How will they rule ??!

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Let's take the last first. The emails have shown that the DNC favored HRC over Bernie. And favored the top-of-the-ticket over state contests. That's what they show! That's it. (Except for poor Chuck Todd.) That was what everyone knew. How does having emails change that? Trump complained about the RNC working against him! What would having emails from RNC staffers change? What does having emails make different? If you actually read any of them and don't simply take other comments for granted, you' read the gossip and complaints of the staff. Whoop-di-do. Everything that a talking head talks about in an hysterical voice doesn't actually merit hysteria.

Now Russia.

The embargo dropped Russian GDP 2.2% in 2014 and 3.5% in 2015. Russia has made trade adjustments and is expecting flat growth this year. This isn't nothing. Our recession in 2009 was a 3.1% contraction.

If the Russians hacked the DNC -- and all the evidence points that way -- there's definitely a prima facie case for investigating if a foreign government is actively trying to shape the American election. And possibly with the knowledge of one of the candidates. It was outrageous that Netanyahu simply made a partisan speech in our Congress. This would be much worse.

The FBI already has a case open dealing with this. Ever heard of the Clinton Foundation?
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Hard to dispute someone who said we cannot find out what is in a bill until we pass it.
About as good as Hilary knows exactly how to turn this country around and unite us all, but has failed to tell Obama how to do it for the last 8 years, and if Obama is soo great then why does she need to fix anything? Also, if she knows so much, how come she didn't know what the DNC was doing, or she did not know it was against the rules to have a home brewed server, or she did not know about what was happening in Libya when our guys were killed. For someone claiming to be so damn smart, she sure has pulled some dumb ass stunts. They say actions speak louder than words, well to me her actions tells me she is dumb as dirt.
Let's take the last first. The emails have shown that the DNC favored HRC over Bernie. And favored the top-of-the-ticket over state contests. That's what they show! That's it. (Except for poor Chuck Todd.) That was what everyone knew. How does having emails change that? Trump complained about the RNC working against him! What would having emails from RNC staffers change? What does having emails make different? If you actually read any of them and don't simply take other comments for granted, you' read the gossip and complaints of the staff. Whoop-di-do. Everything that a talking head talks about in an hysterical voice doesn't actually merit hysteria.

Now Russia.

The embargo dropped Russian GDP 2.2% in 2014 and 3.5% in 2015. Russia has made trade adjustments and is expecting flat growth this year. This isn't nothing. Our recession in 2009 was a 3.1% contraction.

If the Russians hacked the DNC -- and all the evidence points that way -- there's definitely a prima facie case for investigating if a foreign government is actively trying to shape the American election. And possibly with the knowledge of one of the candidates. It was outrageous that Netanyahu simply made a partisan speech in our Congress. This would be much worse.

The fact they were going were willing to use one of the candidates religion against him is nothing to you?! The fact that they show major news organizations in bed with them mean nothing to you?!

Does Russia seem to be easing up any to you? And in the past year have they not entered into agreements with China? Are they not harassing our military all over the world?

What eveidence points to Russia, you mean the same new organizations that we just saw are in Hillary's knapsack are reporting that? The only evidence is the spinning from the left trying to buy time.

As for Israel, our leader was making a bad deal with Iran, and lying to us about it. Israel knew it, but Obama refused to listen, so Netanyahu made a plea to us.
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When discussing HRC I think it's worth noting and keeping in memory just how much scandal she has been a part of since her early 20's.

How big of a piece of shat do you have to be to get kicked off Nixon's team for being unethical?
Flat out lied for months and months about the email situation, was busted over and over again, and nobody says a word.
Clinton Foundation

Go ahead, vote for her and see how unified you feel in 4-8 years. I guarandamntee you that you will be unified with a lot of people, because she will sell this country out to the highest bidder, and screw things up worse than they already are. The "woman" can't and shouldn't be trusted.
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Recovered Email #423.31

DWS - "Last night I ran a bubble bath, scrubbed my poop teeth, and really gave the bean a good flicking to a slide show I made of those pictures of Putin on horseback. I mean Jesus, what a bear."

