Walls work..
Where's good Ole Ann Coulter????? Yeah Ann, you could have NEVER got what you wanted accomplished in the time frame you wanted it accomplished. It takes something you never had. Determination, that is what has overcome all the bat schmidt people that couldn't get there "conservative" "fix" "fast enough". Just like a paycheck.... it takes "time" to earn it. President Trump is earning his then giving it away... THAT is true conservatism. What's yours?
131 miles completed
208 miles under construction
414 miles in pre-construction
Changing now isn't it... Hmmm... (Note: It was 126 miles completed just a very few days ago... No one mentions the "amount" "under construction". Yes Elizabeth, words mean things...)
She sickened me with her abrupt turnabout on President Trump....just for her expedience in being noticed... Yep they will out themselves...just give them time...