How will they rule ??!

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I've said it all along that it will take a center leaning republican to bring true change in America. Donald Trump is that man....he is going to be the POTUS.

It could happen. It's possible. But I wouldn't expect anything close to what's being pledged. No man is an island. Not even the POTUS. Not even The Donald.
I know he has pledged a lot tonight, some of which can't or won't be done. But, by gosh, I do believe he will cut out the wasteful spending within 100 days of taking office. He will at least have targets by then.
It could happen. It's possible. But I wouldn't expect anything close to what's being pledged. No man is an island. Not even the POTUS. Not even The Donald.
Donald is not an island. He is a visionary and will put the best and brightest at the positions they are needed at. OJ's Dream Team won't hold a candle to what Donald will establish as the POTUS.
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If anyone doesn't think that Donald Trump wants to be the best president ever, then they haven't paid attention to his life. Dudes a machine. His ego registers on the Richter scale.
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The people throwing away their votes toward Libertarians or non voting need to realize that this election will cause the biggest swing in Supreme Court history. Hillary wins and it could be 6-3 or 7-2 liberals within the next few years.
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Donald Trump Jr.'s wife...


Does the White House have a pool out back?
I'm such a flip flopper. I'm going with Trump. F*** it.

I've never understood what is so bad about being a flip flopper. Yeah, it's not a good thing if you do it every six months or so. But to think you have reached a stage in life where you know all the angles of an issue and there's nothing else to be learned about it is incredibly arrogant. I'm a proud flip flopper. I gain new insights all the time which cause me to change my viewpoint.
Would love for him to announce members that will take offices in his presidency the night of Hillarys speech or the morning after.

That would be the sooo Coach Cal thing ever.

hahaha that was the best speech I've heard in a long time. Impressed. If Trump backs this shit up. America is about to change. Finally. For the better.
I thought his most brilliant move tonight was ad-libbed when he said something along the lines of protecting LGBTQ Americans, "as a REPUBLICAN, I want to thank all of you for that applause" or something like that. That may have won over a few homo's right there on the spot. [laughing]
I took a big leap from the beginning supporting Trump. Nothing tonight changed my mind. He will be the next POTUS.

Me too man. That was best convention speech I've seen. He is going to need 8 years to move things in the right direction.
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Where are all the guys that were saying up until recently that there was no way he would get the nomination? Rhetorical question. I know where they are and I know what they're doing.
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Damn fine speech, cant wait to see the libs grasping for something to deflect attention to. Wouldnt be surprised to see an isis attack tonight.
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Damn fine speech, cant wait to see the libs grasping for something to deflect attention to. Wouldnt be surprised to see an isis attack tonight.

Not sure how liar Hillary will be able to defend herself after this. He just connected the exponential increase in Islam to her time as Sec of State. That was damaging.
No. The Dems had a nominally filibuster proof Senate for 2 years, but that demanded Mary Landrieu vote with the Dems. That was the era with Ted Kennedy ill and not in his seat. And usually she didn't, so Republican filibusters ruled the day. What they did to get her to vote for the ACA must have been interesting. Party discipline is not a big feature in the Democratic Party.

But...but..but... but.. im a liberal and wahhh wahh.

So you admit to having a democratic senate but its still republicans fault that democrats suck. Got it

2007-2009 49 - 49 plus 2 independents who caucused democrat so 51-49

2009-2011-- 57 - 41 plus 2 deomocrat independents. So an advantage of 18, thats one eight, eighteen, 9 times 2, 6 times 3, 18 MORE DEMOCRATS YET YOU BITCH ABOUT REPUBLICANS BLOCKING ALL OF OBAMAS MAGICAL PLANS.

2011-2013 --51- 47 plus 2 democratic indepents.. again a 6 SEAT ADVANTAGE YET ITS REPUBLICANS FAULT.

2013-2015-- 53-45, again plus 2 democratic independents.. a 10 SEAT ADVANTAGE, BUT AGAIN YOU STILL WHINE AND FALSLY BLAME REPUBLICANS...

and finally..

2015 thru 2017-- 44- 54 plus 2 independent democrats..finally republicans have an 8 seat advantage, just in time for obamas last year and JUST IN TIME FOR FRICKING LYING LIBS AND DEMS TO TRY AND TELL US ALL OF OBAMAS FAILINGS WERE REPUBLICANS FAULT.

Great job, Moe
Can you imagine the debates? :popcorn:
I can't wait. This guy has been in politics for a year...think of that. Now that he knows he can win this thing he will be spending every waking moment preparing himself for the issues he isn't as knowledgeable on. I am beyond excited after tonight.
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Not sure how liar Hillary will be able to defend herself after this. He just connected the exponential increase in Islam to her time as Sec of State. That was damaging.


Give me the girls Willy, I want repubalcian girls. I will vote for Hillary
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I rescind my earlier comment about i wouldnt be surprised to aee an isis attack...that would just push more ppl to donald.., i forsee a major SJW movement event happening. I fully expect to see a transgendered black woman getting shot in a mans restroom by a white happily married christian. The chant will be "going to pee, dont shoot me"