Unidentified DNC Associate - "That's hot and I certainly would've done the same if I wasn't a dude."
You've not been paying attention. I know Hillary isn't going to change. She's a neocon hawk. Her middle name is foreign intervention. I'm just saying it isn't going to change with trump either. And that's not an assumption. The military machine isn't going to change under any elected president. More weapons will continue to be sold to Saudi Arabia and we will continue to intervene and the drone the shit out of the area.
Yes, I have been paying attention and the fact remains, you do not get to speak of what Trump will or will not do with the same weight that I get to speak of what O'bama and HRC have already done and are doing. Pretty simple, for real.
Please to note that you never hear a peep about the non-archived email server in the Bush White House. Why is that?

You tell me brainiac, we all know for a fact now that the MSM is lead by the nose by the dems. We no longer have to assume. So you tell my why it wasn't made a big deal? Could it be because sensitive state secrets weren't transmitted on those emails? Could it be?
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Yes, I have been paying attention and the fact remains, you do not get to speak of what Trump will or will not do with the same weight that I get to speak of what O'bama and HRC have already done and are doing. Pretty simple, for real.
Alright. I'll just continue to criticize them both. No worries. You keep suckin that Trump D. Go red team.
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Alright. I'll just continue to criticize them both. No worries. You keep suckin that Trump D. Go red team.
It is not the Trump D that I'm suckin so much as it is the chance, for the first time in a very long time, to break the status quo. Maybe he'll be a bald faced lying son of a bitch like O'bama and just say anything it takes to get elected and we'll have the same old same old. If so, then there is no hope and I'll admit it. Until then, I'm going with the guy that at least talks about changing things that I would like to see changed.
It is not the Trump D that I'm suckin so much as it is the chance, for the first time in a very long time, to break the status quo. Maybe he'll be a bald faced lying son of a bitch like O'bama and just say anything it takes to get elected and we'll have the same old same old. If so, then there is no hope and I'll admit it. Until then, I'm going with the guy that at least talks about changing things that I would like to see changed.
Fair enough.
Do we have an illegal immigration problem as we speak,yes. Do we have a issue with Muslims attacking Western countries all the while we're bringing in thousands of unvetted people from the middle east as we speak,yes. Are the liberals trying to take the country to a state of socialism, I would say yes, but thats open for interpretation. Have there been large protests by black people, assasinations of cops and rioting, yes. I don't recall "queers" being an issue currently. The media is an issue that should worry everyone, they are supposed to be impartial, and as we've seen they are far from it.

So if you think speaking the truth is dividing, then maybe you're the issue.
Speaking the truth?
...or your version of the truth?

Illegal immigrants are coming here because Americans will give them jobs. Why is the focus on poor people trying to improve their own lives instead of the "rich" Americans who hire them to profit off of their labor?
Of course the answer is because you have to blame someone else, can't blame yourself. People who look like you are hiring, renting to, selling goods to, profiting off of their presence. Never mind that if nobody would hire them they wouldn't be here. Add the fact that there are many more legal Hispanics here than illegal. Yet the rhetoric tries to paint them all with the same brush. My youngest daughter is married to a "Mexican" who was born in California. His parents have since moved back to Mexico. He happens to be a CPA. They have a child who is 5yrs old. I about got myself thrown in jail a few months ago when I heard some redneck jackass refer to my granddaughter as "an anchor baby". You see, that is the problem with broad brush politics. Ignorant people don't know the difference between brown skinned US citizens and illegal aliens so they assume that everyone who looks like a Mexican must be illegal.

No, we don't have a problem with Muslims any more than we have a problem with rednecks. We have a problem with some people who are Muslim. I have someone who is Muslim on my team at work. He is as bothered by what is going on with the extremist as you or me. Oh, he is also a veteran. Does he deserve to be painted with a broad brush?

You see, that is the difference between team red and team blue. Team red likes to paint everything with a broad brush because it just makes it easier. Team blue focuses on those who are the actual problem. We don't deny 100,000 good people because there might be one bad one in the lot.

Do you think blacks haven't had reasons to be upset with the system? Coach Cal certainly thinks they do. As a white man who has spent many, many hours in the accompaniment of young black men he has seen how they have been treated. Cops have a tough job but there is never an excuse to shoot someone in the back running from a traffic stop, never an excuse for an officer to unload a dozen or more shots into someone walking down the street when 17 other fellow officers are there and could act if threatened.

