How will they rule ??!

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Bill, and he did hit out of the park. Because this was a real drawback to former conventions where every Republican had a church or Jesus suck off. Stayed off the hot button topics and focused on the economy. That's all I want at this point.
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if you came into last night hating Trump the speech probably did nothing to change minds

good rhetoric that should appeal to mushy squishy undecideds in the middle

“So to every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future, I say these words to you tonight: I’m With You, and I will fight for you, and I will win for you.

“To all Americans tonight, in all our cities and towns, I make this promise: We Will Make America Strong Again. We Will Make America Proud Again. We Will Make America Safe Again. And We Will Make America Great Again. I love you. God bless you.”
But...but..but... but.. im a liberal and wahhh wahh.

So you admit to having a democratic senate but its still republicans fault that democrats suck. Got it

2007-2009 49 - 49 plus 2 independents who caucused democrat so 51-49

2009-2011-- 57 - 41 plus 2 deomocrat independents. So an advantage of 18, thats one eight, eighteen, 9 times 2, 6 times 3, 18 MORE DEMOCRATS YET YOU BITCH ABOUT REPUBLICANS BLOCKING ALL OF OBAMAS MAGICAL PLANS.

2011-2013 --51- 47 plus 2 democratic indepents.. again a 6 SEAT ADVANTAGE YET ITS REPUBLICANS FAULT.

2013-2015-- 53-45, again plus 2 democratic independents.. a 10 SEAT ADVANTAGE, BUT AGAIN YOU STILL WHINE AND FALSLY BLAME REPUBLICANS...

and finally..

2015 thru 2017-- 44- 54 plus 2 independent democrats..finally republicans have an 8 seat advantage, just in time for obamas last year and JUST IN TIME FOR FRICKING LYING LIBS AND DEMS TO TRY AND TELL US ALL OF OBAMAS FAILINGS WERE REPUBLICANS FAULT.

Great job, Moe

I don't know why you went to the effort. The word you kept not saying is "filibuster". There is one number and that's 60. Invoking cloture. Under 60?Record number of filibusters. Why dance around Republican obstruction? Why not celebrate it since it was what you wanted?
The program sounds like the same old song Nixon and Agnew sang long ago. Low taxes on the rich. Deregulation. Tough on crime. Lots of guns. Perfumed with slogans.

The Southern Strategy .

The more things change etc.
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I don't know why you went to the effort. The word you kept not saying is "filibuster". There is one number and that's 60. Invoking cloture. Under 60?Record number of filibusters. Why dance around Republican obstruction? Why not celebrate it since it was what you wanted?

Better believe many of us celebrated every single time the GOP blocked obamas awful agenda.

The program sounds like the same old song Nixon and Agnew sang long ago. Low taxes on the rich. Deregulation. Tough on crime. Lots of guns. Perfumed with slogans.

The Southern Strategy .

The more things change etc.

I missed the part in their speeches about gay rights, women's rights, etc.

This won't be the typical situation where the GOP loses on social issues. That should be terrifying
Better believe many of us celebrated every single time the GOP blocked obamas awful agenda.

I missed the part in their speeches about gay rights, women's rights, etc.

This won't be the typical situation where the GOP loses on social issues. That should be terrifying

Was there a mass conversion last night to modernity on those issues? Really?

As for your first sentence, why did you go through the whole rigmarole previously where you listed the numbers in the Senate? Nobody stranger than people.
Golf buddy of mine is a huge Democrat. Great guy and we love to jab at each other all the time (all in good fun). He calls me this morning and said he still cannot vote Trump but he is now not voting for Hilary. He has been on the fence about her, but said he simply cannot vote for her knowing how corrupt she is. Of course, I loved him telling me that I was right from the beginning about Trump.

To me, that is progress. Trump may not win over millions and millions of more votes, but if he can at least keep millions to stay home and not vote for Hilary he will win in a landslide.
So much for the Right last night and if you were paying attention it started with the Prayer. Trump definitely trying to move the Party in a different direction last night.
Your dancing banana guy is having fun, but I sure would like to know, if the new Republican Party is joining the 21st century, what took you so long?

Well, at least the Republicans gained the insight needed to change rather than being the smug party who sniffs their own farts and drives Prius thinking their shit don't stink. There is so many flaws that dems won't admit that is absolutely disgusting. Walkign around clueless thinking they know what's best. Dems are the party of narcissistism as evidenced by the freedom of speech killing Millinials.
For those thinking he should have been specific last night, why give away the gameplan before the game starts? No need to let the Dems attack that next week.

