How will they rule ??!

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I clearly stated the 2 cities that riots took place in, there were no riots in Dallas.

Well, lets not blame the KKK either while we're at it, it was really only a few bad apples lynching people. Its amazes me the things people will accept to not be wrong.
Agreed. The basic idea of Black Lives Matter I think almost every American does support. Yes black lives matter. Where I struggle is with the retaliatory shootings. Don't demand respect by not respecting the very people you want respect from. Not all BLM supporters want violence, but enough of them do where it's turned me off from that particular group, not the idea that blacks should be given every right that everyone else does.

We need to condemn violence whenever it arises regardless of who does it. You mentioned the KKK. Their guiding ideology was to restore American Puritanism, or to restore American culture in their eyes. They didn't form by saying hey, wanna go lynch some black people and Republicans? You have to look at what the organization is doing outside of what their stated goal is. No, I'm not saying BLM is similar to the KKK, but intelligent people should realize that mission statements and actions taken by organizations/groups do not always coincide.
How can people be so dumb as to come o

It actually blows my mind that he would post that. He voted Obama on the same premise that Trump supporters are voting for Trump. Now, voting for something different is wrong. He wants to vote the status quo.
Huh? I didn't vote Obama. I know in your mind you want me to be an Obama/Hillary slurper. You want to paint me the same color blue as the rest of these sheep. But you're wrong as always. After all these posts and comments you still don't get it. That's what blows my mind.
Huh? I didn't vote Obama. I know in your mind you want me to be an Obama/Hillary slurper. You want to paint me the same color blue as the rest of these sheep. But you're wrong as always. After all these posts and comments you still don't get it. That's what blows my mind.

I actually think you're pretty smart dude Daboss (not that my opinion matters), but you did post that suck Trump's D and Go Red team.
After the stunt Hillary has pulled, it would be unAmerican to evenly blame both parties based on what we know on July 26th, 2016.
I'll agree wholeheartedly blacks have been treated wrong in the past, but BLM is not the answer.

RACK!! The answer is at the ballot box, not looting, rioting, burning, killing cops. Black Americans need only to ask themselves this question, all these cities where they feel they are targeted, and mis-treated, what party is running that city, what party fought against segregation, what party founded the KKK, what party fought to keep blacks from having rights, and what party is still trying to enslave black people with government handouts. The only difference in today and the times of slavery is who is responsible for keeping you dependent on someone else, At first it was the plantation owners, they housed you, they fed you, they gave you medical care, they provided EVERYTHING for you, and now it is the Democrat Party that is providing all this to you. Wake Up, for God's sake.
Huh? I didn't vote Obama. I know in your mind you want me to be an Obama/Hillary slurper. You want to paint me the same color blue as the rest of these sheep. But you're wrong as always. After all these posts and comments you still don't get it. That's what blows my mind.

So you voted for Romney?
Guess you had no complaints when the U.S launched Stuxnet to f*** with Iran's nuclear program.

Look, other countries are trying to get anything they can from us. If there is something that they can "hack" I don't blame them. That's what a rival of the U.S should do. They should be trying to steal as much info as possible.

But what you are not disputing is the fact that it happened. Maybe, just maybe, Hillary shouldn't have tried to rig this election. This is not the fault of the Russians at all. And any other person who blames the Russian needs to be executed, because they are playing a role in the cover-up where Hillary was about to give federal positions for their large donation, and her zombies are excusing it. That makes them just as much as a traitor.

You're right. I didn't argue that it didn't happen. She didn't try to rig the election. The DNC tried to influence the election. Hyperbole.

Your other stuff might get you in trouble. Good luck.
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So that equates to being allowed to wipe clean over 30,000 emails that were "personal" knowing that at least 110 were classified at least "top secret" were not erased? Personal emails to whom, Putin? Have you ever heard of a warrant being served and the person is given an extra day to clean up before the cops come back to look for something?

Perhaps she wasn't prosecuted because it would have caused world wide problems if the truth came out. Ever think about that? To protect the interests of the US, a trial could not be allowed to take place. I don't prefer my scenario, but it is more probable than yours that "she didn't do anything wrong".

