How will they rule ??!

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You did lie, or you're just not very bright. You specifcally said the US firebombed Fallujah with white phospherous which killed or injured 4000 civilians, that is a lie. Do you know what firebombing even is?

Why don't you try googling what the numbers depicting the rounds on the screen? It's a round used for smokescreens and cover for troops.

I'm sure there were people injured by its use,simply because the insurgents were using civilians as shields, but it wasn't used as a way to firebomb the city. Thats simply not accurate.
To be fair to him it isn't a lie because he honestly believes the bullshat that he says.
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To be fair to him it isn't a lie because he honestly believes the bullshat that he says.

Nobody on the left has any idea what they are yelling about. They asked a dumbass Lib the other night if he was against capitalism. Of course he said yes, he supports socialism. When asked where has socialism worked, his reply... "uhh ever heard of Cuba"
I don't even know why people do campaign speeches anymore. All it is bullshit. Pure 100% bullshit. There's nothing of any substance. It's the same repeated verbal vomit every fours at these conventions. Just mind you, all these politicians with their self-inflated speeches don't fool me. Son, I sniff these MF'ers out within 5 minutes.

I'm already envisioning the sewer that will spew from Hillary's mouth. There will be so many pauses for *audience clapping* to make you wish you had E Coli.

These Trump kids. IDGAF. IDGAF about the meat puppets propped on the DNC stage. Living with all you party nut hugging rah rahs can lick my balls. What ever you defend yourself, I know better. You can't me fool me you bastards.

No kidding. How bout you take all the money sunk in this convention crap and stick it up your ass, or do something for the people. Hell, buy America 1 Large 2 Topping Pizza from Papa John for their vote and spare them this elitist bullshit.
I don't even know why people do campaign speeches anymore. All it is bullshit. Pure 100% bullshit. There's nothing of any substance. It's the same repeated verbal vomit every fours at these conventions. Just mind you, all these politicians with their self-inflated speeches don't fool me. Son, I sniff these MF'ers out within 5 minutes.

I'm already envisioning the sewer that will spew from Hillary's mouth. There will be so many pauses for *audience clapping* to make you wish you had E Coli.

These Trump kids. IDGAF. IDGAF about the meat puppets propped on the DNC stage. Living with all you party nut hugging rah rahs can lick my balls. What ever you defend yourself, I know better. You can't me fool me you bastards.

You're right Willy, all these speakers mean well, but it's all crap. Some speak better than others, but it's all the same crap, and I have no intention to watch the abortion at the DNC.

However...I do want to hear and see Ivanka tonight. She is the person Trump trusts and listens to more than anyone, and she has great big ol fake titties.
You're right Willy, all these speakers mean well, but it's all crap. Some speak better than others, but it's all the same crap, and I have no intention to watch the abortion at the DNC.

However...I do want to hear and see Ivanka tonight. She is the person Trump trusts and listens to more than anyone, and she has great big ol fake titties.

I think I'll have a stroke if I watch it. I don't think my heart can take it. We're talking Fred Sanford big one.

I wish she would've done a porn vid.
No kidding. How bout you take all the money sunk in this convention crap and stick it up your ass, or do something for the people. Hell, buy America 1 Large 2 Topping Pizza from Papa John for their vote and spare them this elitist bullshit.

It's amazing to see people talk about absolutely nothing.

Convention=Talking Points.

I just can't believe Americans buy into this bullshit. It's infuriating.
No kidding. How bout you take all the money sunk in this convention crap and stick it up your ass, or do something for the people. Hell, buy America 1 Large 2 Topping Pizza from Papa John for their vote and spare them this elitist bullshit.

Only if it's the Papa John's in Gatlinburg. Otherwise it would be a disgrace to the nation.
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I don't even know why people do campaign speeches anymore. All it is bullshit. Pure 100% bullshit. There's nothing of any substance. It's the same repeated verbal vomit every fours at these conventions. Just mind you, all these politicians with their self-inflated speeches don't fool me. Son, I sniff these MF'ers out within 5 minutes.

I'm already envisioning the sewer that will spew from Hillary's mouth. There will be so many pauses for *audience clapping* to make you wish you had E Coli.

These Trump kids. IDGAF. IDGAF about the meat puppets propped on the DNC stage. Living with all you party nut hugging rah rahs can lick my balls. What ever you defend yourself, I know better. You can't me fool me you bastards.

Gotta agree Willy. Except, being the prude I am, I would have used the term "cow manure."

Someone should just print up a hundred or so convention speeches with blank spaces for appropriate names to be filled in and hand them out to the assigned speakers. Let them be drawn out of a hat maybe. Might need two sets with minor differences for Dems and Repubs. Bring them out again next convention. Nobody would ever notice.

