How will they rule ??!

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I gave the CDC link. I'll take that over her.
The same CDC the whole country is blaming for being unprepared for this current virus?

Again, you can suck all the CDC cock you'd like, it seems to suit you, and that's b/c you lack the intelligence and education to do your own work. No shame in being a pleb ****wit. Just don't project it onto others who have surpassed you long ago...
Why would Trump need to show the disease is a hoax?

He was publicly dismissive letting it spread for 2 months while South Korea, Taiwan , and Singapore ramped up testing with clear communication and essentially stopped it. If he wasn't working on better information privately, I don't understand how Trumps handling will be a positive.
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He was publicly dismissive letting it spread for 2 months while South Korea, Taiwan , and Singapore ramped up testing with clear communication and essentially stopped it. If he wasn't working on better information privately, I don't understand how Trumps handling will be a positive.

Trump was trying to prevent a panic, which is exactly what we have now. Due to the panic there's going to be far reaching consequences well beyond the reach of the disease.
I find it funny when going to the doctor (I'm there a lot) how some folks are very particular about being weighed and some just don't care. I saw an old, old man insist he take his shoes and belt off to be weighed once.
You'll find lots of ex-military, who served 1980s-present, removing shoes and belt before weigh-in. Just a habit.

How very very stupid you are...

Yep, a big bang or accident created all we are....just a mist floating around ...just a lucky break the earth and all its glory exists... A total freak accident created this earth....

That is what we all should believe....

For me that is what is unfathomable... We and EVERYTHING are just.....accidents.


I will stick with believing in God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Good luck to you, you will need it. I will not..

Geez how scary people like you are that you exist and even probably drive a car or truck...
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... Same.

Doesn't matter. The sheep have hard reset buttons and will line right back up for the next big thing. We've seen it too many times to not believe it.
So true. I predict < 1,500 deaths between now and May 5 directly attributed to COVID-19. We'll realize considerably more fatalities from auto accidents, suicides, homicides and natural causes.

Greatest hoax ever perpetrated on this nation.
Maybe there are moderate Democrats out there who are closer to center. But the politicians who represent you certainly aren't. If you want to change the perception we have of you, vote out the crazies. Just look at your two party front runners. Tell me with a straight face that they aren't far left radicals. Meanwhile, the conservative leader is Trump. Now, there's plenty to not like about him, and he's easy to make fun of, but politically, he's not radical at all. In fact, in some areas he's slightly left of center. There really aren't any "far right" politicians with any relevance. We keep most of the idiots out. Your party has just moved so far left, to you it looks like conservatives are far right. But that's just not the case. I'm more Libertarian. I'd actually love to be able to not vote for a republican and pull the lever for Libertarians to give them a chance. But liberals have gone so bonkers, I can't in good conscience do anything on my part to let them have power. So voting republican it is. I'd actually love for Democrats to get their act together and be like they used to be when they actually loved this country. I'd still disagree with their policies, but I could at least appreciate our mutual concern for the betterment of everyone. Right now all I see is how much you hate America, babies, rich people and white people.
Exactly this. I know some people who consider themselves democrats, but also don’t realize it’s not 1994. The leaders of the dem party are so far left now, they make the center look “alt-right”. The party was hijacked years ago, but team player voters either don’t know or couldn’t care less.
The same CDC the whole country is blaming for being unprepared for this current virus?

Again, you can suck all the CDC cock you'd like, it seems to suit you, and that's b/c you lack the intelligence and education to do your own work. No shame in being a pleb ****wit. Just don't project it onto others who have surpassed you long ago...
God you're just flat out stupid! There is no getting past that point. With all the talk about how Trump fired the officials at the CDC and elsewhere who were the designated experts to handle this very crisis, you're blaming the CDC for not being prepared. You're a very stupid human being or your working for Putin. In either case your not worth our time.
God you're just flat out stupid! There is no getting past that point. With all the talk about how Trump fired the officials at the CDC and elsewhere who were the designated experts to handle this very crisis, you're blaming the CDC for not being prepared. You're a very stupid human being or your working for Putin. In either case your not worth our time.

Who's stupid?
I find it funny when going to the doctor (I'm there a lot) how some folks are very particular about being weighed and some just don't care. I saw an old, old man insist he take his shoes and belt off to be weighed once.

There are so many negative health consequences to being overweight and obese. Seems like doctors should have a standard process for weighing people.

People’s general disregard for their own health, walking around obese, then freaking out about the coronavirus is one of the things that irks me the most. Odds are coronavirus isn’t going to get most people. The fat that’s suffocating their internal organs and putting their body through the same effects as advanced aging will. But we have to dance around the fact that fat is unhealthy.
I love how some people have gone so conservative they can't even remember what Ronald Reagan said, what Theodore Roosevelt fought against, and now they claim the "Left are so far left". They are so wrapped up in themselves they aren't even aware they are careening far right like a pin ball. FDR wasn't a communist! He was the most popular President in history! He pull us out of a right wing tailspin that created some very wealthy folk and millions of very poor folk. People who don't know history are bound to repeat it. It's as if these dull-witted folk keep looking to the west waiting to see sunrise.
Trump was trying to prevent a panic, which is exactly what we have now. Due to the panic there's going to be far reaching consequences well beyond the reach of the disease.

I get that, but while he was publicly downplaying the seriousness of the situation, we got to a point where we canceled a month of the US. It takes an insane amount of sunshine pumping to see that as "handling it well".

