How will they rule ??!

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And yet you don't explain it. Everything that's hateful in Democrats is aces when a Republican does it. That magic "(R)".
Democrats are full of hate, that is part of the problem. All you need do is watch the news with all of the demonstrations going on. Most of them are those who vote democrat who are doing all of the damage out there. Problem is, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and all of the other ones in the liberal media have brainwashed you.
It's surprising to you that the political pros in political organizations aren't impartial? That's a little more naivete than is healthy or even believable. Trump complained daily about the RNC working against him. Does him winning the nomination mean that the RNC's efforts didn't happen?

Sanders isn't a Democrat. He was permitted to run in Dem primaries, but who would expect political pros to welcome him?
Actually, Sanders is a Democrat, he is what the party is becoming. It just is not the right time for his type when Hillary was promised and already crowned by the current DNC leaders.
If only there was some means for hundreds of left-leaning journalists to communicate, to plan the messaging, to coordinate so that main stream media could present a united front to the country in the name of helping Democrats and injuring Republicans. That would make this sort of thing easier, and easier to understand. Maybe Ezra Klein could start it. He could call it Journolist or some such. Have to be careful - want to leave in place plausible deniability for the media and the left......
The corruption within the Democratic Party is not shocking to me. I hope this gets a lot of news coverage. Folks deserve to know the history of the Democratic Party and what is going on. What really scares me is that this won't get very much attention because the media won't allow it to happen.
How old are you moe, 16, 17, 18? Are you so dense you cant read between lines and see reasoning behind anything with an R next to it? For a year, Trump has been saying NATO members need to all pull their weight. This is just more of that, and if Killary had said it, that would be your exact argument.

And the big reveal is not only did the DNC collude with Clinton against bernie, they also colluded with MSM to deter sanders. Pretty sure its continuing to go on with Trump.

Did you even read the quotes? He said hes against gun control. Totally is against abortion personally, but does agree with right to choice.
So whats your point? That hes actually more middle leaning? Is this an insult.

You do realize there is numerous people on here who call out the RNC on many things. You even commented on it in yojr next post.

No whats somewhat surprising to young liberals eho are shocked about this, is that the media colluded against bernie.

And even if they didnt, the democratic "super delegates" essentislly insured bernie to have no chance. The RNC was not too happy about Trump, but they at least provided a level playing field. Something the dems will never do for elections or for african americans or other minorities. Which is another part of the big reveal, how they treat minorities is being broadcast nation wide.

It has been a complaint by the Obama admin for years that some NATO members aren't doing enough both against terror and in spending for their own defense. Suggesting you'd let a member dangle if attacked by Russia is very different.

Anent Trump on gun control:
You also omitted his comments on health care from your remarks.

Some members of the MSM. Can you put on your Karnak hat and think why I've refused to indict all the media?

The super delegate issue didn't get invented this year.

As I've said, Trump has taken positions that would get (and have gotten) Democrats tarred as traitors and gun grabbers by the right. Is the ACA now hunky-dory? No more repeals in the pipeline? No more rending of garments about gun grabbing? A complete divorce from Fox and talk radio?

What will you guys find to complain about?
The corruption within the Democratic Party is not shocking to me. I hope this gets a lot of news coverage. Folks deserve to know the history of the Democratic Party and what is going on. What really scares me is that this won't get very much attention because the media won't allow it to happen.

Where are these people who haven't heard? How were you so privileged to have heard about it?
Where are these people who haven't heard? How were you so privileged to have heard about it?
I'm privileged to have heard about it because I've taken the time to do so. It's not widely talked about among the media (because the Democratic Party owns the media). People who haven't and listen to the Democratic Party probably believe in the following: Republicans are racist, The Democratic Party is for minorities and really cares about them, that Lincoln was actually more of a Democrat because there was a "big switch" in political ideologies and Hillary Clinton is for women just to name a few. The reality is that those things aren't true. However, if you listen to MSNBC or Democratic leaders you'd think it were true. The Dems have tried to cover up their past of being the party of slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow and pin it on the Republicans when it reality it was the Republican Party that passed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments with very little to no support from the Democrats.
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Hes not gonna do crap, IMO. which shows hes totally sackless and is just like any other politician.

Revolution, my ass.

If he truly stood for the things he preached, he would have never endorsed her and he would cause HELL monday night.
Well then he is going to miss one hell of an opportunity.
Apparently right here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^or are you just corrupt and are ok with them lying their way in power.

The joke/meme "Both sides are bad, so vote Republican" has been popular for years. I hadn't thought it would ever evolve into "Democrats Bad. Republicans Good."

But here we are.
It has been a complaint by the Obama admin for years that some NATO members aren't doing enough both against terror and in spending for their own defense. Suggesting you'd let a member dangle if attacked by Russia is very different.

Anent Trump on gun control:
You also omitted his comments on health care from your remarks.

Some members of the MSM. Can you put on your Karnak hat and think why I've refused to indict all the media?

The super delegate issue didn't get invented this year.

As I've said, Trump has taken positions that would get (and have gotten) Democrats tarred as traitors and gun grabbers by the right. Is the ACA now hunky-dory? No more repeals in the pipeline? No more rending of garments about gun grabbing? A complete divorce from Fox and talk radio?

What will you guys find to complain about?

Lol, you do realize thst not only did putin and russia attack a nato member inder obama, but he actually didnt do shit?
It has been a complaint by the Obama admin for years that some NATO members aren't doing enough both against terror and in spending for their own defense. Suggesting you'd let a member dangle if attacked by Russia is very different.

Anent Trump on gun control:
You also omitted his comments on health care from your remarks.

Some members of the MSM. Can you put on your Karnak hat and think why I've refused to indict all the media?

