How will they rule ??!

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I love the income inequality arguement. So its simple, you either have equal opportunity, or equal outcome. Those wanting equal outcome want to destroy equal opportunity which essentially destroys freedom. Liberals today are the most anti american fascist morons we've seen since nazi germany. If you dont think these idiots would be willing to use militarized force to get their way, you're in for a big surprise.

Very well said. Simple enough someone like dion can understand it.

I read a blurb about “The 1619 Project”, and how this “magazine of op-ed essays” from the NYT is becoming public school curriculum. It’s radical racist propaganda. I don’t know much about it,

This interview with premier Civil War Historian James McPherson was linked along with the 1619 blurb. This is a very great read. (Idk what the world socialist website is, this content is good though)

Government ran education is pure crap. It’s how we’ve created a couple generations of Dion’s/plat/all these other radicalized dumbasses who are so eager to be abused by their government.

Edit: here’s the 1619 Project.

Stay woke, friends.
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Trump hater calling the cops on a 16 Target employee because he is trying to him them out of a toothbrush that was obviously marked incorrectly.

Can’t make this stuff up

Everyone should read the responses to that tweet. That idiot is Dion, Platindumb, rgarnold all rolled into one. Ready to fight to the death over something he doesn't even begin to comprehend.

I'd like to see social security get fixed. It would be nice to know I'll at least get back what I've put in all these years. As it stands now, I doubt I'll ever see a dime of it.

You'll still get it Phil. Don't fall prey to the scare tactics. One way to put more money in without increasing taxes is to do away with the limit. First time I learned about it was in the early 80's. I knew how much I made every week and then one week I got a pretty good raise. I thought they made a mistake and I called them. That's when I found out that I had paid in all I had to for the year.

SS, if it's going to be paid for from wages, should probably be taken out on all wages regardless of the amount. Before you kill me, I am also against someone having to pay a higher RATE because they have crossed a certain threshold.

When I go to the store I don't have to show them a W-2 so they can tell me what the adjusted price is for the item I'm purchasing.
A good number of the posters on this board who throw out ignorant insults rather than digestible facts are as unprincipled as Putin and his Russian minions. If they are not Russian internet trolls here to spread division and chaos, they may as well be since there is little difference. Their inability to have a civil conversation and insistence they are right in spite of a mountain of evidence against their positions suggests a moral and ethical failing on their part, much like the Russian trolls who sit in front of a computer to further Putin's plan of subversive tactics in order to strengthen his position at the expense of the USA. They will have trouble understanding this post since they have little ethical moorings to ascend above their sophomoric banter. In their honor I will resort to sign language. Read my American finger.
A good number of the posters on this board who throw out ignorant insults rather than digestible facts are as unprincipled as Putin and his Russian minions. If they are not Russian internet trolls here to spread division and chaos, they may as well be since there is little difference. Their inability to have a civil conversation and insistence they are right in spite of a mountain of evidence against their positions suggests a moral and ethical failing on their part, much like the Russian trolls who sit in front of a computer to further Putin's plan of subversive tactics in order to strengthen his position at the expense of the USA. They will have trouble understanding this post since they have little ethical moorings to ascend above their sophomoric banter. In their honor I will resort to sign language. Read my American finger.
So you're saying you don't like it when logic is used to stomp an idiot to pieces for posting useless, baseless, almost imaginary "data" going back to the early Victorian period?

A good number of the posters on this board who throw out ignorant insults rather than digestible facts are as unprincipled as Putin and his Russian minions. If they are not Russian internet trolls here to spread division and chaos, they may as well be since there is little difference. Their inability to have a civil conversation and insistence they are right in spite of a mountain of evidence against their positions suggests a moral and ethical failing on their part, much like the Russian trolls who sit in front of a computer to further Putin's plan of subversive tactics in order to strengthen his position at the expense of the USA. They will have trouble understanding this post since they have little ethical moorings to ascend above their sophomoric banter. In their honor I will resort to sign language. Read my American finger.

You socialists are hilarious with this Russian stuff. You are actually dumb enough to believe a few russian made memes changed the outcome of an election. Where is this mountain of evidence proving socialism is a better and more fair system? I'd LOVE to see it!
So you're saying you don't like it when logic is used to stomp an idiot to pieces for posting useless, baseless, almost imaginary "data" going back to the early Victorian period?

That Sun data isn't as accurate as the temperature readings of tree rings. Those are accurate to the tenth of a degree. :rolleyes:
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Instead of bitching about the rich and looking for handouts, why don't you, you know, go do something to make your income grow?

The American dream isn't about the government pulling a massive Robin Hood. It's about working hard to better yourself and your family.
Expanding on that... if someone isnt better off than they were 5 years ago... thats on them.
You socialists are hilarious with this Russian stuff. You are actually dumb enough to believe a few russian made memes changed the outcome of an election. Where is this mountain of evidence proving socialism is a better and more fair system? I'd LOVE to see it!

