How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I didn't realize that teachers were the only ones who voted in the last election. To blame all of this on teachers is lazy. Kentucky has only elected 3 Republican Governors in the last 75+ years so a lying democrat being elected isn't just the teachers fault.
I didn't realize that teachers were the only ones who voted in the last election. To blame all of this on teachers is lazy. Kentucky has only elected 3 Republican Governors in the last 75+ years so a lying democrat being elected isn't just the teachers fault.

No it isn't. It's 100% accurate. They were the group that swung the election. I didn't realize anyone even contested that
No it isn't. It's 100% accurate. They were the group that swung the election. I didn't realize anyone even contested that

So did they elect the democrats the other 68 years? It's obvious that Kentucky has a history of electing dems. If you want to look for someone to blame for Bevin losing then blame him. While they might have been the swing votes in a close race he is the reason they swung in the other direction.

It was an accident.
This infuriates me. My wife and I both paid off our nearly 200K in loans, too. We also have savings and investment accounts for our daughters' educations... so, under this Cherokee ****, we'd be on the hook for our own, our kids' and every GD body else's education? **** that, Clinton. Simply b/c we chose worthwhile career paths, have our shit together and know how to not overspend and how to pay our ****ing debt before inviting more? I guess I could rephrase that last sentence by simply stating we both had parents who were worth half a shit and imparted common sense upon both of us. Not sure what that says for most liberals. Sorry about your shitty parents, I guess.

I suggest these people first try to get their sorry ass on my level of self dependence, dedication and responsibility before expecting more from someone like me who's already accomplished more than their weak asses ever will. Useless shitstains!

That's about it...
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It is tough to think of many worse Democrat policy proposals than just forgiving a bunch of debt because the irresponsible borrowers don’t want to repay it and don’t want to suffer the repercussions of not repaying the money they borrowed.

There was the time the Democrats locked certain races of people in prison camps.

There was the time the Democrats sent pallets of cash to Iran to fund its terrorism.

I guess we currently have the Democrats trying to impeach the sitting President because they don’t like him. That’s sort of anti-policy though since they’re just trying to impeach him because their policies won’t win.
So did they elect the democrats the other 68 years? It's obvious that Kentucky has a history of electing dems. If you want to look for someone to blame for Bevin losing then blame him. While they might have been the swing votes in a close race he is the reason they swung in the other direction.

This isn't that. Kentucky is now firmly right. First gop majority in 100 years in the prior election. This election Kentucky voted even more overwhelmingly good with one exception. Bevin.

Andy was always going to win the urban vote. Problem was the power of the school system in rural communities. In most, the school system is the largest employer. Bevin lost the makeup votes in those communities that allowed him to overcome the urban deficiency.

Look at Knott co as the perfect example. School system overwhelmingly the largest employer. Voted overwhelmingly gop. But Bevin actually lost Knott co (one of only 3 or 4 counties he actually lost).

Don't take it just from me or all the facts. Look what the teachers said on social media, the news, during their celebration/inauguration March, etc
This isn't that. Kentucky is now firmly right. First gop majority in 100 years in the prior election. This election Kentucky voted even more overwhelmingly good with one exception. Bevin.

Andy was always going to win the urban vote. Problem was the power of the school system in rural communities. In most, the school system is the largest employer. Bevin lost the makeup votes in those communities that allowed him to overcome the urban deficiency.

Look at Knott co as the perfect example. School system overwhelmingly the largest employer. Voted overwhelmingly gop. But Bevin actually lost Knott co (one of only 3 or 4 counties he actually lost).

Don't take it just from me or all the facts. Look what the teachers said on social media, the news, during their celebration/inauguration March, etc

So we agree he is to blame for acting like a 6 year old.
This isn't that. Kentucky is now firmly right. First gop majority in 100 years in the prior election. This election Kentucky voted even more overwhelmingly good with one exception. Bevin.

Andy was always going to win the urban vote. Problem was the power of the school system in rural communities. In most, the school system is the largest employer. Bevin lost the makeup votes in those communities that allowed him to overcome the urban deficiency.

Look at Knott co as the perfect example. School system overwhelmingly the largest employer. Voted overwhelmingly gop. But Bevin actually lost Knott co (one of only 3 or 4 counties he actually lost).

Don't take it just from me or all the facts. Look what the teachers said on social media, the news, during their celebration/inauguration March, etc
First off, Bevin lost over 20 counties. Second, he lost a net 22K votes in Kenton & Campbell counties vs. 2015 not over teachers but over his statement in support of tolls on Ohio River bridges the week before the election in a debate at NKU. There aren't 11K public school teachers in those two counties.
I didn't realize that teachers were the only ones who voted in the last election. To blame all of this on teachers is lazy. Kentucky has only elected 3 Republican Governors in the last 75+ years so a lying democrat being elected isn't just the teachers fault.
Only Bevin is to blame. We had an opportunity to make hay with a Repub controlled government, but he acted like a petulant child. I voted for him because I knew andy's position on the majority of issues important to me was opposite of the right position. Truth be known, I can count on one hand the number of dems I've voted for in the last 40 years....the only reason I voted for Bevin this time was that Andy, like hillary, was the worst of the choices available.
Most of what Bevin said about the retirement systems was true. He could have stated his position in a manner that would not have been offensive to people. I've said it before and I'll say it again: When Trump blasts people, it's becoming. When Bevin tried to be a Trump wannabe, it made him look like a boorish kid.
First off, Bevin lost over 20 counties. Second, he lost a net 22K votes in Kenton & Campbell counties vs. 2015 not over teachers but over his statement in support of tolls on Ohio River bridges the week before the election in a debate at NKU. There aren't 11K public school teachers in those two counties.

