How will they rule ??!

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That's my point. Based on how you believe, then pretty sure that the "facts" will be arranged to fit that belief.
I disagree. I mean if a Saudi prince helped Trump by taking majority control of the plaza hotel in order to give him breathing room with creditors then I'm not sure how belief comes into play. That's a fact.
Stipulated: Almost all world movers and shakers have some dirty or filthy laundry that cannot stand scrutiny.

Regardless of the source of the emails, the content pretty much exposes the type of underhanded stuff that goes on to manipulate and rig the whole system. There are always guys in the back room.

There's various levels of "can't withstand scrutiny". There's "establishment-blocks-Bernie" or "establishment-favors-top-of-the-ticket". Which are embarrassments if you have a fairly low threshold of embarrssment. And there's "does-a-Chamberlain-at-Munich-Sell-Out". Trump musing that he wouldn't help the Baltic Republics if invaded is up there with Reagan's arms deal with the Iranians.
Can we at least draw a distinction between dealing with foreign governments as a private businessman, and dealing with foreign governments as a representative of OUR government? Did Trump betray the Americans trust by accepting foreign investment? Did HRC betray Americans trust by allowing state secrets to be read at will? Or by accepting foreign "donations" to her campaign?
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There's various levels of "can't withstand scrutiny". There's "establishment-blocks-Bernie" or "establishment-favors-top-of-the-ticket". Which are embarrassments if you have a fairly low threshold of embarrssment. And there's "does-a-Chamberlain-at-Munich-Sell-Out". Trump musing that he wouldn't help the Baltic Republics if invaded is up there with Reagan's arms deal with the Iranians.
Cite where he actually said "Baltic Republics". Thanks.
There's various levels of "can't withstand scrutiny". There's "establishment-blocks-Bernie" or "establishment-favors-top-of-the-ticket". Which are embarrassments if you have a fairly low threshold of embarrssment. And there's "does-a-Chamberlain-at-Munich-Sell-Out". Trump musing that he wouldn't help the Baltic Republics if invaded is up there with Reagan's arms deal with the Iranians.

You're desperate Moe, and it's showing. The emails were damning, and since the democrats can't refute any of it, and they look like jack asses they have tried to make it about Trump and the Russians.

The Russians have ZERO to gain with a Trump presidency. The Democrats have yet to stand up to the Russians, Putin has bullied Obama at every turn. You think he's gonna respect Clinton?
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I guess I do business with the Saudi Sovereign wealth fund. In fact, most weekends I'm having someone that works for the Saudi Sovereign wealth fund drive me around town.

Can't wait to get to the point where the Saudis are paying me for corrupt favors from a government I control.
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You're desperate Moe, and it's showing. The emails were damning, and since the democrats can't refute any of it, and they look like jack asses they have tried to make it about Trump and the Russians.

The Russians have ZERO to gain with a Trump presidency. The Democrats have yet to stand up to the Russians, Putin has bullied Obama at every turn. You think he's gonna respect Clinton?

Sure. Putin and Trump have a mutual admiration society. Trump signals he wouldn't help the Baltics. Your ZERO is a very odd ZERO.

As for Obama standing up, the embargo over the Ukraine is impoverishing them. And that's definitely not nothing. Putin hasn't bullied Obama. He's pulled stunts.
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Can we at least draw a distinction between dealing with foreign governments as a private businessman, and dealing with foreign governments as a representative of OUR government? Did Trump betray the Americans trust by accepting foreign investment? Did HRC betray Americans trust by allowing state secrets to be read at will? Or by accepting foreign "donations" to her campaign?
There's a definite distinction. I'm just saying that if we are expecting policy to change in regards to the Saudis and Middle East with Trump then we are in for a let down.
Trump musing that he wouldn't help the Baltic Republics if invaded is up there with Reagan's arms deal with the Iranians.

Please note 2 things. The subject under discussion was The Baltics. And I wasn't directly quoting him.

More word games from you. Read your citation again and show me where it says he won't help them if they are attacked. You can't because he didn't say that.
Putin hasn't bullied Obama. He's pulled stunts.
taking Crimea from Ukraine, saving Assad's hold on Syria, obtaining control of Syria's chemical weapons that crossed Obama's pathetic limp red line, buzzing our warships & airspace with impunity....stunts....

If only Obama could stand in for another election, just imagine the FLEXIBILITY he could promise Putin this time around
There's a definite distinction. I'm just saying that if we are expecting policy to change in regards to the Saudis and Middle East with Trump then we are in for a let down.

Because 25? (I don't feel like going back to look at the actual date) years ago a Saudi Prince took a controlling stake in one of Trump's companies? In line with a strategy of investing the hotels the prince had been using very successfully?
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TLDR: You posted 15 claims that are debunked by facts and logic. 3 claims were valid, though you did employ shaky logic for your conclusions.