Oh the media! Yeah, I guess there is a big conspiracy with all the "mainstream media" including Fox because they all report pretty much the same thing. Fox adds their opinion talkers who generally lean right and CBS, NBC and ABC have theirs that may lean left. Then there is the media that is dedicated to one political persuasion. That doesn't lean right, it is all the way right-wing. That tells us over and over that HRC is a "criminal" yet she has been charged with no crime. That tells us that climate change is a hoax. That liberals hate America. Yeah, no divisiveness there.
About as good as Hilary knows exactly how to turn this country around and unite us all, but has failed to tell Obama how to do it for the last 8 years, and if Obama is soo great then why does she need to fix anything? Also, if she knows so much, how come she didn't know what the DNC was doing, or she did not know it was against the rules to have a home brewed server, or she did not know about what was happening in Libya when our guys were killed. For someone claiming to be so damn smart, she sure has pulled some dumb ass stunts. They say actions speak louder than words, well to me her actions tells me she is dumb as dirt.
Maybe lek can break this post down and tell us exactly what you mean? Please lek, help us.
It is not the Trump D that I'm suckin so much as it is the chance, for the first time in a very long time, to break the status quo. Maybe he'll be a bald faced lying son of a bitch like O'bama and just say anything it takes to get elected and we'll have the same old same old. If so, then there is no hope and I'll admit it. Until then, I'm going with the guy that at least talks about changing things that I would like to see changed.

I think what has gotten lost in all this is that is exactly how a lot of people feel. If we wanted the status quo we could have picked one of 12 or more people, instead Trump was picked by the people. I'm banking on real change and real leadership, not more of the same.

Sadly the left can't say the same thing about their pick. The DNC have been shown to be EXACTLY what they profess to hate and stand against. Status quo, dirty politician, unethical, etc... she embodies everything that is wrong with politics.
When shit goes bad for me, I'm blaming the Russians.

GD hangover, damn Russians.

Honey, sorry for overdrafting at the bank, damn Russians.

If only those damn Russians didn't cause it, i would've been on time to work.

What? I didn't cause that wreck, it was Putin and those damn Russians.
The fact they were going were willing to use one of the candidates religion against him is nothing to you?! The fact that they show major news organizations in bed with them mean nothing to you?!

Does Russia seem to be easing up any to you? And in the past year have they not entered into agreements with China? Are they not harassing our military all over the world?

What eveidence points to Russia, you mean the same new organizations that we just saw are in Hillary's knapsack are reporting that? The only evidence is the spinning from the left trying to buy time.

As for Israel, our leader was making a bad deal with Iran, and lying to us about it. Israel knew it, but Obama refused to listen, so Netanyahu made a plea to us.

Atheism. Typically people who bring this up try to imply Judaism. And it's simply breathtaking gall after 7.75 years of Republicans implying Obama is a Muslim.

There are lots of articles on the hacking. GIS Russia hacking evidence

I'm glad Obama has more patience than you.

Israelis criticized Netanyahu more than you. On both points: his intervention in American politics and his characterization of the Iran treaty.
You tell me brainiac, we all know for a fact now that the MSM is lead by the nose by the dems. We no longer have to assume. So you tell my why it wasn't made a big deal? Could it be because sensitive state secrets weren't transmitted on those emails? Could it be?

Well, I know that the server "crashed" and they didn't make backups.
You very well might be mentally retarded if you think Trump's tax returns would show "ties to Russian oligarchs".

And that has nothing to do with Trump and Russia.

If the extent of you tax return knowledge is putting numbers into TurboTax every year, you should probably take a step back from clamoring for someone's tax returns (because you sound incredibly ignorant, and like you're just parroting what you hear from the DNC).

Or please, let us know some specifics you expect to learn from Trump's (or any candidates) tax returns?
If HRC didn't release hers when every other political candidate did so, you would have a cow.

From their tax return we can learn where they donated money and from where they made money.

BTW, didn't ever GOP candidate ask Trump to release his returns??? Guess they were just taking orders from the DNC.

If you are being audited every year then you must be raising a lot of red flags. Trump obviously is hiding something that at the minimum is embarrassing.
Well, I know that the server "crashed" and they didn't make backups.

Guess you had no complaints when the U.S launched Stuxnet to f*** with Iran's nuclear program.

Look, other countries are trying to get anything they can from us. If there is something that they can "hack" I don't blame them. That's what a rival of the U.S should do. They should be trying to steal as much info as possible.

But what you are not disputing is the fact that it happened. Maybe, just maybe, Hillary shouldn't have tried to rig this election. This is not the fault of the Russians at all. And any other person who blames the Russian needs to be executed, because they are playing a role in the cover-up where Hillary was about to give federal positions for their large donation, and her zombies are excusing it. That makes them just as much as a traitor.
Well, I know that the server "crashed" and they didn't make backups.
So that equates to being allowed to wipe clean over 30,000 emails that were "personal" knowing that at least 110 were classified at least "top secret" were not erased? Personal emails to whom, Putin? Have you ever heard of a warrant being served and the person is given an extra day to clean up before the cops come back to look for something?