Beshear got 9,000 more votes than Conway did. There aren't 9K teacher in Bowling Green either.
First off, Bevin lost over 20 counties. Second, he lost a net 22K votes in Kenton & Campbell counties vs. 2015 not over teachers but over his statement in support of tolls on Ohio River bridges the week before the election in a debate at NKU. There aren't 11K public school teachers in those two counties.
If you want Brent Spence replaced, I don’t see any way around tolls because the state is broke.
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It is tough to think of many worse Democrat policy proposals than just forgiving a bunch of debt because the irresponsible borrowers don’t want to repay it and don’t want to suffer the repercussions of not repaying the money they borrowed.

There was the time the Democrats locked certain races of people in prison camps.

There was the time the Democrats sent pallets of cash to Iran to fund its terrorism.

I guess we currently have the Democrats trying to impeach the sitting President because they don’t like him. That’s sort of anti-policy though since they’re just trying to impeach him because their policies won’t win.
I can hear it now...."Great, our student loans have been paid off! Let's go out and borrow money to: go on vacation, buy a house we can't afford, buy a new car, rent a nicer trailor" They'll end up with more debt than they have now.
@ram1955 like you my wife and I voted for Bevin despite all he said. We just couldn't in good conscience vote for Andy knowing how horrible his dad was. While my wife was pretty ticked about the things he said about teachers she voted for him anyway.
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I didn't realize that teachers were the only ones who voted in the last election. To blame all of this on teachers is lazy. Kentucky has only elected 3 Republican Governors in the last 75+ years so a lying democrat being elected isn't just the teachers fault.

In this particular election, it was 100% teachers. This was a VERY close election and one significant group made a big difference. It's more than that though, its teachers family, friends, etc. I can't tell you how many teacher friends told me to go vote out Bevin. Keep in mind NONE of them said vote for Beshear, they specifically said vote against Bevin. Now I'm actually up to date on current politics and they had no chance of swaying my opinion. However, imagine the number of uninformed people out there that teachers were pushing to vote a certain way, and showing strong emotion and conviction in their pitch? It probably didnt take much to sway a decent number of ignorant people to vote to get the evil Bevin out. Of course almost none knew they were voting in the son of the guy who really screwed the teachers. There was so much irony and ignorance in this election, it's almost hard to believe.
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So we agree he is to blame for acting like a 6 year old.

Of course he hears blame. I said that before. He lost what should've been an unlosable election.

But teachers also should've known better than to just willingly swallow lies.

I guarantee Trump will carry Kentucky by probably 65% if not more. So it being an ass was truly the sole standard, the state wouldn't vote for Trump either
First off, Bevin lost over 20 counties. Second, he lost a net 22K votes in Kenton & Campbell counties vs. 2015 not over teachers but over his statement in support of tolls on Ohio River bridges the week before the election in a debate at NKU. There aren't 11K public school teachers in those two counties.

Beshear got 9,000 more votes than Conway did. There aren't 9K teacher in Bowling Green either.

You don't count just teachers. It was employees of the board and all their families.

Neither Kenton nor Campbell counties are rural. My post was about rural counties which is why Knott co is a perfect example.

That's why teachers peacocked on social media for days after. They went to Frankfort and marched in his inauguration. On and on.

I do find it curious that already, its its getting tough to find anyone who admits they crossed lines to vote for Andy. And this from the same crowd who couldn't stop bragging about it mere weeks ago
You don't count just teachers. It was employees of the board and all their families.

Neither Kenton nor Campbell counties are rural. My post was about rural counties which is why Knott co is a perfect example.

That's why teachers peacocked on social media for days after. They went to Frankfort and marched in his inauguration. On and on.

I do find it curious that already, its its getting tough to find anyone who admits they crossed lines to vote for Andy. And this from the same crowd who couldn't stop bragging about it mere weeks ago
I expect teachers to be in Frankfort protesting the fact that their pension won’t be tenable going forward.
I expect teachers to be in Frankfort protesting the fact that their pension won’t be tenable going forward.

Will be interesting to see if they get riled up once they figure out they were lied to.

But we are talking about the same group that continued to parrot the kea talking point that Bevin was to blame, all while letting beshear sweet talk them into making their retirement a slush fund for his buddies to churn with bad investments.

So it's likely the kea will just blame it on Bevin in the same blame bush tone Dems used for years, and teachers will eat it up
The difference is Trump isn't being an @ss to Kentucky folks he is doing it to the bureaucrats in Washington and therefore the common folk love it.