William Buckley coined the phrase "selective outrage" (or maybe "indignation". It's been awhile)
The thing is the Democrats preach themselves as the party of unity, love, hope all that other never never land bulls*it. Yet they conspired to use religion against the man threatening the queen.

The problem is Obama is selectively patient. He gives foreign entities more patience than our judicial system.

As a non-believer I'm upset about it. Sure. Do you regret the yeArs of the Obama insinuations?
You're right. I didn't argue that it didn't happen. She didn't try to rig the election. The DNC tried to influence the election. Hyperbole.

Your other stuff might get you in trouble. Good luck.

What? Calling out treasonous people who try to harm tax paying Americans?
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You're right. I didn't argue that it didn't happen. She didn't try to rig the election. The DNC tried to influence the election. Hyperbole.

Your other stuff might get you in trouble. Good luck.

And, oh. I never stated that I was going to harm anyone. You're reaching.
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I actually think you're pretty smart dude Daboss (not that my opinion matters), but you did post that suck Trump's D and Go Red team.
After the stunt Hillary has pulled, it would be unAmerican to evenly blame both parties based on what we know on July 26th, 2016.
True. But I've expressed my disgust for both sides in the past and that I hate the red team more. I've also stated that I consider them both bought and controlled by billionaires. For some reason Warrior thinks I walk around with an I'm with her tshirt on though. Just because I rail on republicans more on this board than democrats doesn't mean that I'm pro blue team.
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Actually most of your retort is made up. Grats on citing March 2011 as your defining moment to make your claim about unemployment.

Also, you missed stuff, guess it didn't fit your agenda.

Rather than cite actual facts or sources, you just sat ha! Like your claim of Obama giving Iran nuclear weapons. Just cite one reputable source? Instead, you cite a threat and make the leap of logic Obama gave nukes. You just make stuff up.

Or like the unemployment stats, which you cherry pick one month, you talk about the NDAA, it's been going on for 53 years. 53 years. This is the type of dense thick headed obtuseness I'm talking about.

You don't cite sources, just your terrible interpretations. I cited fbi,, polifact, unemployment numbers. You have not cited one.

You just made stuff up andThat's exactly my point.
True. But I've expressed my disgust for both sides in the past and that I hate the red team more. I've also stated that I consider them both bought and controlled by billionaires. For some reason Warrior thinks I walk around with an I'm with her tshirt on though. Just because I rail on republicans more on this board than democrats doesn't mean that I'm pro blue team.
That's exactly what it means. You agree more with the blue team and its ideals. You are a democrat and according to lek, a devil. Doggone ya.
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Not addressing your statement in any other way than, how can you support both? Not sure that is possible. Again not addressing any meanings or implying anything but the two factions are against each that the definition of sitting on the fence?...jmuo
I don't see the world as up or down. black or white, cake or pudding. I see situations and take as much information as I can gather into consideration. I own an SKS, AK, Glock and several more guns, but I also believe in many forms of gun control. I believe in Christianity but I don't believe in shooting doctors in the name of God. The vast majority of members of BLM don't believe in shooting police. The vast majority of police and people that support them don't believe in shooting black people (or anyone for that matter) in a careless manner. My cousin (an officer) sent me the video I posted and to put it mildly doesn't believe shots should have been fired.
The 15th Amendment was ratified in 1870. How many blacks got to vote between 1870 and 1968?
While they technically had the right to vote, states instituted other barriers that prevented it from happening. It took a Democratic President sending in federal troops and federal agents into southern states to actually force states to allow their black citizens to register to vote and to exercise that right. Simply passing a law or an amendment without enforcing the law and protecting the rights granted is meaningless. Yeah, had the GOP done those things following the Civil War they would have likely had the majority of the black vote...perhaps forever. BTW, those blacks in northern states that were allowed to vote did traditionally vote Republican following the war. FDR's second term was the first time a Democrat got a majority of the black vote. But again, very few blacks were allowed to vote as most lived in the south.