In defense of Donald Trump : Try to keep this in mind-

Donald Trump did not steal your money.

Actually, Trump has with Trump University, 4 bankruptcies, and casino scandals has stolen money.

If you want, I can provide links. Claim debunked

Donald Trump did not raise your taxes.

Well, Trump hasn’t been in a position to raise taxes, so this argument is beyond pointless. You know who else raised your taxes? Repubs. Also, every politician ever. Claim not valid

Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food.

Please quote what this is referring to?

According to

Consumer Prices –Overall inflation in consumer prices has remained moderate over Obama’s more than six-and-a-half years in office, rising by only 12.4 percent between January 2009 and November, the most recent month for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics has released the Consumer Price Index.

The average yearly rise under Obama of 1.9 percent is less than half the post-World War II average,according to BLS figures. Between 1946 and 2008 the average yearly rise in the CPI was 4 percent, measured from December to December. In the most recent 12 months, the CPI has gone up only a little more than 0.2 percent.

Trump is not starting a race war.

There is no race war going on. The media has you scammed. Literally all statistics show violent crime is down (see FBI for cite). What race war do you perceive? Was it calling Mexicans rapists and thugs? So yes, Trump has been divisive. Claim not valid.

Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.

Well yes, but this is where I was making fun of your logic. It’s a fallacy to promote this. “At least he didn’t give me aids.” He hasn’t been in a position to do such. Its ok to demonish HRC for this, and agree with you, but the way you word it as a positive, is messed up. I know in your head, you see them as the same, but they don’t have the same fundamental properties.

Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda.

This is pretty much where your argument just becomes unreadable and filled with terrible logic. All these apply some type of logical fallacy known as appeal to ignorance. You are claiming a positive by showing a negative. Trump hasn’t been in power to do so. Both dems and repubs have been sending our children to die for stupid stuff for years.

Also, all those photos were faked, of the navy holding signs, but I assume you just cite stuff.

Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.

The fact you’re implying that this administration or any is actively engaging in extermination of Christians is garbage and emotional hoopla. Do Islamics target Christians, sure. But do active members of our government? Not even the slightest, and to imply is insane.

"They left behind arms, munitions and equipment that were produced and paid for by the United States, which has given $25 billion to train and arm the Iraqi Army and other branches of security forces since 2003, the year the U.S. invaded Iraq."

Trump did not betray Israel.

Once again, this vague statement is useless without backing. Also, you are saying, you know what bob didn’t do? He didn’t go to space. Bob has never been in a position to go to space. It’s a logically fallacy. Also, could find no valid news reporting on this.

Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran's nuclear weapons program.

I would love to see where this administration helped Iran’s nuclear program. Besides this hyperbolic claim, it’s logically invalid to make this point. See Bob example.

Since October, Iran has:
  • Shipped 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium out of the country
  • Dismantled and removed two-thirds of its centrifuges
  • Removed the calandria from its heavy water reactor and filled it with concrete
  • Provided unprecedented access to its nuclear facilities and supply chain

Trump did not give our military secrets to China.

Once again, this is just a fallacy and not based in reality. Are you speaking of the Chinese buying military secrets? You made this claim yet do not back it up. If any official is doing this, its treason.

Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia.

There is a trend here. Trump not in power to do such a thing, so the argument is pointless. Do we really need a nuclear missile shield in Poland? Do the Russians need one in Cuba. You can argue the merits of the missile defense system, but whatever. Even most military experts agree it was pointless (can cite if needed)

Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans.

THE FACTS:Total spending for the modernization for major weapons systems actually has remained stable since Bush’s brother, President George W. Bush, left office in January 2009. The department’s “selected acquisition reports,” which detail past, current and future investments in dozens of weapons programs, show the value of the military services’ modernization portfolio in November 2008 was $1.64 trillion. The latest reports, from March 2015, show a value of $1.62 trillion.

Here are two main reasons for the spending drop. The first is the Obama administration’s decision to start removing U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. The second has to do with a process known as sequestration.

Sequestration refers to the framework for automatic, across-the-board cuts to both military and non-military spending that were originally designed to force bipartisan negotiators in Congress to strike a deal in 2011. When negotiations fell apart, the cuts went into effect. The bipartisan nature of the sequestration provision means that both parties merit a share of the blame, experts say.

The most recent Obama budget proposed a 7.8 percent increase in the base Defense Department budget between 2015 and 2016. The spending bill enacted this fall puts the defense budget on a path to start growing in fiscal year 2016, up about 6 percent from the previous year.

Trump did not cripple our economy. Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars.