Of course he hears blame. I said that before. He lost what should've been an unlosable election.

But teachers also should've known better than to just willingly swallow lies.

I guarantee Trump will carry Kentucky by probably 65% if not more. So it being an ass was truly the sole standard, the state wouldn't vote for Trump either
I didn't realize that teachers were the only ones who voted in the last election. To blame all of this on teachers is lazy. Kentucky has only elected 3 Republican Governors in the last 75+ years so a lying democrat being elected isn't just the teachers fault.
Student to teacher ratio must be10 teachers to every child then. Woo Hoo![winking]
So did they elect the democrats the other 68 years? It's obvious that Kentucky has a history of electing dems. If you want to look for someone to blame for Bevin losing then blame him. While they might have been the swing votes in a close race he is the reason they swung in the other direction.
And we wonder why Kentucky has been poor for so long.
Only Bevin is to blame. We had an opportunity to make hay with a Repub controlled government, but he acted like a petulant child. I voted for him because I knew andy's position on the majority of issues important to me was opposite of the right position. Truth be known, I can count on one hand the number of dems I've voted for in the last 40 years....the only reason I voted for Bevin this time was that Andy, like hillary, was the worst of the choices available.
Most of what Bevin said about the retirement systems was true. He could have stated his position in a manner that would not have been offensive to people. I've said it before and I'll say it again: When Trump blasts people, it's becoming. When Bevin tried to be a Trump wannabe, it made him look like a boorish kid.

My wife's district(board office on down) convinced her that Bevin was going to take away her pension, poof.

No transition, no cut off, just gone. The power of people that you trust saying dumb shit is strong.

She's 47 and has never voted for a single Dem.

She left the top of the ticket blank.

She instantly had remorse once Beshear declared victory and stated his first day of office EOs.

We have friends that teach at our community college. They were transitioned off of their pension system to public employee's version of a 401k long ago and somehow their world did not end. I have never heard these friends bitch saying they wish they would return to the pension system.

What I'm I missing? Why didn't Bevin/Republicans just say that the state would follow the post secondary model?
The biggest issue is if normal folks who are on 401K and the market goes in the crapper they still have some Social Security to fall back on. Teachers waive that right and have nothing if their 401K goes belly up.

My wife's district(board office on down) convinced her that Bevin was going to take away her pension, poof.

No transition, no cut off, just gone. The power of people that you trust saying dumb shit is strong.

She's 47 and has never voted for a single Dem.

She left the top of the ticket blank.

She instantly had remorse once Beshear declared victory and stated his first day of office EOs.

We have friends that teach at our community college. They were transitioned off of their pension system to public employee's version of a 401k long ago and somehow their world did not end. I have never heard these friends bitch saying they wish they would return to the pension system.

What I'm I missing? Why didn't Bevin/Republicans just say that the state would follow the post secondary model?
The biggest issue is if normal folks who are on 401K and the market goes in the crapper they still have some Social Security to fall back on. Teachers waive that right and have nothing if their 401K goes belly up.

It's not like that is written in stone and has to be that way forever.

Transition them to SS and 401Ks like the rest of the population.

-Five to ten years from retirement, nothing changes.

-New hires, SS and 401Ks.

-Everyone else is something in between.
My wife's district(board office on down) convinced her that Bevin was going to take away her pension, poof.

No transition, no cut off, just gone. The power of people that you trust saying dumb shit is strong.

She's 47 and has never voted for a single Dem.

She left the top of the ticket blank.

She instantly had remorse once Beshear declared victory and stated his first day of office EOs.

We have friends that teach at our community college. They were transitioned off of their pension system to public employee's version of a 401k long ago and somehow their world did not end. I have never heard these friends bitch saying they wish they would return to the pension system.

What I'm I missing? Why didn't Bevin/Republicans just say that the state would follow the post secondary model?
Somewhat because Bevin made statements that could be interpreted as saying current retirees might lose their benefits. Plus, KEA used the argument that if the system was changed to the type you mentioned, there would be no cash coming in to keep the current system afloat long enough to fulfill obligations to people who've been in the system a long time. Essentially, to keep the program afloat long enough to fulfill obligations to those already retired and others who've put their eggs in the pension basket, the state would have to meet its financial obligations for years to come....To KEA's defense, they certainly have reason to doubt that will happen.

Lots of lies, lots of misinformation to go along with bevin sticking his foot in his mouth and alienating people unnecessarily.
Somewhat because Bevin made statements that could be interpreted as saying current retirees might lose their benefits. Plus, KEA used the argument that if the system was changed to the type you mentioned, there would be no cash coming in to keep the current system afloat long enough to fulfill obligations to people who've been in the system a long time. Essentially, to keep the program afloat long enough to fulfill obligations to those already retired and others who've put their eggs in the pension basket, the state would have to meet its financial obligations for years to come....To KEA's defense, they certainly have reason to doubt that will happen.

Lots of lies, lots of misinformation to go along with bevin sticking his foot in his mouth and alienating people unnecessarily.

So how did the state pull off transition with higher ed?