How will they rule ??!

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Son, abused? Ha! More like malnourished.

Supporting Hillary Clinton is like enabling a child molester. Best of luck Teachable, because regardless of how much piles up against her, you'll root firmly in the ground and deny it with 1 million convictions.
It's funny you say that because Hillary actually was the defense attorney for man on trial for raping a 12 year old. She's for the women though.
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Just torqueing you a little. We're probably not too far off in our beliefs. I am labeled as a "conservative" but I don't believe in any kind of god. I think abortion is a harsh reality, but I agree with a woman's right to choose for herself. I'm not against two guys getting nasty together if that's what makes them happy, but I think same sex marriage is bizarre considering they can achieve the same thing with a civil union.

I agree with everything you just said.
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Maybe I missed it, but did the RNC have any of the family killed from Bengazi talk on stage?
I will say this. Watter's World on The factor has been comedic gold these past two weeks. It's amazing how stupid uneducated people are in both parties. No wonder this Country is ****ed.
Didn't the coroner rule Sandra Bland killed herself with zero signs of a struggle and corroborating camera footage of no entry to her cell?

I walked in and didn't really hear what all those mothers were saying, certainly hope "hands up don't shoot" falsehood didn't get repeated.

Tell you one thing, that little shithead accomplice of "big mike" that lied through his teeth about what happened initially should be prosecuted to effing Mars and back for the shitstorm he started by lying.

Black folks have some extremely compelling cases of mistreatment to hold up for their cause but good lord they have backed some of the worst horses in the race along the way...
Didn't the coroner rule Sandra Bland killed herself with zero signs of a struggle and corroborating camera footage of no entry to her cell?

I walked in and didn't really hear what all those mothers were saying, certainly hope "hands up don't shoot" falsehood didn't get repeated.

Tell you one thing, that little shithead accomplice of "big mike" that lied through his teeth about what happened initially should be prosecuted to effing Mars and back for the shitstorm he started by lying.

Black folks have some extremely compelling cases of mistreatment to hold up for their cause but good lord they have backed some of the worst horses in the race along the way...

Isn't Willie Horton's mom talking tonight?
The 15th Amendment was ratified in 1870. How many blacks got to vote between 1870 and 1968?
While they technically had the right to vote, states instituted other barriers that prevented it from happening. It took a Democratic President sending in federal troops and federal agents into southern states to actually force states to allow their black citizens to register to vote and to exercise that right. Simply passing a law or an amendment without enforcing the law and protecting the rights granted is meaningless. Yeah, had the GOP done those things following the Civil War they would have likely had the majority of the black vote...perhaps forever. BTW, those blacks in northern states that were allowed to vote did traditionally vote Republican following the war. FDR's second term was the first time a Democrat got a majority of the black vote. But again, very few blacks were allowed to vote as most lived in the south.

BTW, it takes a special kind of stupid to try and equate the Republican and Democratic parties of 1870 and today. The parties today have very little in common other than their names.
Case in point...
Plank #8 in the 1864 Republican party platform...
8. Resolved, That foreign immigration, which in the past has added so much to the wealth, development of resources and increase of power to the nation, the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, should be fostered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy.

The Ten Commandments too...
I think the Ds are really effing up but not addressing global terrorism....they just going to let Don have the issue? It certainly won't be stopping between now and November. Plus, it's not like he's going to let her not answer at the debates. And for once, if the mods steer clear of it, Don F Trump will just hit her on it anyways.

Amazing how bad the R party missed the mark that all people wanted was a non-complete pussy.

Btw, the Ds must be paranoid about not churning enough minority vote out with all this race pandering....just waiting for HC to pull out the "weeee ain't in no ways tarrrrred, we come too faaaaarrrr"
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I think the Ds are really effing up but not addressing global terrorism....they just going to let Don have the issue? It certainly won't be stopping between now and November. Plus, it's not like he's going to let her not answer at the debates. And for once, if the mods steer clear of it, Don F Trump will just hit her on it anyways.

Amazing how bad the R party missed the mark that all people wanted was a non-complete pussy.

