How will they rule ??!

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Yep, Gary Johnson can turn this country around. Jesus Christ....
Well, he is only a successful two term governor, with another successful two term governor on the ticket and not a carnival barker faux-strongman.

If by "turn around" you mean say ridiculous things that riles up the "common sense" base of voters with no plans or intentions of actually doing anything if elected, then no Gary Johnson will not turn this country around
"Julian Assange: My Next Leak Will Ensure Hillary’s Arrest", as if the first 30,000 wikileaks didn't cause enough havoc for the Dems. Wonder what else he has up his sleeve to drop during the Dem convention.

Told you this was going to be fun...
From Reddit:

"I knew this sounded familiar. The interview the article is referring to actually aired on June 12, before the FBI gave its verdict.

At the time, Assange was hoping a new release of Clinton's emails would be smoking gun evidence for the FBI to use. Old news."

Who knows, but my guess:

Chuckling at big font headline at


heh. They are trying to understand this massive movement, which portends a Reagan or Johnson style landslide. It begins:

"Many supporters of the candidate who’ll be America’s first female presidential nominee don’t care that she’s a woman any more than they care her opponent’s a man.

They’re with her because they find Hillary Clinton so qualified and Donald Trump so … terrifying."

And on and on it goes. I'm not a Trump guy, but I have to admit if he wins I'll get no small amount of joy from the angst/terror it will cause to The System.
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It's surprising to you that the political pros in political organizations aren't impartial? That's a little more naivete than is healthy or even believable. Trump complained daily about the RNC working against him. Does him winning the nomination mean that the RNC's efforts didn't happen?

Sanders isn't a Democrat. He was permitted to run in Dem primaries, but who would expect political pros to welcome him?
I knew all along if you read the post but the almost immediate rejection of ideology and callousness of the back-stabbing took me by surprise and confirmed the ignorance of the party mentality. The Donald and Bernie were created from this image and the result, not necessarily the candidates, is refreshing.
Gary Johnson essentially in a tie with Clinton and Trump in Utah.

When Mitt Romney gets on board, all bets are off. Rumors of a Jeb! endorsement floating around, too. If he can win Utah and New Mexico or win one and throw one of the other tossups for the underdog we could be headed to the House of Representatives, y'all [smoke]:popcorn:

Jen and Mitt had their chance and blew it. Time for them to shut the hell up.
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Looks like - per CNN anyway - Trump got around a 6% bump from the convention last week. If true, that's pretty decent. CNN says it really hasn't seen a convention bump since '00, when both Bush and Gore got an 8 point uppity. This line in particular jumped at me:

"Despite Democratic criticism of the Republican convention's message as divisive, the percentage who say Trump will unite the country rather than divide it has increased to 42%, compared with 34% pre-convention."

Mission fail. heh. if only a few more folks had used the word "dark", this wouldn't be happening!......
I knew all along if you read the post but the almost immediate rejection of ideology and callousness of the back-stabbing took me by surprise and confirmed the ignorance of the party mentality. The Donald and Bernie were created from this image and the result, not necessarily the candidates, is refreshing.

Took you by surprise? The contest to be the most powertul person in the world isn't played by saints? I'd send you some vinegar and a handkerchief so you could pat your cheeks.
We Stand With Bernie Today.
LOL Bernie does not even stand with Bernie anymore....and is feeling the heat along with the rest of them!!

So very entertaining watching this ish-show develop & rain down on that group. embarrassing to look back last week at the number of tweets sent out by reputable political journalists about Melania's speech.....and deafening silence this weekend/today about the DNC email scandal, DNC chairperson resigning in disgrace, the hatred towards the DNC's hand-picked nominee.
From a Sun-Sentinal article after Bernie supporters booed Debbie Wasserman Schultz:

"They're not real Democrats," state Sen. Eleanor Sobel of Hollywood said of the protesters. "They were rude, disruptive and obnoxious. They should have stopped screaming and let her speak.

"I think the Bernie people can't get over that they lost. They're sore losers, so they're picking on Debbie," said Sobel, a Clinton supporter. "Go back to Play-Doh."

Please, Bernie----go grab your balls out of the jar on Hillary's nightstand--if only for one night.
Has Donna Brazille already been replaced? That's three in 24 hours.

And they chastised Trump for not being organized and in control due to his wife's speech. At least the old Carnival Barker knows how to run a carnival. Hillary can't even keep her own party under control.
Bernie supporters chanting "lock her up" in Philadelphia :smiley: FBI will investigate email leak.
Scott Pelley actually asked he if she felt "safe" after hearing the lock up chants like these people were going to assault her or something. No context to he potential crimes and what not, just treating her like a delicate flower.

A delicate flower that would cut the nuts off every man between here and Santa Fe if she could.
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Turning to GOP advisers for economic advice was just another example of Obama refusing to cooperate with Republicans. That sneaky bastard. It's probably why Obama's Republican critics called him a commie. Because his critics were on to him. That sneaky bastard.

[sarcasm off] We went to see Tim Geithner speak at UL. He pointed out that all the economies which followed a different course than theirs, had a worse recovery from the collapse.
[sarcasm on] But by all means, keep up the good work. I'm sure if Trump is elected, that canny business sense of his which bankrupted casinos will see us in good stead.

[sarcasm off]Elizabeth Warren has repeatedly said she doesn't want the job.
[Stupidity on]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Fact is, it has been on since have been on this site.
Gary Johnson is for completely free trade, amnesty, and cutting entitlement spending by trillions. The vast majority of the electorate will NEVER go for this. If you vote for this man as a protest vote you are simply wasting your time. Pick between Hillary or Trump, but unless you truly can't decide between the two of them don't vote for Johnson.
Gary Johnson is for completely free trade, amnesty, and cutting entitlement spending by trillions. The vast majority of the electorate will NEVER go for this. If you vote for this man as a protest vote you are simply wasting your time. Pick between Hillary or Trump, but unless you truly can't decide between the two of them don't vote for Johnson.
People who think he is the solution better look closer at his positions.

Amnesty is a complete non-starter for a lot of people.
From a Sun-Sentinal article after Bernie supporters booed Debbie Wasserman Schultz:

"They're not real Democrats," state Sen. Eleanor Sobel of Hollywood said of the protesters. "They were rude, disruptive and obnoxious. They should have stopped screaming and let her speak.

"I think the Bernie people can't get over that they lost. They're sore losers, so they're picking on Debbie," said Sobel, a Clinton supporter. "Go back to Play-Doh."

Please, Bernie----go grab your balls out of the jar on Hillary's nightstand--if only for one night.
Where was this senator during all of the protest against Trump, OWS, and other protest "Real Democrats" have been a part of the past few years. When it is against the right I guess it is not rude, disruptive or obnoxious. It is called freedom of speech when it is done to republicans. Thinned skinned bastiges.
Gary Johnson is for completely free trade, amnesty, and cutting entitlement spending by trillions. The vast majority of the electorate will NEVER go for this. If you vote for this man as a protest vote you are simply wasting your time. Pick between Hillary or Trump, but unless you truly can't decide between the two of them don't vote for Johnson.

Im all for those issues except the amnesty. illegals gotta hit the road and don't come back until they go through the legal process only.