How will they rule ??!

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U.S.—Hillary Clinton had some helpful advice for the Bernie Sanders campaign after she claimed nobody likes him.

In a candid moment, she told the interviewer that if she were running the Sanders campaign, the vocal critics would find themselves "swimming with the fishes."

"Look, if you want to be likable in politics, you've got to be willing to fight for it, and maybe kill for it," she said. "The absolute number of people that don't like Bernie may not go up, but the percentage of surviving people who like him will increase. And the people who still don't like him wouldn't want to say anything. The best kind of likability is the kind that comes when people are too afraid to speak up against you."

"I want people to be afraid of how much they love me," she added.

Many political commentators quickly condemned her remarks but have since turned up dead.
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Good God, over 4 hours of Adam Schiff today. Who the hell watched it? I was hoping he'd die from a fatal heart attack. If I had to watch the whole thing then my own fatal heart attack would be a blessing.
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Good God, over 4 hours of Adam Schiff today. Who the hell watched it? I was hoping he'd die from a fatal heart attack. If I had to watch the whole thing then my own fatal heart attack would be a blessing.

I watched last night, for way too long. I had the same thought about Nadler. I couldn't believe some of the stuff he said. Every now and then he would pause and I would think, "please let his heart stop right here while I'm watching".
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Trump holds up some money for Ukraine because he wants assurances that the corruption there is being addressed before he gives money to fund further corruption. = impeach

O'bama allows Biden to go there and hold up a $billion in aid to protect his son and O'bama's cronies who use that country to launder money for the DNC. That is on TOP of O'bama telling Ukraine that we will provide protection for them, and then allowing Russia to annex Crimea. What the ****? = Nobel Peace Prize

It's a bizzarro world that dems have created. Untenable.
It’s ridiculous. There was little coverage of this, if any, but because there were three whole paid hecklers there shouting YOUR GOD IS FALSE!!!, it’s now “news”.

This Muslim stuff has nothing at all to do with religion.



Blah blah blah “drug deal” blah blah “hand grenade”. All they do is invent these phrases and repeat them to sensationalize. They show videos of trump and repeat drug deal and hand grenade. It’s an absolute disgusting display of political maneuvering. These senators are subjected to 24 hrs of the same garbage:
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One can tell by the constant reference to the supposed rigged election that the real impeachment was planned long ago. Except it was supposed to be about Russian collusion. But when that got blown up as a clear witch hunt, they had to pivot and the Ukraine was the best they could do in a pinch. They're basically putting on the Russia case and sprinkling in the Ukraine nonsense.


I remember when Andy promised everyone none of this would happen (ie DNC running things, higher taxes, abortion clinics, attack on gun rights, etc).

Turns out that was a lie. Who could've possibly known? Oh except EVERYBODY. Other than whiny teachers who swallowed the kea message hook line and sinker

I'm a conservative and I'm FOR free or reduced cost post-secondary education. My plan: Every kid...and I mean everyone of those suckers gets mandatory 2-4 years military service. Expand the military objectives from just defense (and offense) to working through peace corps-like humanitarian service to build allies across the world. There's a ton of good, meaningful work they could do at home but if they stayed stateside, they had to relocate to a different, non-adjacent state. Example: When I was a school admin, if the military had called me and told me they'd give me 1000 uniform wearing soldiers to use as I see fit, while they were still under the authority of rank and file officers, I would have had the safest schools in the world. Plus, while they are in , give them training in a variety of fields that would carry over to their return to the civilian world.
My bro in law was shiftless and immature until he went to the Navy. They trained him, providing him with industrial skills and showed him the world. They turned him from a kid into a man that I actually love and respect now. He came out with skills that immediately got him a job in industry. Now a high level administrator with the company.

When kids get out, if some want to go to college, let them do it free or low cost with the GI bill.
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This infuriates me. My wife and I both paid off our nearly 200K in loans, too. We also have savings and investment accounts for our daughters' educations... so, under this Cherokee ****, we'd be on the hook for our own, our kids' and every GD body else's education? **** that, Clinton. Simply b/c we chose worthwhile career paths, have our shit together and know how to not overspend and how to pay our ****ing debt before inviting more? I guess I could rephrase that last sentence by simply stating we both had parents who were worth half a shit and imparted common sense upon both of us. Not sure what that says for most liberals. Sorry about your shitty parents, I guess.

