Glad to see you back, Canuck. Hope you've begun healing. Hang in there.
If I wasn't low on cash, buying would be right. We're down 5% this week. Thank goodness of GLD, bonds, apartments.
Thanks Vh. I’m getting better. Was a tough couple weeks.
Glad to see you back, Canuck. Hope you've begun healing. Hang in there.
If I wasn't low on cash, buying would be right. We're down 5% this week. Thank goodness of GLD, bonds, apartments.
BINGOPrime buy time.
Yep, it could. But it could also mean its milder than first believed. Mild will mean easier passed bc it’s not killing the host and sometimes even allowing the host normal activities with it for awhile - but I think I’d rather that than something more untreatable.OK, but if CV19 is more readily transmitted, total deaths could be higher.
Says a belligerent ideologue with little concern for a truthful and accurate assessment. Just another juvenile spinmeister engaging from thin air.Says the party who wants to let millions upon millions of people with god only knows what diseases into the country unchecked...
Says the party who at the beginning of the virus was more concerned with diversity than actual science...
Says the party who doesn't know what life is...
Says a belligerent ideologue with little concern for a truthful and accurate assessment. Just another juvenile spinmeister engaging from thin air.
Somebody post a picture of General Jack Ripper from Dr. Strangelove^Sounds like something a commie would say.
Socialist countries typically have to physically keep people in.
Says a belligerent ideologue with little concern for a truthful and accurate assessment. Just another juvenile spinmeister engaging from thin air.
Hey, I'm just playing by their rules. If she was a known conservative making faces at an Indian man as he spoke broken English to our President, the media would no doubt clarify her racism for you.How she's racist there escapes me. But then I'm glad I'm not woke.
Nah. Economy is too cock strong. This will rebound as soon as infection rate starts to stem.I think people are about to wake up to the economic reality of what is taking place. We are set up beautifully for another great recession type of market collapse in the not too distant future. I'm of the personal opinion this virus is not half as big a deal as the media is making it out to be. Even if I'm right, it doesnt matter. As long as fear keeps getting pumped into the airwaves, people will keep acting fearfully. This means less consumerism, less production, less travel, less everything. The market is dropping on the fear of those things happening, but what happens when earnings show they are in fact happening? Even worse, what if earnings show that and this bug isnt under control? You're going to see a massive run on the market that will not be easily or quickly fixed.
We are on the brink of a global economic collapse for absolutely no good reason. This is the ONE thing that could happen to get Bernie elected. What happens then? Another massive run on the market. This is setting up like a perfect storm.
The economic consequences will turn out to be FAR worse than this stupid virus. People are going to get hurt and badly off of this.
Yep, zipped along the Autobahn at 100 plus miles an hour myself a few times. Did it one time driving the 1st Armored Division Commanders armored up turbo charged Merc. Was doing about 90 mph headed for Hoenfels with his driver sleeping (General went ahead in his UH60 because driver had been driving most of the night before.) when we were passed by a Passat. His driver woke up and saw that and said: "You let a Passat pass us?" Challenge accepted. Kicked in the turbo, caught and passed the Passat and never looked back.Tomorrow, if I remember, I'll gladly pick this grossly one-sided diatribe completely apart.
Real quick: 185 MPH BMWs. Yep. Autobahnen. Awesome. I've probably experienced over 100,000 miles (not kilometers) hauling ass at speeds exceeding 100 MPH on those amazing highways. Outside metro areas, it's a given, if not a right. German auto manufacturers lobby hard for driving beyond the recommended 130 KPH (81 MPH) advised speed limit because of national pride and inherent, associated mystique. I'll let you in on a little secret. Somebody pays for this privilege, usually taxpayers. All licensed German drivers pay out the ass in more ways than one, beginning with Steuer (taxes). Oh, and lets not forget preliminary training (Fahrschule), which factors into the equation. Much more tomorrow.
<- - - nearly immigrated 2x to Germany over the past quarter century.
I've been buying up old, used rap CD's to rip. Yes. it is unreal how much his name is mentioned in rap songs prior to 2016. Just last night I ripped 2 discs. I heard the phrase "my game is Trump-tight" used on a Warren G song and then Missy Elliot waxes about his work ethic and success in the interlude to her album "Under Construction."Approximately 87% of all mainstream rap songs prior to 2015 mentioned Trump. Blacks like him. I’d guess he breaks 20% support.
Great stuff. Driving over there is a cheap thrill if you're covered under SOFA.Yep, zipped along the Autobahn at 100 plus miles an hour myself a few times. Did it one time driving the 1st Armored Division Commanders armored up turbo charged Merc. Was doing about 90 mph headed for Hoenfels with his driver sleeping (General went ahead in his UH60 because driver had been driving most of the night before.) when we were passed by a Passat. His driver woke up and saw that and said: "You let a Passat pass us?" Challenge accepted. Kicked in the turbo, caught and passed the Passat and never looked back.
Those things are up to $45/pack on Amazon. Real money-making opportunity here re-selling on Ebay.
Last year, I saw a deal for new surplus surgical masks from a US Gov agency in Virginia. Average cost was 4 cents each. There were 15 pallets containing something like 4 million masks total. Must pick up and take all. My biggest issue getting them back here.Those things are up to $45/pack on Amazon. Real money-making opportunity here re-selling on Ebay.
I've been buying up old, used rap CD's to rip. Yes. it is unreal how much his name is mentioned in rap songs prior to 2016. Just last night I ripped 2 discs. I heard the phrase "my game is Trump-tight" used on a Warren G song and then Missy Elliot waxes about his work ethic and success in the interlude to her album "Under Construction."
Trump is the wrong MF to second guess with the black community. He had real cred with them from way before any of this.
That’s a big fact. Big Don was/is the #1 most beloved honky in the rap game.
Which ones?
So both sides like walls. Got it.
Fuzz is selfish and greedy, has no clue whatsoever he is talking about, just regurgitates misinformation he gets from msnbc and the rest of the internet.
I'm European, Germany is great... driving in Europe at 80 mph on the highways is great, you'll get passedlike you aren't even moving every 30 seconds or so by some dude doing 150, eliminates people clogging the left lane and drivers are paying attention at all times because well you better be or else.
BUt all that other welfare stuff in Europe you have to pay for believe it or not. In Germany you have to pay 10% of income just to your church compulsory, you are getting taxed in ways you can't even imagine now. If you want your free healthcare, free student debt and child care and somehow think we (led by fools like Bernie/Warren) are going to accomplish it without taking 50-60% of your income like they do in Europe, then you are just naive.
I wonder what the effect of having a much larger percentage of students go into trades would do to the price of having work done by trade-based professionals? If there were significantly more plumbers, for example, available in a town, could they still charge relatively high prices or would the competition be stiff enough to lower prices?^also in germany (similar in other utopias iirc)"free" post secondary ed....only applies to top 25% of kids. Completely *merit* based, airbody else goes to trade school or works in a shop or somesuch.
-i could be down with that...but it ain't gonna fly here.