Perhaps she wasn't prosecuted because it would have caused world wide problems if the truth came out. Ever think about that? To protect the interests of the US, a trial could not be allowed to take place. I don't prefer my scenario, but it is more probable than yours that "she didn't do anything wrong".
6 paragraphs
Multiple questions
Very questionable personal story
Refutes nothing that he is responding to

Was lacking a tie to nordic utopia.
Proud to say that I only read the first paragraph. Prefer to kill my brain cells with bourbon.
Speaking the truth?
...or your version of the truth?

Illegal immigrants are coming here because Americans will give them jobs. Why is the focus on poor people trying to improve their own lives instead of the "rich" Americans who hire them to profit off of their labor?
Of course the answer is because you have to blame someone else, can't blame yourself. People who look like you are hiring, renting to, selling goods to, profiting off of their presence. Never mind that if nobody would hire them they wouldn't be here. Add the fact that there are many more legal Hispanics here than illegal. Yet the rhetoric tries to paint them all with the same brush. My youngest daughter is married to a "Mexican" who was born in California. His parents have since moved back to Mexico. He happens to be a CPA. They have a child who is 5yrs old. I about got myself thrown in jail a few months ago when I heard some redneck jackass refer to my granddaughter as "an anchor baby". You see, that is the problem with broad brush politics. Ignorant people don't know the difference between brown skinned US citizens and illegal aliens so they assume that everyone who looks like a Mexican must be illegal.

No, we don't have a problem with Muslims any more than we have a problem with rednecks. We have a problem with some people who are Muslim. I have someone who is Muslim on my team at work. He is as bothered by what is going on with the extremist as you or me. Oh, he is also a veteran. Does he deserve to be painted with a broad brush?

You see, that is the difference between team red and team blue. Team red likes to paint everything with a broad brush because it just makes it easier. Team blue focuses on those who are the actual problem. We don't deny 100,000 good people because there might be one bad one in the lot.

Do you think blacks haven't had reasons to be upset with the system? Coach Cal certainly thinks they do. As a white man who has spent many, many hours in the accompaniment of young black men he has seen how they have been treated. Cops have a tough job but there is never an excuse to shoot someone in the back running from a traffic stop, never an excuse for an officer to unload a dozen or more shots into someone walking down the street when 17 other fellow officers are there and could act if threatened.

Oh the media! Yeah, I guess there is a big conspiracy with all the "mainstream media" including Fox because they all report pretty much the same thing. Fox adds their opinion talkers who generally lean right and CBS, NBC and ABC have theirs that may lean left. Then there is the media that is dedicated to one political persuasion. That doesn't lean right, it is all the way right-wing. That tells us over and over that HRC is a "criminal" yet she has been charged with no crime. That tells us that climate change is a hoax. That liberals hate America. Yeah, no divisiveness there.

I agree about employing an illegal alien, if you knowingly hire an illegal alien you shoud face some sort of penalty.

Yea, the west does have a muslim problem, there is absolutely NO REASON to be bringing in close to 100000 a year without properly vetting, none! I'm sorry that doesn't fit in your love everybody mentality, but it's the way of the world now.

Coach Cal is a salesman, and he isn't dumb. We just had dozen cops assasinated within a week of each other, we had riots in 2 cities where the cops did nothing wrong, yet our President, before having knowledge of what happened claimed the police were wrong. I'll agree wholeheartedly blacks have been treated wrong in the past, but BLM is not the answer.
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How can people be so dumb as to come o
Yes, I have been paying attention and the fact remains, you do not get to speak of what Trump will or will not do with the same weight that I get to speak of what O'bama and HRC have already done and are doing. Pretty simple, for real.
It actually blows my mind that he would post that. He voted Obama on the same premise that Trump supporters are voting for Trump. Now, voting for something different is wrong. He wants to vote the status quo.
Guess you had no complaints when the U.S launched Stuxnet to f*** with Iran's nuclear program.

Look, other countries are trying to get anything they can from us. If there is something that they can "hack" I don't blame them. That's what a rival of the U.S should do. They should be trying to steal as much info as possible.