I suggest these people first try to get their sorry ass on my level of self dependence, dedication and responsibility before expecting more from someone like me who's already accomplished more than their weak asses ever will. Useless shitstains!
Bevin is to blame. Had he been at least somewhat sympathetic instead of calling teachers names like a spoiled 6 year old he would still be in office. The pension issue could have come to a resolve but after he had called them thugs and accused them of being the cause of kids being raped and molested there was no turning back at that point.

One can tell by the constant reference to the supposed rigged election that the real impeachment was planned long ago. Except it was supposed to be about Russian collusion. But when that got blown up as a clear witch hunt, they had to pivot and the Ukraine was the best they could do in a pinch. They're basically putting on the Russia case and sprinkling in the Ukraine nonsense.


I remember when Andy promised everyone none of this would happen (ie DNC running things, higher taxes, abortion clinics, attack on gun rights, etc).

Turns out that was a lie. Who could've possibly known? Oh except EVERYBODY. Other than whiny teachers who swallowed the kea message hook line and sinker
This infuriates me. My wife and I both paid off our nearly 200K in loans, too. We also have savings and investment accounts for our daughters' educations... so, under this Cherokee ****, we'd be on the hook for our own, our kids' and every GD body else's education? **** that, Clinton. Simply b/c we chose worthwhile career paths, have our shit together and know how to not overspend and how to pay our ****ing debt before inviting more? I guess I could rephrase that last sentence by simply stating we both had parents who were worth half a shit and imparted common sense upon both of us. Not sure what that says for most liberals. Sorry about your shitty parents, I guess.

I suggest these people first try to get their sorry ass on my level of self dependence, dedication and responsibility before expecting more from someone like me who's already accomplished more than their weak asses ever will. Useless shitstains!

Haha I love it. I'm in a very similar position. This is the unfortunate consequence of takers beginning to outnumber the earners. Liberals are doing everything they can to increase dependence and it's working. We are holding them off for the time being, but it really is just a matter of time. This will be a socialist country in my lifetime.
Trump holds up some money for Ukraine because he wants assurances that the corruption there is being addressed before he gives money to fund further corruption. = impeach

O'bama allows Biden to go there and hold up a $billion in aid to protect his son and O'bama's cronies who use that country to launder money for the DNC. That is on TOP of O'bama telling Ukraine that we will provide protection for them, and then allowing Russia to annex Crimea. What the ****? = Nobel Peace Prize

It's a bizzarro world that dems have created. Untenable.
You nailed it. Right there you nailed it. For decades politicians have used "foreign aid" to laundry money back into their pocket. This is what was going on with Ukraine and probably 3/4 of the foreign aid American tax payers fund world wide. What a scheme it is. OK Ukraine we will give you a billion in aid but you pay millions into this politicans foundatoin and that politicans foundation and we are all happy. Screw the American taxpayer and if they elect a president that exposes this, DESTROY him and his family.
Bevin is to blame. Had he been at least somewhat sympathetic instead of calling teachers names like a spoiled 6 year old he would still be in office. The pension issue could have come to a resolve but after he had called them thugs and accused them of being the cause of kids being raped and molested there was no turning back at that point.

He certainly has his share of blame for losing a nearly unlosable election. But make no mistake the teachers willingly chose to swallow lies as revenge for getting their feelings hurt
Again had he not been an @ss he would still be elected and I know some teacher, regardless of what all he said, still voted for wife being one of those.

He certainly has his share of blame for losing a nearly unlosable election. But make no mistake the teachers willingly chose to swallow lies as revenge for getting their feelings hurt
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Again had he not been an @ss he would still be elected and I know some teacher, regardless of what all he said, still voted for wife being one of those.

I don't doubt that. But he was an ass. So the choice was an ass who hurt your feelings or someone that was blatantly lying and would turn over control of the state to the DNC.

They as a group made their choice (thankfully some like your wife saw through it). Now we as a state are stuck with it..
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