Levi is the most retarded poster that’s ever hit this thread. No one should interact with him unless it’s to call him retarded
God you're limited. You don't carry a tool belt, you wear one, you carry a tool box. Appears you wouldn't know how to use either. I neither wore or carried either after about 1996. That's when I started carrying a cell phone, clipboard, and pencil which turned into a Nextel phone and laptop case through airports. Now judging from your posts I assume you carried Archie comic books and Hustler to the local arcade.
Levi is the most retarded poster that’s ever hit this thread. No one should interact with him unless it’s to call him retarded
Is Levi a troll, or this dam stupid
Buttplug and din lemon would make a good couple
That book is already full of shit!
But you can't name 1? LOLOLVarious different sourc
Various different sources but so on printed news rather than televised news. I like to look up stories from online sources when I hear about them.
But you can't name 1? LOLOL
Steve is old, male,and white himself, and rich as well.Um. okay
The GoP has always been the party of "take responsibility" and the buck stops at the oval.
Asked if he takes responsibility for lag in testing, Pres. Trump says, "No, I don't take responsibility at all." "We were given a set of circumstances...it wasn't meant for this kind of an event with the kind of numbers that we're talking about."
What a leader! He's only been running the country for over 3 years now. But nothing that goes wrong is his fault, it's Obama!
But you can't name 1? LOLOL
Nothing is happening to Schiff.
At the same time the dems gotta realize Trump will be here till 2024 and with his blessing his successor will be president till 2032.
democrat party is toast. Too many non self aware Levis running the party
From where? China?https://cbs2iowa.com/news/local/loc...u-B6tJRrktnyL4xlSh680YiHdrppUjZCXQZDgKUUd10ek
More detection tests arriving soon.
McConnell and his old ass Senate buddies went home Thursday doing nothing to help Americans. Pelosi worked her ass off all week with that fugly Mnuchin and got everything the Dems proposed for relief. So you can now thank her for paid leave, free tests, expanded unemployment insurance, and that stupid payroll tax idea being squashed. Trump of course had to endorse it or look like a weak fool. He better have that virus, its his only excuse for getting his ass handed to him so much the last few weeks. and hacking up a lung Everytime he speaks while sorting a line.
People that constantly try to point this stuff out are just... ugh, the worst.
Maybe there are moderate Democrats out there who are closer to center. But the politicians who represent you certainly aren't. If you want to change the perception we have of you, vote out the crazies. Just look at your two party front runners. Tell me with a straight face that they aren't far left radicals. Meanwhile, the conservative leader is Trump. Now, there's plenty to not like about him, and he's easy to make fun of, but politically, he's not radical at all. In fact, in some areas he's slightly left of center. They're really aren't any "far right" politicians with any relevance. We keep most of the idiots out. Your party has just moved so far left, to you it looks like conservatives are far right. But that's just not the case. I'm more Libertarian. I'd actually love to be able to not vote for a republican and pull the lever for Libertarians to give them a chance. But liberals have gone so bonkers, I can't in good conscience do anything on my part to let them have power. So voting republican it is. I'd actually love for Democrats to get their act together and be like they used to be when they actually loved this country. I'd still disagree with their policies, but I could at least appreciate our mutual concern for the betterment of everyone. Right now all I see is how much you hate America, babies, rich people and white people.You do realize not all Democrats are "foaming at the mouth" over all of these issues? Blanket statements such as these one of the reasons politics is so toxic right now. People are constantly combing the Internet and reading all the tweets and comments from the far right and far left of the parties and assume everyone else in the party has the same belief. I think more Americans are closer to the center of the political spectrum, but they aren't the ones tweeting every crazy thought that runs thru their head. I have many friends/family that are fairly conservative and it would be extremely unfair to them if I assumed they were all like the crazies that post on this site
Trump isn't an elegant or what I would call a presidential speaker. He's better off script at his rallies and when he can interject humor. But I agree, except for his state of the union addresses, he's pretty terrible at times. But two things.Trump up there looking like someone has a hand up his ass using him as a puppet. Can you not at least read through the speech a few times so you don't stutter through it? It's hilarious how he now opens every press conference pretending like our response has been "the best" and everything that went wrong was Obama's fault.
They do the same thing with guns. "Trump is a dictator and destroying the Constitution!"This. They call him a dictator then now they want him to be a dictator. I've seen, "look at what the local govts are doing, or local businesses"
Yes. Are they aware of what federalism, free enterprise, or....the constitution is? But this is what you get when theres a cult of ppl that said "save us Obama"
Well I mean, if the economy is only good because of Obama, it seems fair that everything that goes bad should fall back on him too.The GoP has always been the party of "take responsibility" and the buck stops at the oval.
Asked if he takes responsibility for lag in testing, Pres. Trump says, "No, I don't take responsibility at all." "We were given a set of circumstances...it wasn't meant for this kind of an event with the kind of numbers that we're talking about."
What a leader! He's only been running the country for over 3 years now. But nothing that goes wrong is his fault, it's Obama!
This isn't going to be good for Trump unless he can show after the fact this was an overblown hoax that caused China to shut down and every sporting event around the world to be canceled which seems unlikely.
That being said he's still better than Joe Biden’s unelected VP.
McConnell and his old ass Senate buddies went home Thursday doing nothing to help Americans. Pelosi worked her ass off all week with that fugly Mnuchin and got everything the Dems proposed for relief. So you can now thank her for paid leave, free tests, expanded unemployment insurance, and that stupid payroll tax idea being squashed. Trump of course had to endorse it or look like a weak fool. He better have that virus, its his only excuse for getting his ass handed to him so much the last few weeks. and hacking up a lung Everytime he speaks while sorting a line.
False.I hope you're not talking about Trump. Heck men he can't even stay on message during his own press conference without contradicting himself and his staff correcting his mistakes as quickly as possible.
I hope we never meet, you lowlife cocksucker."she didn't like" OMG