BTW, it takes a special kind of stupid to try and equate the Republican and Democratic parties of 1870 and today. The parties today have very little in common other than their names.
Case in point...
Plank #8 in the 1864 Republican party platform...
8. Resolved, That foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, development of resources and increase of power to the nation, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy.
As a non-believer I'm upset about it. Sure. Do you regret the yeArs of the Obama insinuations?

It's two different things Scenarios Moe, first of all the Republicans never went behind one of their candidates back using his religion as weapon.
They come off looking like giant hippacrits, especially after calling Trump basically a nazi after he tweeted a pic of what they made out to be the Star of David. It's do as I say not as I do, that doesn't sit well with voters.

Whether you want to admit it or not a large portion of the Muslim world has declared War on us. That's why the right questioned Obama's claim that he wasn't a Muslim.
Actually most of your retort is made up. Grats on citing March 2011 as your defining moment to make your claim about unemployment.

Also, you missed stuff, guess it didn't fit your agenda.

Rather than cite actual facts or sources, you just sat ha! Like your claim of Obama giving Iran nuclear weapons. Just cite one reputable source? Instead, you cite a threat and make the leap of logic Obama gave nukes. You just make stuff up.

Or like the unemployment stats, which you cherry pick one month, you talk about the NDAA, it's been going on for 53 years. 53 years. This is the type of dense thick headed obtuseness I'm talking about.

You don't cite sources, just your terrible interpretations. I cited fbi,, polifact, unemployment numbers. You have not cited one.

You just made stuff up andThat's exactly my point.

The way unemployment is measured changed in 1994.
Son, you all have abusef the word "treason".

Son, abused? Ha! More like malnourished.

Supporting Hillary Clinton is like enabling a child molester. Best of luck Teachable, because regardless of how much piles up against her, you'll root firmly in the ground and deny it with 1 million convictions.
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I agree about employing an illegal alien, if you knowingly hire an illegal alien you shoud face some sort of penalty.

Yea, the west does have a muslim problem, there is absolutely NO REASON to be bringing in close to 100000 a year without properly vetting, none! I'm sorry that doesn't fit in your love everybody mentality, but it's the way of the world now.

Coach Cal is a salesman, and he isn't dumb. We just had dozen cops assasinated within a week of each other, we had riots in 2 cities where the cops did nothing wrong, yet our President, before having knowledge of what happened claimed the police were wrong. I'll agree wholeheartedly blacks have been treated wrong in the past, but BLM is not the answer.

Coach Cal is a good basketball coach with great recruiting skills, a lot of basketball knowledge and is a good PR guy for UK. AA recruits and their families are his bread and butter. You think he'd mess with that even if he felt the exact opposite? Beyond that however his opinion on social matters is worth no more than yours or mine - with the exception that he has a bigger pulpit from which to express them. He's not the pope though.

Yeah, I said it.
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Actually it debunked most of your claims using facts. But thanks for the emotional response and fulfilling my claims.

I am a man whose heart is after logic, not party affiliation. I dont think anyone should blindly follow a party. Dem or Rep. I just like good governance. I am a registered independent.

I wasnt tryint to demolish repubs, just demolish fake claims.

HRC isnt the answer, but neither is Trump.

I thought Kasich would have been great, but as shown by your posts, people follow emotions not facts.

Just curious is it fact that the DNC and Hillary sabotaged the primary to gurantee Hillary the nomination?

Or is that Russia being nosy?
Somebody told them to put some up. I spotted 3 earlier. But I turned it off and am at Olive garden now. Won't watch when I do leave tho.

Ya pretty obvious they had their finger in the wind and determined that to be unpopular; so they changed it.

The 15th Amendment was ratified in 1870. How many blacks got to vote between 1870 and 1968?
While they technically had the right to vote, states instituted other barriers that prevented it from happening. It took a Democratic President sending in federal troops and federal agents into southern states to actually force states to allow their black citizens to register to vote and to exercise that right. Simply passing a law or an amendment without enforcing the law and protecting the rights granted is meaningless. Yeah, had the GOP done those things following the Civil War they would have likely had the majority of the black vote...perhaps forever. BTW, those blacks in northern states that were allowed to vote did traditionally vote Republican following the war. FDR's second term was the first time a Democrat got a majority of the black vote. But again, very few blacks were allowed to vote as most lived in the south.