It would be a completely different thing if he publicly downplayed it and we were South Korea right now claiming victory.
There are so many negative health consequences to being overweight and obese. Seems like doctors should have a standard process for weighing people.

People’s general disregard for their own health, walking around obese, then freaking out about the coronavirus is one of the things that irks me the most. Odds are coronavirus isn’t going to get most people. The fat that’s suffocating their internal organs and putting their body through the same effects as advanced aging will. But we have to dance around the fact that fat is unhealthy.
I 100% agree. My weight standing nude on my scale at hoem is sometimes 10 lbs off at the DO. I mentioned this to a nurse, citing your reasoning that it may be important for them to know my exact weight, but I am always brushed off and they tell me all they are looking for is a sudden gain or loss, that if I've always weighed "heavy" at the office, that's all they have record of anyway.

So very scientific... like the CDC.
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There are so many negative health consequences to being overweight and obese. Seems like doctors should have a standard process for weighing people.

People’s general disregard for their own health, walking around obese, then freaking out about the coronavirus is one of the things that irks me the most. Odds are coronavirus isn’t going to get most people. The fat that’s suffocating their internal organs and putting their body through the same effects as advanced aging will. But we have to dance around the fact that fat is unhealthy.
Yep fat can be a choice. Just like you can choose to listen to educated, trained, and experienced experts about a threat to the public health, or you can side with a extremely fat orange monkey who fired the experts.
I hope so, but I would be surprised if it’s not down 3k on Monday. I’m sure democrats and the media are hoping for that.

It will be if we have a mass outbreak. But by then hopefully people will see it really is just a bad cold.

Lol not much additional impact that's an absurd take. Every event until April is canceled and we haven't even started seeing the results from ramped up testing.

All the cancellations were prior to the rebound. Last night huge crowds everywhere. People are starting to see through the fog.

Sorry doomsdayer
You folks keep talking about ramped up testing...

You do understand that if the infected rate is as high as you are claiming it will be, there are not the corresponding dead bodies to justify the thought that it is is a "deadly" virus to anyone under 80 or not immunocompromised? You get that, right? You can't have it both ways. It's either a widespread cold, or it's gonna kill folks. Pick one.. and the numbers are nowhere near in your favor atm.

You need to focus on the backlash when these people realize what they've willfully sacrificed over fear and nothing more.
And what do you think the results of the ramped up testing will produce? The fact a whole lot more people have it, yet not dying at the rates being reported? That the mortality rate is really lower and more in line with the flu that kills 10’s of thousands despite vaccines and treatments available but nobody seems to give a shit about?

Yep. And its all just a waste of time. Ok now someone has it. So what? You don't get or need medical care. So you stay home till it's gone.

The test outcome doesn't matter because you only get treated when the symptoms are bad, no matter what caused them.

If this thing is as contagious as they say, we will get exposed.

So testing is nothing more than political stunts both ways

Dennis Miller:

Biden says he has a plan to fight Coronavirus. He's told it to "step outside."

Will call it names poke it's chest and challenge to a pushup contest
He was publicly dismissive letting it spread for 2 months while South Korea, Taiwan , and Singapore ramped up testing with clear communication and essentially stopped it. If he wasn't working on better information privately, I don't understand how Trumps handling will be a positive.
And during this time period your side of the aisle was engaged in an "Impeachment Hoax" and that is all we heard about on the news for 24/7. Meanwhile you have no idea what was going on in the other government agencies because Fox News, MSNBC and CNN were not covering anything but the impeachment.

Trump shut down travel to China and was assembling a team to fight this. His team had to redesign our treatment protocol and now thanks to his leadership we have the best plan of any nation on earth to defeat this. If Obama had provided leadership the Swine flu would not have been so destructive with over 60,000,000 Americans infected and nearly 14,000 deaths. Remember? Did you once say Obama's leadership was not positive?

Nothing, short of the death of Trump, will ever be positive in the minds of people who think like you.

Levi the great spelled it boogyman.

The Bogeyman (/ˈbʊɡimæn, ˈboʊɡi-/;[1] also spelled boogeyman, bogyman, bogieman, boogie monster or boogie man)

None of which did Levi use. Normally I do not care as I make spelling mistakes as well, but Levi is a regular Einstein.

I feel real good if that is all you got. Pretty common on this board for posters who cannot make a credible argument to resort to pointing out occasional spelling mistakes. It is especially funny he points out a word that by his own admission clearly has a veritable plethora of spellings for that particular word. Such are the efforts of a lame mind at working on the personal level. It's pretty easy to see he is insecure about contributing actual knowledge based on facts and has to resort to such lowbrow means of discussion. Kind of sad actually.
He was publicly dismissive letting it spread for 2 months while South Korea, Taiwan , and Singapore ramped up testing with clear communication and essentially stopped it. If he wasn't working on better information privately, I don't understand how Trumps handling will be a positive.

Testing doesn't stop anything.
Yep fat can be a choice. Just like you can choose to listen to educated, trained, and experienced experts about a threat to the public health, or you can side with a extremely fat orange monkey who fired the experts.
We know, your hate is strong and is illustrated in each and every post you make. Hate, hate, hate.

These "experts" who served Obama allowed 60,000,000 Americans to catch the Swine Flu and almost 14,000 died. Why would you want them on the coronavirus team? Firing them was the best thing yet. ]