Absolutely. Can you imagine the DNC armed with it's liberal media moutbreathers manipulating headlines and hash tags if he went into specifics. At this point, I don't need any specifics. I'm handing trump the keys to this country and I'll do my shit and I'll let him do his shit.
I don't know why you went to the effort. The word you kept not saying is "filibuster". There is one number and that's 60. Invoking cloture. Under 60?Record number of filibusters. Why dance around Republican obstruction? Why not celebrate it since it was what you wanted?

Sooo, basically democrats dont have the intestinal fortitude or the passion behind their bills to outlast a filibuster? Got it.
8 years ago B. Hussein promised to halt the rise of the oceans in his acceptance speech. guess I missed all the media screaming that he did not lay out his specific proposals for making that happen?
Is the Republican Party now the Democrat Lite Patry under Trump? Sure would make people in the House and Senate happy that have been trying to move away from the Right for years.
Sooo, basically democrats dont have the intestinal fortitude or the passion behind their bills to outlast a filibuster? Got it.
Yeah and blocking lead to two major waves of wins in congress and a historical shift across the country in statehouses. Liberals being dishonest whiney asses...yeah, the more things change atknot....
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Is the Republican Party now the Democrat Lite Patry under Trump? Sure would make people in the House and Senate happy that have been trying to move away from the Rihht for years.
It was anyway, not sure why so many people keep ignoring the last two candidates were very centrist and Bush spent and expanded gov like a liberal.
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Well, at least the Republicans gained the insight needed to change rather than being the smug party who sniffs their own farts and drives Prius thinking their shit don't stink. There is so many flaws that dems won't admit that is absolutely disgusting. Walkign around clueless thinking they know what's best. Dems are the party of narcissistism as evidenced by the freedom of speech killing Millinials.
when albany, deee and others said in 08 it was the end of the GOP, I told them their smugness would limit their run. It already has every other than the WH.
The program sounds like the same old song Nixon and Agnew sang long ago. Low taxes on the rich. Deregulation. Tough on crime. Lots of guns. Perfumed with slogans.

The Southern Strategy .

The more things change etc.
Very perceptive, imo. Definitely status quo in the Republican Party this year. Yawn. The real shake up is going on in the Democrat party this year....Tim Kaine gonna have to choke a bitch? Times are a changin'!

Your takes have been straight *fire* the last few days, please keep them up.
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Well, at least the Republicans gained the insight needed to change rather than being the smug party who sniffs their own farts and drives Prius thinking their shit don't stink. There is so many flaws that dems won't admit that is absolutely disgusting. Walkign around clueless thinking they know what's best. Dems are the party of narcissistism as evidenced by the freedom of speech killing Millinials.

I'd love to give the party credit, but I cant. The establishment went down clawing kicking and screaming. It wasn't voluntary. But my guess is, after seeing the effects; this may become permanent. Hopefully
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Well, at least the Republicans gained the insight needed to change rather than being the smug party who sniffs their own farts and drives Prius thinking their shit don't stink. There is so many flaws that dems won't admit that is absolutely disgusting. Walkign around clueless thinking they know what's best. Dems are the party of narcissistism as evidenced by the freedom of speech killing Millinials.

Well, Trump prodded them to change. Do you really think the whole party is going to change? Do you think NC Republicans are suddenly going to revoke their anti-gay bill? Do you think what's her name in Morehead will suddenly kiss the bride. But I can't say I was impressed. What the Trump speech sounded like to me was him saying, "Look, gays and women aren't the enemy. Brown skinned people are the enemy!" And the crowd loved it.

As for narcissism, I'll go with the guy who goes to sleep at night in a tower with his name on it.

Sooo, basically democrats dont have the intestinal fortitude or the passion behind their bills to outlast a filibuster? Got it.

That's it. You got it.

Obama evolved on gay marriage in 2012 due to fundraising and this is HRC's first election favoring. Hush.

The proof is in the puddin'.

Very perceptive, imo. Definitely status quo in the Republican Party this year. Yawn. The real shake up is going on in the Democrat party this year....Tim Kaine gonna have to choke a bitch? Times are a changin'!

Your takes have been straight *fire* the last few days, please keep them up.

Whoa. Thanks.