Btw, the Ds must be paranoid about not churning enough minority vote out with all this race pandering....just waiting for HC to pull out the "weeee ain't in no ways tarrrrred, we come too faaaaarrrr"

It's been a week long racial masturbate session for the first two days. Apparently there are some people who think it's 1950s all over again. You'd think by watching this that America's biggest problem is race. My Asian wife asked why Hillary was whoring herself out to the minorities. She asked about the Islam problem, and why Hillary isn't talking about it. Considering that my wife came from a country where Islam is the GOVERNMENT and how that gov't supressed Chinese equality and why Hillary doesn't care about American safety from Islam.
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It's been a week long racial masturbate session for the first two days. Apparently there are some people who think it's 1950s all over again. You'd think by watching this that America's biggest problem is race. My Asian wife asked why Hillary was whoring herself out to the minorities. She asked about the Islam problem, and why Hillary isn't talking about it. Considering that my wife came from a country where Islam is the GOVERNMENT and how that gov't supressed Chinese equality and why Hillary doesn't care about American safety from Islam.

because the D's aren't allowed to admit any Islam problem. its gun control and bad cops. stick to the message.
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Or whatever gets her paid, ammi right???
I agree and support that everyone has their right to an attorney. My problem is when that attorney disparages a 12 year old and laughs about how her client passed a polygraph which ruined her faith in them.
come on bud, he was being sarcastic.

Hard to tell with the moronic posts i read on here. But, i guess i should have noticed the name on post.

Speaking the truth?
...or your version of the truth?

Illegal immigrants are coming here because Americans will give them jobs. Why is the focus on poor people trying to improve their own lives instead of the "rich" Americans who hire them to profit off of their labor?
Of course the answer is because you have to blame someone else, can't blame yourself. People who look like you are hiring, renting to, selling goods to, profiting off of their presence. Never mind that if nobody would hire them they wouldn't be here. Add the fact that there are many more legal Hispanics here than illegal. Yet the rhetoric tries to paint them all with the same brush. My youngest daughter is married to a "Mexican" who was born in California. His parents have since moved back to Mexico. He happens to be a CPA. They have a child who is 5yrs old. I about got myself thrown in jail a few months ago when I heard some redneck jackass refer to my granddaughter as "an anchor baby". You see, that is the problem with broad brush politics. Ignorant people don't know the difference between brown skinned US citizens and illegal aliens so they assume that everyone who looks like a Mexican must be illegal.

No, we don't have a problem with Muslims any more than we have a problem with rednecks. We have a problem with some people who are Muslim. I have someone who is Muslim on my team at work. He is as bothered by what is going on with the extremist as you or me. Oh, he is also a veteran. Does he deserve to be painted with a broad brush?

You see, that is the difference between team red and team blue. Team red likes to paint everything with a broad brush because it just makes it easier. Team blue focuses on those who are the actual problem. We don't deny 100,000 good people because there might be one bad one in the lot.

Do you think blacks haven't had reasons to be upset with the system? Coach Cal certainly thinks they do. As a white man who has spent many, many hours in the accompaniment of young black men he has seen how they have been treated. Cops have a tough job but there is never an excuse to shoot someone in the back running from a traffic stop, never an excuse for an officer to unload a dozen or more shots into someone walking down the street when 17 other fellow officers are there and could act if threatened.

Oh the media! Yeah, I guess there is a big conspiracy with all the "mainstream media" including Fox because they all report pretty much the same thing. Fox adds their opinion talkers who generally lean right and CBS, NBC and ABC have theirs that may lean left. Then there is the media that is dedicated to one political persuasion. That doesn't lean right, it is all the way right-wing. That tells us over and over that HRC is a "criminal" yet she has been charged with no crime. That tells us that climate change is a hoax. That liberals hate America. Yeah, no divisiveness there.

Yeplp, those tolerant dems. Guess you missed the racist emails, the sexist emails, the anti-semitic emails and the homophobic emails. Those dern ruskies

Have you eveer thought that maybe dems are really just pieces of crap who are trying to buy votes? Kind of like how the virginians tried to allow felons to vote? Now why do dems assume that criminals and illegals will vote dem? Is there something about the dems that attracts criminals?
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Just curious is it fact that the DNC and Hillary sabotaged the primary to gurantee Hillary the nomination?