But what you are not disputing is the fact that it happened. Maybe, just maybe, Hillary shouldn't have tried to rig this election. This is not the fault of the Russians at all. And any other person who blames the Russian needs to be executed, because they are playing a role in the cover-up where Hillary was about to give federal positions for their large donation, and her zombies are excusing it. That makes them just as much as a traitor. about not engaging in illegal behavior so other countries wouldnt have anything to hack??? That never crosses their mind, somehow.

If Russians hacked my email, and posted it for the world to see, people would be going to sleep trying to read through it. Know why? Because Im not committing federal offenses, rigging elections, controlling media, etc. Thats why.
I agree about employing an illegal alien, if you knowingly hire an illegal alien you shoud face some sort of penalty.

Yea, the west does have a muslim problem, there is absolutely NO REASON to be bringing in close to 100000 a year without properly vetting, none! I'm sorry that doesn't fit in your love everybody mentality, but it's the way of the world now.

Coach Cal is a salesman, and he isn't dumb. We just had dozen cops assasinated within a week of each other, we had riots in 2 cities where the cops did nothing wrong, yet our President, before having knowledge of what happened claimed the police were wrong. I'll agree wholeheartedly blacks have been treated wrong in the past, but BLM is not the answer.
Liar. Below is the complete, unedited transcript of the POTUS's first words following the Dallas shooting. Please tell me what you find objectionable. I am not going to blame BLM because of a few horrible people. Again, use of the broad brush. The Dallas gathering was a peaceful one with BLM supporters and cops together.

"I spoke this morning with Mayor Rawlings of Dallas to convey the deepest condolences to the American people and that the Federal Government will provide whatever assistance Dallas may need as it deal with this tremendous tragedy.

We still don’t know all the facts. What we do know is that there’s been a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement. Police in Dallas were on duty, doing their job, keeping people safe during a peaceful protest. These law enforcement officers were targeted, and nearly a dozen officers were shot, five were killed. Other officers and at least one civilian were wounded. Some are in serious conditions and we are praying for their recovery.

As I told Mayor Rawlings, and I believe that I speak for every single American when I say, that we are horrified over these events and that we stand united with people and the police department in Dallas.

According to police there are multiple suspects. We will learn more undoubtedly about their twisted motivations, but let’s be clear, there is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks. Grave violence against law enforcement. The FBI is already in touch with the Dallas police; anyone involved in these senseless murders will be held fully accountable. Justice will be done.

I will have more say about this when the facts become more clear. For now, let me just say that, even as yesterday I spoke about are need to be concerned as all Americans about racial disparities in our criminal justice system. I also said yesterday that our police have an extraordinarily difficult job and the vast majority of them do their job in outstanding fashion. I also indicated the degree in which we need to be supportive of those officers who do their job each and every day. Protecting us and protecting our communities. Today is a wrenching reminder of the sacrifices that they make for us. We also know that when people are armed with powerful weapons, it unfortunately make attacks like these more deadly and more tragic and in the days ahead consider those realities as well.

In the meantime, today, our focus is on the victims and their families. They are heartbroken and the entire city of Dallas is grieving. Police across America, which is a tight-knit family, feels this loss to their core and we’re grieving with them.

I ask Americans to say a prayer for these officers and their families. Keep them in your thoughts, and as a nation, let’s remember to express our profound gratitude to our men and women, not just today but every day."
Atheism. Typically people who bring this up try to imply Judaism. And it's simply breathtaking gall after 7.75 years of Republicans implying Obama is a Muslim.

There are lots of articles on the hacking. GIS Russia hacking evidence

I'm glad Obama has more patience than you.

Israelis criticized Netanyahu more than you. On both points: his intervention in American politics and his characterization of the Iran treaty.

The thing is the Democrats preach themselves as the party of unity, love, hope all that other never never land bulls*it. Yet they conspired to use religion against the man threatening the queen.

The problem is Obama is selectively patient. He gives foreign entities more patience than our judicial system.
If HRC didn't release hers when every other political candidate did so, you would have a cow.

From their tax return we can learn where they donated money and from where they made money.

BTW, didn't ever GOP candidate ask Trump to release his returns??? Guess they were just taking orders from the DNC.

If you are being audited every year then you must be raising a lot of red flags. Trump obviously is hiding something that at the minimum is embarrassing.

The tax returns only matter to ignorant people.

I couldn't care less about Clinton's tax returns. The only thing interesting about Obama's is that his gift tax return was technically prepared incorrectly.