Probably one of the only good lines here (the second part). Agree with this. Yet to claim Trump didn’t do this when he wasn’t in position to do so is ludicrous. Cripple? No.

Real Weekly Earnings –The recent low inflation has helped the buying power of weekly paychecks. The BLS measure ofaverage weekly earnings for all workers, adjusted for inflation and seasonal factors, is 3.4 percent higher in November than it was when Obama first took office. Claim debunked.

Trump did not ruin our credit, twice.

Actually congress did this, not the President. So yeah. Ruined? No. Claim debunked.

Trump did not double African American unemployment. Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years.

But as we noted when Republicans called Obama the “Food Stamp President,” 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. By comparison, the net gain under Obama now stands at just under 13.4 million — and it’s slowly declining as the economy improves.

The one bright spot is the unemployment rate. For black Americans overall, that number from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has slid from 12.7 percent when Obama was inaugurated to 8.8 percent last month — down 30.7 percent.

Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans.

Pretty sure Bush did, if you mean Known as the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), the broad and controversial 2001 law. Didn’t know Obama was in office in 2001.

But they are using drones to kill more people, and obviously bad ploy. So I get the anger from this. I think you mean executive order, but it is hard to know because most of your claims are not mired in fact.

Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay.

Things like this: Set all them free? It’s still open. Half are gone to other prisons, they weren’t set free. This claim is outright lie.

Trump did not steal your rights, violate US Constitutional law, or commit treason, hundreds of times.

I mean, more of the same. Be specific on stealing your rights hundreds of times? It’s just smoke and hyperbole. Did HRC commit treason? Yes. But how was Trump ever in a public position to steal your trust?

I cant argue that Obama hasn’t done bad things. But to just outright lie is silly. I don’t care if you hate Obama, he deserves that ire, but don’t lie about it.

That’s what a lot of this political fight has been about, people just saying stuff enough times to hope it becomes true.

I dont care if you support Trump or Hillary. Both are terrible, both have done bad things. Just dont make up stuff.

LEaK, LEaK, LEaK, damn boy you work hard. I will never doubt your veracity. Not sure what you do for a living or whether you're right or wrong but if you work anything like what you do on a message're HIRED. ;)
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There's a definite distinction. I'm just saying that if we are expecting policy to change in regards to the Saudis and Middle East with Trump then we are in for a let down.
That is another assumption you have made. I assume if HRC is elected, then we will not see any policy change in regards to the Saudis or Middle East. My assumption trumps yours due to, reality.
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Wonder of Pelosi has ever watched The Innocence of Muslims. That video, much like those crafty Russians, seem to be causing all kinds of hysteria.
That is another assumption you have made. I assume if HRC is elected, then we will not see any policy change in regards to the Saudis or Middle East. My assumption trumps yours due to, reality.
You've not been paying attention. I know Hillary isn't going to change. She's a neocon hawk. Her middle name is foreign intervention. I'm just saying it isn't going to change with trump either. And that's not an assumption. The military machine isn't going to change under any elected president. More weapons will continue to be sold to Saudi Arabia and we will continue to intervene and the drone the shit out of the area.
Sure. Putin and Trump have a mutual admiration society. Trump signals he wouldn't help the Baltics. Your ZERO is a very odd ZERO.

As for Obama standing up, the embargo over the Ukraine is impoverishing them. And that's definitely not nothing. Putin hasn't bullied Obama. He's pulled stunts.

Are you trying to say Russia hasn't grown its world influence in the last 8 years, and especially the last 4? All the embargo has done is pushed Russia closer to China, I'm sure thats going to end up benefitting the US.

Lets say you're right, and the Russians hacked the DNC. It doesn't change the fact of what the DNC is doing, maybe you should open your eyes to the party of "unity" and see what they truly are.
Because 25? (I don't feel like going back to look at the actual date) years ago a Saudi Prince took a controlling stake in one of Trump's companies? In line with a strategy of investing the hotels the prince had been using very successfully?
No. Because of an on going business relationship he has had with the Saudis going back for at least 25 years. The instance I mentioned above was just one of many.
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Can we at least draw a distinction between dealing with foreign governments as a private businessman, and dealing with foreign governments as a representative of OUR government? Did Trump betray the Americans trust by accepting foreign investment? Did HRC betray Americans trust by allowing state secrets to be read at will? Or by accepting foreign "donations" to her campaign?

Trump has solicited foreign donations. Even after being warned by the FEC.

You can try to make the email server something that it wasn't. A Republican investigator looked into it far more deeply than internet bozos have and did not even recommend indictment. All he had to do to completely derail her campaign was to recommend an indictment. She'd have beaten the charge, but that's irrelevant. She'd have been hopelessly out of the election. But he didn't do it. A Republican. Not a Democrat. From Watergate to Vince Foster to the email server to Benghazi, she's been assaulted with charge after charge in partisan witch hunts. And nohing substantive. A hundred bogus charges don't equal a real sin.