The best part is them tripping over themselves trying to explain why illegal invaders and persons in other countries are deserving of our constitutional protections, while at the same time denying Russia the right to free speech.

Why can't Russia post dank memes? Just more of their innate hypocrisy.
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Maher there makes the same point I've always made here on the paddock, can't have free health care and you still be so careless with your health... even if everything else you want to happen, happened, still can't work.

Similar argument I make against free higher education, can't have free gender studies history of jazz on discriminated burlesque artists on the bayou degrees while you party like it's 1999.

That twitter thread target maroon is something else, reminds me of every "debate" with a paddock leftist.
Now this is food for thought and a "what if it could happen". First of all we know America is divided. More so than in decades. Red counties outnumber blue by thousands nationwide. But in heavily populated states like New York, California and Illinois liberals dominate even when the majority of the states counties are red. Using Deep Blue Virginia as an example if 5 red districts in Virginia joined West Virginia they would have more electoral votes than Blue Virginia. Do that nationwide and see what happens. I know if I lived in a blue state that was a few miles from a red state I would vote yes all day long.

If Senate Dems insist on witnesses in the impeachment trial, the GOP should reciprocate with witness testimony into the sorts of things you have posted.

They don't want witnesses. They want to blame the lack of new witnesses on the right to support their assertions of a cover up. They knew ahead of time that they could not get a bi-partisan vote to impeach and yet they went ahead with it. Why? So they could appease their useful idiots.

I almost wish I hadn't watched that. It must be nice to be a lefty and live under the "ignorance is bliss" umbrella, shielded from the truth.
Now this is food for thought and a "what if it could happen". First of all we know America is divided. More so than in decades. Red counties outnumber blue by thousands nationwide. But in heavily populated states like New York, California and Illinois liberals dominate even when the majority of the states counties are red. Using Deep Blue Virginia as an example if 5 red districts in Virginia joined West Virginia they would have more electoral votes than Blue Virginia. Do that nationwide and see what happens. I know if I lived in a blue state that was a few miles from a red state I would vote yes all day long.


You think they hate the EC now...
A good number of the posters on this board who throw out ignorant insults rather than digestible facts are as unprincipled as Putin and his Russian minions. If they are not Russian internet trolls here to spread division and chaos, they may as well be since there is little difference. Their inability to have a civil conversation and insistence they are right in spite of a mountain of evidence against their positions suggests a moral and ethical failing on their part, much like the Russian trolls who sit in front of a computer to further Putin's plan of subversive tactics in order to strengthen his position at the expense of the USA. They will have trouble understanding this post since they have little ethical moorings to ascend above their sophomoric banter. In their honor I will resort to sign language. Read my American finger.
[roll]You and Jameslie lead this site with non-digestible meme's that are based on emotion and no factual evidence. In fact, they are always lies you guys repeat from liberal sites. Yes, I understand what meme's are, problem is, you and him do not.
You socialists are hilarious with this Russian stuff. You are actually dumb enough to believe a few russian made memes changed the outcome of an election. Where is this mountain of evidence proving socialism is a better and more fair system? I'd LOVE to see it!
The same people laughed at Romney when he said Russia was one of our biggest problems. What changed?
The "American" Socialists hate Russia so much because they are the prime example that their system does not work, and when it fails, it falls hard.

And not to mention, the Soviet Union's diversity made it so strong that the one country split into 15 new countries with borders drawn on different culture and race. Who knew?
He was proud of adopted son Michael though

He should be. He was a fortune teller about what same sex marriage would lead to. Now we have men in the ladies room and societies based on pedophilia.

In April 2013, in a syndicated column, Reagan accused American churches of not fighting hard enough to block same-sex marriage. He wrote that, in regard to arguments supporting gay marriage, similar arguments could be used to support polygamy, bestiality, and murder. As he wrote: "There is also a very slippery slope leading to other alternative relationships and the unconstitutionality of any law based on morality. Think about polygamy, bestiality, and perhaps even murder."[20] After Reagan wrote the piece, the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center disinvited him as the keynote speaker for a fundraising luncheon.[21]
A good number of the posters on this board who throw out ignorant insults rather than digestible facts are as unprincipled as Putin and his Russian minions. If they are not Russian internet trolls here to spread division and chaos, they may as well be since there is little difference. Their inability to have a civil conversation and insistence they are right in spite of a mountain of evidence against their positions suggests a moral and ethical failing on their part, much like the Russian trolls who sit in front of a computer to further Putin's plan of subversive tactics in order to strengthen his position at the expense of the USA. They will have trouble understanding this post since they have little ethical moorings to ascend above their sophomoric banter. In their honor I will resort to sign language. Read my American finger.