Or is that Russia being nosy?
Dont really care. DNC waned the party to win, they felt best chance of success was Clinton.

RNC did the same thing against Trump. RNC just wasnt successful. They tried over and over to derail Trump, even Cruz doing his thing. At least Bern endorsed.

They are both terrible.

I dont have a problem with either deciding who they think best candidate to win is or has the best shot. I would have voted for Cruz or Kasich over HRC. Not sure about Trump. The RNC knows that. Id vote for HRC over Bern. The DNC knows that. They each will have their base who will stick to whom ever the candidate is.

The primary's are a farce. The whole super delegates thing from the 20+ repub candidates.

Hillary is a scandal machine warhawk. Her interests are aligned to big banks, herself, and the dollar.

Trump is a scandal machine (not sure if warhawk). His interests are aligned to big banks, himself, and the dollar.

I get why people like Trump. Warrior-Cat's post 6 months ago, where he just said he's tired of working hard, and then having politicians just give all this free stuff away. I literally think about the post a few times a week. Warrior bled for our country, sacrificed his body, spirit, and life for me, for you, for us. And most of the time, I get hes just angry, but he put his money where his mouth/heart is.

A lot of people are angry. HRC with the emails, benghazi, watergate, etc. Its just a history of scandal and unethical behavior.

I still have no idea what I am going to do this election. It might be the first one in 20 years that I havent voted. I dont know.

Both candidates scare the living hell out of me. Trump is an unstable masochistic curmudgeon. But then, what president hasnt been? Either way, we will be fine.
I'm shocked Selena Gomez's new song isn't the theme of the DNC, or maybe it is. Kill Em With Kindness.
So that equates to being allowed to wipe clean over 30,000 emails that were "personal" knowing that at least 110 were classified at least "top secret" were not erased? Personal emails to whom, Putin? Have you ever heard of a warrant being served and the person is given an extra day to clean up before the cops come back to look for something?

Perhaps she wasn't prosecuted because it would have caused world wide problems if the truth came out. Ever think about that? To protect the interests of the US, a trial could not be allowed to take place. I don't prefer my scenario, but it is more probable than yours that "she didn't do anything wrong".

Perhaps she wasn't prosecuted because the bigger investigation is the one with regards to the Clinton Foundation?
There can't seriously be anyone alive with a functioning brain that thinks she did no wrong. Hell the AG herself pleaded the 5th when questioned by congress about it. You don't plead the 5th unless there is something to hide..
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edit: snopes does not think it is legit, will check

this person spoke at a convention to elect the most powerful leader in the world
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Dont really care. DNC waned the party to win, they felt best chance of success was Clinton.

RNC did the same thing against Trump. RNC just wasnt successful. They tried over and over to derail Trump, even Cruz doing his thing. At least Bern endorsed.

They are both terrible.

I dont have a problem with either deciding who they think best candidate to win is or has the best shot. I would have voted for Cruz or Kasich over HRC. Not sure about Trump. The RNC knows that. Id vote for HRC over Bern. The DNC knows that. They each will have their base who will stick to whom ever the candidate is.

The primary's are a farce. The whole super delegates thing from the 20+ repub candidates.

Hillary is a scandal machine warhawk. Her interests are aligned to big banks, herself, and the dollar.

Trump is a scandal machine (not sure if warhawk). His interests are aligned to big banks, himself, and the dollar.

I get why people like Trump. Warrior-Cat's post 6 months ago, where he just said he's tired of working hard, and then having politicians just give all this free stuff away. I literally think about the post a few times a week. Warrior bled for our country, sacrificed his body, spirit, and life for me, for you, for us. And most of the time, I get hes just angry, but he put his money where his mouth/heart is.

A lot of people are angry. HRC with the emails, benghazi, watergate, etc. Its just a history of scandal and unethical behavior.

I still have no idea what I am going to do this election. It might be the first one in 20 years that I havent voted. I dont know.

Both candidates scare the living hell out of me. Trump is an unstable masochistic curmudgeon. But then, what president hasnt been? Either way, we will be fine.