*I have not watched one minute of this convention. I will not watch one minute of the Dem's convention.

**I however will not miss a minute of the debates. Gonna be quite a show. Ratings will be through the roof.
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Gotta agree Willy. Except, being the prude I am, I would have used the term "cow manure."

Someone should just print up a hundred or so convention speeches with blank spaces for names to be filled in and hand them out to the assigned speakers. Let them be drawn out of a hat maybe. Might need two sets with minor differences for Dems and Repubs. Bring them out again next convention. Nobody would ever notice.

*I have not watched one minute of this convention. I will not watch one minute of the Dem's convention.

**I however will not miss a minute of the debates. Gonna be quite a show.

Oh brother, I agree. Those debates will be historic.

Like I said earlier, I just don't think my heart can take the DNC
Pretty sure 80% of America are morons. When I ever I see someone who looks like a moron approach me, I just agree with them so that I can leave as quickly as possible.
The RNC scores major points when they talk about Trump's business help with the U.S. I don't know if they are true, but damn it makes Trump sound awesome.

Just stop with the shallow shit, and just sell Trump. Election over.
So I've been in a pool all day. What was the libs talking points all day? Still Cruz?
I almost got them talking drones but since Obama is infallible it turned to phosphorus in Iraq. Moe would rather have his house bombed via drone than have water interrogation.
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Oh brother, I agree. Those debates will be historic.

Like I said earlier, I just don't think my heart can take the DNC

Who do you think is going to be in the box with Bill Clinton? I'm going with a gay married couple (probably a couple of old ladies), a Syrian Muslim refugee, one or more mothers of the dead black guys recently killed by cops. The Muslin kid with the radio? Maybe Caitlyn Jenner? Who is going to fill the Hispanic slot?
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And oh yaah, didnt obama have a dem controlled senate over half his presidency? How easily you forget to push your narrative of republicans screwing up all his great plans. Ridiculous

No. The Dems had a nominally filibuster proof Senate for 2 years, but that demanded Mary Landrieu vote with the Dems. That was the era with Ted Kennedy ill and not in his seat. And usually she didn't, so Republican filibusters ruled the day. What they did to get her to vote for the ACA must have been interesting. Party discipline is not a big feature in the Democratic Party.
Who do you think is going to be in the box with Michelle? I'm going with a gay married couple (probably a couple of old ladies), a Syrian Muslim refugee, one or more mothers of the dead black guys recently killed by cops. The Muslin kid with the radio? Maybe Caitlyn Jenner? Who is going to fill the Hispanic slot?

Man, if those vulnerable populations ever realize that the Democratic party has whored them out for votes, you might see the largest mass of spontaneous combustion in world history.
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Who do you think is going to be in the box with Michelle? I'm going with a gay married couple (probably a couple of old ladies), a Syrian Muslim refugee, one or more mothers of the dead black guys recently killed by cops. The Muslin kid with the radio? Maybe Caitlyn Jenner? Who is going to fill the Hispanic slot?

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I haven't jumped in on the Fallujah thing yet . But you most definitely implied that we killed 4000 with white phosphorus. I read your statement and thought, "How did I miss out on hearing about that? Seems like that would have been headline news around the world for a long time." Why can't people simply admit it when they misspeak? It's not that difficult.

Right now I don't know if we did or didn't.

I didn't imply it, but I can see how someone read it that way. I wrote it as a response to the insinuation that civilian casualties were somehow a unique feature of the effort to suppress ISIS.
gay venture capitalist Pete Thiel

I am seeing something that you WILL NEVER SEE tonight. The Republican party is admitting to social mistakes. You'll never see Democrats admit to a mistake. Ever.

Wow. That was awesome. This convention is definitely special despite the bullshit rah rah
Regardless. this convention is Libertarian minus the military on steroids. Folks, this is a game changer moving forward. You got conservatives on stage talking about gay support, including transgender bathrooms.
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I didn't imply it, but I can see how someone read it that way. I wrote it as a response to the insinuation that civilian casualties were somehow a unique feature of the effort to suppress ISIS.
Thank you for clearing that up.
Dude is the only one with balls to call out Hillary's treason
It takes balls to do what she did. A fireable offense no doubt about it and then lying that her emails weren't secret. However, a regular person in government or business ain't going to jail over it. Comey was right. More of a tongue-lashing, community service type sentence.
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Regardless. this convention is Libertarian minus the military on steroids. Folks, this is a game changer moving forward. You got conservatives on stage talking about gay support, including transgender bathrooms.
If he gets elected it will be a new branch in the American political tree. After the last 16 years, we still have a country. We can surely spare another 4 on Trump to see what happens.
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