Honestly, how do you in particular expect to figure out where Trump made his money and donated it? You think he has "Income - Bribe from Vladimir Putin" as other income? $50 Planned Parenthood donations (would that help or hurt his chances). Really, what bombshell could be there? There's one thing I can think of, and it applied to Romney also, but I'm going to let you guess.

Anyone who calls for Trump to release his tax returns is ignorant or pandering to the ignorant.

Does Trump get audited separately every year? I have a client that's been under audit for five years. We're fighting the issues. It's an accounting method change that impacts all subsequent years. Now, you probably have no idea what an accounting method change is, or why you'd need to keep subsequent years open, but that's what we need to do. Client isn't hiding anything embarrassing and there's a fair amount of case law to support the position he took.

So once again, if you're calling for any candidate to release their tax returns, you're ignorant or pandering to the ignorant.
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Liar. Below is the complete, unedited transcript of the POTUS's first words following the Dallas shooting. Please tell me what you find objectionable. I am not going to blame BLM because of a few horrible people. Again, use of the broad brush. The Dallas gathering was a peaceful one with BLM supporters and cops together.

"I spoke this morning with Mayor Rawlings of Dallas to convey the deepest condolences to the American people and that the Federal Government will provide whatever assistance Dallas may need as it deal with this tremendous tragedy.

We still don’t know all the facts. What we do know is that there’s been a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement. Police in Dallas were on duty, doing their job, keeping people safe during a peaceful protest. These law enforcement officers were targeted, and nearly a dozen officers were shot, five were killed. Other officers and at least one civilian were wounded. Some are in serious conditions and we are praying for their recovery.

As I told Mayor Rawlings, and I believe that I speak for every single American when I say, that we are horrified over these events and that we stand united with people and the police department in Dallas.

According to police there are multiple suspects. We will learn more undoubtedly about their twisted motivations, but let’s be clear, there is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks. Grave violence against law enforcement. The FBI is already in touch with the Dallas police; anyone involved in these senseless murders will be held fully accountable. Justice will be done.

I will have more say about this when the facts become more clear. For now, let me just say that, even as yesterday I spoke about are need to be concerned as all Americans about racial disparities in our criminal justice system. I also said yesterday that our police have an extraordinarily difficult job and the vast majority of them do their job in outstanding fashion. I also indicated the degree in which we need to be supportive of those officers who do their job each and every day. Protecting us and protecting our communities. Today is a wrenching reminder of the sacrifices that they make for us. We also know that when people are armed with powerful weapons, it unfortunately make attacks like these more deadly and more tragic and in the days ahead consider those realities as well.

In the meantime, today, our focus is on the victims and their families. They are heartbroken and the entire city of Dallas is grieving. Police across America, which is a tight-knit family, feels this loss to their core and we’re grieving with them.

I ask Americans to say a prayer for these officers and their families. Keep them in your thoughts, and as a nation, let’s remember to express our profound gratitude to our men and women, not just today but every day."

I clearly stated the 2 cities that riots took place in, there were no riots in Dallas.

Well, lets not blame the KKK either while we're at it, it was really only a few bad apples lynching people. Its amazes me the things people will accept to not be wrong.
  • Like
Reactions: KyFaninNC about not engaging in illegal behavior so other countries wouldnt have anything to hack??? That never crosses their mind, somehow.

If Russians hacked my email, and posted it for the world to see, people would be going to sleep trying to read through it. Know why? Because Im not committing federal offenses, rigging elections, controlling media, etc. Thats why.
If they hacked mine they would get some sweet deals on refinancing their house, make their penis larger by 2 to 4 inches, and profit from a rich Nigerian prince that needs them to collect some money for him. Of course they would also have a lot of spam to sift through.
The more that comes out about the email hack, it wouldnt surprise me at all if this wasnt an attempted bribery of Clinton and the DNC. The first leak, while damaging as hell, wasnt fatal. And yo KNOW theres much worse in there.

If theyre holding it back....why? Waiting until Clinton is the official nominee so they can destroy her? it because that was their warning shot, to get the Clintons' attention, and are awaiting blackmail payment/favors.

Guess we will see soon enough.

Either way, with the Clintons' in office the US is always subject to this type of stuff. They cant stay clean, so there will always be dirt/leverage for anyone to get anything they want; if the info falls into the wrong hands. Or....they could just be much less subtle and just bribe them via donations to their fund; like many others have.