Please to note that you never hear a peep about the non-archived email server in the Bush White House. Why is that? You never hear any blowback about Republican cuts in funding for embassy security? Why is that? All the ginned up anger and frenzy wouldn't be mere partisan bellyaching, would it?
First of all, federal regulations changed after the Bush deal, where all federal business was to be done on Government servers.

Second, she put the server in her HOUSE! The secretary of state was doing business on a server in her HOUSE! Do you understand how absurd that is, and the only reason she did it was to get around FOIA laws.

She broke the law Moe, you know it, I know it, she knows it, and the FBI director basically said if anyone else had done it they'd be charged. Most candidates would've withdrew from the election had that come up with them, but not Hillary, this is her last chance to fulfill her lifelong dream. To hell with the country, its all about her.
Trump has solicited foreign donations. Even after being warned by the FEC.

You can try to make the email server something that it wasn't. A Republican investigator looked into it far more deeply than internet bozos have and did not even recommend indictment. All he had to do to completely derail her campaign was to recommend an indictment. She'd have beaten the charge, but that's irrelevant. She'd have been hopelessly out of the election. But he didn't do it. A Republican. Not a Democrat. From Watergate to Vince Foster to the email server to Benghazi, she's been assaulted with charge after charge in partisan witch hunts. And nohing substantive. A hundred bogus charges don't equal a real sin.

Please to note that you never hear a peep about the non-archived email server in the Bush White House. Why is that? You never hear any blowback about Republican cuts in funding for embassy security? Why is that? All the ginned up anger and frenzy wouldn't be mere partisan bellyaching, would it?

Starting to think this is either Hillary or Chelsea. No sane person could have their own head that far up Clinton ass.

I think you should maybe watch the press conference of James Comey and not just read the Vox write up of no charges announced.
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Are you trying to say Russia hasn't grown its world influence in the last 8 years, and especially the last 4? All the embargo has done is pushed Russia closer to China, I'm sure thats going to end up benefitting the US.

Lets say you're right, and the Russians hacked the DNC. It doesn't change the fact of what the DNC is doing, maybe you should open your eyes to the party of "unity" and see what they truly are.

Let's take the last first. The emails have shown that the DNC favored HRC over Bernie. And favored the top-of-the-ticket over state contests. That's what they show! That's it. (Except for poor Chuck Todd.) That was what everyone knew. How does having emails change that? Trump complained about the RNC working against him! What would having emails from RNC staffers change? What does having emails make different? If you actually read any of them and don't simply take other comments for granted, you' read the gossip and complaints of the staff. Whoop-di-do. Everything that a talking head talks about in an hysterical voice doesn't actually merit hysteria.

Now Russia.

The embargo dropped Russian GDP 2.2% in 2014 and 3.5% in 2015. Russia has made trade adjustments and is expecting flat growth this year. This isn't nothing. Our recession in 2009 was a 3.1% contraction.

If the Russians hacked the DNC -- and all the evidence points that way -- there's definitely a prima facie case for investigating if a foreign government is actively trying to shape the American election. And possibly with the knowledge of one of the candidates. It was outrageous that Netanyahu simply made a partisan speech in our Congress. This would be much worse.
I think you should maybe watch the press conference of James Comey and not just read the Vox write up of no charges announced.

Right. No charges. A Republican-led investigation. No charges. No complaint from you about the White House email server. Why not?
IMO it really don't matter who gets in office. The government and country is now ran by ultra rich multi-billionaires who rose to power through lucrative foreign trade agreements that benefited them directly and cost the American worker trillions of dollars in lost wages and benefits over the last 22 years.
Honestly, I've seen a lot of stupid shit from the Democrats, but acting like it makes a damn bit of difference who hacked the DNC's emails is the stupidest shit I've ever seen.

I wanna know what the FBI is gonna do to Russia?
Putin hasn't bullied Obama. He's pulled stunts.

Good Lord, or if you perfer, GOOD ALLAH, Putin has pwned Obama for the last 4/5 years. Obama is weak, feckless, and has no balls to stand up to bullies, and Putin is a bully, Putin has bitch slapped Obama, and Merkle and all of Europe and none of them have stood up to him. But, you keep your head in the sand.
IMO it really don't matter who gets in office. The government and country is now ran by ultra rich multi-billionaires who rose to power through lucrative foreign trade agreements that benefited them directly and cost the American worker trillions of dollars in lost wages and benefits over the last 22 years.

Yosemity Sam for POTUS, he is the rootenist,tootinest, shootinest around.
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