is far more dishonest than anything you accuse me of. You are selectively critical to a fault.
Appears you do not have the stomach to admit when you were wrong. Even in the face of calamity. We could see what was happening in other countries weeks, months before it came to our shores and this boob of a President simply tried to blame it on Democrats as a hoax rather than protect the American people. He didn't even take measures to protect the healthcare workers who first approached the quarantined people on military bases. That is elementary when trying to stop an infection.
You can dis me all you want but the story is plain to see on video. Stand up and face the truth.
First, no. Working from home with no risk isn't on the frontlines. Calling it so is demeaning to the doctors, nurses, emts, fire, police, etc... that are actually on the "frontlines".

Second, you constantly spew this hoax BS. You have used snopes to several times about other things, so check it out. Even they say Trump didn't call it a hoax.

Regardless, Trump made the comments in late February. Yet he announced in late January the US was restricting travel from China. And the Democrats freaked out because that was the wrong thing to do and was "racist". So who was the party downplaying the virus? The ones taking steps to prevent it or the party using it as political fodder?

You have to be a troll or mentally unstable. Nobody would constantly post the same lies over and over again for weeks unless they have mental problems.
Above I've also posted the video of him at one of his campaign rallies doing just that. Snopes says he didn't call the virus a hoax just the warning from Democrats a hoax. What a great display of dumbassery on your part.
The overwhelming evidence that people are disregarding the lock downs show more than just a people on the verge of unrest.

It also shows all the arguments about this working to flatten a curve is just false.

People didn't stop socializing. They just changed venues; and it's the venues and their employees who are really suffering for no reason.

All this curve flattening was based on skewed data from Italy. By last Wednesday, we were supposed to be overrun with apocalyptic results.
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Hopefully Trump starts his next press conference by explaining how reckless and irresponsible it is for Biden to be having press conferences where he second guesses all of the top experts Trump has compiled. Additionally, point out Obama didn’t even want Biden’s help when he was his vice president, so he has no business injecting his uninformed opinions now. Make sure he points out the fact Obama won’t even endorse Biden.
There was one abortion clinic in the state of Kentucky when Republican Matt Bevin took office four years ago. There was one abortion clinic when Matt Bevin left office four years later. In those four years, he shouted from the rooftops about all the lives he and his fellow Republican legislators where saving through its Pro-Life agenda and legislation. There was not a single abortion that he and his Republican legislators prevented.

You are too easy . . . next.
So you are saying that having the abortion clinic still open didn’t kill more people than the virus will? Your response has nothing to do with Sawnees post.