The super delegate issue didn't get invented this year.

As I've said, Trump has taken positions that would get (and have gotten) Democrats tarred as traitors and gun grabbers by the right. Is the ACA now hunky-dory? No more repeals in the pipeline? No more rending of garments about gun grabbing? A complete divorce from Fox and talk radio?

What will you guys find to complain about?

Im pretty sure you would defend gang rape if the dems told you to. Blisfully ignorant or completely irrefutably stupid.
The Democratic Party may never recover from this.
I do not think it will have that big of an effect. While there are some on the left who are really too dumb to understand, there are many more who just don't care and are as corrupt minded as their leaders. The latter is very apparent on this site. I don't believe Albany, Moe, DaBoss, CatDaddy, Levi, FTS, or Dee are dumb, I really don't. I believe that they would possibly sell their souls to keep liberals regardless of how corrupt they are in power.
BERLIN - Police say a Syrian asylum-seeker killed a woman with a machete and wounded two others outside a bus station in the southwestern German city of Reutlingen before being arrested.
Lol, you do realize thst not only did putin and russia attack a nato member inder obama, but he actually didnt do shit?

Why, yes, I do. Thanks for remembering. There have been 2 countries. The US and Turkey. Diplomacy is not nothing. Whenever I see a heavy-duty adverb being spread over an argument, I find that someone is attempting to win an argument with rhetoric. Don't you?

I think the word "attack" in the Trump quote refers to "attack with the intent to take over". Has Russia invaded a NATO country?

Ukraine is not a part of NATO, btw. They've applied. And the economic sanctions applied in reaction to the Russian attacks on Ukraine have helped impoverish Russia. You know? The tactic that helped bring down communism. Maybe you prefer lots of dead people. No accounting for taste in these matters.
Im pretty sure you would defend gang rape if the dems told you to. Blisfully ignorant or completely irrefutably stupid.

Well, let's hope that never happens. OTOH, your belief in that just might be a product of anger. There's a lot of that going around.
The big reveal in the emails was the media is controlled by the DNC.

Everybody has always known that Fox is played by the Repubs (but Fox won't admit it). I think pretty much everybody thinks the MSM is in the pocket of the Dems (and they won't admit it either). The difference is that, now, anyone who keeps up knows indisputably that this is true.
Everybody has always known that Fox is played by the Repubs (but Fox won't admit it). I think pretty much everybody thinks the MSM is in the pocket of the Dems (and they won't admit it either). The difference is that, now, anyone who keeps up knows indisputably that this is true.
Fox may lean right but they are not even close to the goners that suck the testicles of the Democratic Party. Bill OReilly and Megan Kelly both give Repubs down the road when necessary and they also have Geraldo and bring many liberal guests on every single night. Hannity is probably the biggest homer on the network but even he gives liberals a platform on a nightly basis.
[QUOE="starchief5, post: 4881802, member: 3584"]Everybody has always known that Fox is played by the Repubs (but Fox won't admit it). I think pretty much everybody thinks the MSM is in the pocket of the Dems (and they won't admit it either). The difference is that, now, anyone who keeps up knows indisputably that this is true.[/QUOTE]

Fox does lean right, the problem is, MSM is not the only one that leans left. Most of the others do too.
Fox may lean right but they are not even close to the goners that suck the testicles of the Democratic Party. Bill OReilly and Megan Kelly both give Repubs down the road when necessary and they also have Geraldo and bring many liberal guests on every single night. Hannity is probably the biggest homer on the network but even he gives liberals a platform on a nightly basis.

Yep. Fox will at least give libs a respectful listen. I'll watch a little bit sometimes. My wife watches it all the time. Mostly totally naive, ignorant, ranting nut jobs on MSNBC. Won't even glance at MSNBC.
good lord...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) signed a bill Thursday ending the “tampon tax” in his state, which means menstrual products are now exempt from the state’s 4 percent sales tax. It will save women in New York an estimated $10 million a year.

“This is a regressive tax on essential products that women have had to pay for far too long and lifting it is a matter of social and economic justice,” Cuomo said in a statement.
[QUOE="starchief5, post: 4881802, member: 3584"]Everybody has always known that Fox is played by the Repubs (but Fox won't admit it). I think pretty much everybody thinks the MSM is in the pocket of the Dems (and they won't admit it either). The difference is that, now, anyone who keeps up knows indisputably that this is true.

Fox does lean right, the problem is, MSM is not the only one that leans left. Most of the others do too.[/QUOTE]

Gotta be honest though. Fox doesn't just "lean" right. It's lying-on-the-ground right. Just like MSNBC on the left.
Yep. Fox will at least give libs a respectful listen. I'll watch a little bit sometimes. My wife watches it all the time. Mostly totally naive, ignorant, ranting nut jobs on MSNBC. Won't even glance at MSNBC.
The problem is MSNBC and other news outlets pile on FoxNews and diminish their reputation. The public then assumes that FoxNews is crap and the others are good. I don't watch a ton of cable news, but it doesn't take a genius to realize they're all virtually the same. They'll bring in someone from the other side surrounded by 2-3 people on their side and attempt to ambush them. Occasionally, the guest will more than hold their own. Look at Dinesh D'Souza on MSNBC or Bill Maher for example. It's alarming the power the media have in politics and they've caused people to either willingly or unwillingly bury their heads in the sand when it comes to politics.

Look, I'm sure the RNC is corrupt too, and I'm not voting for Trump. However, the fact that the Democratic Party is able to present itself as inclusive while excluding Bernie Sanders from the race and hiding the history that the party has really angers me. They're liars who are stealing from the public while telling the public how great they are for them.
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