BTW, it takes a special kind of stupid to try and equate the Republican and Democratic parties of 1870 and today. The parties today have very little in common other than their names.
Case in point...
Plank #8 in the 1864 Republican party platform...
8. Resolved, That foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, development of resources and increase of power to the nation, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy.

What you should've said was....nothing. you spent minutes and minutes failing to refute a point that was as clear as day. Hopefully you got to charge hillarys super pac for your troll patrol duties on that one.
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But I'm not. World is a complex place man. Not everything is as simple as right and left; blue and red.
Just torqueing you a little. We're probably not too far off in our beliefs. I am labeled as a "conservative" but I don't believe in any kind of god. I think abortion is a harsh reality, but I agree with a woman's right to choose for herself. I'm not against two guys getting nasty together if that's what makes them happy, but I think same sex marriage is bizarre considering they can achieve the same thing with a civil union.
Speaking the truth?
...or your version of the truth?

Illegal immigrants are coming here because Americans will give them jobs. Why is the focus on poor people trying to improve their own lives instead of the "rich" Americans who hire them to profit off of their labor?
Of course the answer is because you have to blame someone else, can't blame yourself. People who look like you are hiring, renting to, selling goods to, profiting off of their presence. Never mind that if nobody would hire them they wouldn't be here. Add the fact that there are many more legal Hispanics here than illegal. Yet the rhetoric tries to paint them all with the same brush. My youngest daughter is married to a "Mexican" who was born in California. His parents have since moved back to Mexico. He happens to be a CPA. They have a child who is 5yrs old. I about got myself thrown in jail a few months ago when I heard some redneck jackass refer to my granddaughter as "an anchor baby". You see, that is the problem with broad brush politics. Ignorant people don't know the difference between brown skinned US citizens and illegal aliens so they assume that everyone who looks like a Mexican must be illegal.

No, we don't have a problem with Muslims any more than we have a problem with rednecks. We have a problem with some people who are Muslim. I have someone who is Muslim on my team at work. He is as bothered by what is going on with the extremist as you or me. Oh, he is also a veteran. Does he deserve to be painted with a broad brush?

You see, that is the difference between team red and team blue. Team red likes to paint everything with a broad brush because it just makes it easier. Team blue focuses on those who are the actual problem. We don't deny 100,000 good people because there might be one bad one in the lot.

Do you think blacks haven't had reasons to be upset with the system? Coach Cal certainly thinks they do. As a white man who has spent many, many hours in the accompaniment of young black men he has seen how they have been treated. Cops have a tough job but there is never an excuse to shoot someone in the back running from a traffic stop, never an excuse for an officer to unload a dozen or more shots into someone walking down the street when 17 other fellow officers are there and could act if threatened.

Oh the media! Yeah, I guess there is a big conspiracy with all the "mainstream media" including Fox because they all report pretty much the same thing. Fox adds their opinion talkers who generally lean right and CBS, NBC and ABC have theirs that may lean left. Then there is the media that is dedicated to one political persuasion. That doesn't lean right, it is all the way right-wing. That tells us over and over that HRC is a "criminal" yet she has been charged with no crime. That tells us that climate change is a hoax. That liberals hate America. Yeah, no divisiveness there.

"My youngest daughter is married to a 'Mexican' who was born in California,"

That helps us understand your sympathy for illegal immigrants. Did your SIL's father come to the US legally? Or was he among those receiving amnesty in '86? I don't ask that to provoke you. I lived in So Cal for nearly 25 years. I knew a lot of people in that group. 95% of them would be for another amnesty. But you cannot sensibly jump from that personal situation to support giving amnesty to 11 million people. That's your heart, not your head.

And "bad apple" Muslims are popping out every couple of days lately. A couple of them invaded a church in France just hours ago and beheaded the priest during Mass and it doesn't even cause much of a stir any more. "Well, they're here. I guess we're just going to have to learn to live with those few bad apples".

And brother, we are all in big trouble when we can no longer trust what the MSM reports to us.
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