How will they rule ??!

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Someone should tell that dumbass to stop mentioning things like "30,000 missing Hillary emails" or "The Biden corruption in Ukraine"...pure dumbass! Swear Trump is paying these people. There's no rhyme or reason to what they're doing. It's the biggest and best campaign rally Trump could ever ask for. 24/7 non stop coverage of dumbass democrats telling the american people that this president should be impeached for suggesting democrat corruption be investigated.

I especially appreciate them repeatedly highlighting the text that proves it was really about investigating what happened in 2016. Highlight a text that shows the the POTUS wanted to "get to the bottom of what happened in 2016" and then proceed to claim it was really an attempt to cheat by trying to gain a political advantage in 2020. Some really ignorant "smart" people.
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It's utter BS, Schiff is basically fillibustering. Using up as much of the clock as he possibly can. McConnell should have put time limits on these speeches.

They have the total of 24 hours to make their argument however they want to allocate it. If rambling shiff about his view of American history is what they want to do let him do it. He’s an idiot who only likes to hear himself talk.

I will say this too they won’t convict trump and the only people who this is punishing are the senators and he Chief Justice who have to sit there in perpetuity without moving. Trump can go play golf while these ass clowns have to sit there for no reason in complete boredom.
24 hours to repeat “drug deal” “drug deal” “drug deal” where the friggin countdown clock on these clowns?
Why is Soros and others on the left financing elections of voting and DA offices? Why are the left pushing for no IDs to vote? Why are the left wanting open

Her degree should have been in history. Then she’d know that inviting millions of hostile rapists into your country is never a recipe for success.
Is anyone else secretly hoping both sides agree to witnesses and no limits to who can be called?

It would be the greatest cast of characters in the history of all trials.

Bolton looks about half looney tune and has always been half off his rocker. God only knows what he'd say.

Booger sugar and stripper connoisseur Hunter Biden looks, acts, and sounds like some mid-low level player in The Sopranos

Ole Papaw Joe...he openly brags about his experience in eastern European Quid Pro Quo matters...Get him going on some ramble where he unintentionally reveals something about himself and/or maybe the Obama admin and then goes on to tell the story about him and Neil landing on the moon...

Comey, Clapper, Brennan...let's get those clowns on the stand and watch them fight to see who can save their own ass by singing and throwing everyone else under the bus...

Trump...he won't be outdone by anyone on a stage...god only knows what he'd let fly...

Get bobblehead, hand waving, coughing, sneezing, "what does it matter", Hillary in there...see what she knows about all sorts of things not the least of which is Epstein...her and Trump hurling insults, paper wads, pens at one another from across the chamber while Roberts bangs his gavel to maintain order...

Both sides are sitting there in a staredown. Schiff dangling a can full of gas, Cocain Mitch smirking from across the way dangling a book of matches...

It comes down to who wants to party and how hard...
Basically the House has came to the Senate with the old "heads I win, tails you lose" game and are throwing a fit that Mitch is laughing at them. Nothing about this fiasco is complicated. Dems know that Trump is bound to win again in 2020 and they are desperate to do anything they can to prevent it. They don't care what's best for the country, they care about what's best for them individually. Not to say that Reps don't care about themselves above the country, but at least they try and incorporate the constitution into their arguments to a certain extent.

Dems have damaged our country and constitution. Is it irreparable? I guess we'll see.
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Schitt sure likes to showboat in front of the camera. I liked how the table the dems were sitting at looked like a chaotic mess last night. The republican side was hardly a folder open, them knowing no need to do anything here, not going anywhere anyway...
He was on for hours today lying his ass off. He knows that many Americans on the left are easily fooled and if you tell a lie often enough even the liar begins to believe it.
Biden is a crook
Warren is a liar and a dumbass
Sanders is a socialist/communist

Nobody wants them and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a third party develop out of the dimocrats. AOC thinks dimocrats are central to central conservative and she is going to try and take the radical youth down a different path. Changes are coming and it’s going to be on the dims side, just wait until they screw communist Bernie again.
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