What would have impressed me would have been Trump talking about the high water in Miami during king tides. And telling the Republicans that they had to stop denying that AGW was real. It doesn't make much sense to build a wall around the southern border only to let the ocean rise up and destroy Miami. Time matters in these things. Briefly, earlier in this record heat year, we were at 1.4C above the 19th century. This matters. It showed that climate sensitivity to a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere wasn't 1C -- as luke-warmers have asserted. At 2C, soils and seas will warm enough to outgas as much carbon as human activity produces. Meaning that we won't simply be able to go carbon-free to prevent disaster. We'll actively have to remove it from the atmosphere. The Republican Party in the 21st century shouldn't be known for denying 19th century science.
Obama evolved on gay marriage in 2012 due to fundraising and this is HRC's first election favoring. Hush.

David Axelrod pretty much called Obama a liar on gay rights.

Doesn't give a shit about the Black community and certainly didn't give a shit about the LGBT community.
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Looooooong post...

tl/dr: I'm not voting for Trump, but I'd much rather him be POTUS than Clinton

Trump's speech (and some kick ass "Make America great again, we're gonna make America great" song) we're the only things I watched from the entire convention.

I don't really understand the knocking it out of the ballpark sentiment. But then again, maybe I just don't understand what the convention speech is supposed to convey. It just seemed like he repeated a lot of the same stuff he's already said, but didn't give any more specifics. Maybe I was just zoning out.

Would have been nice if he actually came with some specifics of how he planned on making America great again. Maybe the plan is to keep specifics close to vest until after the DNC. But then again, as it's seemed throughout, maybe there are no specifics.

I won't even be able to bring myself to listen to that shrill hag when she gives her speech. But I can guarantee you it's going to be praised in the media as the greatest speech of all time, and the thing that sealed the deal for Clinton. Honestly, they probably will just send Bill out to accept her nomination.

All that I hope happens is Trump gets elected and rolls back everything Obama did through EO. I get the sentiment with regards to military spending and NATO. No reason the US should be footing the bill to police the world. I'd rather not borrow my children's future to protect some people in the ME who hate us anyway. But protectionist trade policies aren't going to save America. And who knows where he really stands on anything else.

But as I've said before. Trump won't get anything done where he needs Congress. He'll be able to roll back Obama's EOs if he so chooses. He'll be able to accomplish what he can through EO. Which will be good. We'll have the entire MSM and everyone in Congress finally talking about how bad legislating through EO is for the country (Although given the hypocrisy of the left on everything else, it won't matter once a D is back in office).

Additionally, the media will be against his policies just because he has an R next to his name. If Trump wants to bomb the hell out of the Middle East, the media will fight it tooth and nail. When Clinton wants to bomb the hell out of the Middle East, the media will tell us it's the right thing to do, and Clinton knows more than anyone. So as far left as Trump has been in the past, just because he has an R next to his name, the media will hate any left leaning policies.

I do feel like there's a slight chance Trump can surround himself with great people and right the ship. But then again, I think there's a far more likely chance he's just trolling us. But what the hell. I am 100% without a doubt certain Clinton will be the final nail in America's coffin.

In other words: President Donald Trump (R) won't even be able to make a ham sandwich --without MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, etc. doing a special report about how he's doing it wrong and somehow destroying the country, killing black people and LGBTQs, keeping women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, wiping his butt with the Constitution, and so on...

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David Axelrod pretty much called Obama a liar on gay rights.

Doesn't give a shit about the Black community and certainly didn't give a shit about the LGBT community.
He does love the ivory tower NYT/Vox crowd that love to see everything through the lens of American imperialism and believe any govt accountability is a defeat to progress.
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Well, Trump prodded them to change. Do you really think the whole party is going to change? Do you think NC Republicans are suddenly going to revoke their anti-gay bill? Do you think what's her name in Morehead will suddenly kiss the bride. But I can't say I was impressed. What the Trump speech sounded like to me was him saying, "Look, gays and women aren't the enemy. Brown skinned people are the enemy!" And the crowd loved it.

As for narcissism, I'll go with the guy who goes to sleep at night in a tower with his name on it

I don't agree with anti-gay people. They'll change or they won't. I don't give two buckets of zombie piss if they do or not. The party will change and they will jump on board or they will find a new party.

As far as narcissism for Trump, yeah, it's there. At least he knows it. Unlike most democratic voters who absolutely have zero insight. Zilch. Dems walk around with their heads in the sand being offended by oxygen.