If you truly mean what you say, vote with who you think will elect the best Supreme Court Judge for the future of this nation. And then think about what having the balance of power changing the Constitution could do going forward.

That is my biggest concern.

this person spoke at a convention to elect the most powerful leader in the world

Please tell me this is fake.

this person spoke at a convention to elect the most powerful leader in the world
if that is true.......example number 4 billion plus of "if this was a Republican...." Can you imagine how that would be covered if it was Trump? holy cow.....

this person spoke at a convention to elect the most powerful leader in the world

It's possible that this is a hoax, I suppose. If not, it's an independent reason, aside from all others that this woman should NEVER be elected President. To allow this person, if she posted what I just saw, to stand behind her at the convention is indicative of either gross incompetence, to not be aware of this, or gross disregard for the lives of police officers. There is no third option. The only possible defense is that this person did not actually post this on her page.
Dont really care. DNC waned the party to win, they felt best chance of success was Clinton.

RNC did the same thing against Trump. RNC just wasnt successful. They tried over and over to derail Trump, even Cruz doing his thing. At least Bern endorsed.

They are both terrible.

I dont have a problem with either deciding who they think best candidate to win is or has the best shot. I would have voted for Cruz or Kasich over HRC. Not sure about Trump. The RNC knows that. Id vote for HRC over Bern. The DNC knows that. They each will have their base who will stick to whom ever the candidate is.

The primary's are a farce. The whole super delegates thing from the 20+ repub candidates.

Hillary is a scandal machine warhawk. Her interests are aligned to big banks, herself, and the dollar.

Trump is a scandal machine (not sure if warhawk). His interests are aligned to big banks, himself, and the dollar.

I get why people like Trump. Warrior-Cat's post 6 months ago, where he just said he's tired of working hard, and then having politicians just give all this free stuff away. I literally think about the post a few times a week. Warrior bled for our country, sacrificed his body, spirit, and life for me, for you, for us. And most of the time, I get hes just angry, but he put his money where his mouth/heart is.

A lot of people are angry. HRC with the emails, benghazi, watergate, etc. Its just a history of scandal and unethical behavior.

I still have no idea what I am going to do this election. It might be the first one in 20 years that I havent voted. I dont know.

Both candidates scare the living hell out of me. Trump is an unstable masochistic curmudgeon. But then, what president hasnt been? Either way, we will be fine.

A lot of words to not admit the facts. I get it though you clearly don't like when facts aren't at your advantage to bash Trump.

You want to know how this election is for real. Much like a house is run by a mother(liberal with a lot of feelings, lies secrets, and manipulation) and eventually the kids run the asylum and the mother can no longer handle the show she the dad steps in and begins discipline, structure, no fun, and complete and utter militant ways that no one likes because there is no gray in dads ways.

That's where we are now. Enjoy!
Dont really care. DNC waned the party to win, they felt best chance of success was Clinton.

RNC did the same thing against Trump. RNC just wasnt successful. They tried over and over to derail Trump, even Cruz doing his thing. At least Bern endorsed.

They are both terrible.

Great post LEK.

I'm positioning my vote against Hillary. I'll vote Trump if I have to. Yeah, he's a wild card.

My bet still leverages on his ego. Who knows, the guy may develop a hard on for George Washington and then masturbates to a Thomas Jefferson painting when he moves in. Whoever mentioned it before in this thread. This is the first time to see a a non status quo grab office.
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Several on twitter posted that pic, her Facebook and twitter were deleted right after the ferguson stuff. Snopes does not think it is legit so I deleted.
Speaking the truth?
...or your version of the truth?

Illegal immigrants are coming here because Americans will give them jobs. Why is the focus on poor people trying to improve their own lives instead of the "rich" Americans who hire them to profit off of their labor?
Of course the answer is because you have to blame someone else, can't blame yourself. People who look like you are hiring, renting to, selling goods to, profiting off of their presence. Never mind that if nobody would hire them they wouldn't be here. Add the fact that there are many more legal Hispanics here than illegal. Yet the rhetoric tries to paint them all with the same brush. My youngest daughter is married to a "Mexican" who was born in California. His parents have since moved back to Mexico. He happens to be a CPA. They have a child who is 5yrs old. I about got myself thrown in jail a few months ago when I heard some redneck jackass refer to my granddaughter as "an anchor baby". You see, that is the problem with broad brush politics. Ignorant people don't know the difference between brown skinned US citizens and illegal aliens so they assume that everyone who looks like a Mexican must be illegal.

So based on your personal experience that means all illegals are CPA's? Yes there is absolutely a problem with illegal immigration. If you want to be here then do it legally.

No, we don't have a problem with Muslims any more than we have a problem with rednecks. We have a problem with some people who are Muslim. I have someone who is Muslim on my team at work. He is as bothered by what is going on with the extremist as you or me. Oh, he is also a veteran. Does he deserve to be painted with a broad brush?

smh...I can't tell if your serious here or not, but I'm gonna assume you are seeing as how your team blue. LOL
Last time I checked you don't have rednecks all over the world killing innocent people in such cowardly know like the fckin MUSLIM extremist. I work with quite a few too, send them back where they came from.

You see, that is the difference between team red and team blue. Team red likes to paint everything with a broad brush because it just makes it easier. Team blue focuses on those who are the actual problem. We don't deny 100,000 good people because there might be one bad one in the lot.

Team blue focuses on those that are a problem? You mean like the dude that shot up the club in Florida? Or how about San Bernadino? Or what about Boston? All on the blue watch, and all investigated before hand...hmmmm. You deny anyone until they are proven to be worthy of being allowed to live in our country. We aren't France, we aren't Germany, and we sure as hell aren't the United Kingdom.

Do you think blacks haven't had reasons to be upset with the system? Coach Cal certainly thinks they do. As a white man who has spent many, many hours in the accompaniment of young black men he has seen how they have been treated. Cops have a tough job but there is never an excuse to shoot someone in the back running from a traffic stop, never an excuse for an officer to unload a dozen or more shots into someone walking down the street when 17 other fellow officers are there and could act if threatened.

Oh the media! Yeah, I guess there is a big conspiracy with all the "mainstream media" including Fox because they all report pretty much the same thing. Fox adds their opinion talkers who generally lean right and CBS, NBC and ABC have theirs that may lean left. Then there is the media that is dedicated to one political persuasion. That doesn't lean right, it is all the way right-wing. That tells us over and over that HRC is a "criminal" yet she has been charged with no crime. That tells us that climate change is a hoax. That liberals hate America. Yeah, no divisiveness there.
Not sure what news outlet you could be speaking of. MSNBC, nope. CNN, nope. ABC, nope. CBS, nope. NBC, nope. Oh you must mean FOX news, the network that has panels made up of dems and repubs. The same channel that aired from the DNC on Sunday and reported all day the day before the event, with damn near all democratic guests.

HRC is a criminal. Nixon knew better than to keep her on his team. She lied about the email server, then lied about the emails, then lied about the emails again. If a member of the military and there have been a few are convicted for far less (1 classified document), and that piece of shit was careless with much MUCH more, damn right she is guilty!

As for Liberals hating America, just ask your first lady what she thinks about America. What was it she said again? You must mean those wonderful illegal liberals across the country that like to stomp and burn the American flag while waving their home country flag on American soil. Can't teach stupid, I guess.
Is Trump about to enter preeminent status on the list of Worst Mojocat Predictions Ever? I'm still a skeptic, but I note with interest this thing I just read. I know it will reverse - Hillary will get her own bump after this convention. Still.....

"Political analyst Nate Silver’s latest forecast has Republican nominee Donald Trump with a 15 percentage point-greater chance of beating presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton if the election were held today, according to FiveThirtyEight.

Silver's "now-cast," updated with fresh surveys on Monday, shows Trump's current likelihood of winning at 57.5 percent, compared with Clinton’s 42.5 percent. In the 11 battleground states, Colorado, Virginia and Michigan would go to Clinton, while Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Iowa would go to Trump.

The breakdown shifts a bit between the Electoral College and the popular vote. Silver's model currently predicts the popular vote going 45.4 percent to Trump vs. 45.1 percent to Clinton, but the Electoral College giving Trump a wider margin of victory, 285 votes and Clinton 252.6."
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